“零工”(gig)是英語中的的一個俚語,意思是“特定時間的工作”,常用於音樂表演或舞台表演。在一般的產業中,零工經濟的例子包括自由職業者,獨立承包商,派遣工以及臨時或 ...
#2. 紐時賞析/外送等「零工經濟」的侷限正在浮現 - 聯合報
中文 的「零工」原本有工作機會不穩定的意味,但英語中的gigs指在正職外兼差賺錢,或是偏好彈性工作型態者,強調的是「多元發展、彈性」等特質,類似國內 ...
#3. 「零工經濟」是很有矽谷味的行話,用來掩蓋大家都成了奴隸老闆
「微工作」(Micro-jobbing)與「零工經濟」(gig economy)是聽起來很有矽谷味的行話,用來掩蓋一個截然不同的真相。每個人都變成彈性無限的奴隸 ...
零工經濟(Gig economy)是利用網站或應用程式在網上簽訂合同,快速配對雙方需求而獲得額外收入,不受工作時間、地方及僱主限制。 舉例如出租閒置房間、 ...
gig economy的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. a way of working that is based on people having temporary jobs or doing separate pieces of work…。了解更多。
使用Reverso Context: Indeed, most emerging-market workers turn to the gig economy not out of a desire for flexibility or to follow their passions, ...
#7. 零工經濟(Gig Economy) - 資策會科技法律研究所
零工經濟(Gig Economy) ... 近年來興起以UBER為首的「零工經濟」(Gig Economy)議題。按國際勞工組織(International Labor Organization, ILO)的說明:所謂「零工 ...
#9. 「零工經濟」(Gig Economy)世代,「鐵飯碗」不再堅固
【SmartM解讀】「零工經濟」(Gig Economy)的興起,代表著所謂「鐵飯碗」的安全感已難以為繼,傳統朝九晚五的「工作」定義逐漸轉變,技能才是最有力 ...
#10. 經濟學人雜誌閱讀筆記#9/ The Gig economy — Visible and Vocal
Amid the pandemic, home-delivery services are proving vital in China. They are powered by a new sort of worker. (Link to this article ) Gig ...
#11. 零工經濟How the gig economy creates job insecurity - 教中文 ...
The atypical job is no longer quite so atypical. Insecure work has become an important phenomenon. Employment is a field ...
#12. 第491期:gig economy 零工经济 - 佛老扯英文
Gig economy指的是一种以短期工作、临时合同和独立承包商为主要形式的工作环境。亦称“自由职业者经济”、灵活劳动力、共享经济或独立劳动力。 Freelance ...
#13. 零工經濟,臨時工用英語怎麼說?gig economy,gig workers
原文標題:Look for new start-ups to provide gig worker ... 在中文語境中,零工這個詞向來給人的感覺就是貶義的,貌似說的都是那些從事收入不穩定 ...
#14. gig economy 中文– 零工經濟是什麼 - Taiyouk
2018/10/29 06:00 劉宜庭The UK's gig economy is booming with more people than ever before choosing to work for themselves According to statistics released ...
#15. 零工经济- MBA智库百科
零工经济(Gig Economy)零工经济指的是由工作量不多的自由职业者构成的经济领域,利用互联网和移动技术快速匹配供需方,主要包括群体工作和经应用程序 ...
#16. 零工經濟,臨時工用英語怎麼說?gig economy,gig workers
但是,在數字時代,工作在任何地方都能完成,不一定非得在辦公室里。這意味著自由職業者(freelancers)可以在世界範圍內選擇臨時工作和項目, ...
#17. 关于Gig Economy(零工经济)的一篇文章
Gig Economy(零工经济)指的是越来越多的人从事非全职工作,并且公司也日益依赖非全职人员来完成公司业务的一种经济和工作形态。 非全职工作包括兼职、派遣制工作、 ...
#18. What is the Gig Economy? | SalesWorks Taiwan
The gig economy simply refers to the freelance/contract industry whereby contract workers are engaged for a temporary period or project-based jobs, ...
#19. Struggling and Surviving in the Sharing Economy - 博客來
Supporters argue that the gig economy will reverse economic inequality, enhance worker rights, and bring entrepreneurship to the masses. But does it?
#20. Workers demand gig economy companies explain their ...
零工经济平台使用AI来管理其零工工人,但当计算机做出错误决定时几乎没有补救措施,而且其算法也对工人保密。 中文 · 英文.
#21. Airiti Library華藝線上圖書館_零工經濟
繁體中文DOI: 10.6345/NTNU202100499 DOI ... 勞動就業型態 ; Gig Economy ; Slashie Multiple Careers ; Freelance Worker ; Non-Standard Employment ; Labor ...
#22. Poland: Gig economy workers hit hardest by COVID-19 crisis
"The music dies for Poland's gig economy workers", 8 April 2020. Polish musicians, artists and freelancers of all kinds struggle as the coronavirus crisis ...
#23. What is a gig worker?
Gig work consists of income-earning activities outside of traditional, long-term employer-employee relationships. We know what it is not. But what IS gig ...
#24. Gig Worker Premium Pay Ordinance - LaborStandards
The law requires Food Delivery Network Companies (FDNCs) to pay gig workers amounts of premium pay for online orders that have a pick-up or drop-off point in ...
#25. Mayor Adams Delivers Raise for Essential Gig Workers
With today's order from the Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC), drivers for high-volume, for-hire vehicle services will see their minimum pay ...
#26. 企业和金融机构的可持续商业智能 - Seneca ESG
Its three focuses are financial protection for work injury, retirement and housing adequacy as well as enhancement of gig workers' ...
#27. Digital gig platform's worker classified as an employee and not ...
In a recent ruling, the Danish Tax Assessment Council has ruled that a person working as a courier for a digital labour platform shall be ...
#28. Chicago Creative Worker Assistance Program
Additionally, many artists and creatives are gig workers whose pandemic unemployment insurance benefits have expired. To support artists, creative workers ...
#29. An inclusive European Union must boost gig workers' rights
A European initiative strengthening rights for gig workers is welcome. A digitised economy should also be inclusive.
#30. Gig Economy Tax Center | Internal Revenue Service
Understand your federal tax obligations such as paying estimated tax, and how digital platforms must report payments for sharing economy workers.
#31. Moves | 领英
Moves | 在领英上有1035 位关注者。The only all-in-one financial app helping gig workers manage their business and get ahead. | Over the last decade, the gig ...
#32. 越来越多人上网找活零工经济在中国怎么样? - 科技
所谓“零工”(Gig Workers),是指那些能够凭借自身具备的特定工作技能找寻劳动机会的劳动者,其主要完成一些具有临时性、以项目为单位的零碎工作[1]。
#33. [讀書心得]《零工經濟來了》:斜槓青年的實戰指引手冊
本書作者黛安‧穆卡伊( Diane Mulcahy)為Gig Economy (中文譯為「零工 ... 也因此,零工經濟講求的是尋找工作(work),而非職位(job),需要隨時 ...
#34. The Gig Economy Is Fledging - 今日中国
This new type of employment has changed labor relations from “employer + employee” to “platform + employee.” The relationship between these ...
#35. Gig economy - Fair Work Ombudsman
About the Australian gig economy; Working in the gig economy; Misclassifying employees as independent contractors; More information for gig economy workers ...
#36. Gig / Sharing Economy - Crum & Forster
C&F, Accident & Health specializes in insurance coverage tailored to meet the unique needs of freelance workers and the gig/sharing economy.
#37. The Real Truth About Solving Gig Economy Loneliness - Thnks
One of the benefits of app-based gig work is that feedback usually functions on ratings, customer comments, and sometimes tips. Workers are able to get direct ...
#38. Uber drivers: what happened, what's next and what this ...
The UK Supreme Court has recently confirmed that Uber drivers are workers, ... to address the employment status of individuals working in the gig economy.
#39. What new EU Commission proposals may mean for platforms ...
Despite the UK's withdrawal from the bloc, these policy developments may have implications for platforms and gig workers here as well. Platform ...
#40. The Role of the Agent in the Gig Economy is More Important ...
Cost Savings – Using part-time workers and independent contractors, in the contact center or any other type of business, can reduce the cost of ...
#41. Shilpen Savani participates in the IR Virtual Series - Shock Of ...
The issue of companies such as Uber and Deliveroo as employers of gig workers and drivers of the gig economy is a talking point the world ...
#42. 如何判斷零工工作者是受僱還是自僱?英國最高法院在Uber案 ...
近年科技進步及經濟環境轉變,催生了所謂「零工經濟」(gig economy)的出現和興起。「零工經濟」是指因應需求、 ... employee or self-employed. 英國最高法院的裁決.
#43. French Translation of “gig economy” - Collins Dictionary
Many young workers are self-employed, or in gig economy jobs without retirement provision. Times, Sunday Times (2018). This group includes a multitude of young ...
#44. 散工「炒散」係時下另一流行工作模式,意思係一直進行兼職工作
1. Slash 斜槓青年 · 2. Casual Worker 炒散/散工 · 3. Side-gig/ Part-time 兼職/「秘撈」 · 4. Freelancer 自由工作者 · 5. Contract Worker 合約工人
#45. Group formed to protect gig worker rights, set rules - Kyodo ...
Founded in late January, the Japan Spot Work Association will set up helplines and create ground rules for the industry, as gig workers are ...
#46. UK firms face increased costs with expanded PPE obligations ...
The court said that the discrepancy had left gig workers in Great Britain without the protection that EU law guaranteed. While the ruling only ...
#47. Will Labor Law Protections Soon Apply to Gig Workers?
New York lawmakers seek to follow California's lead when it comes to extending protections to gig workers or independent contractors.
#48. 選定地方就加強保障獨立工作者的政策檢討 - 立法會
合約,由這些平台按個別工作(或稱"零工"("gig"))安排配對,為客. 戶提供各種各樣的服務。 ... 法令》,在"僱員"以外新增"工作者"(workers)類別。
#49. Digital Platform Workers in Europe - Recent Developments
The expansion of the so-called “gig economy” has caused big changes to the labor market in Europe in the last 15 years.
#50. What is the gig economy and what's the deal for gig workers?
The gig economy involves people who balance a range of income streams and work independently, job-by-job. Image: Unsplash/Claudio Schwarz.
#51. Gig workers and unionisation in the games industry - Taylor ...
Understanding the differences between employment categories is critical when analysing the changing UK worker environment, as many gig economy workers fall ...
#52. Do Gig Workers Want to be Employees? New Survey Results ...
Are they gig workers – and thus independent contractors – or should ... In Taiwan, labor authorities have taken a similarly conventional ...
#53. Future of the Gig Economy and the Shared Services Delivery ...
The alternative, on-demand workforce of gig workers, freelancers, and crowd workers presents GBS and shared services organizations with new opportunities.
#54. WCB Coverage for App-Based Workers
The gig economy, where temporary and free-lance work is commonplace, has transformed traditional employer and worker relationships. Gig workers earn income ...
#55. Embracing Flexible Hiring in a Gig Economy - Wrike
Gig work enables flexibility, greater work-life balance, and the chance to work from anywhere. Here's how HR teams and businesses can adapt ...
#56. COVID and the Gig Economy - By the Numbers - Small ...
Producing almost 6% of GDP in the United States, and with workers and employers citing the benefits, it looks like gig work is here to stay. How ...
#57. Workers' Compensation In The Gig Economy - Normandy ...
Whether you are an insurance agent, an employer, or an employee, ... Some will argue that gig workers don't fit into either category, ...
#58. Gig Workers United (@gigworkersunited) • Instagram photos ...
Gig Workers United. Labor Union. Toronto's community union. Fair wages, ability to recover when sick or injured, respect in the workplace.
#59. Can digital labour platforms create fair competition and decent ...
The past decade has seen the global rise of “gig workers” or “platform workers”, with platforms like Uber, Gojek, Deliveroo, Rappi, Upwork and Topcoder.
#60. Employment in disguise? Gig economy and employment law ...
Free from the constraint of conventional jobs on time and location and unlike traditional workers, who serve one employer for a long time, they ...
#61. Appjobs APK - Track your gig work 3.15.0 (Android 應用程式)
Earn more from multiapping gig jobs. Make extra money working with 21 (and counting) major gig apps available in the US by joining Appjobs ...
#62. Understanding the Heterogeneity of Gig Workers through ...
We know a great deal about global capital mobility in traditional industries, such as manufacturing, but very little about emerging capital ...
#63. Gig Workers: How Are You Managing Your Money? - Charles ...
As an employee, you often have the security of employer-sponsored benefits like health ... As a gig worker, I'd aim for six months or more.
#64. 用不透明的算法对自由工作者进行评级的情形与日俱增
中文. Gig worker weighed down by star ratings. Michael Meier. Based on the research of. Hatim Rahman. Translations.
#65. 4 Examples of Temporary Workers for Your Business
What's the difference between a gig worker, a freelancer and the independent contractor? Get all the worker definitions you need right here.
#66. What HR leaders can learn from gig work to create engaging ...
Visit most gig work forums or social platforms and you'll likely find reviews where freelancers and gig workers share their experiences “being ...
#67. Raising the Floor for Gig Workers - Brad Lander for NYC
New York City's gig workers, independent contractors, freelancers, and others in the contingent workforce help power our economy and must be an integral ...
#68. 零工经济利与弊| 特写| 生活 - 东方日报
“零工经济”(Gig Economy)一词是哈佛大学公共政策硕士黛安穆卡 ... 工作以更精准地配置人力,愈来愈多正职(job)会被零散的“差事”(work)取代。
#69. Why Every Gig Worker Needs an Online Calendar
The spotlight was shined on the gig economy during the heat of Covid-19 as thousands of workers looked to earn paychecks as businesses ...
#70. How the gig economy is changing the workforce | EY - Global
By collaborating on ways to overcome the potential risks, organizations and contingent workers alike can ride a rising tide of prosperity.
#71. gig worker - Englisch-Deutsch Übersetzung | PONS
Übersetzung Englisch-Deutsch für gig worker im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion.
#72. ACFTU in Beijing issues guidelines for unionizing gig workers
The Beijing Municipal Federation of Trade Unions (BMFTU) has introduced guidelines designed to regulate and encourage unionization for “gig” ...
#73. Workers and the online gig economy - Brookings
In this framing paper, The Hamilton Project describes the broader economic context of contingent employer–employee relationships and where ...
#74. Gig economy? - 英语点津
Most of the estimated 68 million gig workers choose the freelance lifestyle for better work-life balance. But nearly 20 million of them do ...
#75. Gig Economy Business Model Dealt a Blow in California Ruling
The state's highest court made it much harder for companies like Uber to classify workers as contractors rather than employees.
#76. 危机、美国大选和金融市场的警告 - 日经中文网
这是即使剔除通过互联网接受单次工作的临时工(gig worker)的增加也无法忽视的变化。 有人因新冠病毒疫情而失去工作,以退职金作为本钱作出决定。
#77. Victoria considers new laws to protect gig economy workers
An inquiry into the state's gig economy has found that workers have few rights. Many delivery drivers are considered individual contractors, ...
#78. Congressional lawmakers try again to secure some benefits ...
One of their measures, to provide states with emergency unemployment benefits for gig workers, was folded into the CARES Act. The bill gives ...
#79. Uber Eats forms Labor Union in Japan - GoGlobal - PEO
Gig economy in Japan is changing with its workers forming labor union. Make sure your company works with a licensed Japan PEO to navigate ...
#80. GigSmart Get Workers - Google Play 應用程式
Never worry about being short-staffed again. Access insured, vetted, and skilled hourly workers you can hire for virtually any job request.
#81. 5 Best Gig Economy Apps for 2022 | HP® Tech Takes
Many Americans now make side income through gig work, and those numbers are growing every year. Finding gig jobs used to be a challenge, ...
#82. "freelance gig, freelance gig person"是什麼意思? - 關於英語 ...
freelance gig, freelance gig person的意思Freelance means that the person doesn't work for one company, but instead takes various jobs from ...
#83. China to better protect workers' rights in new labor forms to ...
China will protect the rights and interests of workers engaged in new forms of employment to boost flexible employment.
#84. Recruiting in the Gig Economy - PeopleScout
Generally, employees search for jobs when they're looking to make a career move. Gig economy workers are always looking for their next move. If a gig worker is ...
#85. The Best Gig Economy Jobs and What to Avoid - GoShare App
The gig economy is a labor market that focuses on short-term contractors or freelance work. Gig workers are typically independent ...
#86. Gig Economy | Vancouver Public Library
The gig economy can benefit workers, businesses, and consumers by making work more adaptable to the needs of the moment and demand for flexible lifestyles ...
#87. Tax Preparation is a Perfect Option for Gig Workers
Working as a tax preparer is perfect for gig workers. Tax prep offers flexibility & freedom to work when & where you want.
#88. How Workers Create Meaning in the Gig Economy
2022年1月31日 — Wharton management professor Lindsey Cameron was so committed to her research on gig workers that she became one, driving part-time for Uber ...
#89. Gig Economy - Payment Solutions | Rapyd
Rapyd helps gig economy platforms provide timely payouts to workers using local payment methods such as ewallets, cash, or bank transfers. Thriving globally in ...
#90. How Gig-Economy Growth Could Help Close Labor Gap in ...
What would an Uber for the construction industry look like? A streamlined, tech-savvy way to connect workers with jobsites and projects ...
#91. Canada's gig economy has been fuelled by the pandemic
GIG WORKER PAYMENT HABITS. Prefer to be paid through electronic payments. Electronic payments are the primary and preferred way for gig workers ...
#92. Rethinking the World of Work – IMF F&D
With millions of jobs lost, robots on the rise, and white-collar workers ... And the assumption that most gig workers were previously in poor-quality ...
#93. Uber drivers granted legal minimum wage and holiday pay
... and will also be enrolled in a company pension plan. It's a contrast to the entitlements of gig workers in Hong Kong. ... 閱讀中文版本.
#94. Uber, DoorDash Gig-Worker Victory in California Sets Tone for ...
Gig -economy companies won passage of a California ballot measure protecting their contract-worker systems, a major victory the companies ...
#95. Will Covid-19 jumpstart the 'gig economy' in Switzerland?
Not only were there few gig workers providing services in this way, but the income was minimal. In 2019, only 0.4% of Swiss residents said that ...
#96. 打破你工作安全感的“零工经济”是什么? - BBC 英伦网
当年的"个体户"现在都干起了"Uber-job"——这个词模仿了"McJob"(低薪、低品质的工作)的构词法,专门描述通过零工经济(gig economy)给自己打工的人所 ...
#97. The "Gig Economy" : The New Show in Town | China Law Insight
The gig workers typically sell their labour through an app or an online ... Tags: English, gig economy, sharing economy, 中文, 中文,.
#98. 「眾籌」英文點講?Gig economy是甚麼意思?21世紀必學5個 ...
Gig economy 主要由一群以兼職或自由職業者構成的自僱者經濟生態, 他們的每項工作就被稱為「零工工作」(gig work),以短期合約或自由工作等「接案 ...
gig worker中文 在 散工「炒散」係時下另一流行工作模式,意思係一直進行兼職工作 的推薦與評價
1. Slash 斜槓青年 · 2. Casual Worker 炒散/散工 · 3. Side-gig/ Part-time 兼職/「秘撈」 · 4. Freelancer 自由工作者 · 5. Contract Worker 合約工人 ... <看更多>