I remember one particular afternoon when I was lying on my couch watching tutorial videos on Youtube.
I was enjoying myself immensely until I came across a video of that female entrepreneur whom I’d been envied with.
This was before I decoded my jealousy towards her and started working on what I desire. So I immediately felt envy rising up in my chest like hot air. My shoulders came up to my ears and I felt my entire body tightened.
As I noticed the presence of jealousy, I also noticed in my heart, I genuinely want to be happy for her success.
So in a moment of insanity (or genius), I sat up straight on my couch and started to literally cheer for her out loud:
“You got this girl!”, I hollered at the screen.
“I’m so proud of you!,” I threw my fists in the air.
“You deserve 10 times more than this!,” I bounced up and down in my pajamas.
At first, it felt ridiculous - I was alone in my apartment wearing pajamas. Even my cat got alarmed by the scene.
But after a while, it felt strangely good.
𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐫, 𝐰𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞.
💛Unlease your power to cheer for other women with this article: https://bit.ly/3aKluJv
girl decoded 在 讀書e誌 Facebook 的精選貼文
勞動節,來思考關於未來會常常出現的一種合作對象 -- 機器 (或說是電腦,人工智慧等等)
“Our investment in robotics should not simply be a way to accumulate money for retirement, they must also be put to work to ensure there is a world we want to retire into"
身為紐約大學法律系教授的作者跟許多的教授作者一般,寫出來的書都不是太好讀 😂。這本書有趣的地方在於它不是單純從技術或是經濟的角度,思考機器對未來工作的影響。而是從法律如何制定的角度切入,而這一切其實都源自於我們怎麼看待所謂“工作的價值”。
書中前提是引用1942年著名科幻小說家以撒艾西莫夫 (Isaac Asimov) 縮寫的短篇小說中講到的機器人三定律,以及這三個定律如何讓機器人無法全然遵守,最後只好犧牲自己以拯救人類的故事。其實大部分的科幻小說,骨子裡都是哲學思考的成份。所以就不小說提到的機器人三定律其實很大一部分影響著後來人們對機器人的思考。但因為二十世紀當中,很多的思考是以工廠生產值為範本。當工作的意義僅限於“產值”的時候,很自然的會導向 “機器取代大部分工作” 的一種論述。作者回到事實面,讓我們看到其實機器的發展並沒有讓失業率變高,但不可否認的是工作的本質,以及不同崗位的定義的確是隨著時代調整,但這也是人類歷史以來一直在發生的事情。
他提出的 “新機器定律” 包括:
1. 電腦和人工智慧應該與人類協作而非試圖取代
2. 電腦和人工智慧不應該模擬成人的樣子
3. 電腦和人工智慧不應該加強零和的軍備競賽
4. 機器和人工智慧必須清楚表明他們的創作者,擁有者,和有控制權的人。
接下來作者提出幾個大的領域當中思考人工智慧的不同可能。在醫療領域中,這些智慧機器是減輕醫生的負擔,還是讓某些人或得真人的接觸機會更少? 在教育領域中,這些智慧機器是在監督每一個孩子,還是有機會化成學生透過讓孩子們教機器的而更加精熟所學的知識?在媒體的領域中,這些智慧機器會更加擴散負面的假新聞,還是可以讓人們有時間成為更好的編輯? 在戰爭的領域當中,因著人臉辨識的智慧而決定殺不殺一個人,真的是好的嗎? 還是可以預見無止盡的武力競賽,而讓人反思是否我們該把精力花在共同的敵人上(例如氣候變遷的考驗)?
最後作者說到其實政治和法令的制定,其實都是源自於人們思考事情的觀點以及對某個事物的論述 (可以參考之前另外一本書 “故事經濟學”)到頭來不管是法令或是機器,最終還是人所設計的。所以他很希望大眾更多來思考,工作的本質和價值到底是什麼,才不會被某些小說和電影限制了我們的想像,或是決定了我們的觀點。他用希臘神話中伊卡洛斯的故事作為一個比喻,當我們醉心於一項技術的時候,必須同時要對它能夠平衡看待,才不會讓自己所創造的東西,反而成為危害自己的東西。
“Deep Thinking " (深度思考)-- 樂觀看待人機協作的西洋棋王著作
"Blockchain Chicken Farm" (區塊鏈養雞場)--從中國三四線城市的科技逆襲,思考工作的意義和本質
“Girl Decoded" -- 讓AI有情商,有可能的嗎?
#NewLawsofRobotics #AI #人工智慧 #FrankPasquale
girl decoded 在 Milena Nguyen Facebook 的精選貼文
"I remember one particular afternoon when I was lying on my couch watching tutorial videos on Youtube. I was enjoying myself immensely until I came across a video of that female entrepreneur whom I’d been envied with.
This was before I decoded my jealousy towards her and started working on what I desire. So I immediately felt envy rising up in my chest like hot air. My shoulders came up to my ears and I felt my entire body tightened.
As I noticed the presence of jealousy, I also noticed that I really did not want to be jealous. In my heart, I genuinely want to be happy for her success.
So in a moment of insanity (or genius), I sat up straight on my cough and started to literally cheer for her out loud:
“You got this girl!”, I hollered at the screen.
“I’m so proud of you!,” I threw my fists in the air.
“You deserve 10 times more than this!,” I bounced up and down in my pyjamas.
At first, it felt ridiculous - I was alone in my apartment wearing a pyjamas. Even my cat got alarmed by the scene. 😹
But after a while, it felt strangely good." 🎉
The power of sisterhood is felt best when we share the joy among others, so I encourage you to cheer loud and cloud to our tribe of women. Find out in my most recent broadcast where you can laugh (and also contemplate) along with my behind the scenes stories, where I'll show you how and why we need to cheer to other women and more. Click to listen to the broadcast >> https://bit.ly/3aKluJv ✨