同學來看一下Presentality分析李光耀 (新加坡開國最主要的領導人)與人民溝通的方式和他選擇使用的口音。
📌 不知為何,幾天前我的 Youtube 突然推薦了前新加坡總理李光耀 (Lee Kuan Yew) 接受西方媒體採訪的影片。
我知道很多名人說李光耀是他們最敬佩的領導人之一,但我從來沒看過他說話的影片, 我就決定來看看他是否真的很會溝通。
📌 如果這是你第一次聽他說話,你第一個注意到的,很可能是他的英文有多流利。畢竟人家可是在英國劍橋大學受教育的,英文根本就是母語。
I would like to see a great deal more CAUTION, a more SELECTIVE EXERCISE of your enormous range of weapons you’ve got, and more BRAINS AND FEET — preferably Vietnamese brains and feet — rather than more power and GADGETRY.
他回答這個問題的時候當然要小心,不能過度批評美國政府,所以他選的字,也符合了這位記者想要表達的 “restraint” (克制)
•Caution — 會比 “Should use power more carefully” 要來的更溫和 (你可以自己唸出來看看,連 caution 的字本身都比較柔和)。
•Selective — 他不告訴美國怎麼使用武力,只是說 be selective,就是要選擇性的使用。
•Brains and feet, rather than gadgetry — 這邊也很巧妙,把當地的人,用 brains and feet 來代表,更能強調他們的長處,比 “local people” 更能夠有說服力。而且他選擇 gadgetry — 就是 fancy tools 的意思,但其實就是武器,但如果他說武器就太直白了,說成 “fancy tools” 又可以強調這個的短處,讓人覺得沒錯,brains and feet 確實比較好。
I would like…
… to see a great deal more caution…
… a more selective exercise of…
enormous range of weapons you’ve got, and uh…
more brains and feet…
停頓加上強調字眼的力道有多強大,我們看接下來這段就知道了,這也是我整個訪談中最喜歡的一段之一,在影片中的 17分25秒左右開始。
You MUST demonstrate, and which…
I’ve really come here to understand better…
is whether YOU…
as a PEOPLE…
have got that resolution (註:不是解決的意思喔,是決心)…
that stamina, that perseverance, AND…
most important of all…
infinite patience, AND…
the capacity to hold back…
your desire to settle this quickly and get it over with, because this is a very different kind of war…
The other side is not in uniform. You are.
我相信看上面的一段,就可以感受到他說話的力道,但還是推薦大家去看影片。這段話他 deliver 出去的方式,實在太好了。
尤其是說到 “infinite patience” 的時候,他整個把音拉的超級長,似乎想要讓很長很長的音,來讓聽眾感受到那個 “infinite”。
Note: 這是另一個演講技巧:就是讓你的音調、語氣、音量等等,來傳達字面上的意思。沈重的訊息,就用低沈緩慢的方式來說。要強調時間很長或過的很慢,就把字句的音本身拉長等等。
📌 Speaking the Audience’s Language
如上面提到,李光耀上面對西方媒體說話的用字,都是比較有學問的,完全展示他的知識水平。畢竟東方人到了西方,不能被看貶。如果他說的是 highly-educated English,西方聽眾會比較覺得 ah he’s on our level!
I am not given to making sense out of life — or coming up with some grand narrative on it — other than to measure it by what you think you want to do in life.
他不是寫 “I don’t try to make sense of life”,而是 “I am not given to making sense out of life”。他還在後面加個 “grand narrative”。滿文學的。
I hope to tell you what merger means, why it’s good for all of us, why it’s coming, and why some people are deliberately creating trouble and difficulty…
📌 完整文章請參考Presentality! Learn from their experience and expertise!
📌 我以前一直認為,反正新加坡不算個民主,李光耀完全掌權,當然可以照他自己的意思去做事情。但看完這些影片,讀了一些分析,發現我想錯了。
新加坡這麼小的地方,沒什麼資源,周圍環繞著這麼多的勢力,不但有東南亞的大國們,也有外來的勢力:美國、英國、澳洲、日本等等… 他是如何在這麼複雜的歷史背景下,不只持續掌權,生存,而且還打造今天的新加坡?
It’s not just about speaking. It’s about speaking to achieve your goals.
•accent 口音,腔調
•pronunciation 發音
•enunciate 清楚地念(字);清晰地發(音)
•intonation (尤指對話語意義有影響的)語調,聲調
•intelligibility 可解度,清晰度,可懂度,明瞭度,可理解性
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅kimbiestyle,也在其Youtube影片中提到,楓園、梅園、牌坊、信息學部、桂園、工學部、櫻園、湖濱😄 啊啊前陣子因為期中考一直沒有做新的影片 不好意思啦 五一假期這麼多人出去玩 我們就待在學校哈哈 我一直是很喜歡武大的❤️ 一直很想介紹給大家看看 希望你們喜歡嘍 然後地圖我只是大概標一下地理位置😅 因為我是大路痴 真的不知道該怎麼形容 你們還是...
「given up意思」的推薦目錄:
- 關於given up意思 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於given up意思 在 謝佩芬 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於given up意思 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於given up意思 在 kimbiestyle Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於given up意思 在 give up用法的評價和優惠,YOUTUBE和商品老實說的推薦 的評價
- 關於given up意思 在 given當名詞使用時是甚麼意思? 1不可或缺。 Closer Rivera is a... 的評價
- 關於given up意思 在 【我已放棄】Linkin Park - Given Up ☀️英繁中字☀️ 的評價
given up意思 在 謝佩芬 Facebook 的最讚貼文
國民黨在推特官方帳號上放出一張將總統蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen繪製成毛澤東的圖片,佩芬今天以民進黨發言人的身分表示,#蔡英文是民選總統,#毛澤東是獨裁者,如何類比?推特是全球網友慣用的社群平台,國民黨將國內政治鬥爭拿到推特上,還遭外媒批評,真是丟臉丟到全世界去!
在所有民主國家,不論是政府機關,還是政黨組織,像推特這樣國際社群平台,主要的功能是讓國際社會能更認識、了解自己的立場,但似乎 #只有國民黨反其道而行,#把國際社群平台拿來做負面鬥爭的工具,如今還以獨裁者比喻台灣的民選總統,讓人看得真替他們感到不好意思!
* * *
KMT's recent tweet illustrates President Tsai Ing-wen as Mao Zedong. The analogy does not make any sense given that President Tsai is an elected president, whereas Mao Zedong was a dictator. That the KMT brought up the domestic political struggle between parties to the international stage is undoubtedly humiliating.
The KMT's act is unbelievably reckless. The public has expressed their concerns toward the tweet: netizens have ridiculed in the comment section, and reporters from international media such as Washington Post and Bloomberg have also commented on this tweet. What's more, Antoine Bondaz, a research fellow at the Foundation for Strategic Research and heads the FRS-KF Korea Programme on Security and Diplomacy in France, suggested that KMT's act is "pathetic" and that the KMT should "know [its] own history and be a little bit more responsible."
Around the world, Twitter is mainly used to express their ideas and positions for a country or its political parties. However, the KMT seems to act reversely, using it to inflict conflicts and struggles. More so, the KMT even used a ridiculous illustration to denounce Taiwan’s democratically-elected President. KMT’s irresponsible act truly embarrasses Taiwan.
* * *
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[翻轉視界7] 回饋偏鄉奉獻己力!
Taiwan Fund for Children and Families 家扶基金會
捐款活動: 為讓更多人看到家扶基金會的相關資訊,這篇貼文每獲得1個讚數我便會捐出2元,每獲得1個分享就捐出5元。
活動截止日期: 06.24.2020
EDIT: 活動已經圓滿結束,謝謝大家的愛心 (捐款收據已放在留言區)。
In Taiwan, two out of every ten people in poverty are children. According to statistics from the Taiwan Fund for Children and Families, approximately 4-6% of children will be born into families suffering from poverty. They don’t have enough food and nutrition, lack protection and care, and grow up to fall into the vicious cycle of poverty. “There is no simple solution to poverty.” From the long-term observation of the YongLin Education Foundation, 100 children have 100 different stories. There is no simple solution to their problem. “You have to help every child achieve his or her happiness.” Get close to them, listen to them, and lend them a helping hand.
1. suffer from poverty 陷於貧窮
2. according to 根據
3. lack proper nutrition缺乏適當的營養
4. the vicious cycle of poverty 貧困的惡性循環
5. there is no simple solution 沒有單一的解決方式
6. long-term observation 長期觀察
7. lend someone a helping hand 像某人伸出援手
The 23-year-old Liang-chin Chen once worked four jobs as a child. When in junior high school, his parents failed in their business venture and were frequent by loan sharks who often came to collect debts. They borrowed NT$300,000, but with rolling interests, their debt accumulated into the millions. His family lived in metal shacks, and all their hard-earned cash was given to underground loan sharks. “I earn my own living expenses, and I went to sell mantou (Chinese steamed buns) at moving night markets for NT$5 apiece. When business was good, I would earn NT$400, and the whole family would be able to fill their bellies the next day.” Once when he was in the seventh grade, a gang member came to his house and scolded him: If you don’t have money, why do you bother to study? Why not go out and make some money?!
8. business venture 商業冒險、事業投機
9. loan shark 放高利貸者
10. collect debts 討債
11. rolling interest 滾利
12. metal shacks 鐵皮屋
13. hard-earned cash 辛苦錢
14. fill their bellies填飽他們的肚子
15. scold (v.) 責罵,責備
16. a gang member 黑道成員
17. bother to 努力,盡力;費心*
*bother to: https://bit.ly/2Y676IH
In this environment, Liang-chin Chen could not care less about school work, focusing only on working part-time jobs to make ends meet. He lived this way until his high school teacher convinced him that “studying holds the greater value” by showing him how he can receive scholarships through good grades. It’s more cost-effective than selling mantou. Liang-chin Chen climbed from the bottom of a remote high school to the top of his class in a national university. His university even helped him pay back the loan sharks through scholarships. He is currently a postgraduate student at National Cheng Kung University. This year, Liang-chin Chen is teaching elders how to exercise in Tainan’s remote areas. “I don’t have the money to contribute back to society and to help others, so I will use my skills and abilities to help elders in the community.” Liang-chin Chen is also a lecturer for Fubon Charity Foundation’s Youth from Disadvantaged Family Program.
18. could not care less abt sth (表示強調)一點也不在乎某事 (這裡指自暴自棄)*
19. make ends meet 勉強維持生計
20. cost-effective 有成本效益的;物有所值的;合算的,划算的
21. contribute back to 回饋給
22. disadvantaged 處於劣勢的,處於不利地位的
*could not care less: https://bit.ly/3ft0UjR
Liang-chin Chen is a paragon of the charity’s efforts to invite homegrown talents back to local comminutes in Tainan. Always smiling and speaking Taiwanese with elders, Liang-chin Chen can empathize with poverty-stricken children in remote regions. “I was a kid who grew up in a metal shack, but I met so many remarkable people who helped me during my studies. Do not be ashamed of your roots. Work to achieve your goals 10, 20 years from now, and you can do it. I am a living example of what one can accomplish.”
23. a paragon of 完人,盡善盡美的模範(或典型)
24. homegrown talents 在地的優異人才
25. local communities 在地社區
26. poverty-stricken 貧困的,一貧如洗的
27. remote regions 偏鄉地區
28. remarkable people 貴人
29. don’t be ashamed of 不需要以…為恥,不用為…感到不好意思
30. one’s roots 一個人的出身
貧窮解方 Solutions to Poverty
Help poverty-stricken children outside the system
Use local talents to reduce talent loss
Contribute back to the community from which we came
完整報導詳見聯合報UDN : https://bit.ly/2N2YnRi
圖片來源: https://bit.ly/2N2YnRi
公益講座計畫: http://bit.ly/3990snT
Eric's English Lounge宗旨與目標: https://bit.ly/3edbzyZ
given up意思 在 kimbiestyle Youtube 的精選貼文
因為我是大路痴 真的不知道該怎麼形容
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given up意思 在 given當名詞使用時是甚麼意思? 1不可或缺。 Closer Rivera is a... 的推薦與評價
given 當名詞使用時是甚麼意思? 1不可或缺。 Closer Rivera is a given, of course. 終結者里維拉當然不可或缺。 2必然之事。 In much of the world, having kids is no ... ... <看更多>