一场月球表面 冰岛极光之旅
住宿消费 : RM 1374
租车消费 : RM 1048
打油消费 : RM 285
Blue Lagoon : RM 380
Silfra Snorkeling : RM 600
煮食和普通费用 : RM 580
Total 总消费:RM 4300 不包括飞机票
(我们是从阿姆斯特丹飞往冰岛 四趟一共RM3800+)
Day 1
- Arrived Iceland
- Car Rental Company
- Check In
- Hagkaup Shop Grocery
Stay: The Great Apartment Airbnb
Day 2
- Blue Lagoon
- Hallgrimskirkja 大教堂
- Brauo & Co - Cinnamon Rolls
- Baejarins Beztu Pylsur Hotdogs
- The Sun Voyager 太阳航海者
- Bonus 大扫货因为接下来去的地方没有超市
Stay: The Great Apartment Airbnb
Day 3
Golden Circle 黄金圈 (45min)
- Silfra Snorkelling Start 9 Morning
- Thingellir National Park
- Geysir
- Gullfoss Falls
Stay: South Central HI Guesthouse
Day 4
- Hella (路上经过的小镇)
- Reynisfjara 黑沙滩
- Vik Town (Vik Mydral Church)
Stay: Hostel Skogar/ Skogar HI Hostel
Day 5
- Seljalandsfoss
- Skogafoss
- Solheimasandur Wrecked
Stay: Hofn HI Hostel
Day 6
- Jokulsarlon Glacier Lagoon 冰川河
- Diamond Beach 钻石沙滩
- Aurora 极光
Stay: Hofn HI Hostel
Day 7
- Vesturhorn Mountain / Stokksnes Point 天空之境
- Jokulsarlon Glacier Lagoon 桥前面一点的秘境
Stay: The Base by Keflavik Airport
Day 8
- Snaefellsnes 斯奈山半岛
- Búðakirkja (Black Church)
Stay : The Base by Keflavik Airport
Day 9
- Airport
✈️Iceland Air RM1300
飞去冰岛有两大航空,一个是WOW 另一个是 IcelandAir ,前者是廉价航空后者比较昂贵 ,WOW 航空不包括行李费,评语好坏参半,最近取消了很多航班,听说被IcelandAir 收购,介于这个原因我选择了比较贵的IcelandAir,机票包括一个23Kg 行李,但是不包括餐点!有点说不过去!虽然归位高级航空但是服务和飞机舒适度还好而已!没办法飞去冰岛没其他选择,至少它不会随便取消航班!
☎️Sim Card 上网卡篇
我是在面子书的 On My Way 探天下订购欧游电话卡!30天 12G RM 140 能Share Hotspot 不能打电话!用法很简单,只要到达目的地,Insert 开 Roaming 就可以使用了!当你换国家就会自动转换电讯公司!不错用!我们在冰岛全程使用这网卡Waze路线!
荷兰和冰岛住宿一晚很贵哦!还要是住Dorm!不过我们在冰岛所有的住宿都是五人一间房,越住越大间,越住越没人,厨房厕所任用!住到好像自己家酱所以在冰岛住Hostel 不是件坏事!好幸运!但是很庆幸的是这两国的厕所干净度超乎想象!尤其是冰岛住宿的厕所和厨房都好干净!设备好齐全,冰岛厨房用具都是有Quality 的哦!唯一的缺点就是厕所男女通用!不过很少人冲凉因为常在厕所遇到我们自己人我们常在厕所谈天一起吹头发
住宿费用Price Per Person
1)Great Apartment Airbnb (RM308 2Nights)
离市区有距离但是如果自驾就没问题,环境很好,靠近两间大超市Bonus 和 Hangkaup,厨房里的调味料多到!!好开心
2)South Central Guesthouse (RM220 1Night)
住这里超傻眼,由于晚上才到达这住宿,四周都黑漆漆,冰岛人习惯早放工所以很多时候都是自己自行Check In,我们自己开门时才发觉这间可以入住三十多个人的 Hostel 只有我们五个人包场!电视机超大,厨房用具超棒!原本很兴奋的用完整个厨房,客厅和厕所,超自由,超像自己家!但当夜深人静的时候每个人心中就开始胡思乱想了 外面黑漆漆还有十万八千里没人!虽然心中毛毛的但没人说出口,赶快冲凉关好门就睡了!直到第二天早餐时间员工出现了!好开心见到人类因为证明这不是幽灵旅社!但是他收了钱就放工了天亮以后的风景超美的说!有Walking Dead 的荒凉!这Hostel还是超推荐的!不过希望以后有人气啦!包场也是怕怕地!好难忘的回忆!
3)Hostel HI Skogar (RM170 1Night)
住宿隔壁就是鼎鼎大名的 彩虹瀑布 Skogar Waterfall ,还有个对着瀑布环境超棒的餐厅,旅社就在隔壁!推荐!
4)Hofn HI Hostel (RM416 2Nights)
首先谢谢这里的员工,因为她我们才看到人生中第一个极光!厕所和厨房也是很干净!旅社很大,但是入住的人不多,Check Out 了我们还慢慢吃早餐才出发,那时也是剩我们而已!真的好清静哦!
5)The Base By Keflavik Airport (RM250 2Nights) 这是一间靠近机场的住宿,方便第二天早机的人,这里的房间好大,五个人一房还有自己独立的厕所!很多游戏房!还可以打兵乓!不过缺点是厨房很小很小,只可以坐一桌人,大概是很多人都是赶飞机所以不注重厨房的大小!如果不打算煮吃的可以选择这里哦
🚘冰岛自驾游Selfdrive Trip
感谢小白这几天陪我们度过了无数的暴风雨,极光夜,每天还要载着满满的行李箱,做我们的避风港,冷的时候可以取暖,饿的时候在车里解决午餐,功不可没!真心觉的小白功能超好,会提醒我们路滑,偏左时会响,还会自动调节车灯等等!超爱你的首次在冰岛自驾会有难度!第一个挑战就是左驾驶,第一次不习惯很常把车驾去右边,尤其是冰岛路都好小,两条车道刚好是两辆车的宽度!再来就是天气,驾车时遇过下雨,下雪,暴风,太阳晒,下冰雹,最后一天窗口结冰!记得开门时要看风向,很多人遇过车门被吹走!天气说变就变!所以比起纽西兰自驾真的要格外小心!冬天时轮胎记得锁上铁链!终结来说小心驾驶,放慢速度,记得自己是左驾就OK了!我们全程使用 Waze!终结来说纽西兰自驾很享受,但在冰岛自驾是个挑战的体验!风景无敌漂亮!
租车公司:Lotus Car Rental
Model: Toyota Rav 4
费用:RM 1048 Per Person
车油:RM 285 Per Person
冰岛的车被砂石毁,打滑,车门被吹掉几率高所以最好买全保!贵也要买!车油除了Okran 其他都是用信用卡六个Pin 我们最常打N1,如果油箱剩一半看到油站最好打油因为郊外有点难找!记住打油不要选择 Full Tank因为每个油站都会先扣留很大笔预付数目所以我们都是选 4000isk,5000 isk和6000isk的油钱
我们好像自备了一个月的料包吓死人!在冰岛消费很高,一个普通面包要价RM15+到 RM30+一整只烤鸡马币RM100+ 所以自己煮可以节省很多,还可以豪吃豪饮!九天八夜冰岛总消费RM570 一个人,包括7支酒,一打啤酒,在外吃了几餐,自己自备的早午晚餐!冰岛出名的超市名叫 Bonus 粉红猪Logo 容易认!卖的食品比其超市便宜,但是有些菜很难找!所以我们也去了 Hagkaup 买菜,这里比较新鲜和多选者!出发前必须一次过买九天的食物因为郊外没有Bonus 超市!这几天煮了一个月的菜!每天的午餐必须在车里解决!做Wrap Sandwich 最方便!记得酒要在冰岛机场Duty Free 买!啤酒THULE牌好喝!啤酒上有冰岛地图!很多人都说冰岛消费好贵,是真的但是只要人多分担就没问题了咯~我们整个17D15N 的消费好便宜!比原本计划少很多!
从Selfoss 去 Vik 的路途中会经过Hella小镇
一路上会遇到一片荒凉的野草 有种凄美感
被誉为世界最荒的国家 不是没理由
Vik 教堂⛪️黑沙滩Reynisfjara相映成一幅画
《黄金圈》冰岛最经典的旅游路线。景点都位于一条环形公里上,因此得名。从雷克雅未克出发,可以在一天内完成!所以可以把Thingellir National Park,Geysir ,Gullfoss Falls 排在同一天
《Solheimasandur Wrecked 飞机残骸》
这是来回需要8km,冬天时有些人用上三四个小时来回,好天气的时候来回只需两个小时!我们遇上好天气,大太阳,拍起照来很有意境!飞机残骸伫立在南岸的黑色荒漠里,是孤独的。我们徒步往返八公里,只为看你一眼,故事事发就是一架美军飞机因燃料不够迫降于黑沙滩,还好事故没有造成伤亡,因回收成本过高,移走主要仪器之后,飞机的残骸一直被废弃在此。这里也成了 冰岛 的“网红景点”,成了大家必打卡之地。车子需要统一停靠至停车场,步行前进!路程有点远但是我们一路上疯疯癫癫,一会儿就到了!记得要在太阳下山前离开!
坐落于冰岛东南部,是个非常梦幻的地方。泰坦尼克号跟权利的游戏(Game of Thrones)第二季都在这里取景。湖上满是冰河时期的断裂入水的漂浮冰山。较大型的都在湖中央,距离较近的都是比较小型的。浮冰全部是蓝色,越大的越蓝。湖通过一条河连接着海,浮冰都在水的流动下漂向海洋。在岸边可以捡一些小型的冰块,非常纯净!在冰川的对岸就是鼎鼎大名的钻石沙滩!其实在进入冰川停车场前有小小的秘境,注意有少量的车子停放就是了,爬了少许的山坡,下方就是一片大大的冰河!有着很多很多的冰块!
《Vesturhorn Mountain / Stokksnes Point 天空之境》去不了Bolivia可以来冰岛的天空之境,来对时间更美,感觉上早上退潮时间最好拍
《Snaefellsnes 斯奈山半岛》
如何在黑暗中寻找极光!看过极光的朋友说过,极光有时不是青色的,肉眼看是白色带点灰!所以第一次的极光我是先发现天空出现灰灰的云带点小小的青光(要很仔细的看),拿照相机照才看到绿色!可是后来的极光爆发才发现其实肉眼是可以看到很绿的绿光,带点灰色的雾在舞动!就像是欧若拉女神在跳舞,好漂亮!看到极光真的不能等,它变幻莫测,以不同的形式划过天空!不一会儿绿光就变弱了!所以如果当天晚上的天空很清澈,星星闪闪的发亮,记得抬头看看,有异样的气象就拿Set 好极光Setting 的相机照一照就可以了!如果KP 高就连早上晨曦的天空也带点微青!完美!
1)Download Aurora Apps 准确度很高
所以有时 Apps 说有但不代表你的位置会看到
3)上网寻找附近的 Aurora Spot 停上数个小时
1)Oppo 和 Hua Wei 手机可以拍到极光,可是后来发现其实如果你的手机里的相机有Manual Setting 比如有ISO和Shuttle调制都有可能拍到
2)Iphone 要安装 RM3.90 Northern Light Apps 才比较可以拍到,不过当极光KP 高的时候不用 Apps 也可以拍到哦!我们的手机拍了不少极光照!
3) DSLR Setting
拍极光设定- M, 25'' , F3.5, ISO3200, Lighten (视天气,相机而定)最最最重要要有脚架(就是太紧张没用到)
有人说看到极光会幸福的,我想我们真的是幸福的,可以体验极光大爆发之夜!极光真的真的可遇不可求从第一天空等极光到第二天在前往住宿的黑暗夜空中看到微光,紧张的马上停下车一起欢呼!对我们第一次看到极光的人看到微光已很满足!结果第三天当我们在住宿吃完晚餐喝着时,住宿的员工很紧张的告诉我们天空有极光赶快驾车去无光害的地点看 Must Be Fast 结果一踏出旅社往头顶上看就看到极光在跳跃~OMG真的是在跳跃!我们也跟着跳起来!!边尖叫边冷静的驾车去到不远处看!极光越来越强~整片天空铺满绿光!实在太感动了!眼泪就在眼角打滚!人生中的第一道极光和这么完美的旅伴陪同下一起看,真心感到很幸福!谢谢你们原来极光就是这样的!!我们看到了~尽在不言中❤️ #boskill #完美 #冰岛团成功 #好幸运 #追极光不容易 #非常感谢那员工 #没有她没极光
真的很感动!永远忘不了我们一起看极光舞动的那一刻!我们是幸福的!!可遇不可求 #就好像缘分一样 #极光之夜 #aurora #northernlight
🇮🇸Iceland Activities 冰岛活动🇮🇸
《Sirfa Snorkelling全世界最纯净的冰川河》
Silfra Snorkelling 欧亚板块和北美板块冰川河初体验!同个地方,一边就是欧洲,一边是美洲!全天然的冰川水,水底能见度超过100米,水透明的让人觉得不真实。就算不小心呛水把水喝进去也请记住此刻幸福的你喝的是千年冰川水。连教练也提我们记得喝上几口!丝浮拉裂缝更有一个重大的地理意义,这个裂缝就是亚欧板块和美洲板块碰撞挤压而形成,据潜水向导说现在每年裂缝还在继续分裂!好神奇!这也是人生中第一次在冰川河里浮潜,冰岛天气再加上冰川河的温度真的少一点体力也不能!嘴巴和手完完全全麻木!完成浮潜后有种活过来的感觉!我们选择了第一趟9am的浮潜,很庆幸也是第一组下水,过后的人就要在低温度的天气中排队慢慢下冰河了!浮潜有Dry Suit 和 Wet Suit 选择!Dry Suit 完全除了手和脸暴露在水里,其他都滴水不进,也很保暖! Wet Suit 不保温,但是可以深浅看海底深宫!
Dry Suit 有空气所以是不会沉,所以会一点游泳的可以尝试!有机会记得去体验!这是在冰岛值得体验的活动!
浮潜公司: Adventure Viking
价钱: RM 600
《Iceland Blue Lagoon》
这里的湖水真的是蓝色的 #太舒服 #太amazing了!虽然很多人都说这是游客区 但是如果有机会来到冰岛 记得一定要来亲自体验 来感受我说的那种Amazing
2) 怎样避开人群?
3) 要如何预定?
🌤 上 https://www.bluelagoon.com/
4) 该选择什么配套?
🌤 以你的选择!但是我们选最Basic 的 ConformPack 已包含毛巾和饮料一杯,Mask 是免费的! 一个人 RM380
🌤 你只需要带梳洗后的衣服就可以了!哪里有浴室间,吹风筒,Locker
6) 小贴士
🌤 蓝湖的水附有矿物质,所以会弄到头发粗粗的
记得下湖前在浴间室搽Hair Conditional 免费的
🌤 下湖前记得喝水不然会缺水
如果说我会为了什么重游冰岛!我会说因为蓝湖 Blue Lagoon 😍 冷冷天气暖暖的湖水蓝蓝的颜色好想念💕💕
🌭 RM15
📍Baejarius Beztu Pylsur
《The Best Ever Lobster Soup In Iceland》 别人说的🇮🇸这碗RM60+ 的汤有着全世界最好喝的龙虾汤之称!我不懂它是不是全世界最好喝因为我也没喝过其它的龙虾汤,但是这里的🦞汤很 Creamy,有着淡淡的虾膏味,在冷冷天气吃着沾着热汤的脆面包,心里暖暖的!唯一缺点就是这么贵的汤只有两三块“龙虾肉”😛 肉的质感软软的
🦞 RM60+ 汤&面包 / RM 87+ 汤&肉串&面包
「glacier national park airport」的推薦目錄:
- 關於glacier national park airport 在 Fionlovelife Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於glacier national park airport 在 Fionlovelife Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於glacier national park airport 在 YC Lew - 17去旅行 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於glacier national park airport 在 Glacier Park International Airport (FCA) - Home | Facebook 的評價
- 關於glacier national park airport 在 Airports in Western Montana & Glacier National Park 的評價
- 關於glacier national park airport 在 Flying Delta's E175 to Kalispell, Montana (Glacier National Park) 的評價
glacier national park airport 在 Fionlovelife Facebook 的最佳貼文
一场月球表面 冰岛极光之旅
住宿消费 : RM 1374
租车消费 : RM 1048
打油消费 : RM 285
Blue Lagoon : RM 380
Silfra Snorkeling : RM 600
煮食和普通费用 : RM 580
Total 总消费:RM 4300 一个人不包括飞机票
(我们是从阿姆斯特丹飞往冰岛 四趟一共RM3800+)
Day 1
- Arrived Iceland
- Car Rental Company
- Check In
- Hagkaup Shop Grocery
Stay: The Great Apartment Airbnb
Day 2
- Blue Lagoon
- Hallgrimskirkja 大教堂
- Brauo & Co - Cinnamon Rolls
- Baejarins Beztu Pylsur Hotdogs
- The Sun Voyager 太阳航海者
- Bonus 大扫货因为接下来去的地方没有超市
Stay: The Great Apartment Airbnb
Day 3
Golden Circle 黄金圈 (45min)
- Silfra Snorkelling Start 9 Morning
- Thingellir National Park
- Geysir
- Gullfoss Falls
Stay: South Central HI Guesthouse
Day 4
- Hella (路上经过的小镇)
- Reynisfjara 黑沙滩
- Vik Town (Vik Mydral Church)
Stay: Hostel Skogar/ Skogar HI Hostel
Day 5
- Seljalandsfoss
- Skogafoss
- Solheimasandur Wrecked
Stay: Hofn HI Hostel
Day 6
- Jokulsarlon Glacier Lagoon 冰川河
- Diamond Beach 钻石沙滩
- Aurora 极光
Stay: Hofn HI Hostel
Day 7
- Vesturhorn Mountain / Stokksnes Point 天空之境
- Jokulsarlon Glacier Lagoon 桥前面一点的秘境
Stay: The Base by Keflavik Airport
Day 8
- Snaefellsnes 斯奈山半岛
- Búðakirkja (Black Church)
Stay : The Base by Keflavik Airport
Day 9
- Airport
✈️Iceland Air RM1300
飞去冰岛有两大航空,一个是WOW 另一个是 IcelandAir ,前者是廉价航空后者比较昂贵 ,WOW 航空不包括行李费,评语好坏参半,最近取消了很多航班,听说被IcelandAir 收购,介于这个原因我选择了比较贵的IcelandAir,机票包括一个23Kg 行李,但是不包括餐点!有点说不过去!虽然归位高级航空但是服务和飞机舒适度还好而已!没办法飞去冰岛没其他选择,至少它不会随便取消航班!
☎️Sim Card 上网卡篇
我是在面子书的 On My Way 探天下订购欧游电话卡!30天 12G RM 140 能Share Hotspot 不能打电话!用法很简单,只要到达目的地,Insert 开 Roaming 就可以使用了!当你换国家就会自动转换电讯公司!不错用!我们在冰岛全程使用这网卡Waze路线!
荷兰和冰岛住宿一晚很贵哦!还要是住Dorm!不过我们在冰岛所有的住宿都是五人一间房,越住越大间,越住越没人,厨房厕所任用!住到好像自己家酱所以在冰岛住Hostel 不是件坏事!好幸运!但是很庆幸的是这两国的厕所干净度超乎想象!尤其是冰岛住宿的厕所和厨房都好干净!设备好齐全,冰岛厨房用具都是有Quality 的哦!唯一的缺点就是厕所男女通用!不过很少人冲凉因为常在厕所遇到我们自己人我们常在厕所谈天一起吹头发
住宿费用Price Per Person
1)Great Apartment Airbnb (RM308 2Nights)
离市区有距离但是如果自驾就没问题,环境很好,靠近两间大超市Bonus 和 Hangkaup,厨房里的调味料多到!!好开心
第一次使用Airbnb 有折扣,可以省很多
2)South Central Guesthouse (RM220 1Night)
住这里超傻眼,由于晚上才到达这住宿,四周都黑漆漆,冰岛人习惯早放工所以很多时候都是自己自行Check In,我们自己开门时才发觉这间可以入住三十多个人的 Hostel 只有我们五个人包场!电视机超大,厨房用具超棒!原本很兴奋的用完整个厨房,客厅和厕所,超自由,超像自己家!但当夜深人静的时候每个人心中就开始胡思乱想了 外面黑漆漆还有十万八千里没人!虽然心中毛毛的但没人说出口,赶快冲凉关好门就睡了!直到第二天早餐时间员工出现了!好开心见到人类因为证明这不是幽灵旅社!但是他收了钱就放工了天亮以后的风景超美的说!有Walking Dead 的荒凉!这Hostel还是超推荐的!不过希望以后有人气啦!包场也是怕怕地!好难忘的回忆!
3)Hostel HI Skogar (RM170 1Night)
住宿隔壁就是鼎鼎大名的 彩虹瀑布 Skogar Waterfall ,还有个对着瀑布环境超棒的餐厅,旅社就在隔壁!推荐!
4)Hofn HI Hostel (RM416 2Nights)
首先谢谢这里的员工,因为她我们才看到人生中第一个极光!厕所和厨房也是很干净!旅社很大,但是入住的人不多,Check Out 了我们还慢慢吃早餐才出发,那时也是剩我们而已!真的好清静哦!
5)The Base By Keflavik Airport (RM250 2Nights) 这是一间靠近机场的住宿,方便第二天早机的人,这里的房间好大,五个人一房还有自己独立的厕所!很多游戏房!还可以打兵乓!不过缺点是厨房很小很小,只可以坐一桌人,大概是很多人都是赶飞机所以不注重厨房的大小!如果不打算煮吃的可以选择这里哦
🚘冰岛自驾游Selfdrive Trip
感谢小白这几天陪我们度过了无数的暴风雨,极光夜,每天还要载着满满的行李箱,做我们的避风港,冷的时候可以取暖,饿的时候在车里解决午餐,功不可没!真心觉的小白功能超好,会提醒我们路滑,偏左时会响,还会自动调节车灯等等!超爱你的首次在冰岛自驾会有难度!第一个挑战就是左驾驶,第一次不习惯很常把车驾去右边,尤其是冰岛路都好小,两条车道刚好是两辆车的宽度!再来就是天气,驾车时遇过下雨,下雪,暴风,太阳晒,下冰雹,最后一天窗口结冰!记得开门时要看风向,很多人遇过车门被吹走!天气说变就变!所以比起纽西兰自驾真的要格外小心!冬天时轮胎记得锁上铁链!终结来说小心驾驶,放慢速度,记得自己是左驾就OK了!我们全程使用 Waze!终结来说纽西兰自驾很享受,但在冰岛自驾是个挑战的体验!风景无敌漂亮!
租车公司:Lotus Car Rental
Model: Toyota Rav 4
费用:RM 1048 Per Person
车油:RM 285 Per Person
冰岛的车被砂石毁,打滑,车门被吹掉几率高所以最好买全保!贵也要买!车油除了Okran 其他都是用信用卡六个Pin 我们最常打N1,如果油箱剩一半看到油站最好打油因为郊外有点难找!记住打油不要选择 Full Tank因为每个油站都会先扣留很大笔预付数目所以我们都是选 4000isk,5000 isk和6000isk的油钱
我们好像自备了一个月的料包吓死人!在冰岛消费很高,一个普通面包要价RM15+到 RM30+一整只烤鸡马币RM100+ 所以自己煮可以节省很多,还可以豪吃豪饮!九天八夜冰岛总消费RM570 一个人,包括7支酒,一打啤酒,在外吃了几餐,自己自备的早午晚餐!冰岛出名的超市名叫 Bonus 粉红猪Logo 容易认!卖的食品比其超市便宜,但是有些菜很难找!所以我们也去了 Hagkaup 买菜,这里比较新鲜和多选者!出发前必须一次过买九天的食物因为郊外没有Bonus 超市!这几天煮了一个月的菜!每天的午餐必须在车里解决!做Wrap Sandwich 最方便!记得酒要在冰岛机场Duty Free 买!啤酒THULE牌好喝!啤酒上有冰岛地图!很多人都说冰岛消费好贵,是真的但是只要人多分担就没问题了咯~我们整个17D15N 的消费好便宜!比原本计划少很多!
从Selfoss 去 Vik 的路途中会经过Hella小镇
一路上会遇到一片荒凉的野草 有种凄美感
被誉为世界最荒的国家 不是没理由
Vik 教堂⛪️黑沙滩Reynisfjara相映成一幅画
《黄金圈》冰岛最经典的旅游路线。景点都位于一条环形公里上,因此得名。从雷克雅未克出发,可以在一天内完成!所以可以把Thingellir National Park,Geysir ,Gullfoss Falls 排在同一天
《Solheimasandur Wrecked 飞机残骸》
这是来回需要8km,冬天时有些人用上三四个小时来回,好天气的时候来回只需两个小时!我们遇上好天气,大太阳,拍起照来很有意境!飞机残骸伫立在南岸的黑色荒漠里,是孤独的。我们徒步往返八公里,只为看你一眼,故事事发就是一架美军飞机因燃料不够迫降于黑沙滩,还好事故没有造成伤亡,因回收成本过高,移走主要仪器之后,飞机的残骸一直被废弃在此。这里也成了 冰岛 的“网红景点”,成了大家必打卡之地。车子需要统一停靠至停车场,步行前进!路程有点远但是我们一路上疯疯癫癫,一会儿就到了!记得要在太阳下山前离开!
坐落于冰岛东南部,是个非常梦幻的地方。泰坦尼克号跟权利的游戏(Game of Thrones)第二季都在这里取景。湖上满是冰河时期的断裂入水的漂浮冰山。较大型的都在湖中央,距离较近的都是比较小型的。浮冰全部是蓝色,越大的越蓝。湖通过一条河连接着海,浮冰都在水的流动下漂向海洋。在岸边可以捡一些小型的冰块,非常纯净!在冰川的对岸就是鼎鼎大名的钻石沙滩!其实在进入冰川停车场前有小小的秘境,注意有少量的车子停放就是了,爬了少许的山坡,下方就是一片大大的冰河!有着很多很多的冰块!
《Vesturhorn Mountain / Stokksnes Point 天空之境》去不了Bolivia可以来冰岛的天空之境,来对时间更美,感觉上早上退潮时间最好拍
《Snaefellsnes 斯奈山半岛》
如何在黑暗中寻找极光!看过极光的朋友说过,极光有时不是青色的,肉眼看是白色带点灰!所以第一次的极光我是先发现天空出现灰灰的云带点小小的青光(要很仔细的看),拿照相机照才看到绿色!可是后来的极光爆发才发现其实肉眼是可以看到很绿的绿光,带点灰色的雾在舞动!就像是欧若拉女神在跳舞,好漂亮!看到极光真的不能等,它变幻莫测,以不同的形式划过天空!不一会儿绿光就变弱了!所以如果当天晚上的天空很清澈,星星闪闪的发亮,记得抬头看看,有异样的气象就拿Set 好极光Setting 的相机照一照就可以了!如果KP 高就连早上晨曦的天空也带点微青!完美!
1)Download Aurora Apps 准确度很高
所以有时 Apps 说有但不代表你的位置会看到
3)上网寻找附近的 Aurora Spot 停上数个小时
1)Oppo 和 Hua Wei 手机可以拍到极光,可是后来发现其实如果你的手机里的相机有Manual Setting 比如有ISO和Shuttle调制都有可能拍到
2)Iphone 要安装 RM3.90 Northern Light Apps 才比较可以拍到,不过当极光KP 高的时候不用 Apps 也可以拍到哦!我们的手机拍了不少极光照!
3) DSLR Setting
拍极光设定- M, 25'' , F3.5, ISO3200, Lighten (视天气,相机而定)最最最重要要有脚架(就是太紧张没用到)
有人说看到极光会幸福的,我想我们真的是幸福的,可以体验极光大爆发之夜!极光真的真的可遇不可求从第一天空等极光到第二天在前往住宿的黑暗夜空中看到微光,紧张的马上停下车一起欢呼!对我们第一次看到极光的人看到微光已很满足!结果第三天当我们在住宿吃完晚餐喝着时,住宿的员工很紧张的告诉我们天空有极光赶快驾车去无光害的地点看 Must Be Fast 结果一踏出旅社往头顶上看就看到极光在跳跃~OMG真的是在跳跃!我们也跟着跳起来!!边尖叫边冷静的驾车去到不远处看!极光越来越强~整片天空铺满绿光!实在太感动了!眼泪就在眼角打滚!人生中的第一道极光和这么完美的旅伴陪同下一起看,真心感到很幸福!谢谢你们原来极光就是这样的!!我们看到了~尽在不言中❤️ #boskill #完美 #冰岛团成功 #好幸运 #追极光不容易 #非常感谢那员工 #没有她没极光
真的很感动!永远忘不了我们一起看极光舞动的那一刻!我们是幸福的!!可遇不可求 #就好像缘分一样 #极光之夜 #aurora #northernlight
🇮🇸Iceland Activities 冰岛活动🇮🇸
《Sirfa Snorkelling全世界最纯净的冰川河》
Silfra Snorkelling 欧亚板块和北美板块冰川河初体验!同个地方,一边就是欧洲,一边是美洲!全天然的冰川水,水底能见度超过100米,水透明的让人觉得不真实。就算不小心呛水把水喝进去也请记住此刻幸福的你喝的是千年冰川水。连教练也提我们记得喝上几口!丝浮拉裂缝更有一个重大的地理意义,这个裂缝就是亚欧板块和美洲板块碰撞挤压而形成,据潜水向导说现在每年裂缝还在继续分裂!好神奇!这也是人生中第一次在冰川河里浮潜,冰岛天气再加上冰川河的温度真的少一点体力也不能!嘴巴和手完完全全麻木!完成浮潜后有种活过来的感觉!我们选择了第一趟9am的浮潜,很庆幸也是第一组下水,过后的人就要在低温度的天气中排队慢慢下冰河了!浮潜有Dry Suit 和 Wet Suit 选择!Dry Suit 完全除了手和脸暴露在水里,其他都滴水不进,也很保暖! Wet Suit 不保温,但是可以深浅看海底深宫!
Dry Suit 有空气所以是不会沉,所以会一点游泳的可以尝试!有机会记得去体验!这是在冰岛值得体验的活动!
浮潜公司: Adventure Viking
价钱: RM 600
《Iceland Blue Lagoon》
这里的湖水真的是蓝色的 #太舒服 #太amazing了!虽然很多人都说这是游客区 但是如果有机会来到冰岛 记得一定要来亲自体验 来感受我说的那种Amazing
2) 怎样避开人群?
3) 要如何预定?
🌤 上 https://www.bluelagoon.com/
4) 该选择什么配套?
🌤 以你的选择!但是我们选最Basic 的 ConformPack 已包含毛巾和饮料一杯,Mask 是免费的! 一个人 RM380
🌤 你只需要带梳洗后的衣服就可以了!哪里有浴室间,吹风筒,Locker
6) 小贴士
🌤 蓝湖的水附有矿物质,所以会弄到头发粗粗的
记得下湖前在浴间室搽Hair Conditional 免费的
🌤 下湖前记得喝水不然会缺水
如果说我会为了什么重游冰岛!我会说因为蓝湖 Blue Lagoon 😍 冷冷天气暖暖的湖水蓝蓝的颜色好想念💕💕
🌭 RM15
📍Baejarius Beztu Pylsur
《The Best Ever Lobster Soup In Iceland》 别人说的🇮🇸这碗RM60+ 的汤有着全世界最好喝的龙虾汤之称!我不懂它是不是全世界最好喝因为我也没喝过其它的龙虾汤,但是这里的🦞汤很 Creamy,有着淡淡的虾膏味,在冷冷天气吃着沾着热汤的脆面包,心里暖暖的!唯一缺点就是这么贵的汤只有两三块“龙虾肉”😛 肉的质感软软的
🦞 RM60+ 汤&面包 / RM 87+ 汤&肉串&面包
glacier national park airport 在 YC Lew - 17去旅行 Facebook 的精選貼文
English version 「🇮🇸Budget to go Iceland🇮🇸」
In planning this Iceland road trip around I do not refer to other people's travels routes. So some attractions I might missed. Also, do not think Iceland will certainly see the aurora. We have 10 days there but only 2 days we have chance to see. One day is kp5, one day is kp1 Bale. There are also people who have not seen it in 10 days. In addition to the Aurora, Iceland is so beautiful of the landscape.
Day 1
Kuala Lumpur - Istanbul - London - Iceland
On October 24, 2017, we departed from Kuala Lumpur International Airport to Iceland because of the cheap airfare.
So we need to transfer to Istanbul from Istanbul.
Then transfer from London to Iceland.
Although it is a waste of time but save money, it does not matter!
From Kuala Lumpur to Iceland took a total of 24 hours.
Day 2
Arrived in London at 9:30 in the morning.
The flight time to Iceland is 12:55.
Worried about too many people waiting in line so we buy online Premium Passport Lane.
With that pass, we do not need to line up with the customs.
VIP Lane can go directly.
Feel like VIP!
From customs clearance to get baggage no more than 15 minutes.
Walk from South to North terminal, Icelandair in North.
About 3 hours flight from London to Iceland, the first thing to Iceland is to change the local currency.
After that we pick up the car and we have a 9-day car rental with Thrifty.
Last added unlimited wireless Internet access, 15 euros a day.
Car must buy full insurance, Iceland has too much sand accident, it is easy to scratch.
In order to save money, we rented a manual car.
Take the car directly to the nearby Bonus supermarket to buy some food for next few days.
We spent RM160.
After an hour and a half by car to our hostel.
This homestay is located in a remote downtown area.
We reached there about 7:30PM.
Quickly prepare dinner, friends shouted after dinner. Aurora!!!
Everyone ran out to see the aurora.
I did not expect so strong aurora, the naked eye directly saw.
Also lasted a few hours, due to too excited, forget the jet lag.
Can not sleep, 12 o'clock to sleep, 5 o'clock and got up and continue to see Aurora.
And the sky full of star, is the most beautiful night i have ever seen.
Day 3
Sleep for 2 hours and enjoyed bathtub outside the house.
Hot springs so comfortable!
The sky started to light up at about 8 o'clock.
Prepare our breakfast, then we started today's attractions.
We are taking the most basic Golden Circle attractions.
Geysir Fountain - Goldfoss Gold Falls --bingvellir National Park
We went to Geysir Fountain and Gullfoss Golden Waterfall
Geysir fountain is so special! Is the geothermal valley, water from the ground.
Gold Falls is spectacular, remember to bring a raincoat, or will be drenched.
As we live in the middle of these two attractions, we have lunch back home trip.
Then go to bingvellir National Park
This is UNESCO, a lot of scenery to see, if you like the wild scenery must come to this.
Feel the Soul Out Rip in the Rift Valley at Singgweler National Park.
From 10 am until 6 pm in the evening.
Dinner at home.
We do not spent any money today
Day 4
Slept early last night, so everyone got up early.
After breakfast will go to other place.
The sky was covered with rain clouds.
We left at 8:30PM and went to Keiro Crater.
Tickets are required here, one for 400 kroner.
After continuing to the east, on the way through the Volcano Experience Hall.
We do not know to buy tickets, the result we accidentally [free] into the museum to watch the video.
The beautiful Seljalandsfoss Falls pass on the way.
Very worth visiting ~
Come to today's highlight - D3 wreckage
This is the story I heard.
"It was a miracle that on November 24, 1973, a U.S. Navy aircraft (C-47 SkyTrain, also known as Dakota) was forced to land on Sólheimasandur's dark beach in southern Iceland and all crew members survived. It was said that due to the cost of repairs too It has been quietly staying in the corner of Iceland.
But since the plane's own metal lines matched the landscape of the Icelandic land, making it a must-see for many tourists, photographers visit the must-see places of Iceland and even plan their own exclusive routes, gradually becoming more lively. "
Iceland is really a place of praise like the explosion, any weather, she has become a landscape.
However, under the well-known, but also brought a lot of burden.
Last March, the owner of the area announced the closure of the road to the wreck because it could not afford to take any more damage.
Photographers and tourists love it, bring it to fame, but also brought loss. Although they are unintentional, this is an indisputable fact.
All along, everyone can only rely on GPS (google coordinates: 63.459523, -19.364618), go wild to find the location of the wreckage, strangers in unfamiliar places, drove a four-wheel drive (usually go to the wreckage need four-wheel drive) , Will inevitably cause some damage to the environment.
Now we all choose to park the car on the road around the island, 5 km on foot to see the wreckage.
Sometimes I have to admit that foreigners have a very strong sense of protection for the environment. In their eyes, people are the same as nature and need rest and love and need to get along well with each other.
If you give me a choice, I think I will still go in.
But it must be chosen in a sunny day rather than in a storm of wind that blows away people today.
To the last body, including underwear are soaked, the mood has also been destroyed, the next attractions do not want to go.
Just want to back to stay for a change.
Want to go to the wreckage, remember to choose the right weather, the wrong choice can make people very upset.
Tonight we will be staying in Kirkjubæjarklaustur, a beautiful little town that will allow us to travel to the eastern part of Iceland early tomorrow morning.
Day 5
As usual to prepare our own breakfast to go out today than usual out.
Because we want to drive 420 km, estimated 5 hours and a half drive.
Departure from the southern city of Kirkjubæjarklaustur to the eastern city of Reyðarfjörður.
We do not have any plans today.
What attractions stop, unexpectedly found the roadside unknown waterfall creek.
There will be glaciers along the way, so spectacular too!
The Glacier Lagoon will come again, but we will not go in the direction of the tourists.
We stopped in the car park 1 km before the entrance, and then climb down the mountain to Avoid crowded.
After that we continue our road trip to east.
Then you must not miss the fjord view to the east.
We all drive the car on the left side of the mountain, on the right is the Atlantic Coastal Road.
Fjord scenery super beautiful, super magnificent.
However, it should be noted that the wind in Iceland is very strong, and several times our car was displaced by strong winds.
It's hard to drive when the weather is not good, after all, there is no fence around the road.
Minute wind will blow the car down the Atlantic.
The most dangerous place than the 95 road.
Well, I carefully driving carefully to bring everyone to the east.
Reyðarfjörður is a small city.
In fact, choose to live here is not because of what attractions.
Instead, it is here as a rest stop before we heading to the north tomorrow.
Tomorrow will continue to open 297 kilometers about 3 hours and we already on half away.
Day 6
From the east to the north, 240 km and about 3 and a half hours away.
Iceland is a very interesting place, yesterday we saw the magnificent fjord style.
Today we cross a few snow-capped mountains actually came to Iceland's famous volcanic area.
Kaffle Volcano is Iceland's most active volcano.
We drive along the road so there is no attraction recommended, nor go to the waterfall of Iceland God Goðafoss.
Because we worry of road in the mountains, our 2WD car will be more difficult to drive.
We are moving along the Lake District.
Finally, we go to a small number of tourists, not commercial Mývatn Hot Springs.
Mývatn water quality is good, after all, not many people the most important price is half cheaper than the Blue Lake.
The most exciting things is from the toilet to the spa although there’s a short distance.
Super cold! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
After that we will continue to Akureyri, the second largest city in Iceland.
After a few days of running around, we will stay here for 2 days as a resting place.
Day 7
If longer holidays, I will arrange a half-day trip in the middle of the trip.
After a few days of long run, we still stay in Akureyri today.
And we do not have any plan, we wake up to sleep naturally.
Go to the local supermarket stroll, explore the price, buy ingredients.
Walk around Akureyri Botanical Garden, the famous local church.
Then decide to go to an unknown tourist spot.
We decided to go to Dalvik.
Since this is not Route 1, we drive Route 82, so the road is not that good.
But the beautiful scenery along the way is so beautiful.
Lake, sea, snow-capped mountains.
And the mirror-like lake reflected the shadow of snow-capped mountains on the water.
Nobody walked by the road as we sat in the middle of the road taking pictures.
Alpine waterfall directly down the sea to the scenery now feel unforgettable.
Due to the lack of itinerary, we will be staying in only 3 hours outside.
Today is easy and casual.
Charge good tomorrow continue to move north and west.
To stay in a farmhouse.
Day 8
Today's trip is easy, so we sleep later.
We are staying in a farm in the north today.
We also deliberately avoided the well-traveled Route 1 and headed for the cliff coastline.
The scenery along the way is so beautiful.
However, since the farm was not far away, we returned to the farm very early.
After lunch, we sneak into the farm and play with the cute Icelandic horse.
As the weather is too cold, we have been in the bed and breakfast where to go.
Day 9
Today it is necessary to drive back from the north to our last city, Reykjavik
On the way we turned into the Sea Lion Museum, in order to see wild sea lions.
We drove the car into Route 74.
Along the road are stone road, hard to open ah!
Finally, unfortunately did not meet wild sea lions.
But I saw the road map seems to be through the Snæfellsnes
So we decided to drive into the Sinai Peninsula, then do not take the 1st.
In order to reach the Sinai Peninsula more quickly, we choose to drive the car into the Route 59, the whole road is sand stone.
And no white lines, only allow a car to drive.
I drove the car into fearlessly.
The rolling hills are on our left hand side and the right hand side is the sea.
There’s no signal along the road.
There are not many people living along the road.
Up and down the ramp absolutely can not see the opposite of the car, there are also on the slope to a big turn immediately.
I accidentally put the car into the sea, I was serious.
As we went to the Snæfellsnes to see Kirkjufell, so we travel longer.
Because it’s too late. So that we rushed back to Reykjavik and failed to stop taking pictures.
After all, the sky quickly darkened.
Today is our last accommodation in Iceland and we have to enjoy tonight.
In order to save money, plus the flight at 6 o'clock in the morning, tomorrow will overnight at the airport.
Day 10
Today is our last day, we wake up naturally.
Due to the car parked in Reykjavik parking.
We need pay parking hourly.
First we went to visit Reykjavik Cathedral.
Nice church, and Akureyri's church is the same designer!
As there are still a lot of public funds, we decided to take to eat Buffet.
Iceland has a great value Buffet.
This restaurant is located in the city center, restaurant reykjavik.
There are pickled fish, shrimp, desserts have.
And a talent 2250 kroner.
We had eaten for nearly two hours before we came out because we had booked Blue Lake in the morning.
We have to arrive at the time of booking.
Too early to go out too cold, very uncomfortable.
After finally soak to the legendary Blue Lake it!
A lot of guests here, more business, water quality is relatively clean, but more water meters rice mineral.
As the plane is 8 am tomorrow, I specifically do not arrange accommodation.
Want to say we can drive to chase aurora, how to know a large cloud of sky, plus the outside of the cold.
We did not want to go out at all, so return the car early.
Waiting to the airport ~
In Iceland, our spending is really not much!
If you are willing to cook their own meals, we are absolutely able to afford the consumption of Iceland Oh!
About transportation
I'm booking with Thifty
About accommodation
If you have not registered Airbnb, then you can click on the link I gave.
Because you can get RM105 discount Oh!
Click on the following web page to register
https \: //abnb.me/e/Cp1WcwtYSH
Day 1 + 2 Laugarvatn's Cabin Accommodations RM1550
Location is located in the Golden Circle, to see the Golden Falls and the National Park are very convenient
The most important if the weather is good, you can see the Aurora outside
Finnish bath outside the house can be while watching the Aurora bath
A room, a bathroom kitchen, can accommodate up to 5 people, the house is relatively small
https \: //www.airbnb.com.tw/rooms/4821490? s = 51
Day 3 Kirkjubæjarklaustur Small House RM875
It is also a detached house, with 1 bedroom, 1 living room, kitchen and bathroom
Comfortable and quiet environment, can accommodate 4 people, spacious house
Day 4 Reyðarfjörður ultra cozy Nordic small room RM570
The owner lives downstairs and our suite is on the second floor.
There is kitchen, living room, room and bathroom.
Warm environment, the owner friendly, can accommodate 4 people, the house spacious
Day 5 + 6 RM930
The house is clean and tidy, the room and the kitchen are separated.
Can accommodate 4 people
Day 7 RM450
Live in the pasture, experience ranch life, hot springs can bubble.
Shared kitchen and shared bathroom.
Day 8 RM680
Agoda booking for Central Guesthouse
Super good location, easy to find.
Day 9
Sleeping airport, early morning return to London
About spending
Round trip ticket Kuala Lumpur - London RM2100 / person Turkish Airlines
Round trip ticket Iceland - London RM900 / person Icelandic Airlines
Car rental 9 days RM2900 = 725 / person
Wi-Fi machine 9 days RM680 = 170 / person
8 days stay RM1265 / person
BlueLagoon RM400 / person
Keira crater tickets 400 kr = RM16 / person
Rice Lake Tickets 4300 Crowns = RM170 (person)
The daily living expenses (in Iceland krona, all multiplied by 0.0395, for 4 people)
Day 1-0
Day 2 - daily necessities + ingredients 4000
Day 3-0
Day 4 - oil 4500, 2200 ingredients
Day 5 - Oil 6105
Day 6 - Ingredients 239
Day 7 - ingredients 2200
Day 8- Fighting 6404
Day 9 - ingredients 1200, 1000 tolls
Day 10 - Oil 8463, buffet 9000
CZK 45311 x 0.0395 = RM1790
Except 4 people = RM448
Total cost RM6191
PS: The above is the basic spending, does not include shopping buy souvenir.
Photo shooting: Northern Lights Canon G7X, all other photos shot by Note 8.
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