你喜歡吃莓果嗎?不少人對莓果 (Berries) 的第一印象是不易保存、容易腐爛,然而它們都營養豐富,每種莓果都帶著鮮艷顏色,這些天然植物色素例如花青素就是很好的抗氧化劑,能增加肌膚的耐受度及抵抗力,減慢衰老速度。莓果各有不同功效,哪一隻莓果最適合你?屬性平和的莓果例如紅莓、紅桑子、黑莓,一般人都可以食用;身體偏寒人士適合食用屬性溫熱的楊梅;而身體偏熱人士適合食用屬性寒涼的莓果,例如士多啤梨、藍莓、桑椹。
士多啤梨(Strawberry) — 性涼,味甘酸,有消暑清熱、生津止渴功效,能紓緩喉嚨乾、喉嚨痛或身體偏熱症狀。惟脾胃虛寒、容易胃痛、腹瀉者不宜多吃 。
紅莓(Cranberry) — 又名蔓越莓,性平,味甘酸,有利尿止瀉的功效,有助防止泌尿感染。
紅桑子 (Raspberry) — 又名覆盆子,性平,味甘酸,味甘有補肝腎、縮小便、固精的功效,適合腎虛、小便頻繁、夜間多尿等人士食用。
藍莓(Blueberry) — 性涼,味甘酸,具滋補肝腎、明目功效,有助紓緩視力退化,含豐富花青素,有抗氧化功效。
楊梅(Chinese Bayberry) — 性溫,味甘酸,有生津止渴、健胃消食、止瀉痢的作用,適合消化不良、胃氣痛、胃腸脹滿、慢性腹瀉人士食用。
桑椹(Mulberry) — 性寒,味甘,具滋補肝腎、養血滋陰、明目黑髮、潤腸通便的作用,適合肝腎不足、頭髮早白、體虛便秘人士食用。含有豐富花青素,有抗氧化功效。注意脾虛腹瀉者忌食。
黑莓(Blackberry) — 中醫系統歸為覆盆子類,性平,味甘酸,有補肝腎、縮小便、固精的功效,適合腎虛、小便頻繁、夜間多尿、女子帶下病人士食用。
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The berry family can help maintain your youth
Do you like berries? The first impressions people have towards berries are, they are not easy to keep and rot easily. However, they are actually very nutritious. Different berries come in different colors, and all these natural pigments such as anthocyanin are good anti-oxidant agents, which can build the skin’s resistance towards harmful external environment and slow down the aging process.
Different berries carry different health properties, so which one suits you best? Berries that are mild in nature, such as cranberry, raspberry and blackberry are suitable for all. Individuals with a cold body condition can consume berries that are warm in nature, such as Chinese Bayberry. Individuals with a hot body condition can opt for strawberry, blueberry and mulberry, which are all cold in nature.
The berry skin is thin and juicy, this is why you should consume the fruit on the same day. If not, store them well in the refrigerator. Remove any rotten berries in the mix or else it would spread to the other berries. Prepare a sealed container, and place a paper towel beneath and above the berries to absorb excess water. You can keep it for about 3 days. If you freeze the berries in the freezer, you can keep them up to half a year or so.
Strawberry — cool in nature, has a sweet and sour taste; can clear heat, quench one’s thirst and encourage saliva production; it can relieve dry throat, sore throat or any heat-related symptoms. It is not suitable for individuals with a cold and weak spleen and stomach; those who regularly experience stomachache and diarrhea should avoid as well.
Cranberry — mild in nature, has a sweet and sour taste; promotes diuresis and inhibits diarrhea, can also help prevent urinary infection.
Raspberry — has a sweet and sour taste; the essence in the sweet taste can nourish the kidney and liver, reduce urination and strengthen the sperm; suitable for individuals who have a weak kidney and those with frequent and night urination problem.
Blueberry — cool in nature, has a sweet and sour taste, can nourish the liver and kidney; can brighten one’s vision, and slow down vision deterioration; contains rich anthocyanin which is anti-oxidant.
Chinese Bayberry — warm in nature, has a sweet and sour taste; can quench one’s thirst and induce saliva production, strengthen the stomach, aid digestion and relieve diarrhea; Suitable for individuals who experience indigestion and diarrhea, as well as those with a bloated stomach and intestines.
Mulberry — cold in nature, sweet in taste; can nourish the spleen, kidney and the blood, as well as replenish the yin; brightens one’s vision and darkens one’s hair, and can aid bowel movements. It is suitable for individuals with deficiency problems in the liver and kidney, those with gray hair, and a weak body that experiences regular constipation. It is rich in anthocyanin, which has the anti-oxidant properties. Individuals with a weak spleen and those who regularly experience diarrhea should avoid.
Blackberry — categorized as Rubus idaeus in Chinese Medicine; is mild in nature, has a sweet and sour taste; can nourish the liver and kidney, reduce urination and strengthen one’s sperms. It is suitable for individuals with a weak kidney, those with frequent and night urination problem, and women with vaginal discharge issues.
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Disebabkan jahitan pt saya terbuka pada hari ke 9 berpantang, saya rasa baik saya share benda yg patut ibu2 jaga untuk make sure jahitan betul2 sembuh pada waktunya, harap2 tak jadi mcm pt saya ni, ada gap pada benang tu. Tak kena jahit balik tapi seram la, dah xlawa cik bunga kita 🤭
1. Cuci luka - sila lah baring. Lepas settle mandi/buang air, lap kering2 pakai tisu gulung/tuala, lepastu ambik masa baring dan anginkan luka sebelum letak ubat kuning dlm 5min. Lepas letak ubat kuning, anginkan lg 5min. Saya beli kipas kecik senang nak keringkan tmpt jahitan. Hair dryer boleh tp bising sgt bunyi dia.
2. Spray bottle - beli dkt kedai 2hinggit je botol spray kecik. Isi ubat kuning, nak guna spray je. Spray banyak, biar bahagian dlm lipatan jahitan tu pun kena. Ubat kuning kalau habis boleh mintak lg dkt KK. Kalau pakai kapas dab dab, kadang2 tak kena tempat luka tu, mcm saya la mula2. Beriya letak rupanya tak kena pun tempatnya. Tahu2 benang atas dah hilang.
3. Kurangkan berjalan ttp boleh bersenam - semestinya. Kalau perlu sgt, tolonglah kepit mcm tak bagi emas terlepas dari kepitan kaki. Lagi rapat kepit, lagi cepat daging cantum elok.senaman kegel pon menggalakkan peredaran darah ke tempat luka ,luka lagi cepat sembuh~ uolss tao x senaman kegel camane?? Xtao pm tepi..hihihi
4. Tukar pad - tukar 2 -4 jam sekali. Kira dapat lagi selalu anginkan jahitan tu. kalau anak meragam, buatlah kerap mana yg mampu. Tapi jgn tunggu 5-6 jam, cepatlah melecet nanti, tak masuk kuman lg apa semua. Please elak.
5. Vitamin C, zinc - ambiklah extra vit c. Macam saya tak boleh mkn oren sunkist tu sbb perut meragam, saya ambik vit c tambahan utk bantu pulih luka. Beli je ,asalkan kita cepat baik. Yg boleh mkn oren, lagi baik. Cepat kering.
6. Air garam - ada kata garam ni cepatkan benang reput, ada kata cepatkan cantum luka, mcm2 org kata. So buatlah at least sekali sehari. Air garam pun saya masuk spray bottle senang terus spray je lps buang air. Kalau dpt buat sitz bath lg better.berendam ~
7. Buang air - elak sembelit ye. Minum air cukup, makan buah & sayuran hijau & kalsium juga boleh mengelakkan sembelit ~ kalau susah nak kinum susu,ambik je OSTEOMATRIX kalsium . Sembelit mmg akan kacau tmpat jahitan tu, takut terbuka. Jgn teran2 sgt ye.
Ni je basic penjagaan luka jahitan yg misi boleh share. Yang tambah manjakani, asam keping etc tu optional, ikut keyakinan diri. Saya tak buat & tak sarankan sbb tahap kebersihan bahan2 tersebut diragui juga & sbb takut jadi jangkitan jugak. Sekian.
Kredit : Noor Shafinah Mamat.
Buat papa mama yg nak ilmu kehamilan - kelahiran - berpantang - mendidik anak2 & penyusuan susu ibu boleh klik link ini utk dptkannya ya : ebook.9bulan10hari.com 😍
Due to my pt stitching open on the 9th day of confinement, I feel good to share things that mothers should take care of to make sure the stitches will be healed in time, hopefully it won't be like my pt, there's a gap on Don't need to be sewed again but it's scary, our miss flower is no longer
1. Wash wounds - please lie down. After finishing the bath / urinating, wipe it dry with roll tissue / towel, then take the time to lie down and wind the wound before putting the yellow medicine in 5 min. After putting the yellow medicine, wind up another 5 min. I bought a small fan, easy to dry the stitching place. Hair dryer is fine but the sound is so noisy.
2. Spray bottles - bought at the shop for only 2 ringgit bottles of small spray. Fill up the yellow medicine, just spray it. Spray a lot, even the inside of the stitching folds are also affected. If the yellow medicine runs out can be asked again from KK. If you wear cotton and dab, sometimes you don't get the wounded place, just like me at first. It's fun to put it in the place. You know that the top thread is gone.
3. Reduce walking but still can exercise - of course. If you really need it, please squeeze it as if you don't give gold away from the leg cl The closer the clip, the faster the meat combines the better. Even kel exercise promotes blood circulation to wounded, wounds heal quickly ~ uolss tao x exercise kel camane?? No one pm at the side.. hihihi
4. Change pad - change 2-4 hours once. Counting the stitches always wind up. If your child is squeezing, do what you can do often. But don't wait 5-6 hours, quickly scratched later, no more germs. Please avoid.
5. Vitamin C, zinc - take extra vitamin c. Like I can't eat the sunkist orange because my stomach is squeezing, I take additional vitamin c to help heal the wound. Just buy, as long as we get well soon. Those who can eat orange, the better. Dry fast.
6. Salt water - there's a word that this salt makes the thread rotting faster, there's a word that quickly combines wounds, many people say So do it once a day. Even salt water I spray bottle easy just spray it after urinating. It's better to make sitz bath. soaking up ~
7. Poop - avoid constipation. Drinking enough water, eating green fruits & vegetables & calcium can also prevent constipation ~ if it's difficult to drink milk, just take OSTEOMATRIX calcium. Constipation will really disturb the stitching place, afraid it will be open. Don't push too much.
This is the only basic care of stitching wounds that the mission can be shared. Those who add manjakani, acid chip etc are optional, according to self-confidence. I didn't do it & wouldn't recommend because the hygiene level of the ingredients is also doubted & because I'm afraid That's it.
Credit: Noor Shafinah Mamat.
For papa mama who wants pregnancy - birth - abstinence - educating children & breastfeeding mother's milk can click this link to get it: ebook.9bulan10hari.com 😍Translated
good hair day towel 在 Microfiber VS Regular Towels... Will Your Hair Dry FASTER? 的推薦與評價

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Microfiber Hair Towel. Our microfiber hair towel is the perfect post-shower accessory! This ultra absorbent microfiber terry is designed to dry your hair ... ... <看更多>
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The amazing material makes this hair towel work great, but it is also highly durable. Use it day after day, and wash it hundreds of times without it wearing ... ... <看更多>