☐ 每天拿起口罩戴就覺得好攰
☐ 經常洗手開始有負面感覺
☐ 聽到限聚令感覺好唏噓
☐ 去到郊外或離島立即除口罩深呼吸
☐ 總是想外出購物
☐ 對生活充滿無力感
☐ 感到胃脹不適、氣頂頂
☐ 不時嘆氣
☐ 多打嗝或放屁
☐ 頭痛,尤其兩側脹痛
☐ 胃脘脹痛,痛連兩脅
☐ 出現腹瀉或便秘
☐ 入睡困難、多夢甚至失眠
✔️CheckCheckCin 美茶推介:疏肝
✔️CheckCheckCin 紙包茶療推介:火龍果玫瑰茶
✅ 適合有大便不暢、有壓力、經常嘆氣、暗啞肌膚的人士。
Welcome to order through our website:�www.checkcheckcin.com
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Do you have pandemic fatigue?
Keep your stress level in check
The COVID-19 pandemic has been going on for a year now, and many people have developed pandemic fatigue. Many of us might not realize its impact on our emotions but our body would send us signals from time to time.
Over the last year, do you feel like you are becoming more and more uncomfortable? Do you feel heaty easily? Are you constantly overwhelmed by negativity? You may want to take the test below to check your stress level.
☐ Feel annoyed by the need to put on a mask every day
☐ Irritated by the need to wash hands regularly
☐ Reading or listening to news about the Restriction Order causes you to feel depressed
☐ Want to remove your mask to breathe once you are in the sub-urb or away from the island
☐ Have the desire to always want to go shopping
☐ Feel hopeless
☐ Often feel the upward flow of abdominal gas
☐ Often sighing unconsciously
☐ Frequent hiccup or fart
☐ Headache, especially pain on both sides
☐ Abdominal and chest pain and bloating, and when the mental stress is high, the pain attacks or worsens
☐ Difficulty passing stool, sometimes constipation, sometimes loose stools
☐ Difficulty falling asleep or frequently dreaming
☐For ladies, breast pain before menstruation. Some men have testicular pain, or chest pain
If you score is 0-2, you are emotionally stable. Keep it up! It would be good if you can spread positive energy to people around you.
If you score is 3-5, you might be experiencing a mild emotional problem. Try to do things that can make you happy.
If you score is 6-9, you might be going through emotional stress. Explore methods that can help you relieve stress or talk to your friends to control your stress level.
If you score is 10-14, you are reaching your limit! Your emotional problem has affected your health. It is time to seek professional help to get rid of the negative emotions!
Experiencing the pandemic fatigue does not mean you are weak. In fact, people who refused to acknowledge that they are emotionally and mentally exhausted are the ones who would further put their mental and physical health at risk!
We need to come to terms with the fact that anyone can burn out, and if this occurs, we need to learn to take a breather and relieve stress. Try simple breathing exercises, stretching exercises or yoga.
If you are working or studying from home, remember to establish a routine and stick to it. By doing so, you can arrange your time properly so you can have sufficient rest throughout the day. If you still find it hard to adjust to this new lifestyle, remember to seek help from professionals.
✔️CheckCheckCin Beauty Tea Recommendation : Stress
Ingredients: Rose, Sweet Osmanthus, Fingered Citron, Fingered Citron Flower
Effects: Promotes qi circulation and relieves stagnation. Relieves busy lifestyle, frequent sighing, stressfulness, menstrual discomfort.
Welcome to order through our website: www.checkcheckcin.com
✔️CheckCheckCin Paper Pack Drink Recommendation : Dragon fruit rose tea
Ingredients: water, dragon fruit juice, rock sugar, honey, rose, lemon juice concentrate, oolong tea
Effects: Loosens bowel to relieve constipation, relieves stress, aids digestion and burns fat. Suitable for those with difficult passing stool, stress, frequent sigh and dull complexion.
Note: Not suitable for menstruating women, but can have this tea before period. Not suitable for pregnant women.
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#男 #女 #我有壓力 #氣滯 #血瘀 #腹瀉 #便秘 #頭痛 #胃脹 #失眠
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//自購 from @garian.hk // SKINNEED UV Perfect Snow White SPF40
𝙷𝙺𝙳𝟺𝟶𝟶/ 𝟼𝟶𝚖𝚕
係一間我好欣賞嘅💛選物店,佢地好多產品都好吸引,好想去佢地門市睇,不過對我黎講有少少遠所以咁耐都未去。今次趁佢哋有優惠買咗Skin Need 防曬,佢係物理防曬黎嘅,有25% 嘅Titanium Dioxide + Zinc Oxide,UVA同UVB都防到。 質地非常之水潤易推,會有少少笠不過好似其他物理防曬咁覺得有層野唔舒服。有泛白問題但唔算好嚴重,大概會比本身膚色白一兩度咁。唔會出擦膠碎,之後再上妝完全無問題。
Overall 我都幾滿意個質地,不過價錢真係比較貴,原價係$500,我買嘅時候有八折先係$400。我防曬都查得幾凶狠下,呢一兩個月少出街如果唔係應該好快用完😂另一樣野要挑剔嘅係呢個品牌比我嘅印象係醫學牌子,比較講究成份,不過係我準備呢個post嘅時候,係包裝同website搵咗好耐都搵唔到佢Titanium Dioxide + Zinc Oxide嘅%,最後係inbox佢哋先問到係25%,而詳細嘅濃度佢哋話係商業秘密唔公開😂但我以前買物理防曬例如Elta MD都會將呢類資料列得清清楚楚,所以我有啲唔理解~🤣
//from @samanthaluiii //MTM Custom-Blended Re-white Mask 𝙷𝙺𝙳𝟾𝟿𝟶/ 𝟺𝟾𝚐
//試用// MTM Custom Blended Hydrating Mask 𝙷𝙺𝙳𝟾𝟿𝟶/ 𝟻𝟺𝚐
//試用// MTM Custom Blended Re-White Essence 𝙷𝙺𝙳𝟷𝟺𝟻𝟶/ 𝟸𝟻𝚖𝚕
//試用// MTM Custom Blended Nutriment Eye Cream 𝙷𝙺𝙳𝟽𝟾𝟶/ 𝟷𝟺𝚐
MTM 嘅產品我會遲啲出一個獨立嘅post review,好精簡地講嘅話我好中意佢地嘅美白精華同hydrating mask,eye cream未開而美白mask我覺得還好。
//自購// FACTIV PHA2 Toner
𝙷𝙺𝙳𝟷𝟼𝟻/ 𝟷𝟻𝟶𝚖𝚕
係我用過最溫和嘅去角質Toner,之前用過Pixi同Ren,兩支都會感覺到有少少那,特別係有傷口嘅時候。但Factiv呢支係完全唔會~非常適合敏感肌或者皮膚比較脆弱嘅用家。單憑肉眼睇,佢去角質嘅功效好似無咁明顯,用Pixi/ Ren都會抹到黃黃黑黑嘅污糟野,但係用Factiv就無。不過用咗一個月,我覺得自己嘅粉刺易清咗,印退得快咗,有啲暗粒唔使擠佢都會自己標出黎!唔肯定係咪完全係Factiv嘅功勞(因為我同時有用緊good genes),但係我覺得佢係去角質方面都做到嘢👍🏻👍🏻
//自購// ELTA MD Foaming Facial Cleanser
𝙷𝙺𝙳𝟷𝟽𝟿/ 𝟸𝟶𝟽𝚖𝚕
無限回購嘅洗面奶,非皂基,完全唔乾,起泡綿密,洗得夠乾淨,超級超級推薦俾乾皮,用咗差唔多兩年都無轉過😍唯一缺點係佢個泵頭會無啦啦自己嘔泡😂不過小問題,唔影響我對佢嘅愛。好多人話除咗藍店莎莎唔知去邊度買好,我自己會係Salala beauty 或者anthonG買,好多地方都有門市架。暫時好似唔係好覺有黃嘅地方賣呢支洗面奶,如果有歡迎留言分享呀~
//自購// DAISO Double Eyelid Tape
作為表哥當然要痴雙眼皮,暫時用過覺得最易用,又唔明顯嘅雙眼皮膠紙就係12蚊店呢款,佢用落同sasa有售嗰款咩beauty world素肌雙眼皮貼有啲似,都係膠布質地,單面同埋彷膚色,但我覺得Daiso嘅黐力強少少,而且售價都平少少。不過呢款雙眼皮膠紙唔係成日都見到有貨,特別係依家12蚊店買少見少,今次係朋友難得見到勁多貨幫我買🤣所以一買就買咗十包✌🏻
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