我們上次跟大家分享了 « l’UNESCO »「聯合國教科文組織」,談到最能代表法國的東西。而當然也不是只有法國🥖,相信每個國家,都有最能代表自身文化以及傳統的事物。它可能是一樣食物,一個地方或者一種節日...等等。
身旁的法語區朋友,一提到台灣,第一個直覺想到的就是「珍珠奶茶、台北101」! 不過當真的踏上美麗的福爾摩沙後,才發現台灣文化中蘊含著更多豐富的寶藏!
La dernière fois, nous avons parlé de l’UNESCO et de ce qui représente le plus la France. Tous les pays ont quelque chose qui représente le mieux leur culture et leurs traditions. Cela peut être de la nourriture, un lieu, une fête etc.
En étant européens, quand on pense à Taïwan, on pense directement au bubble tea, aux montagnes, ou à la tour Taipei 101. Mais une fois arrivés sur l’île de Formose, on se rend compte que la culture taïwanaise a bien d’autres choses à offrir.
Imaginez que vous accueilliez un ami français, dont c’est la première fois à Taïwan. Que choisiriez-vous, parmi ces trois propositions, pour le lui faire découvrir?
Si vous avez une autre idée en tête, vous pouvez nous la dire dans les commentaires !
💡« avoir une idée en tête »: 這個俚語應該很好理解,就是形容「有一個點子」的意思。不過他還有另一種常見用法是形容:「固執己見」,不肯改變想法。
« Tu sais, quand il a une idée dans la tête… »
💡另一個長得很像的俚語:« avoir une idée derrière la tête » ,概念有點像是中文的「閉門造車」。形容一個人「有想法的但是不跟別人說」,目的可能是不想被反駁,或是想要保留驚喜。
« J’ai une idée derrière la tête mais je te la dirai plus tard.»
🥂進階講座 (具備口語B1)
同時也有31部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅Poor travel x 2 Girls,也在其Youtube影片中提到,今次去咗屯門「有料案內所」,我哋試咗「士多啤梨藍莓芝士奶蓋刨冰」、「伯爵茶珍珠窩夫」、以及「熱芝士奶蓋四季春」,等我哋一齊試下質素如何啦~~~ ?Poor travel x 2 Girls 開咗會員功能~ 加入我們「哈哈哈哈哈」的小家庭?:https://www.youtube.com/chann...
「high tea奶茶」的推薦目錄:
- 關於high tea奶茶 在 杰宇的法文邂逅 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於high tea奶茶 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於high tea奶茶 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於high tea奶茶 在 Poor travel x 2 Girls Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於high tea奶茶 在 {{越煮越好}}Very Good Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於high tea奶茶 在 Yunny Hou Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於high tea奶茶 在 High Tea | 女兒奶茶 - 美食板 | Dcard 好物研究室 的評價
- 關於high tea奶茶 在 High Tea 珍珠奶茶 - YouTube 的評價
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- 關於high tea奶茶 在 芳第、High tea在PTT/mobile01評價與討論 - 銀行資訊懶人包 的評價
- 關於high tea奶茶 在 芳第、High tea在PTT/mobile01評價與討論 - 銀行資訊懶人包 的評價
high tea奶茶 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答
☠️咖啡 — 屬性偏溫,具利尿作用,過量飲用會傷陰, 加速皮膚乾燥,令病情惡化。
☠️奶茶 — 紅茶性溫,牛奶滋膩,會影響脾胃消化功能,令水濕積聚體內,鬱而化熱,加重皮膚痕癢情況。
☠️牛奶 — 有補益的作用,如體內有濕者飲用會增加脾胃負擔,濕從內生,令皮膚問題惡化。
☠️啤酒 — 性溫,能散寒氣,有活血功效,但要注意啤酒並沒有清熱作用,更會積聚濕氣,冷飲更屬生冷食物,加重病情。
☠️凍飲 — 低於室溫的凍飲都屬生冷食物,容易生痰生濕,以致脾虛濕盛,令皮膚痕癢纏綿不癒。
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Why does our skin itch?
The itch caused by eczema, rubella, sensitive skin and even acne can be unbearable, and very often, we cannot resist the urge from scratching it. Sometimes, compulsive scratching can even cause bleeding. We might have controlled our diet and avoided certain food, but why does our skin still itch?
Other than the food we eat, have we also paid attention to the beverages we drink? From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, eczema and sensitive skin are closely associated with the weakness of the spleen. The coffee and milk tea Hong Kong citizens enjoy can further exacerbate the condition. If we want to avoid feeling itchy from time to time, we have to be mindful of the beverages we take as well.
Drinks that might easily cause sensitive skin to itch:
☠️ Coffee – warm in nature and has a diuretic effect. Excessive consumption of coffee can damage the yin and dehydrate the skin, causing our skin to itch.
☠️ Milk tea – red tea is warm in nature, whereas milk is thick in nature and has a high satiety effect; can affect the digestive functions of the spleen and stomach. Dampness will then stagnate, causing the body to have excess heat. This will then exacerbate the itching on the skin.
☠️ Milk – has nourishing properties; the spleen and stomach of people with dampness in the body will have to work extra hard if these individuals consume milk. Inevitably, dampness would continue to stagnate in the body, worsening the existing skin problem.
☠️ Beer – warm in nature, can dispel cold and invigorate the blood. Please note that drinking beer does not dissipate the heat. On the contrary, it might cause dampness to accumulate in the body. Drinking it cold can cause the itch to become more severe.
☠️Cold beverages – any cold drinks that are below the room temperature are raw and cold food. Consuming raw and cold food can induce phlegm and dampness, hence, weakening the spleen and causing dampness to stagnate in the body. This is how itchy skin becomes a never-ending problem.
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#男 #女 #濕疹
high tea奶茶 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文
第一位 雪糕
第二位 即食麵
第三位 薯條、炸雞
第四位 珍珠奶茶
第五位 麻辣火鍋
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Leaderboard of secret pregnancy food
Eating and drinking healthy is important for both the mother and baby during pregnancy, and every expecting woman knows that. Yet, as humans, there are times we find it hard to resist certain temptations.
Indulging in certain unhealthy foods can make pregnant moms happy, but sometimes, they feel guilty as well. Nevertheless, it is all alright to enjoy this guilty pleasure once in a blue moon if it helps to relieve pregnancy stress.
No.1 Ice cream
According to Chinese Medicine theories, ice cream is a type of raw and cold food, and that harms the yang energy, spleen, and the stomach. Besides, contamination could happen easily if not stored properly, especially for soft serve, where bacteria can grow and infect a person with listeria. If pregnant moms wish to enjoy ice cream during this warm summer, it is best to opt for hard ice creams that are sold in cups.
No.2 Instant noodles
We all know instant noodles are high in fats, sodium, and low in nutrients, yet we just cannot resist this temptation. Nevertheless, avoid taking instant noodles as your regular meal!
No.3 French fries and fried chicken
Crispy and delicious French fries and fried chicken are the epitome of junk food. No matter how delicious they are, avoid eating them. If you insist, just order a set and share them with someone else.
No.4 Bubble milk tea
Cold beverages and milk tea are big no-no’s for pregnant moms, but since bubble milk tea stores are all over, it is hard for us to ignore them! If the craving kicks in, order a cup with fresh milk tea with less sugar, less bubbles and no ice to make it less unhealthy.
No.5 Spicy hotpot
“Can we harm the fetus by eating spicy food?” Many people wonder about this. It all depends on the pregnant moms’ body constitutions and the health of their intestines and stomachs. Hotpot could cause heat to accumulate in the body, so remember to drink a cup of herbal tea to clear the heat.
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#女 #孕婦
high tea奶茶 在 Poor travel x 2 Girls Youtube 的最佳貼文
?Poor travel x 2 Girls 開咗會員功能~
✨?Thanks For Watching!希望你地會中意睇,中意既比番個like啊,同分享出去,我地未來會帶大家去更多地方,想留意就記得訂閱啦!?
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?フリーBGM&音楽素材 : DOVA-SYNDROME (https://dova-s.jp/)
?きまぐれにゃんこ written by table_1 (https://dova-s.jp/bgm/play12415.html)
?小さな冒険 written by ゆうきわたる (https://dova-s.jp/bgm/play13980.html)
?シナモンロール written byクラウンジ (https://dova-s.jp/bgm/play13894.html)
?Poor travel x 2 Girls:https://www.youtube.com/c/Poortravelx2Girls?sub_confirmation=1
?有料案內所 FuwaFuwaPancakes
#屯門 #刨冰 #屯門甜品

high tea奶茶 在 {{越煮越好}}Very Good Youtube 的精選貼文
⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️
1. 花旗參,桂圓及紅棗,清水洗乾淨。
2. 紅棗,去核。
3. 花旗參,剪細粒。
4. 加入水1升。
1. 大火煲滾。
2. 水滾後,轉中火煲10分鐘。
3. 完成,熄火,焗10分鐘,可享用。
American ginseng tea with dried longngan and red dates
American ginseng 2 Nos.
Dried long ngan 10 Nos.
Red dates 10 Nos.
1. American ginseng, dried long ngan and red dates, rinse with tap water.
2. Red dates, remove the seeds.
3. American ginseng, dice in small cubes.
4. Add water 1L.
1. Heat up a high flame.
2. Water boils up, turn to medium flame, boil for 10 minutes.
3. Complete. Turn off fire. Leave it for 10 minutes. Serve.
?凍飲 / 熱飲☕/ 煲嘢飲?
1. 南瓜露 電飯煲糖水https://youtu.be/5UieUzG_WvU
2. 清潤蘋果水https://youtu.be/RaNVtc52OeY
3. 魚腥草 聲沙喉痛消炎https://youtu.be/9-ByxItzypM
4. 土茯苓 去濕毒 濕疹救星https://youtu.be/MicM4DxDT9Y
5. 青木瓜水 治療膝痛 擺脫痛風https://youtu.be/G91vn8NHoPY
6. 老黃瓜去濕 大暑煲佢https://youtu.be/a6b8KBBt3tY
7. 荔枝椰果爽 養顏https://youtu.be/IgZ8i2s7864 京都千八
8. 紫米露 美顏滋潤https://youtu.be/S1PeIJq1UJY
9. 山楂蘋果 開胃消滯https://youtu.be/-ohpYv5YIyg
10. 洛神花 降壓 養眠https://youtu.be/cfDLGy-9d6k
11 . 粉葛去濕https://youtu.be/p3OGjJrJZ_8
12. 南瓜珍珠
13. 楊梅山楂 解暑消滯https://youtu.be/UuUdbmw6xeI
14. 山楂 降血脂https://youtu.be/0xZy3wdkDWA
15.酸梅湯 消暑下火 https://youtu.be/KEWGOiw4T90
16. 秋冬滋潤茶
17. 安睡茶 洛神圓肉https://youtu.be/dTOCFaY2AqU
18. 預防感冒https://youtu.be/C-0f1I3KGEU
19. 脹肚消滯茶https://youtu.be/_Qvr2zLxMVs
20 . 牛大力土茯苓 解毒去濕https://youtu.be/MsS2zWNOim8
21. 黑豆桑枝 周身骨痛https://youtu.be/iCHrygjXotY
22. 預防麻疹 有根有據https://youtu.be/Bcqjd3oCTiA
23. 消脂排毒養顏抗氧化https://youtu.be/6AESIM2D4Kg
24. 冰涼綠茶益力多 消脂美白 抗氧化https://youtu.be/xhbm_icm9RE
25. 大暑小暑必飲https://youtu.be/kPPMCDA7HmE
26. 蜜糖苦瓜汁 清熱解毒 倉倉豆豆拜拜https://youtu.be/kzT81aDn880
27.洛神花蘋果 助睡通便https://youtu.be/_l-vFt_DKjQ
28.綠豆 急救湯https://youtu.be/toEc-53Ow_A
29.. 菊花檸檬蜜 護膚美顏https://youtu.be/iVyUx94NZlc
30.蜜糖菊花鮮檸檬 美白清熱
31. 港式奶茶 茶餐廳技巧https://youtu.be/bsH1NbxoYJY
32. 凍檸茶 靚過餐廳https://youtu.be/bsH1NbxoYJY
33. 強肺 羅漢果https://youtu.be/VtqVpdTf1Xo
34. 菠蘿冰 贏曬https://youtu.be/s66LOKN8piQ
35. 玫瑰杞子 消除壓力https://youtu.be/lcNND3lQDqI
36. 龍鬚 神仙果 寶中寶https://youtu.be/hu1_x4v7c-w
37. 圓肉花旗參茶
American Ginseng Red Dates Tea? Releases Stress?Improves Qi & Blood Deficiency???
American Ginseng Red Dates Tea

high tea奶茶 在 Yunny Hou Youtube 的精選貼文
Part 2 of our Yeosu Trip! For DAY 2, we hopped on the Yeosu city bus 🚌 to take as around the famous tour spots of the city including the fun cable car ride to dolsan park and Odongdo Island. And also got to see the Yin Sun Sin Square with lots of good food too!
麗水自由行第二天!😝 跟著我們一起坐麗水的觀光巴士 🚌 遊玩麗水著名的各各景點吧~從高空纜車坐到突山公園,到梧桐島到李舜臣廣場和各種好吃的美食!而且我們還發現了特大號24cm大的珍珠奶茶店~
Connect with Me!
♡ Instagram | @x.yunny.x
♡ Instagram | @my.eatz
♡ Email | yunnyhou@gmail.com
Music by Disco Shrine - Wanna Get Away - https://thmatc.co/?l=5D41374
Music by Carter Vail - Milk Carton - https://thmatc.co/?l=4E7EFB00
Music by Carter Vail - Love-15 - https://thmatc.co/?l=C1197F9A
Music by HubbaBubbas - Address - https://thmatc.co/?l=25DC162B
Music by MYSM - Honeymoon At The Holiday Inn - https://thmatc.co/?l=A2912F93
Music by Fiji Blue - Waves - https://thmatc.co/?l=0687F379
What I use:
♡ Camera | Canon G7X Mark ii
♡ Doodles | SketchBook iPad App
♡ Editing | Final Cut Pro x Adobe Premiere Pro

high tea奶茶 在 High Tea 珍珠奶茶 - YouTube 的推薦與評價

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high tea奶茶 在 High Tea - 首頁 - Facebook 的推薦與評價
網羅來自世界產地特色茶葉,以獨家製茶工藝與不斷創新思維,完美融合花草果穀等元素,發掘出茶品的無限可能。 High Tea購物商城:shop.highteaworld.com. ... <看更多>
high tea奶茶 在 High Tea | 女兒奶茶 - 美食板 | Dcard 好物研究室 的推薦與評價
逛逛更多好物商品,High Tea創立於1991年,經營理念為:健康安心Healthy,最高品質High Quality,幸福喜悅Happiness,挑選來源安心且通過檢驗的原料 ,研發高品質的 ... ... <看更多>