我的天啊! 剛剛住香港的高中朋友在臉書 po 給我的訊息~ 那就是他剛在香港誠品居然看到我的書😍 整個人內心無限尖叫😆 原因是書剛出版的時候他在香港找不到,於是來台灣參加我的婚宴時就帶了幾本回家送朋友😌
現在書本既然在香港誠品出現,代表香港朋友們不用再用博客來海外運送了😁 出版社看到這張照片應該會覺得很開心香港誠品把我的書擺在不錯的位置 😆 希望以後有機會可以到香港跟大家分享旅遊經驗🎙️
Ps. 話說最近 博客來網路書店 旅遊書打 75折,還沒買 Winny 新書《地心引力抓不住的冒險家》的朋友們記得不要錯過唷❤️ 購買網址↪ https://goo.gl/RYPSTp 😊
My high school friend who lives in Hong Kong just sent a photo of him and my book in Eslite bookstore😍 When my book was first published, he couldn't find it in Hong Kong, so when he came to my wedding in Taiwan, he bought a few back for his friends to read 😌
So glad my book is available in Hong Kong, now people don't have to buy it from international sites 😊 Hopefully one day we can held seminars there 😆 #hkeslite #hongkong #地心引力抓不住的冒險家