中國政府對赴美掛牌的中國新創業發動一系列打擊,嚇壞海外投資人,中國相關個股遭全球拋售,一天之內蒸發5,570億美元,外資透過滬港通、深港通拋售的A股淨額多達人民幣128億元(20億美元),創2020年7月24日以來最大單日拋售額,中國2020年11月叫停螞蟻集團(Ant Group)上市計畫,並祭出一連串規管行動,讓科技業噤若寒蟬。補教業成為最新傳出的打擊對象,更使中國股市7月26日蒸發2,940億美元。
問世一週年的恆生科技指數(Hang Seng Tech Index)也在騰訊、美團重挫的影響下,市值驟減1,650億美元。那斯達克金龍中國指數(NasdaqGolden Dragon China Index)由98檔跨入中國市場的企業組成,一夕減損980億美元,紅蟻資本(Atta Capital)投資組合經理人Alan Li說,人們雖對即將祭出的監管措施有些心理準備,卻沒料到規模遠超預期,可以理解為何有人會設法停損、甚至恐懼拋股。
曾任摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)亞洲區董事長的耶魯大學教授Stephen Roach警告,中國當局打擊赴美掛牌的中國企業,恐怕是冷戰的初期暗號,Roach表示,「每當涉及中國,我都是天生的樂觀者,但這些行動實在令人困擾。」,中國經濟如今由新創企業驅動,中國卻對其核心價值及商業模式窮追猛打,中美的緊張關係恐升溫至1970年代初期以來從未見過的地步,4月Roach就曾對美中關係惡化示警,還說兩國已瀕臨冷戰邊緣。如今,Roach暗示界線恐怕已被跨越。他說,「這些行動危及過去數年來中國讓人倍感振奮的核心,這讓我相當憂慮。」
身為中國發展最快的產業之一,科技公司面臨強大的監管風險。馬雲螞蟻集團和NASDAQ上市的滴滴,中國當局以大膽舉措壓制,已讓全球投資者擔心中國數據控制收緊而與華盛頓的關係仍然困難而逃離,荷寶公司(Robeco Hong Kong Ltd.)投資組合經理Joshua Crabb說:「人們一直擔心中期盈利能力可能會因數據更公開化而削弱,隱私成了大問題,這仍是不利因素。」
美國銀行(Bank of America)策略師稱,監管壓力不太可能很快消失,建議投資者轉向中國以外科技公司,如今各路分析均告誡中國科技股買家要當心,指標追蹤30家在港上市的最大科技公司,包括騰訊控股有限公司、阿里巴巴集團控股有限公司、美團點評等,美中關係日益緊張,加上華盛頓強調對美國股市掛牌的中概股會計審核,越來越多中國科技公司尋求在國內和香港上市。
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hong kong china bank 在 Fernando Chiu-hung Cheung 張超雄 Facebook 的精選貼文
Honoring Jimmy Lai
In Hong Kong, a valiant attempt to keep publishing the truth.
By The Editorial Board
June 21, 2021 12:02 am ET
The Committee to Protect Journalists was founded 40 years ago to fight for journalists who are “attacked, imprisoned or killed.” In this spirit, the CPJ on Monday announced it is honoring Hong Kong’s Jimmy Lai with its 2021 Gwen Ifill Press Freedom Award. Mr. Lai, the founder, owner and contributor to the Apple Daily newspaper, won’t be able to accept the award in person because he sits in prison in Hong Kong.
The CPJ honor comes after another police raid on the newsroom last week. Five Apple Daily execs were arrested, and two—editor-in-chief Ryan Law and chief executive officer Cheung Kim-hung —were charged under the new national security law and thus denied bail. The CPJ notes that Mr. Lai “fights for the right of his Apple News organization to publish freely, even as China and its backers in Hong Kong use every tool to quash them.”
The grim news is that those who want Apple silenced may be succeeding. We have learned that Apple may be only days away from stopping its presses. This itself is a lesson in freedom. Instead of directly censoring the publication, Hong Kong authorities, backed by China, have targeted the lifeblood of any news organization, its business operations.
The lesson of Apple is that freedom of the press doesn’t exist in the abstract. It depends on property rights. By freezing Apple’s corporate accounts, by stopping Mr. Lai from voting his shares (he holds 72% of the company), and by scaring people from advertising in Apple or doing business with it, Hong Kong has been trying to deny the paper the wherewithal to continue. Lenin understood this more than a century ago, recommending that Communists control newsprint and advertising to bring the press to heel.
There’s a warning here for other Hong Kong business enterprises that may not think they have a stake in what happens to Mr. Lai or Apple. Hong Kong authorities are stealing Mr. Lai’s company because they don’t like his political views—and they have done it by police orders, without due process or judicial review. If they can do it to his company, does anyone really believe they won’t do it to a bank or tech company that offends China?
The men and women at Apple have been making a valiant stand to keep publishing despite the risk of arrest and imprisonment. They are an example of real journalistic courage that should educate an American media that likes to play up its bravery in challenging the government while living under the protection of the First Amendment and a free society. Mr. Lai and his journalists have put their freedom at risk to challenge a real tyranny.
The CPJ award is richly deserved, and it should put a global spotlight on what is happening to Mr. Lai and Apple. As China’s Communist Party seeks to expand its political control over critics world-wide, often with the acquiescence of Hollywood and U.S. tech companies, Jimmy Lai speaks for everyone fighting for the cause of liberty.//
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Channel Description:
Animated documentary-style videos on extraordinary Asian events.
Kento Bento — Researcher, writer, narrator, audio editor, video editor, motion graphics & art director
Charlie Rodriguez — Illustrator
Isambard Dexter — Research assistant
Jorrit van Ginkel — Music assistant
Nina Bento — Cheerleader
Video Title: "These Events Will Happen in Asia in 2020"
"Our last video was about the start of 2020 – all the likely Asian events to happen in the first six months – but this video is about how it all ends. We’ll be breaking down the final six months of 2020 (all 29 future events), and, as you will see, things get even crazier..."
Talking Points: Artificial meteor shower, Tokyo 2020 Olympics, mission to Mars, oldest serving state leader, Hiroshima & Nagasaki atomic bombings, first self-sustaining nuclear fusion reactor, Hong Kong protests, US election hacking, world's largest trade deal, Indian Apple Store, world's largest IKEA store, world's tallest ferris wheel, 2020 World Expo, District 2020, World Robot Summit, MrBeast, United Nations Arms Embargo, Iran Nuclear Deal, Donald Trump, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, manga cult-classic Akira, Kim Jong-un, Xi Jinping, deep fakes, Vladimir Putin, Andrew Yang, G20 Summit, dengue virus, asteroid Ryugu, Hayabusa2 sample-return mission.
Countries Covered: Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea, India, UAE, ASEAN, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong, Russia, Israel, Armenia, Philippines, Malaysia, East Timor, Iran.
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Channel Description:
Animated documentary-style videos on extraordinary Asian events.
Kento Bento — Researcher, writer, narrator, audio editor, video editor, motion graphics & art director
Charlie Rodriguez — Illustrator
Isambard Dexter — Research assistant
Jorrit van Ginkel — Music assistant
Nina Bento — Cheerleader
Video Title: These Events Will Happen in Asia in 2020 (part 1)
"As you probably know, this video will be different from normal, because it won’t just be about one event, but multiple events in the near future, all happening in Asia in 2020. Now of course predicting such events month-by-month is extremely difficult, but we can always give our best estimates based on the information we currently have."
In this video, we cover some of the following:
- Burj Khalifa, Al Marjan Island & fireworks (UAE)
- Kim Jong-un New Year's Address (North Korea)
- Xi Jinping's battle with Winnie the Pooh (China)
- Taiwan & China's conflict
- Hong Kong protests
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- Beidou Satellite System (China)
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- Central Asia & Lonely Planet
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- Andrew Yang in the Democratic presidential primaries
- BTS and mandatory military service (South Korea)
- US' Huawei Ban
- Azerbaijan's first lady and vice president
- Tajikistan's very tasty president
- ABU International Song Contest (China)
- China's Beidou Satellite System
+ more!
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