謝謝 香港素食會 Hong Kong Vegetarian Society 的幫忙,讓我工作變輕鬆之餘,又可繼續推廣純素! 想知道下次會介紹些什麼嗎?繼續留意我們的動向吧~
This restaurant Hemingway's DB located in Discovery Bay which just switched to vegan from meat restaurant, a lot of variety of food options, keep adding and improving dishes, also they care our planet a lot that joined some environment movement! RESPECT!
This is my first time coorporate with other organization to create videos, I did everything by my own in the past such as brainstorm ideas, contact restaurants and interviewees, interview contents, filming, host, editing, managing social media, etc. this time I only need to do filming and editing, I feel way more relaxed, this is the power of a team!
#veganexpression #vegans #vegansinhongkong #Hemingway #hongkongvegetariansoviety #veganfood #veganrestaurant #veganpower #vegangirls #foodporn #foodie #veganbar #teamwork #teamspirit #loveanimals #discoverybay
為理想去到幾盡?烤肉店go vegan!
【海明威】 驚喜「素」造地中海美食
水清沙幼的愉景灣灣畔,對正無敵海景,有間屹立多年的Hemingway's By The Bay,最近由一間肉食餐廳搖身一變,成為推廣可持續、講環保的特色餐廳,所有餐牌上的食物都神不知鬼不覺地由肉變素,好味之餘更加健康﹗餐廳不時有Live band演奏,置身室內飲酒聽歌氣氛一流。如果你喜歡悠閒和空間感,亦可考慮坐戶外梳化位吹海風談心,感覺寫意﹗
Hemingway's DB
營業時間:星期一至五 15:00 - 24:00
星期六、日及公眾假期 11:00 - 02:00
電話:2987 8855
鳴謝義務拍攝:Lily Go Green
#Vegan Expression
#VeganOptionsHK #VeganHK #素街 #純素選擇 #海邊的海明威
#HemingwaysByTheBay #愉景灣 #VeganFriday