Happy International Women’s Day!!! Here’s to not needing one in the future!!
I think this is for women who feel uncomfortable about this day. The ones who dont understand why women get a “special day” and men dont, who get uncomfortable with words like sexism, inequality, harrassment etc. I feel you.
So, idk if this relates to you, but I’ll share from my experience. One of the things I realized I did, was that when I brought up an issue with someone, if they didnt agree, whether they did or didnt say i was the problem, i would immediately turn on myself. I would immediately think that I was the problem.
“I’m too sensitive. I’m overthinking. I must have said something wrong. It was my fault. How dare I.”
I have since learned that actually, that’s not very balanced.
Saw these quotes from @lizlistens shared by @createsaferelationships.
“Being able to admit when you are at fault is one of the most important relationship skills you could ever develop.”
“Being able to hold your ground when you’re not at fault is one of the most vital individual skills you could ever develop.”
Whose dismissive voices had I internalized? Why was I so much more comfortable attacking and abandoning myself than listening to myself?
Part of what i had to do was work on the why, and part of it was also looking for more balanced voices.
These were some really nice examples for me so I thought I’d share them! If you are at a stage where you are still internalising outside voices as your own, and you dont believe or trust yours yet, i hope you find voices that believe respect, dignity, safety, equity, equal opportunites should be a given, not a privillege. And those voices exist.
The voices that require us to turn on ourselves are not the only voices around.
Dont turn on you. ♥️ Happy International Women’s Day ♥️
hope for the future quotes 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的精選貼文
This morning, Michelle Obama delivered her final public speech as First Lady of the United States.
Obama spoke at the 2017 School Counselor of the Year Event—which she organized in 2015 as a part of her Reach Higher initiative—in the East Room of the White House, addressing guests, panelists and those honored by the American School Counselor Association.
FLOTUS' remarks stood as an emotional early goodbye, which doubled as a jarring reminder that Obama's eight-year administration really is coming to an end soon. After thanking school counselors from across the country for inspiring students to pursue the best education possible, she left off with a message to young people, urging them to continue to hope. The First Lady was speaking through tears by the end of the address.
The whole speech was memorable and moving, but below are the 10 best moments:
"For all the young people in this room and those who are watching, know that this country belongs to you—to all of you, from every background and walk of life. If you or your parents are immigrants, know that you are part of a proud American tradition—the infusion of new cultures, talents and ideas, generation after generation, that has made us the greatest country on earth."
"If your family doesn't have much money, I want you to remember that in this country, plenty of folks, including me and my husband. We started out with very little. But with a lot of hard work and a good education, anything is possible—even becoming President. That's what the American Dream is all about."
"If you are a person of faith, know that religious diversity is a great American tradition, too. In fact, that's why people first came to this country: to worship freely. And whether you are Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh―these religions are teaching our young people about justice, and compassion, and honesty. So I want our young people to continue to learn and practice those values with pride."
"You see, our glorious diversity—our diversity of faiths, and colors and creeds―that is not a threat to who we are, it makes us who we are."
"To the young people here, and the young people out there: do not ever let anyone ever make you feel like you don't matter, or like you don't have a place in our American story—because you do. And you have a right to be exactly who you are. But I also want to be very clear: this right isn't just handed to you. No, this right has to be earned every single day. You cannot take your freedoms for granted."
"When you are struggling, and you start thinking about giving up, I want you to remember something that my husband and I have talked about since we first started this journey nearly a decade ago—something that has carried us through every moment in this White House and every moment of our lives—and that is the power of hope. The belief that something better is always possible if you're willing to work for it and fight for it."
"It is our fundamental belief in the power of hope that has allowed us to rise above the voices of doubt and division, of anger and fear that we have faced in our own lives and in the life of this country. Our hope that if we work hard enough and believe in ourselves, then we can be whatever we dream, regardless of the limitations that others may place on us."
"It's the hopes of folks like my dad, who got up every day, do his job at the city water plant; the hope that one day his kids would go to college and have opportunities he never dreamed of. That's the kind of hope that every single one of us—politicians, parents, preachers, all of us—need to be providing for our young people. Because that is what moves this country forward every single day: our hope for the future and the hard work that hope inspires. So that's my final message to young people as First Lady. It is simple."
"I want our young people to know that they matter. That they belong. So don't be afraid. Do you hear me? Young people, don't be afraid. Be focused. Be determined. Be hopeful. Be empowered. Empower yourselves with a good education. Then get out there and use that education to build a country worthy of your boundless promise. Lead by example with hope, never fear, and know that I will be with you, rooting for you and working to support you for the rest of my life."
"Being your First Lady has been the greatest honor of my life, and I hope I've made you proud."
#高雄人 #學習英文 請找 #多益達人林立英文
hope for the future quotes 在 NEJS - the New England Journal of Stupid Facebook 的最讚貼文
【被退稿嗎? 專家教你寫"反退稿信 (Rejection of rejection letter)"】
投稿就有退稿 (rejection),但每次都收到那制式、公版的退稿信是否讓你厭煩呢?
如果你想吶喊、想爭一口氣,教你寫" 反退稿信 (Rejection of rejection letter)"
Rejection of rejection letter
[insert university emblem here]
Dear Professor [insert name of editor]
[Re: MS 2015_XXXX Insert title of ground-breaking study here]
Thank you for your rejection of the above manuscript.
Unfortunately we are not able to accept it at this time. As you are probably aware we receive many rejections each year and are simply not able to accept them all. In fact, with increasing pressure on citation rates and fiercely competitive funding structures we typically accept fewer than 30% of the rejections we receive. Please don’t take this as a reflection of your work. The standard of some of the rejections we receive is very high.
In terms of the specific factors influencing our decision the failure by Assessor 1 to realise the brilliance of the study was certainly one of them. Simply stating “this study is neither novel nor interesting and does not extend knowledge in this area” is not reason enough. This, coupled with the use of Latin quotes by Assessor 2, rendered an acceptance of your rejection extremely unlikely.
We do wish you and your editorial team every success with your rejections in the future and hope they find safe harbour elsewhere. To this end, may we suggest you send one to [insert name of rival research group] for consideration. They accept rejections from some very influential journals.
Please understand that our decision regarding your rejection is final. We have uploaded the final manuscript in its original form, along with the signed copyright transfer form.
We look forward to receiving the proofs and to working with you in the future.
Yours sincerely
Dr [insert name here]
[Insert research group acronym here]
[Insert university here]
你們退我的稿我們不能接受,對於你們退稿的理由,我們覺得沒新意又老梗,請你們瞭解,我們心意已決,我們已經把一模一樣的稿件重新上傳了,還有你們要的那一堆哩哩叩叩冗件,我們期待你們的認可 (接受稿件就對了),我們未來有緣再見!!
本篇引用自:BMJ 2015;351:h6326. http://goo.gl/PTWNFF