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上週在幫 Maxime Frederic 主廚(巴黎喬治五世四季酒店)拍完各種作品照片、並修圖超過 200 張之後,我另外找了一天做深度專訪,想為大家詳細介紹這位我在巴黎最喜歡的甜點主廚。結果我們非常開心地聊了超過一個小時,以至於我現在在逐字稿的地獄中😓...大家先看影片,裡面有 Maxime 親自和大家打招呼的訊息喔!
Interviewed my favorite Parisian pastry chef, Maxime Frédéric (Four Seasons Hotel George V Paris) last week and now trying my very best to finish the transcription and writing the article. Well, I guess as I shouldn't complain as it was such a pleasure to know more about him, his passion, and philosophies! Click to watch the video and see what he wants to share with us!
#yingspastryguide #paris #maximefrederic #fsgeorgev