《米桶發財法》(English version below)
When I was still a youth, one day, I suddenly realized that I was perhaps too thin and it was time to beef up my physique. Firstly, I would be able to protect the people around me, and also look better and healthier on the whole. Thus, I increased my food intake, borrowed a pair of 9kg dumbbells from my classmate, diligently did push-ups and sit-ups, as well as used other exercising equipment. These were my indoor exercises. As for my outdoor activities, I mostly and frequently did swimming. My favorite strokes in the pool then were breast-stroke and the butterfly stroke. After every lap, I liked to get onto dry land and do sit-ups and push-ups. I dare not say how great my body was, however I did received praises from other men and women. At the very least, I did not have excess fat hanging off me.
Besides those indoor and outdoor body-building activities, I also had a special training method: carry rice sacks. Yes, you heard it correct. My father was an intelligent but strict disciplinarian, and I was often afraid yet in awe of him. One day, I summoned my courage and told him that I would like to help buy rice for the household. He agreed with a slight smile. Ever since my birth into this Samsara world, this was my first time experiencing the weight of lifting 10kg rice, with my left and right hands carrying 5kg respectively. Coupled with the journey to and fro, a famous Chinese poem seemed to sing from my heart:
Neath the midday sun he hoes his crops
His sweat moistens the soil between the stalks
Of food on the table who recalls
Each grain is produced through bitter toil
This experience was indeed something! As I got home, my dad still greeted me with a slight smile. Although my first experience of buying rice was refreshing and tough, I did not have any thought of backing off. I considered it as a good opportunity to repay my parents, and to strengthen my physique at the same time.
Master Dai Hu sincerely wish that everyone would gain wisdom and discern the true from the false, destroy evil speech and dishonest practices, not have fear and deranged delusions, have bliss and freedom and finally leave the realm of sufferings. There are many people who place a huge self-importance on their physical appearance. To have a graceful figure so as to reach the level of being one with their clothing, (laughs), they would burn their boats and forsake eating rice, all in the name of beauty. This is especially common among the ladies. The fact is that these ladies do not understand the benefits of eating rice for the human body.
The rice grain is birthed from the dew of Heaven and the spiritual qi of earth. It is an important source of survival energy for humans. It can serve as an antidote to poison, for removal and transformation of vile energies, consecration, curing of illnesses, beauty care, skincare, etc. After losing weight successfully, many ladies get stricken with ailments. Although there are several reasons to this, it is not far from not consuming rice. The city of Chao Zhou is famed for producing beauties, renowned for their distinctive elegant and almond-shaped eyes and porcelain skins. Why is that so? Because rice porridge and steamed food are staple foods of the people in Chao Zhou. The rice minerals prevalent in rice are vital minerals that the human body needs.
There are numerous types of rice, with the commonly seen grains like the pearl rice, Indian basmati rice, the Thai jasmine rice, brown rice, glutinous rice, etc. These various grains each have their own elemental types. If you are very clear about your favourable elements in your Bazi, you can purchase the suitable grain type, to gain prosperity everyday through your daily consumption. This is the first technique to striking great wealth. It is simple yet brings practical benefits. I pity the misbelieving men and women, who spent huge money only to act ignorantly, get drained of energy, and at the end, brought nothing but trouble to themselves and their families.
Today, I, Master Dai Hu, impart this method out of compassion for the sentient beings, and hope that those who benefits pay it forward to accumulate more hidden merits. After purchasing the right type of grains, store it in a wooden rice bin, and paste a paper, with the Chinese character "滿" written on it, onto the bin exterior. This is the second technique to more riches.
If you wish to place the rice bin on top of a cabinet, please place it away from the window, even better if it is at a spot that can accumulate Qi. This is the third step to greater wealth. This method of striking riches with your rice bin is applicable for everyone and every household. Get ready to welcome the days of great harvest and rice clothing!
《向善向上 2》Towards Kindness, Towards Betterment 2
30則真人真事的度眾故事 30 real-life deliverance stories of Master Dai Hu
全彩色的漫畫 Comics in full colour illustration
中英文翻譯 In both English & Mandarin
約200頁 About 200 pages
此書將於2018年11月底抵達新加坡,目前開放預購,預計11月30日之前以Smartpac寄出 (本地郵寄),屆時也會在台灣金石堂書局同步上架。價格大眾化,包涵全球運送,無需再付郵資。
This book will reach the shores of Singapore in end-November 2018. Right now, the pre-order is open and the books are estimated to be mailed out through Smartpac, by 30 November. At the same time, it will be on the shelves of Taiwan KingStone bookshop.
The economical price includes global delivery (Smartpac mailing for Singapore addressees, registered mail for overseas mailing).
「household name意思」的推薦目錄:
household name意思 在 張寶華 Sharon Facebook 的最讚貼文
今晚電話同fb messenger 響過不停,朋友不約而同send 同一篇文比我。讀了幾段: 寫華仁仔的,點解關我事?
穿得西裝筆挺的一位爸爸在香港某家國際學校的舊生酒會裏發表偉論,最引人入勝的一句是「而家啲 local school 唔入流」。雖然我是一位出身 local school 的香港仔,我一點也不介懷他對 local school 的看法,但他之後的意見,我覺得有點問題。「稍為好少少嘅 local school,全部都係男校,要我咁多年都淨係對住仔,我肯定心理變態。」
男校是一個 fraternity,一個 bonding 比起任何一種 fraternity 都要強的 fraternity。讀過男校的學生,都接受過一種另類的軍訓式洗腦,而這種洗腦會將你的人生徹底改變之餘,更會在你身上留下一道永不磨滅的疤痕,而這道疤痕的其中一種形態就是我們對異性的看法。
世人對和尚寺學校都有一個誤解,那就是由和尚寺出來的男生都不懂得跟異性相處,甚至乎像那位爸爸說的一樣,是「心理變態」的。世人太愚昧了,講到同異性相處,和尚寺出來的男生 can run before they even learn to walk。
雖然和尚寺學校沒有女仔,但和尚寺學校絕對有唔少女人,我說的當然是老師。從這個角度出發,我對我們當年的譚兆炳校長是心存感激的。佢請親嗰啲女,I mean 嗰啲女老師,都咁睇得,我指係佢哋出嗰啲 note-si,你話呢個校長係咪唔話得。比起嗰啲浪費資源喺改善學校設施嘅學校管理層,我覺得一位能夠在吸納老師方面想得如此周到的校長更能惠澤莘莘學子。
至於為什麼男校的學生比起那些男女校或國際學校的學生更懂得跟異性相處,就正正是因為對於我們來說,女老師便是我們異性世界的全部,係全 L 部。沒有女仔,只有女人。簡單一個問題:女仔難搞定女人難搞?梗係女人。因為我哋冇得揀,所以難搞都要焗住搞,搞吓搞吓便搞了一身好武功出來。現今正積極在社會打拼的七八十後華仁仔,便是由以下三位華仁女神調搞出來的。
第一位女神是 BBC,唔係英國廣播電台嗰個 BBC,係華仁嘅 BBC。這位 BBC 老師在華仁已經是一個 household name,除非你啱啱讀中一,否則你冇可能唔識 BBC。In fact,我讀中一讀咗兩個禮拜,未知道校長係邊個已經知道邊個係 BBC。
仲記得我第一次知道點解 BBC 叫做 BBC 之後,我差啲流鼻血。BBC 即係 Big Ball Chan,我諗之後都唔使再解釋啲乜嘢。由中一讀到中七,困擾我足足七年嘅問題係,究竟 BBC 知唔知自己叫 BBC?為咗搵出答案,我喺距離畢業仲有三個星期嘅一個星期二,我做咗一個差啲斷送自己前途嘅舉動,就係我見到 BBC 喺 chapel 對開嗰條路行過之際,好大聲咁嗌咗聲:BBC!
好記得 BBC 即刻停低咗,向我衝過嚟,直接的咗我去爆房。唔好心邪,係爆咗入羅榮新副校長間房。羅 sir 問 BBC 我衰咩,BBC 叫我自己講,我話我大嗌;羅 sir 問我嗌乜,我話我嗌 BBC。我好佩服羅 sir 嘅忍笑能力,亦都好感激佢冇喺我畢業之前搞花我個底,只係隨便咁罰咗我留一個禮拜堂。本來我大可以理直氣壯咁問,係唔係大聲嗌英國廣播電台個名都唔得,但算,我冇咁做,因為我已經達到我目的,就係原來我終於知道 BBC 係知道自己叫 BBC,其實全校都知,包括羅 sir。
BBC 教咗我一個道理:喺個女人背後讚佢嘅身材,係心存尊敬;喺個女人面前讚佢嘅身材,係心術不正。
第二位女神是 Miss 井。雖然 Miss 井不算是國色天香,但我曾經很努力的讀好我的 Bio,就是因為我想討好 Miss 井。我成功過,因為我在一次 bio 小測拿了全班最高分;我出去攞番份卷嗰陣,佢笑住咁對我話 well done Marcus。
很多男生都會犯過我犯的毛病,就是當女人輕輕讚你的時候,你便會覺得她對你有意思。對,這個毛病就是明明是你自己對她有非份之想,你就老屈埋佢都對你有非份之想。當然,Miss 井讚我嗰陣,全班一齊起哄。就由嗰日開始,as every boy would have done in any boys’ school,我班同學開始稱呼 Miss 井做「Marcus條女」。誰不知,之後出事了。
有一日就嚟體育堂,全班開始換衫。就咁啱,Miss 井喺我哋班房前面行過;又咁啱,有位老師截停咗 Miss 井,同佢有嘢傾。即係嗰一刻,Miss 井企咗喺一個全班男同學換緊衫嘅班房出面。然後,頭號損友 Benson 就在這時候忍不住說:葉朗程,除褲啦,你唔除,佢唔走㗎。
Miss 井聽到晒,即刻衝咗入嚟,然後秉承住一間 EMI 學校嘅精神,用英文話:教咗你哋咁耐,我先知自己原來係教緊一班咁冇口德嘅學生。故事嘅反高潮係,第二日,我買咗張 sorry 卡畀Miss 井,親自攞入教員室畀佢。從來未見過佢笑得咁甜,唔係幻覺。
Miss 井教咗我一個道理:激嬲一個女仔再氹番佢,原來感情進展的速度會比無風無浪更快。
第三位女神是 Miss Yu。去到今時今日出嚟做咗嘢咁多年,有咩女人未見過,但真是要數保養得最好的女人,只有兩個。一個是張寶華,另一個便是 Miss Yu了。三十歲好似十幾歲咁,四十幾歲都係好似十幾歲咁,你話有冇可能?Miss Yu 不只是一般的靚女,她是一個立體的 diva,有質感的,有光芒的,有靈氣的。
男校嘅男仔打籃球,打畀邊個睇?咪又係打畀男仔睇,但好彩華仁有一個 Miss Yu。她做我們班主任的時候,每逢班際比賽,Miss Yu 是會站在場邊,像一個少女一樣為你的三分波而拍手,為你的假動作而尖叫的。櫻木花道能夠男兒當入樽,全因為場邊那位晴子散發著的光茫,Miss Yu 完全明白這個道理。
誰不知一個如此漂亮的女人,竟然是 BOD 的成員。華仁的 BOD,即是 board of discipline,訓導處,wholly cow。我畀 Miss Yu 罰嘅次數、嚴重程度、受辱指數,徹底超越了其他老師加起來的總和。
Miss Yu教咗我一個道理:世界上沒有溫柔的女人,只有扮溫柔的女人,而一個扮溫柔的女人,是可以同時出現在你的綺夢和惡夢裏的。
household name意思 在 『大人物、一夕成名』英文怎麼說? - 媽媽經 的推薦與評價
Household 是「家庭」的意思,家家戶戶都知道的名字,自然就是指「家喻戶曉的人物」囉!例如:. The director becomes a household name after ... ... <看更多>