在台灣,AZ疫苗已經開打幾週了,在這段期間有很多病人問我能不能去接種AZ 疫苗,我想從一位婦產科醫師的角度出發,跟大家分享自己的觀點,讓大家在跟醫師們討論需不需要接種時,能先有初步的觀念。
目前國際上接種AZ 疫苗後出現嚴重不良反應的案例有兩種最受矚目:一種是嚴重的過敏反應;另外一種則是凝血過多或不足的反應。
以嚴重過敏反應來說,任何疫苗都可能因為載體的關係產生嚴重的過敏反應,所以病人在施打疫苗過後的30分鐘內,一定要留在施打的醫療院所接受觀察。AZ疫苗中使用的為Polysorbate80 或類似的分子,如果你之前曾經因為接種疫苗而有過敏反應,應該要在接種前詢問醫師AZ疫苗的載體與該次引起過敏的疫苗載體是否相同,以利避免風險。
另外一種不良反應與與血液相關,這一點比較受爭議。在2500多萬個施打的個案中,出現86 個血液異常的不良反應,大部份的這些個案都是女性而且發生在施打的頭2個禮拜。德國、法國和義大利等20幾個國家因此一度暫停施打AZ疫苗,雖然機率不大,但誰都不想冒這個險。但有些歐洲國家和澳洲最近又恢復施打,但建議50歲以下接種其他疫苗 (也有國家說30歲以下) 原因是不同專家對於這些異常凝血的不良反應與AZ疫苗的相關性有不同的見解。
對於目前正在服用避孕藥或女性荷爾蒙的女性來說,施打AZ疫苗會不會增加血栓的風險呢? 坦白說,目前資訊還不是非常完整,所以我暫時無法評論,但後續會密切注意最新的研究報告,有進一步消息,會再跟大家分享。
研究顯示有高血壓、糖尿病或BMI >30的病患在感染新冠肺炎病毒後,更容易而產生嚴重的呼吸道疾病,因為健康上的風險高,上述慢性病的病患也可以考慮接種疫苗。若有上述問題但懷孕的婦女,則應與婦產科醫師討論其利弊。
The global “COVID-vaccinated” population has reached 100 million. In the process of reaching herd immunity via mass vaccination, more rare but serious adverse effects from these vaccines are being reported in the mass media. Discussions about the safety of vaccines arevigorous at both government and the community levels.
The AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccine has been used for COVID vaccination in Taiwan for a few weeks now. Many of my patients asked me if they are suitable for vaccination. So here I would like to share my thoughts with you as an obstetrician and gynaecologist.
Adverse reactions associated with the AZ vaccine
There are two types of adverse reactions being discussed the most in the international community: severe allergic reactions and blood-clotting problems. Both of these adverse reactions occur in the order of one in ten thousand, which were difficult to discover during the clinical trial stage. Therefore most of the data we see now are an accumulation of real-time data as we proceed with global vaccination.
The severe allergic reaction (such as anaphylaxis) can occur with any medication being administered to the human body. For vaccines it is usually the vehicle or the excipients molecule with which it is used to carry the active vaccine that incites the allergic reactions. Polysorbate 80 is a suspected culprit excipient used in the AZ vaccine. So if one has had severe allergic reaction in other vaccines that uses polysorbate 80 as its vehicles then it is possible the person can also be allergic to the AZ vaccine.
The abnormal blood-clotting reactions associated with the AZ vaccines are being discussed vigorously in both the scientific community and the media. In about 25 million recipients of the AZ vaccine, 86 cases of serious abnormal blood-clotting cases were reported by March 2021. Most cases occur within first 2 weeks of vaccination and most are women. Although the AZ vaccination was temporarily stopped in some European countries earlier in March, it has resumed since with some countries recommend vaccination in those 50 yo or above (some say 30 or above). Currently there is no international consensus amongst the experts.
Many professional bodies of obstetrics and gynaecology around the world have issued statements regarding vaccination against COVID19 in women planning pregnancy or breast feeding. Thus far most have only cautioned against the vaccination if there is serious concurrent comorbidities such as those who are immunocompromised or organ transplant. There does not seem to have report of additional risks of the vaccination during pregnancy. There is insufficient evidence to conclude if oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy are risk factors for developing vaccine-related blood clotting events. More time and data are required to tell.
So should women receive the AZ vaccine? These factors should be considered and discussed with your doctors.
Risk of contracting COVID
Contracting COVID during pregnancy is associated with 3-fold risk of serious complications. So immunisation against COVID should be prioritised if the area you live in carries high risk of infection.
Underlying chronic conditions
For those with hypertension, diabetes or high BMI, because higher risk of COVID related complications are expected, vaccination might offer risk-reducing benefits. but in women with diabetes or high BMI where high risk pregnancy is expected, one should discuss the risks and benefits with your own obstetrician.
More than half of recipients will get injection site pain and about 10% will develop a fever. To avoid fever during early pregnancy one can avoid getting vaccination during this period. If one has become pregnant after the first dose, there is evidence that receiving a second dose after pregnancy still offers protection against COVID. for those who need flu or whooping cough vaccination during pregnancy, one should consider taking the COVID vaccine 2 weeks apart from the other vaccines.
Like all medicines/procedures, decision to receive the AZ vaccination is individualised based on the benefits and risks associated. It is important to review government updates on vaccination and this article hopefully provides some framework on which women can consult their physicians when considering the AZ vaccination.
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[時事英文] The Death Penalty
剛剛看完大家熱烈討論的《我們與惡的距離》The World Between Us 覺得學到不少東西,劇情也直接挑戰大眾對死刑和相關議題的看法。好,點到為止,我就不透漏劇情了。
錄音檔: http://bit.ly/2vh27ph
pros and cons 利弊
capital punishment/the death penalty 死刑
retribution 應報
state power 國家公權力
deprive…of their right to live 剝奪…生命權
separate them from society 使其永久與社會隔離
the abolition of the death penalty 廢除死刑
do away with 除去;廢除
concepts of law and order 法治觀念
popular consensus and support 民眾之共識與支持
opinion polls 民意調查
respondents 受訪者
complementary measures 相關配套措施
increase upper sentencing limits 提高有期徒刑上限
the threshold for parole for life imprisonment 無期徒刑假釋門檻
amendments 法律修正案
human rights protection 人權之保障
maintaining public security 治安之維護
cruel, inhumane 殘酷, 不人道
on death row 在死刑名單上
administer the death penalty 執行死刑
approve all executions 批准處決
method of execution 行刑方式
hanging 絞刑
retain the death penalty 維持死刑
carry out death penalty 執行死刑
a deterrent to crime or extremism 遏止犯罪或極端主義
lethal injection 致命注射
appeal 上訴; 請求
Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty 台灣廢死聯盟
Pros and Cons of the Death Penalty 死刑的利與弊
Arguments commonly made for supporting the death penalty are:
1. To serve as an example to other would-be criminals, to deter them from committing murder or terrorist acts.
2. To punish the criminal for his/her act.
3. To obtain retribution on behalf of the victims.
Arguments Against 反駁論點
Arguments commonly made to abolish the death penalty are:
1. Death constitutes “cruel and unusual punishment" and the various means used by the state to kill a criminal are cruel.
2. The death penalty is used disproportionately against the poor, who cannot afford expensive legal counsel, as well as against racial, ethnic and religious minorities.
3. Wrongly convicted, innocent people have received death penalty sentences, and tragically, were killed by the state.
4. A rehabilitated criminal can make a morally valuable contribution to society.
English and Chinese Script:
The death penalty, with its basis in the theory of retribution, uses state power to deprive convicted criminals of their right to live and separate them from society forever. Since capital punishment is cruel and goes against the notion that punishment should encompass education, the abolition of the death penalty has gradually become a global trend. Many democratic and industrialized countries have completely or conditionally abolished the death penalty.
Whether to completely do away with the death penalty depends on the development of society, the maturity of concepts of law and order and popular consensus and support. In opinion polls in recent years, around 80% of respondents have consistently opposed the abolition of the death penalty. Opposition falls to 40% however if complementary measures such as increases in upper sentencing limits and the threshold for parole for life imprisonment are included.
Evidently, with consideration of complementary measures and education, public support for retribution may be reoriented and a general consensus formed on the gradual abolition of the death penalty.
The Ministry of Justice will employ extensive discussion and research to form a popular consensus for abolition, and only then propose the necessary amendments to existing laws to extend human rights protection while maintaining public security.
Article source: 中華民國法務部有關廢除死刑之政策
Image source: https://opinion.udn.com/opinion/story/10043/3613790
時事英文: https://bit.ly/2Gtsduy
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The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster was caused by the massive tsunami triggered by the Tohoku Earthquake on March 11th, 2011. This was a Level 7 nuclear event, comparable only to Chernobyl.
1. Unheeded Warning
Before the disaster even happened, there were industry experts who warned of mega tsunami-generating earthquakes hitting the area every 800 to 1100 years, with the next one being overdue. But those in charge dismissed such warnings.
2. No Good Robots
During the crisis at Fukushima, high radiation levels at the plant made it desperately hard for human workers to do what they needed to do.
Back in 2001, the Japanese had actually developed extremely capable robots that were deemed technical successes, but then a government task force concluded that a Chernobyl-scale disaster was never going to happen in Japan .
The program was shut down and the robots were dismantled or donated.
3. Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant
The Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant was the closest power plant to the earthquake epicentre, yet it successfully withstood the barrage.
While the Fukushima Plant had sea walls up to 5.7 meters, Onagawa had it up to 14 meters.
4. Wrongful Evacuation
Due to miscommunication between the evacuation authorities and the experts who were analysing the fallout, many residents were evacuated from pretty safe areas right INTO the radioactive plume.
5. Evacuation Deaths
More people were killed by the evacuation process in Fukushima
than by the actual earthquake and tsunami, the disaster itself.
People died of fatigue, exhaustion, illness, suicides - losing their homes, not knowing where they would end up, cramped evacuation centres; the whole ordeal was taxing.
6. Geiger-Counter Hobby
After the Fukushima disaster, random radiation hot spots were discovered in unexpected locations.
Radiation levels as high as those in the no-go zone were detected as far as some Tokyo suburbs. This prompted many Japanese residents to take up a new hobby - walking with Geiger-counters through their city or village in search for random radiation levels to report.
7. Animal Guardian
55 year old Naoto Matsumura is the only man brave enough to live in Fukushima’s no-go zone. After the initial evacuation, he returned back
to take care of the animals that were left behind. Not just his animals, but everyone’s.
8. Mutations
There were a few small scale Fukushima discoveries.
9. Human Radiation Effects
No one died from radiation exposure in Fukushima.
And contrary to a well-publicised, yet poorly-executed, study
that made the rounds in 2015, thyroid cancer rates in Fukushima children were actually lower than the national average.
10. Disobedient Hero
Masao Yoshida was the manager of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant and on March 15th 2011, he lead a brave group, now dubbed ‘The Fukushima 50’ into the radioactive trenches.
With cooling systems crippled and having run out of fresh water, Yoshida decided they would pump seawater straight from the ocean into the damaged reactors.
Then corporate headquarters (TEPCO) ordered him to stop the seawater injection. They didn’t want the corrosive seawater to permanently damage their reactors.
Feeling his superiors were inept for risking a colossal radioactive fallout, Yoshida disobeyed the direct order and continued with the seawater injection.
Many experts now agree that his actions on that day
arguably prevented a much greater catastrophe.
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