Hello everybody, My name is Joyce, and I am from Taiwan
大家好我是琬柔 我來自台灣。
For those of you who don’t already know, Today’s New York Times has a full page ad that features Taiwan.
For me, I really hope that it’s an effective ad with the message that Taiwan can and is trying it’s best to help with the global COVID-19 pandemic.
And if you are wondering about the background for why it’s here, let me walk you through it.
So we all know that Taiwan has been excluded from international organizations for years. In normal times, this is big missed opportunity since Taiwan has a lot to offer the international community. But this has been really bad during the coronavirus outbreak since Taiwan has been one of the most effective countries in containing the COVID-19 cases through early and aggressive quarantine and contact tracing policies.
In fact Taiwan was warning of the potential for a global pandemic emerging from China as early as last December. And while Taiwan has been eager to offer helping hand to the world during this time of crisis and share best practices, it has been shut out of the discussions at the WHO.
事實上 台灣早在去年12月就曾經警告過這個病毒恐將在全球造成大流行,就在台灣渴望對國際做出貢獻的時候,台灣被排除在WHO的各項討論之外。
So for me, I see this ad as a message to the world that Taiwan is here to help. Let me read some parts of it for you。
對我來說 我覺得這個廣告傳遞的訊息是,台灣在這裡想要幫忙。讓我分享其中幾段文字。
“You are not alone. Taiwan is with you.”
“In the past weeks, Taiwan has provided more than 16 million medical masks to support medical professionals around the world and has worked together with the US and the EU on the most advanced rapid tests and vaccines for COVID-19.”
“Who can isolate Taiwan? No one.”
“Because we are here to help.”
I know there has been news coverage of some controversy with the WHO, but I can tell you that the goal of this AD is not to pick a fight with the WHO. Because Taiwan is trying its best to stop the spread of COVID-19 and is truly looking to help
Lastly, For those of you who can’t see the small print, the ad was crowdfunded by the contributions of over 25,000 average Taiwanese people who just want to voice that Taiwan is here to help. In fact, a good portion of the proceeds from the crowdfunding campaign will be donated to fight against COVID-19 internationally. 如果你們看不到這行小字,這個廣告的群眾募資計畫,代表超過2萬5000個台灣民眾的聲音,他們想告訴世界「台灣能幫上忙」。事實上,部分募得的款項,會被捐助於國際間對抗疫情之用。
I think It’s really a beautiful message and I’m glad I can share this with you. And of course I want you guys to know that Taiwan can help and Taiwan is helping. Thank you for your listening.
世界卫生组织 Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus #Taiwancanhelp #Taiwanishelping
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9,340的網紅Evangeline Wong,也在其Youtube影片中提到,? Kkbox : https://kkbox.fm/0a2dEk ? Spotify : https://goo.gl/TtLNuE ? FriDay : https://goo.gl/onBm5v ? MyMusic : https://goo.gl/4PvUrE 【ARTIST IN...
i was wondering if中文 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的精選貼文
(English writing below)
當時有三位員工 - 兩位華族女子,一位異族外勞男子。
這畫面非常有趣,因為幾天前,一位女讀者來訊詢問我批八字的收費。(我服務的收費都列在:www.qianyu.sg/consultations 有中文網頁功能)
但是,只拿不給,非君子所為,而是自私自利。 我也是人,自然也會需要認同感,尤其是寫的又是一些較另類的課題。
So last Sunday, I went to a plant stall to do a CNY Live.
As per my usual practice, I would always buy something from the shop if I use its premises. I don’t take advantage of other people’s businesses.
That day, I wanted to preempt the plant stall staff but in my haste to start my Live, I plain forgot about it. So the husband went about looking for a plant to buy on my behalf.
There were about three staff - two ladies and the gentleman standing behind me in this photo.
Halfway through my Live, the male staff saw the handphone screen of the Husband’s.
“Wah! It’s Live ah?” He excitedly asked the husband. “How to see?!”
“You can see on Facebook!”
The staff whipped out his mobile phone and opened the Facebook app. Then the husband typed in my profile name and what followed next was comical.
I wasn’t aware as I was very focused on presenting to my Live audience.
After the Live ended, I looked through the list of Likes to see who engaged with my video.
And I was wondering why there were some foreign names.
Then the husband told me what transpired.
Yesterday while editing the Live for my Youtube upload this week, I realised at one point in time, the staff also waved to my camera and flashed his handphone screen of my Live. 😂
I bet he somewhat understood what I said, despite it being in Mandarin.
It was an interesting moment because few days ago, a lady PM me to inquire about my Bazi consultation fee. (It’s all listed at www.qianyu.sg/consultations btw)
She told me the information in my videos were accurate and valuable.
I thanked her for telling me because I had never seen her name appeared in my engagement list.
She told me she was shy.
This reminded me of a Bazi client who told me the same thing. That client said she had always been low profile, so she did not think to Like my posts even though she benefitted from it.
I told the client:
But what if I stopped writing and filming because I received no or little affirmation from the audience?
She didn’t answered me.
I laughed and said I would not stop because I had made an aspiration in the past. I had made it my lifetime goal to keep my words.
But to be only taking and not giving is always selfish. I am human. And humans always need to feel belonged in one way or another. Even more so when I am writing about unorthodox topics.
Giving encouragement is a form of kindness and showing appreciation, be it through post engagements or telling me now.
The good thing about direct post engagement is that it benefits others, who may need the message more than us.
Since I started weekly uploads to YouTube in June, a lot more queries come in every month. A number of them know me, due to their FB friends sharing my videos on their timeline.
Thing is, their FB friend does not have a clue that they watched my video and came to seek my service.
We don’t go around telling the whole world our problems, you see.
Sometimes, it’s easier to tell a stranger who has the solutions, than a friend who can only tell you to think about happier things.
I have been posting online for 3.5 years and have met hundreds of people. Perhaps to you, it seems that I am helping people.
But like what Buddha says, the sentient beings are here to help us actualise our spiritual practice, to attain enlightenment and Buddhahood.
It is a reciprocal cycle. The more people I see, the more I realise how transient this Samsara world is. The more I write and film, the clearer I am in my thinking and aspirations.
I don't wish to have the kind of destinies I deal with, so I am more careful in my doings and thoughts. I see first-hand how greed, ignorance and anger can kill people, so I have opened up my heart to give out more love and let go of stubborn beliefs that benefit no one.
So thank you to you, you and you for helping me to be a better person and giving me a holy purpose in this life. I have never been happier in my entire lifetime and I want to do this for as long as I live.
I hope I can do the same for you, so that you will do the same for others too.
i was wondering if中文 在 Jay的跑步筆記 Facebook 的最佳解答
“You wrote a book? Who's going to read it?" When asked by the 3-time U.S. Olympic Team Trials qualifier, Caitlin, I was speechless for a moment.
I met Caitlin (well, she caught me on the trail) back in 2016 when I was running 2:45~2:50 marathons, making me an absolutely perfect training partner for her. She was way faster than I was during that time, and I literally learned the race "Olympic Trials" from her. If you listen to how she described the race, you almost think it's just another Boston Marathon.
"Yeah I ran it in 2012, and I qualified again." Caitlin called herself a sub-elite runner, making me wondering if I can call myself as a sub-sub-sub-elite?
Anyway, in 2019 she ran Boston with 2:40:27, making her 3rd qualifier in 8 years. After Boston I got to take a long rest because she also did the same, until 2020 Olympic Trials is around the corner.
"Hey Jay, you wanna run tomorrow?"
"Hey Jay, what's your workout next week?"
"Jay, you got to train with me!"
It's been 2 big training cycles for me in 2019, and I was way too tired to start anything soon. With the daily greeting from her, I can't do anything but reply "But I might be too slow for you now" - which is totally the truth. I was also sick and sidelined for 2 weeks.
Being able to put some really nice training in the past few weeks, I finally feel like I can take her challenge again, so say yes to her next workout. Little did I know during the time I was resting and recovering, she did not settle and now is almost at her peak state.
Today's 3*3 miles on slightly rolling I made several attempts to break through, but she all caught me with ease. When we finally finished the workout, I was pretty happy about it.
"How do you feel?" I asked.
"Not really trying too hard." She answered.
Now I am heading back to Taiwan for a short vacation. But once I come back, Caitlin will be there waiting, and probably planning for something brutal again.
「嘿!為什麼你出了一本書啊,誰在看?」面對下個月即將要第三度參加奧運選拔賽*,橫跨 12 年的業餘菁英女子選手凱特琳的質問,我一時語塞。
*美國的奧運選拔賽標準採取的是 2016 年的舊制,也就是女子 2:45, 男子 2:19 以內可以報名。對於她來說,參加的實質意義大於真正勝出(畢竟職業組的實力強上一個級別),不過也是難得可以跟全美的菁英較勁的機會。
我跟她相識早在 2016 年,就是那個我跑在 2:45-2:50 之間,看起來很適合陪她練的時期,當然,那時候她的實力是遠遠高出我一截的。我也是從她口中才得知,有「奧運選拔賽」這種事,而她敘述的態度,就跟一般人跑波士頓馬拉松一樣正常。
「喔對呀,我跑過。嗯,今年我也合格了。」她把自己稱為「#業餘次菁英」,這樣的人在美國拉拉雜雜也是有幾十、一百個。嗚,我突然間覺得把自己稱為次菁英有點過頭了,有沒有機會改成 #次次次菁英 呢?
總而言之,在 2019 年她在波士頓馬拉松跑出 2:40:27, 連續三屆橫跨 8 年達標。在那之後我得以好好休息了很長一段時間,直到⋯⋯2020 奧運選拔賽就在眼前了。
過了幾週的訓練、恢復,我覺得現在準備好可以開始訓練了,於是答應了她今天的 workout.⋯⋯卻忘了我在休息的時候,她可沒閒著。她 PEAK 了!
今天的 3*4800m 跑在起伏步道上,我幾次試圖加速都被她臉不紅氣不喘的抓回來。但是最後完成了整組 workout, 我實在太滿意了!
P.S. 這篇文是她逼我寫的 (by只敢用中文偷偷抱怨的Me)
P.S.S. 有沒有人想學英文作文了?
i was wondering if中文 在 Evangeline Wong Youtube 的最佳貼文
? Kkbox : https://kkbox.fm/0a2dEk
? Spotify : https://goo.gl/TtLNuE
? FriDay : https://goo.gl/onBm5v
? MyMusic : https://goo.gl/4PvUrE
馬來西亞實力派女創作人王艷薇Evangeline曾演唱香港電影《辣警霸王花》片尾曲《碰到藍天》,為曾沛慈演唱的《終極一家3》片尾曲《一個人還是想著一個人》,以及韓庚演唱的好萊塢電影《變形金剛》中文主題曲《誰Control》作曲,還有郭靜的《可惜》作詞,唱作實力兼具,2015年參加台灣《橘子20星光大道》打進14強;2017年演唱KKTV X 野火娛樂原創電速劇《紅色氣球》片尾曲《晚安》及插曲《框不住的愛》獲得廣大迴響,其中插曲《框不住的愛》更被喻為「新一代同志神曲」,這位神祕的大馬女歌手以饒富韻味的嗓音為華語歌壇注入一股全新氣息。
►王艷薇Evangeline FB:https://www.facebook.com/XEVANGELINEX/
詞:王艷薇 Evangeline / Skot Suyama 陶山
曲:Skot Suyama 陶山 / 王艷薇 Evangeline
(Snuggling with the violence
Laughing through the silence
Smiling when I'm softly screaming
Running in the same place
Trying on a new face
Imagining me free and leaving)
Let's recover our life
Do you ever fear with it
讓人無法呼吸 卻又無法抗拒
Do you wanna come with me
噬血性的爭取 一步一步接近
Let's recover our life
Let me run and run and run
Made me dance and dance and dance
阿拉斯加的神秘 靈魂吸食著生命
And I never ever know bout the truth
Oh it's a little bit more
(Tell me could you take it?
Tell me would you fake it?
If the choice was yours could you make it?
Would you start to slow down?
Burden full and weighed down
Wondering if you love or hate it)
Let's recover our life
Do you ever fear with it
越是相敬如賓 卻又滿口質疑
越是行影不離 越是輸得徹底
Let's recover our life

i was wondering if中文 在 SKRpresents 陶山音樂 Youtube 的最佳解答
王艷薇 Evangeline Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_BJh1Mu7PPce7e6ZjwA0xtD5eoGgL4W-
王艷薇 Evangeline IG : https://www.instagram.com/evangeline.wilder/
SKRpresents IG : https://www.instagram.com/skrpresents/
Listen: https://www.soundscape.net/a/2031
馬來西亞實力派女創作人王艷薇Evangeline曾演唱香港電影《辣警霸王花》片尾曲《碰到藍天》,為曾沛慈演唱的《終極一家3》片尾曲《一個人還是想著一個人》,以及韓庚演唱的好萊塢電影《變形金剛》中文主題曲《誰Control》作曲,還有郭靜的《可惜》作詞,唱作實力兼具,2015年參加台灣《橘子20星光大道》打進14強;2017年演唱KKTV X 野火娛樂原創電速劇《紅色氣球》片尾曲《晚安》及插曲《框不住的愛》獲得廣大迴響,其中插曲《框不住的愛》更被喻為「新一代同志神曲」,這位神祕的大馬女歌手以饒富韻味的嗓音為華語歌壇注入一股全新氣息。
詞:王艷薇 Evangeline / Skot Suyama 陶山
曲:Skot Suyama 陶山 / 王艷薇 Evangeline
(Snuggling with the violence
Laughing through the silence
Smiling when I'm softly screaming
Running in the same place
Trying on a new face
Imagining me free and leaving)
Let's recover our life
Do you ever fear with it
讓人無法呼吸 卻又無法抗拒
Do you wanna come with me
噬血性的爭取 一步一步接近
Let's recover our life
Let me run and run and run
Made me dance and dance and dance
阿拉斯加的神秘 靈魂吸食著生命
And I never ever know bout the truth
Oh it's a little bit more
(Tell me could you take it?
Tell me would you fake it?
If the choice was yours could you make it?
Would you start to slow down?
Burden full and weighed down
Wondering if you love or hate it)
Let's recover our life
Do you ever fear with it
越是相敬如賓 卻又滿口質疑
越是行影不離 越是輸得徹底
Let's recover our life