[Don't Fight the Fed]由Nasdaq 一萬點講到對沖人生
1. TLDR:唔係認叻post.而係記住,都唔使望人地仆街你贏錢。就當你跟大圍,但贏嗰時贏多人少少,輸嗰時輸少人少少。唔只講投資,人生都係。而唔好信咩「1.01嘅365次方,係38」嘅「成功方程式」廢話。你問下講嗰個減過肥未?
2. 其實一早講過,但亦冇乜咁特別。智商正常都估到一萬點。年頭都九千,升10%有幾難?啲網友號稱自己一日都執到啦
3. 不過認真,之前咪有幾日,啲科技股全部受壓,舊經濟股如銀行航空公司走晒上嚟嘅?咁就呃晒。
4. 當然,其實昨晚(星期二)晚都上過一萬點,但收市未能守在一萬點上。又睇下今日晚點。
5. 又,講到尾都係一樣嘢,唔好低估聯儲局印銀紙嘅能力。見到啦?恕我小器又舊事重提,3月尾時講呢樣嘢,不停畀人質疑話聯儲局又唔係發明到疫苗。銀紙救唔到人命。
6. 冇錯,銀紙救唔到人命。但講真,股市真係關心人命?「其實呢,早幾日啲新增確診人數日日新高」,不過out of sight out of mind.
7. 又,升到咁嘅位,其實唔少公司啲估值都唔平下。仲要見到技術上超買(一般唔講呢啲技術分析嘢,但RSI可以睇下),實情,隨時跌返10-15%,有幾奇?
8. 但係喎,又可能升架。股市可升可跌。咁即係係冇講過?錯了。問題係贏面。平嗰時你又唔敢買啫。3月我老母不知幾咁忙,好似我昆人買股票我有得分咁呀(*),跌嗰時又唔敢買,升嗰時又話升咗,咁想點?最好你買完即升十倍,你沽完即時股災呀可(後者其實係好爽的)
9. 另外,就當然係注碼。係架,你睇Facebook 又好,Nasdaq又好,標普都好,就算用2021 盈利計,都絶對唔平。當你用book value 計,亦都唔平。點計都唔平。甚至恒指都唔平(so sad).幾時平?3月中同尾咪平。但咪又係誰的老母性感好多人call。
10. 係架,升咗而家先買,就肯定值搏率冇3月咁高。鬼唔知咩。但仲買唔買?都係買。最多細注啲,攤慢啲。冇錯,真係買完後跌嘅機會唔細(主觀諗法),但,你想平啲買?可能永世都唔會跌返去3月中同平嗰啲水平架喎。買有風險,唔買一樣有風險。
11. 所以,有人話我寫嚟寫去,年頭到年尾都叫人買。的確係,你見而家我都仲係叫你買,不過小心啲咁買啫。因為,個個把口講到美帝點勁(事實係),咁點解仲同聯儲局對著幹?呢啲就係inconsistent,虛偽嘅後果(***)。
12. 印晒咁多錢,唔係去金融資產,會去咗邊?有冇話你知,亞馬遜上星期發債?(https://bit.ly/2Uy6Lfs)。3年債券,估下幾多息?係0.4厘(***)。咁嘅融資成本,做生意梗係發。都未講拎嚟回購添。
13. 所以你需要嘅,只係估下,啲錢會去咗邊。港股?美股?港樓?美樓?黃金?其實如果唔知嘅,咪why not all.資產配置嘛。
14. 再拉遠少少講,鱷少搞嘅All Weather Portfolio ,搞到出嚟,當然同投資者預期有啲分別。但原則上好簡單,亦係所謂「對沖基金」嘅原意—其實根本最初係叫hedge fund,唔係hedge fund.喂,一字之差好遠。你fuck 定係 fucked都係兩回事。亦所以你見「對沖基金」有啲地方譯「避險基金」。
15. 記住名句,至少好長期時間上呢,as far as securities law is concerned, there is no such thing as hedge-fund investing(https://bit.ly/2UvFvhX)。
16. Hedge(d) fund嘅原意,就係馬多夫。應該話,係馬多夫造出嚟嘅嘢。舊文寫過,馬多夫最聰明係,唔會作到啲回報年年升幾成 — 作到咁只能呃你啲網友,但昆唔到超級富豪(https://bit.ly/2Al7n16)(呢篇文其實我好滿意)。
17. 要講一句,貧窮限制你想像力。有錢人要乜?就係要千秋萬代。可以就長生不老(徐福呢啲咪中國定日本定韓國最早嘅venture,集完資著咗草,醒目),唔可以嘅,就富過十代八代,一千幾百年後仲有人記得。
18. 咁所以,有錢人根本唔使同你搏啲咩幾十倍嘅回報—佢身家本身就係你幾億倍啦。佢等於完場領先你3-1,使乜同你搏?攻門都唔要啦,梗係玩角球旗。正如你係落後嗰個,就要打罰規搏三分(OK,忽然變咗籃球場)。
19. 所以,有錢人要嘅嘢,最好就一年升返十個巴仙。夠晒。因為你諗下,佢起碼已經贏你咁多,佢咁樣一年十個巴仙,你永遠都冇可能追到。我畀你有有幾年年有四五成回報,叻仔,多數一鑊就輸返晒。馬多夫就係作一啲咁嘅回報出嚟,呢樣先係最天才!太誇張冇人信,只能昆到啲想一年贏幾倍窮西。但我昆晒你成副身家又點?
20. 呢個亦係對沖基金原原原本嘅哲學,當然而家講呢啲真係好似《大時代》葉天師傅教方展博講「股市原意」咁。但個原意,就真係All Weather,順境時我賺錢—但可能跑輸大市,但唔緊要,我換嚟嘅係,逆境時我都賺錢!唔會三更貧五更富,升三成跌五成。
21. 但,我其實唔只係講投資,係講你成個人生。總有順境逆境,有時係大環境(經濟崩潰,打仗),有時係自己問題(搞咗老細條女,之類),或者只係不幸(忽然大病,親人過身)。要人人輸錢你贏,唔係唔得,但極難。
22. 但可以做到嘅係,順境時,我推得畀別人盡,我贏得多過人(例如轉工,跳草裙舞)。逆境時,我縮得比人地快,輸得少過人(例如奶下鞋底,或者怨少幾句)。呢啲,幾個周期,上上落落後,你就拉開咗同其他人嘅距離了。
23. 可能另文再講,但講定。可能你都聽過,乜鬼嘢勵志方程式(https://bit.ly/3hdLVMj)(電腦大爆炸咩)。1.01嘅365次方,係38。每日進步1%,一年就38倍。0.99嘅365次方,0.03,每日退步1%,一年倒退九成七得返3%
24. 但我可以話你聽,呢啲係廢話,呃鳩人。你日日睇呢啲文,就係0.99啦。根本冇可能日日進步1%,你試下每日食多1%嘢丫。或者掉轉,每日食少1%丫。
25. 事實係,你一般都係365日入面,180日係進步,185日係退步(人生不如意事十常八九嘛,我呢度好保守架啦)。但,可能人地係變做0.99,你變做0.995咁。人地係1.01,你就係1.015咁。幾個周期後,就拉開晒了。
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「idea email login」的推薦目錄:
idea email login 在 喬寶寶 Qbobo Facebook 的精選貼文
Top 4 #Facebook ,#Instagram ,#YouTube & #Email #Scams-
1.Duplicating Accounts: One way that scammers trick those on Facebook is to imitate the email template from Facebook and Instagram, which makes it look like you have an official message. Once you enter login information, the phishers can duplicate your account, hold it for ransom, or begin asking your friends for money or information.
2.Viral Videos: Viral videos are huge on social media pages, especially if they are racy, shocking, or scandalous. However, since they are irresistible to most of us, they are also perfect bait for scammers. When you click on one of these videos, you will be asked to update your video player, and, when you do, it downloads and installs a virus onto your system. It also shares the same scam with your friends, who believe the message they receive is safe since it looks like you shared it.
Identity Theft: Facebook accounts can be used to crack other passwords. If your account is duplicated, your information can be used to determine the answers to knowledge-based authentication questions that verify the identity of the account owner. Multi-factor authentication is a good idea to use on all of your accounts.
Give me money, I'll return even more!: After duplicating your friend's account, scammers are using the account to get you to pay them with the promise of returning much more. Your "friend" will tell you that they paid an amount and received a huge return, and recommend you do it too.
3.Burglary: Criminals also use Facebook to determine if a potential victim is at home or not. Publicly sharing information about vacations and other times away is exactly what burglars are looking for.
Free coupons: You have probably seen this many times. You are promised free coupons at large retailers worth more than usual, or coupons for a free vacation. All you need to do is use your Facebook login on a site, and you'll get a free vacation—or your social media identity will belong to someone else without the vacation.
Geo-Stalking: Using the idea of geo-stalking, a criminal can use the GPS technology of social media to stalk and find a target. You should turn off your social media location settings.
Is this you? Lol: This is a scam that has been around for some time. Usually, a link to a video is included with a description from a "friend." The link is normally a virus or browser hijacker.
The "Who Viewed Your Profile?" and "So and so unfriended you!" Scams: If you are active on Facebook, you have probably seen these. Facebook does not advertise these types of activities.
3.Contest Scams: This is another common scam, and it is as simple as setting up a fake page on Facebook, marketing it with a great contest, and collecting information from everyone that joined. One such scam claimed that those who shared the link would get a $1,000 gift card, and more than 40,000 people fell for it.
4.Love scams: The good-looking deployed American serviceman/woman or an alluring lonely foreigner hoping to get to America are common themes used to find unwitting targets. Many people feel alone and become entwined in a social media affair where the person eventually asks for money to get "back to America" or travel there with promises of seeing their "loved one." Once the money is transferred, the distant lover disappears.
5-Money Is Never Quickly Made =use your little brain👍🏾