Julia Wu 吳卓源《#5AM》:黎明女神的耳畔R&B晨吻⭐
最近,你可曾真的抬頭眺望清晨5AM的天空?灰藍色的晨曦正緩緩褪出夜空,夜雲已被裹了一層金邊,離東邊旭日正式高昇之前仍有些時間,整個蒼穹呈現美麗的薄荷銀色,混搭著神秘的宇宙藍。寄耳傾聽的話,或許能聽到總統大選前夕的Air Force空軍軍機日常值勤,在雲深之處飛得又高又遠,溫柔而不擾民,低調幽靜,美麗的銀色飛機雲拖得長長的,這種盡忠職守的熱情,讓人心動不已。
這是我們的理想世界。加了暗碼的軍用無線電那頭,肯定會有軍隊向Miss President of Safe House致敬。
But how will I salute Julia Wu?
How will we salute our R&B Goddess ?
剛發行第三張創作專輯《5AM》的 Julia Wu 吳卓源 女神,我們該如何向她致敬?
其實Julia Wu也是這麼一隻鷹,迎著晨光的降臨。畫面太美,我們不敢直視。
套句藝術創意大師Julia Cameron《The Artist's Way》的書中名句:「鷹不嚷嚷自己的名號,僅把名字穿在身上。乘著夢想的氣流遨翔,在商業峽谷中獵取從高空俯瞰到的獵物。對藝術家而言,『翅膀』和『祈禱』是例行操作S.O.P.,我們必須信任自己的「過程」,視線不侷限於結果。」
用Julia Cameron來致敬Julia Wu,it’s fair and legit。
相信你也認同她是女神囉?那已足夠,讓我們回到正題,好好聆聽 5.A.M.。 Let's listen to Julia Wu's latest album 5AM in a more specific way.
〈What’s good〉是首開門見山的魅惑式問候,歡迎粉絲回到當代節奏藍調的避風港。首曲的Julia的整張專輯調性也因此注入靈魂,一軌一軌的綿密多層次和聲,就像晨間淋浴後的重新梳理,JU’s chilling time is officially started.然而,個人很欣賞的是本作的melody優美光亮、歌詞卻進行著浪漫式的暴力敘事,很高明的反差。本曲談論一個「親眼看著最愛的人牽走他人手、只剩自己傻傻以為還有勝算」的故事,把揪心情節扎入粉絲的心房。
〈5A.M.〉是首乾柴烈火堆疊的火刑情歌,Julia Wu慢慢將使自己失望的戀情殺死,「連夢裡也在騙我」、「still going home all by myself, I don’t want to see nobody else (翻譯:仍要一個人單獨回家,誰也不想見 )」、「不要閃躲」等詞一刀刀把讓人寒心的情人砍到見骨。她的怨念深邃而冶艷,就像女神離開重災區般的情場,重新定位「找回一個我」。
(Damn it, RPG, you’re so brutal on your lyrics, unforgivable!! QVQ)
擺脫上首歌的悶重情緒,〈Planes, Trains, Automobiles〉以飛機、火車、手機等意象勾勒出遠距離戀愛的美味滋補,以「I got a new boy」(我有新的交往對象了)的雀躍少女心,輕鬆move on。小女生的撒嬌黏人非常青春可愛,適合所有熱戀中的青少女,這首歌的年齡層設定不會過高,很符合Ju的年齡,相信學生族群都相當滿意才是。
以PB R&B曲風入味的〈Money Can't Buy You Love〉,是個人本次專輯的最愛,表達出Julia Wu女神端正的三觀(金錢觀、感情觀、人生觀),「找到微笑就好。」
如果第1首歌是以5AM的時間軸(我會用「曙光初露」來形容那樣的空景),那麼到了第4首〈Money Can't Buy You Love〉就已浮現陽光臨到城市各角落的明亮,閃爍著金光恩澤遍地的幸福感。
〈FEVER〉是指熱戀失心瘋、過度自我中心、導致於誤判周遭情勢的恐怖情人狀態,以「愛到沒有退路」的玉石俱焚心情,再用「SO LONG SO LONG(再見再見)」這種老派而浪漫的告別法,以電影《惡女羅曼死》般的劊子手姿態,慢慢讓對方在自己心底死去,或在幻象中親手殺了對方卻渾然不覺。
AND THANK GOD, this is an international English ver. of FEVER!! :D
從家鄉澳洲來到台灣發展,JULIA短短幾年真的成長很多,喜歡隨性自由飆歌的她必須一板一眼地在充滿性暗示的〈Things Things Things〉練雷鬼節拍舞步、扮演這麼多元的高強度的角色、實在讓粉絲五體投地,勢必會將她定位從「老婆」升格為「R&B女神」。
Things, things, things. What are them ? If you really want to know, click it for 1111 times, and let magic do the tricks.
再度陷入情傷與戀愛陷阱的Julia,於〈70億分之一〉又一次飛蛾撲火投身在urban R&B的速度感節拍中,不管是和志同道合的前輩合作還是「靠自己」獨立創作,Julia「消化故事」的能力都讓人敬畏,we MUST salute and respect that.
〈Breathe〉聽起來像夜暮低垂、一切收工準備回住處獨處時會有的喘息時刻(finally a room for herself and her soul !),同時也是一首再度讓人聯想到晨曦女神的輕柔香甜鼻息的收尾好歌。深呼吸本來就是讓大腦釋放腦內啡的一種抒壓方式。本曲編曲由吳卓源、terrytyelee、C-Infamous共同操刀。
粉絲們,好好地在Julia Wu自由的歌聲中喘口氣吧!休息過後就重新出發,記得這場推廣R&B的旅途是不能停歇的。
整體傑作聽下來,《5.A.M》是張兼具迷幻、都會節奏藍調與PB R&B特有幽藍暗色調的深度專輯,製作精良且情緒濃烈,最後JULIE詢問製作人「錄完了?已經幾點了?」 顯示出TEAM JU再度延續黃金工作效能,不只很愛在深夜飆夜車開工、超時加班為靈感加溫,工作狂的堅持、品質與毅力,都在Ju式的率性中表露無遺。
除了暖爸經紀人Austin、神之藝術家Terry、全才節奏藍調兼好牧長Tower Da Funk Masta之外,版權頁中請特別記得曾經啟發J.Sheon在Streetvoice平台發表第一首歌、曾和E.so(MJ116)合作〈分手愛〉、與參劈老莫、DASU合作〈溫故知新〉被譽為「台灣迪安傑羅」的PEZEN、饒舌練家子RPG都在裡頭幫了不少的忙,有在留意台灣R&B場景的內行粉絲,應該都可以發現Julia Wu《5A.M.》幕後陣容也是星光閃爍,一字排開,均是海內外的資深創作者!
《5AM》It’s a masterpiece, but what if that death of valley is too deep for artists to climb back up?
Please stop hurting yourself like that. You’re more than enough. Terry & Tower, you’re 2 of my Titans of R&B + Soul music, maybe there’s a blessing I can delicate to you NOW.
WE, as your realest FANS, will protect you from low energy and harmful people. I will cut off all Judas.
Thank you for building us a safe house, now it’s time for us to pay you back. We were all once victims of horrible music, until you save us and make us STRONG, COMPATIBLE SURVIVORS.
容我在自家網誌為你們抽張Angel Oracle Card。
▼第十屆金音獎「最佳節奏藍調單曲」入圍、YouTube 頻道創下累計破億萬次點閱量,that’s all impressive, but YOUR BEST is YET to come.
OUR BEST is yet to come. Julia Wu吳卓源台灣粉絲團
Just keep them COMING from 5AM ALL THE WAY to midnight.
⭐各大平台數位連結: https://www.soundscape.net/a/4727
撰文:茱力/ Julie⭐
(Except for my articles, all rights reserved to this Amazing Artist and her wonderful team.)
同時也有9部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過676的網紅Lydia Pau,也在其Youtube影片中提到,A cover of a new song Bad Boy by CHUNG HA, Christopher Lyrics: I'm not tryna be dramatic But I need someone, who can take a little heat You wanted ...
「if i were a boy lyrics」的推薦目錄:
- 關於if i were a boy lyrics 在 茱力&Black Music Lovers Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於if i were a boy lyrics 在 茱力&Black Music Lovers Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於if i were a boy lyrics 在 Roundfinger Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於if i were a boy lyrics 在 Lydia Pau Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於if i were a boy lyrics 在 Hey It's Dena Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於if i were a boy lyrics 在 渡辺レベッカ ☆ Rebecca Butler Watanabe Youtube 的最佳解答
if i were a boy lyrics 在 茱力&Black Music Lovers Facebook 的最讚貼文
Julia Wu 吳卓源《#5AM》:黎明女神的耳畔R&B晨吻⭐
最近,你可曾真的抬頭眺望清晨5AM的天空?灰藍色的晨曦正緩緩褪出夜空,夜雲已被裹了一層金邊,離東邊旭日正式高昇之前仍有些時間,整個蒼穹呈現美麗的薄荷銀色,混搭著神秘的宇宙藍。寄耳傾聽的話,或許能聽到總統大選前夕的Air Force空軍軍機日常值勤,在雲深之處飛得又高又遠,溫柔而不擾民,低調幽靜,美麗的銀色飛機雲拖得長長的,這種盡忠職守的熱情,讓人心動不已。
這是我們的理想世界。加了暗碼的軍用無線電那頭,肯定會有軍隊向Miss President of Safe House致敬。
But how will I salute Julia Wu?
How will we salute our R&B Goddess ?
剛發行第三張創作專輯《5AM》的 Julia Wu 吳卓源 女神,我們該如何向她致敬?
其實Julia Wu也是這麼一隻鷹,迎著晨光的降臨。畫面太美,我們不敢直視。
套句藝術創意大師Julia Cameron《The Artist's Way》的書中名句:「鷹不嚷嚷自己的名號,僅把名字穿在身上。乘著夢想的氣流遨翔,在商業峽谷中獵取從高空俯瞰到的獵物。對藝術家而言,『翅膀』和『祈禱』是例行操作S.O.P.,我們必須信任自己的「過程」,視線不侷限於結果。」
用Julia Cameron來致敬Julia Wu,it’s fair and legit。
相信你也認同她是女神囉?那已足夠,讓我們回到正題,好好聆聽 5.A.M.。 Let's listen to Julia Wu's latest album 5AM in a more specific way.
〈What’s good〉是首開門見山的魅惑式問候,歡迎粉絲回到當代節奏藍調的避風港。首曲的Julia的整張專輯調性也因此注入靈魂,一軌一軌的綿密多層次和聲,就像晨間淋浴後的重新梳理,JU’s chilling time is officially started.然而,個人很欣賞的是本作的melody優美光亮、歌詞卻進行著浪漫式的暴力敘事,很高明的反差。本曲談論一個「親眼看著最愛的人牽走他人手、只剩自己傻傻以為還有勝算」的故事,把揪心情節扎入粉絲的心房。
〈5A.M.〉是首乾柴烈火堆疊的火刑情歌,Julia Wu慢慢將使自己失望的戀情殺死,「連夢裡也在騙我」、「still going home all by myself, I don’t want to see nobody else (翻譯:仍要一個人單獨回家,誰也不想見 )」、「不要閃躲」等詞一刀刀把讓人寒心的情人砍到見骨。她的怨念深邃而冶艷,就像女神離開重災區般的情場,重新定位「找回一個我」。
(Damn it, RPG, you’re so brutal on your lyrics, unforgivable!! QVQ)
擺脫上首歌的悶重情緒,〈Planes, Trains, Automobiles〉以飛機、火車、手機等意象勾勒出遠距離戀愛的美味滋補,以「I got a new boy」(我有新的交往對象了)的雀躍少女心,輕鬆move on。小女生的撒嬌黏人非常青春可愛,適合所有熱戀中的青少女,這首歌的年齡層設定不會過高,很符合Ju的年齡,相信學生族群都相當滿意才是。
以PB R&B曲風入味的〈Money Can't Buy You Love〉,是個人本次專輯的最愛,表達出Julia Wu女神端正的三觀(金錢觀、感情觀、人生觀),「找到微笑就好。」
如果第1首歌是以5AM的時間軸(我會用「曙光初露」來形容那樣的空景),那麼到了第4首〈Money Can't Buy You Love〉就已浮現陽光臨到城市各角落的明亮,閃爍著金光恩澤遍地的幸福感。
〈FEVER〉是指熱戀失心瘋、過度自我中心、導致於誤判周遭情勢的恐怖情人狀態,以「愛到沒有退路」的玉石俱焚心情,再用「SO LONG SO LONG(再見再見)」這種老派而浪漫的告別法,以電影《惡女羅曼死》般的劊子手姿態,慢慢讓對方在自己心底死去,或在幻象中親手殺了對方卻渾然不覺。
AND THANK GOD, this is an international English ver. of FEVER!! :D
從家鄉澳洲來到台灣發展,JULIA短短幾年真的成長很多,喜歡隨性自由飆歌的她必須一板一眼地在充滿性暗示的〈Things Things Things〉練雷鬼節拍舞步、扮演這麼多元的高強度的角色、實在讓粉絲五體投地,勢必會將她定位從「老婆」升格為「R&B女神」。
Things, things, things. What are them ? If you really want to know, click it for 1111 times, and let magic do the tricks.
再度陷入情傷與戀愛陷阱的Julia,於〈70億分之一〉又一次飛蛾撲火投身在urban R&B的速度感節拍中,不管是和志同道合的前輩合作還是「靠自己」獨立創作,Julia「消化故事」的能力都讓人敬畏,we MUST salute and respect that.
〈Breathe〉聽起來像夜暮低垂、一切收工準備回住處獨處時會有的喘息時刻(finally a room for herself and her soul !),同時也是一首再度讓人聯想到晨曦女神的輕柔香甜鼻息的收尾好歌。深呼吸本來就是讓大腦釋放腦內啡的一種抒壓方式。本曲編曲由吳卓源、terrytyelee、C-Infamous共同操刀。
粉絲們,好好地在Julia Wu自由的歌聲中喘口氣吧!休息過後就重新出發,記得這場推廣R&B的旅途是不能停歇的。
整體傑作聽下來,《5.A.M》是張兼具迷幻、都會節奏藍調與PB R&B特有幽藍暗色調的深度專輯,製作精良且情緒濃烈,最後JULIE詢問製作人「錄完了?已經幾點了?」 顯示出TEAM JU再度延續黃金工作效能,不只很愛在深夜飆夜車開工、超時加班為靈感加溫,工作狂的堅持、品質與毅力,都在Ju式的率性中表露無遺。
除了暖爸經紀人Austin、神之藝術家Terry、全才節奏藍調兼好牧長Tower Da Funk Masta之外,版權頁中請特別記得曾經啟發J.Sheon在Streetvoice平台發表第一首歌、曾和E.so(MJ116)合作〈分手愛〉、與參劈老莫、DASU合作〈溫故知新〉被譽為「台灣迪安傑羅」的PEZEN、饒舌練家子RPG都在裡頭幫了不少的忙,有在留意台灣R&B場景的內行粉絲,應該都可以發現Julia Wu《5A.M.》幕後陣容也是星光閃爍,一字排開,均是海內外的資深創作者!
《5AM》It’s a masterpiece, but what if that death of valley is too deep for artists to climb back up?
Please stop hurting yourself like that. You’re more than enough. Terry & Tower, you’re 2 of my Titans of R&B + Soul music, maybe there’s a blessing I can delicate to you NOW.
WE, as your realest FANS, will protect you from low energy and harmful people. I will cut off all Judas.
Thank you for building us a safe house, now it’s time for us to pay you back. We were all once victims of horrible music, until you save us and make us STRONG, COMPATIBLE SURVIVORS.
容我在自家網誌為你們抽張Angel Oracle Card。
▼第十屆金音獎「最佳節奏藍調單曲」入圍、YouTube 頻道創下累計破億萬次點閱量,that’s all impressive, but YOUR BEST is YET to come.
OUR BEST is yet to come. Julia Wu吳卓源台灣粉絲團
Just keep them COMING from 5AM ALL THE WAY to midnight.
⭐各大平台數位連結: https://www.soundscape.net/a/4727
撰文:茱力/ Julie⭐
(Except for my articles, all rights reserved to this Amazing Artist and her wonderful team.)
if i were a boy lyrics 在 Roundfinger Facebook 的最佳解答
ประภาส ชลศรานนท์ ที่ผมแอบมอง
จำไม่ได้ว่าผมหยิบหนังสือ "เพลงเขียนคน ดนตรีเขียนโลก" มาจากหิ้งหนังสือของห้องสมุดแห่งไหนในจุฬาฯ แต่จำได้แม่นว่า นี่คือหนังสือเล่มหนึ่งที่เติมสารประกอบสำคัญเข้ามาในสมอง และหล่อหลอมให้เกิดความคิดแบบหนึ่งขึ้นในหัว กระทั่งวันนี้ความคิดนั้นยังคงอวลอยู่ไม่ไปไหน
...Continue ReadingPrapha sachon saranon that I sneak peek at
I don't remember which library I picked up "music writing" from which library in chula, but I remember this is a book that added an important compound into my brain and forged. One thought in my head until today, that thought is still going anywhere.
The idea that is " many more
Along with the feeling that our little hands can write the world.
I have been listening to "Chaliang" since elementary school. Milk hasn't set (now). I still). I understand. When I was in University, the band disband disband has left just a story on the wood sheet for me. A lot of music never old. Those are written from the end of brother chik's pen - prapha chon Sara non
Reading this book makes you see the idea behind each song, and even more you see the author.
For me, whether brother chik wrote a song, wrote a book or made a movie, all he tried to do is ask people to try to look at the corner with more than just the corner.
See the world and your heart will be expansive.
Many more (many more that we don't know. We see it. Just in case we haven't seen it yet), Hibiscus Tree and blind (blind, but the mind is still bonded beauty), if there are only two of us in this world (time I'm hungry. Two of us will eat sticky rice with chicken noodles. Who to buy), it's up to who (it's up to who sees it, who can hear it, who decides), calm down bro (where are you going to fight with? I don't have time. Search for mind) etc.
Many songs of the lyrics are annoying. Such as when a lot of love songs say, " there are only us in this world brother chik asked me. Who will you want to eat noodles, who do you buy from? During a loud song If you don't love me, tell me. Tell me a word. " brother chik also wrote a song. Calm down. Where are you going? Let's see.
Khun Prapha Somchai cuddle will see the world in the drone corner. It's flying up to see the wide picture and spread out that there may be a corner that we forget to look at. The world could be something else.
"many more" in the meaning of brother chik doesn't eat just one thing. There are hundreds of thousands of possible sources, but it also means looking at everyone. Everything is equally important. Equally beautiful. Not comparing to take it to take the beams, but look beautiful. Of that person then pull out that potential to create value
" Classic, don't insult jazz
Jazz don't watch clan pop
Pop, don't mind the country.
Don't be sulking with doctor lam.
Doctor Lam, don't think more than classic. It's high "
This is a message on the screen in the concert. The song makes me think of what brother chik told me in this book. "people are like fingers. It's not equal but fingers too and have different duties" is a teacher's speech. Teaching kids in the young movie of piak posters.
To this day, the " finger is not equal " has been interpreted and wittalion. But in the meaning that I understand that brother chik wants to press, the " difference " rather than " inequality " is thumb is different from Index Finger and pinky and brother chik says " you could be a pinky finger which is more important than the index finger in some things read and think that our round fingers are valuable in our way.
"Tao" which sees the value of the nature of things like this. Often seen in the work of brother chik.
Mr. Prapha is not a big person. If there are two sides, brother chik will not stand on one side. Maybe because of the eyes that sees the beauty of each thing, each mind and an open view. I don't believe that anyone is all right. Or all wrong. Everything is good or bad.
Most importantly, this kind of thought resilience is believed that the people or the extreme thoughts we see are not eternal, but it can always change. The Extreme can also be adjusted, divided, exchange. New ingredients in themselves.
Once I had an opportunity to sit and talk with brother chik. Then we went to consult about making tv show. Our team is interested in a program that focuses on content. Easy, I want to pass knowledge to the audience. When I tell you the pattern and content to you. Listen to the brother ask, " is knowledge necessary that it must not be fun stop thinking and continue asking " is entertainment necessary to be ridiculous "
Just these two questions expand our view. We can see a new area that there is still space in the middle that combines what we thought were irrelevant. Different Worlds. and if we could, we could, we wouldn't cut off any kind of value.
That's another feature of brother chik that I secretly look at. This guy doesn't teach straight away, doesn't comment, but he likes to ask questions. Let the partner to consider it himself. This technique is used in writing as well.
The question that brother chik throws at can make us think " can it be something else " or " can it really see one way
This kind of conversation is like a kind adult who doesn't block. It doesn't draw the line what it should be. But let us choose by ourselves. This is how to tease you think with the question that khun prapha can use this kind of weapon. Praew praew praw praw praw praw The more and more.
If anyone has worked with brother chik, maybe it feels why I came up with this idea! I'm really good! But in fact, we can think because we are triggered by his brother's questions, but we will feel good because no one has ordered us to do that. We make our own decisions.
So it's not just creative work, but the way of working is also creative.
The Picture of brother chik that I remember when I was looking at the idol in the conference room is a picture of a playful executive like a little boy who had the big one who had the power to make any decision.
I saw his brother spinning pen, drawing a picture, and poke him out while everyone was meeting seriously thinking about it.
Good ideas often come up during our relaxing time -- I've heard many good thinking people say that. Many people say that if we don't lose our children, we will always keep the potential to imagine and creative.
Photo of Mr. Prapha in the conference room for me like a playful kid.
Another picture that I remember is in the conference room and dining table of the group who often meet each other. Brother Chik will tease the scared by putting a glass of water. The Edge of the table. It seems to fall to test if that person can endure enough. That person keeps moving deep. Mr. Prapha will laugh and says, " can't you stand it? Can't you stand this kind of thing
A Writer, a creative thinker that we have been following for a long time. Admired and thought that he would be quiet. But when he met the real one, he became a playful little boy, fast talking, Pear, praw and questioning. A very fun conversation.
If I would write about "the" from the eyes that I would have written many pages of paper because I have been looking at brother chik since the work behind my thoughts to read every interview that I saw until I had a chance to meet on the occasion. I'm always looking at verbs, symptoms and thoughts of brother chik. Teacher's Melody.
Finally, brother chik is not crazy. People may see the work, but they don't have to see his own. We know the song. Scream and laugh with brothers and musicians. We love the program of work. Point or many other creative works caused by this brother's mind, but often we don't even know or don't even think there is him behind it.
This is another thing that brother chik taught me. We can make a change or create something without letting people see us. in some cases, it's more powerful than having better cuddle results.
We have seen Mr. Prapha through some work, but I believe there are many pieces of this sharp and round anchor that we didn't know was his work.
The fit of being seen is something that brother chik manages to learn and nan cuddle baht.
Prapha Chon Saranon is a teacher with many lessons to sneak peek and learn.
Thank you brother chik for being an inspiration, an open thought perspective. He ignites the dream of writing books and giving "many more" tips in my heart since I was in teenagers through your work.
Congratulations to brother chik for the National Artist Award in performing arts as the creator of International Thai entertainment and music event this year.
I really want to tell brother chik that "music writing music"
At least one of me is the productivity from your song.
With love and thanks
Ehhh (round finger)Translated
if i were a boy lyrics 在 Lydia Pau Youtube 的最佳解答
A cover of a new song
Bad Boy by CHUNG HA, Christopher
I'm not tryna be dramatic
But I need someone, who can take a little heat
You wanted thunder, now you have it
I want a boyfriend, who can handle all of me (Oh, oh, oh)
It feels like yesterday, yesterday, yesterday
We were making out and reaching for the stars
But not today, not today, not today
'Cause you
Now you say you wanna
A bad boy
All the good girls think they need
A bad boy
And all this time I've tried not to be
A bad boy
What they really do, shit
I'm not good at being cool
When it comes to you
When it comes to you
When it comes to you
When it comes to you
At first you'rе running me over, then you'rе like, "why you making a scene?"
Are you gon' blame this on me? Ooh-no-no-nah
Don't be acting all sweet to get to my head and then just go mean
Look what you're doing to me (Oh, oh, oh)
It feels like yesterday, yesterday, yesterday
We were making out and reachin' for the stars
But not today, not today, not today
'Cause you
Now I say I wanna
A bad boy
All the good girls think they need
A bad boy
And all this time I've tried not to be
A bad boy
What they really do, shit
I'm not good at being cool
When it comes to you
When it comes to you
When it comes to you
When it comes to you
I cried my eyes out expecting reply
You send me snapchats with some other guy
I'm done with heartaches, done wastin' my time on you
Now you say you wanna
A bad boy
All the good girls think they need
A bad boy
And all this time I've tried not to be
A bad boy
What they really do, shit
I'm not good at being cool
When it comes to you
When it comes to you (I'm not good at being cool)
When it comes to you
When it comes to you
If you enjoy the video, dont forget to Like and subscribe my channel :D
Lydia Pau包仲欣
Email: lydia_pau@yahoo.com.hk
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Youtube: Lydia Pau
Streetvoice: Lydia_pau

if i were a boy lyrics 在 Hey It's Dena Youtube 的精選貼文
✧ Listen and download my song / 音樂正式發行平台 ↓↓
Dena 張粹方 - Daydreaming
KKBOX | http://bit.ly/DaydreamingKKBOX
Spotify | http://bit.ly/DaydreamingSpotify
iTunes | http://bit.ly/DaydreamingiTunes
Others | http://bit.ly/DaydreamingListenAll
✧ Youtube Creator Spotlight
蕭小M|蕭小M《再見單身狗》official MV
三度|三度—遠距離 (送給所有遠距離戀愛的情侶們)Ft. Boiii P (彭柏邑),CrazyMan瘋男團Nick
別錯過2018 Creator Spotlight TW 七夕歌單特輯!
✧ More Music / 更多原創作品
Shouldn't Be Missing 英文自創曲 | https://youtu.be/cT_bJ9oUhvw
你愛他 You Love Her 中文版 | https://youtu.be/sTHOhxPv6dk
✧ About Music / 歌曲故事
這是一段 Dena 與學長 John Mayer 約翰梅爾的愛情故事。
繼「妳愛他」好評上架後,甜美有才的 Dena 與超級製作人 Skot Suyama 陶山老師,一同譜寫了今夏最新英文單曲「DAYDREAMING 白日夢」,訴說著女孩在夏天的單戀故事⋯
「DAYDREAMING 白日夢」的靈感,源自於 Dena 對天菜唱作人 John Mayer (約翰梅爾) 的仰慕,並期待某天能有機會對他告白,只可惜現實如此遙遠,Dena 也必須要從這「白日夢」醒來。
Dena 與陶山老師一同寫曲、填詞,兩位音樂人共同將女孩單戀、朝思暮想的心情,透過活潑抒情的方式,完整地刻畫出來。
Daydreaming is a song about my obsession with John Mayer. Dreaming of him noticing me in the crowd; in hopes of one day being able to be with him IRL (in real life); but then I realized that it was all just a dream (ugh, Dena!). I wrote it back in 2014 with a producer I'd always dreamed of working with - Skot Suyama. I remember me tentatively sending in my demo, thinking about the slight chance of working with him, and I couldn't believe it happened. We ended up writing so many more songs together. However, distributing songs back then were an issue if you were under any sort of contract, so we had to keep all these gems hidden for years and years. And now, finally, I am this close to tears in knowing that one of our songs, Daydreaming, is finally officially available to the world! People say that the timing is never truly right, but for this song and for those of you listening, I truly hope it's as close as it can get:) - Dena
✧ Lyrics / 歌詞
Daydreaming 白日夢
Music & Lyrics 詞曲 : Dena 張粹方, Skot Suyama 陶山
I see you walk in distant air 你從遠方走過來
Wearing that same old pair of jeans 一如往常的穿著那件牛仔褲
The way the wind blows through your hair 輕風拂過你的髮梢
Oh I can hardly breathe 那瞬間 讓我停止了呼吸
You’re like the hot chocolate steam 你就像我那杯熱可可蒸氣
With melted marsh mellow so sweat 配上已融化的棉花糖
I can almost feel the warmth of your hands 彷彿能感受到你手心的溫度
Brushing though my cheeks 刷過我的臉頰
Oh I’m just daydreaming 這該不會是夢吧?
Such a silly girl 我真是糊塗
Nothing’s as it seems 多希望這一切是真的
I’m upside down in this world and I’m still 但我依然為他神魂顛倒
The one who thinks will 還天真的以為
Maybe get together 我們也許可以在一起
Oh but it’s never gonna be 但醒醒吧
So wake me up from this dream 這只是個白日夢拉
I like The way your guitar hangs on your shoulder 你的肩上總是掛把吉他
And the tattoo on your arm 還有臂彎上的紋身 這些都讓我深深著迷
You’re like the comforting silver lining 你像道溫柔的曙光
That brings me out of my world 帶我走進你的世界裡
And then you saw me in the crowd 當你凝視著在人群中的我
I can’t help myself no more 我的心快跳了出來
Five seconds never felt this long 這一刻時間像是凝結般
But then you’re gone 你卻突然消失在我眼前
Can someone rescue me 誰能夠救救我
I’m traped in this world 我被困在他的似有似無的世界裡
Of ambiguity 動彈不得
Can someone save me 有誰能夠幫幫我
My heart’s 我的心跳
Been racing 正狂奔著
And it’s running away from me 似乎離我越來越遠了
oh left me here emty 而我只剩下空殼佇立在這
So wake me up from this dream 拜託把我拉回現實吧
✧ Credits / 作品資訊
Music & Lyrics 詞曲: Dena 張粹方, Skot Suyama 陶山
Producer 編曲製作: Skot Suyama 陶山
Recording Engineer 錄音師: Skot Suyama 陶山
Recording Studio 錄音室:Tao Shan Music 陶山音樂
MV Director (Wizard) MV攝影導演: Kaley Emerson
MV Cinematography Assistant (Wizard in training) MV助理: Jamie McGregor (@temporarytruth)
Music Video Producer: Jocelle Koh & Dena 張粹方
Male Lead 男主角: JonJon 黃柏杰
Graphics 主視覺: Ariel Chiang
Cover Photography 封面照攝影: Anrong Hsu (@anrizzy)
Marketing & Planning 企劃執行: Rick Chen & Jocelle Koh
Mandarin Translation 歌詞中譯: 林亭坊
Cafe Location 咖啡廳: 有木之林
Special Thanks: SKR Presents, 東聲唱片, 藍雀影視文化有限公司
✧ Connect with Me | Social Medias / 社群
Facebook Page / 粉絲專頁
https://goo.gl/nAhXXu @dena_chang
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✧ Business Inquiries / 工作洽談
[email protected]
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新朋友嗎? 嗨我是Dena! 高中開始追求我的音樂之路,畢業於輔仁大學護理系! 畢業後終於有勇氣全程灌注去美國念音樂! 這個頻道是分享著我最真實的故事! 歡迎加入我的大家庭一起陪伴彼此成長! 頻道中提供著Dena留學分享、音樂作品、彩妝、生活實錄Vlog等等! 有時候還會來點英文教學哦!
Welcome to my channel! I'm a singer/songwriter based in Taiwan! This channel is pretty much about my current life, my experiences studying at Berklee College of Music in the states, things that I love(music and makeup!) AND you will be expecting a lot of some REALLY chatty videos... (you are warned)!
KEYWORDS: dena chang 張粹方 2018 vlog taiwanese 康熙來了 網路 歌手 美國 Berklee School Of Music 百克利 音樂學院 英文歌 分享 music favorites faves 自彈自唱 美妝 how i learned english 輕鬆 學英文 教英文 美國 美式 腔調 留學 英語 教學 自學 education 台北 台灣 單曲 自創曲 唱作人 泰勒絲

if i were a boy lyrics 在 渡辺レベッカ ☆ Rebecca Butler Watanabe Youtube 的最佳解答
This is an English cover of "Sekai ni Hitotsu Dake no Hana" (The Only Flower in the World), a well-known song performed by Japanese boy band SMAP (founded in 1988 and disbanded just last year in 2016), with lyrics by singer-songwriter Noriyuki Makihara.
While I usually create my own translations, there was already a fantastic English version of this song by Hiromi De Young (YouTube linked below in the credits), and a great translation of the chorus by Nelson Babin-Coy (channel also linked). I used my favorite parts of each of these and made a few of my own changes.
I hope this song's message of acceptance and uniqueness reaches a larger audience through my cover.
*Note: As usual, most of the translation is very close to the original meaning, but the second pre-chorus (the verse starting with "I saw a small flower...") is actually quite different from the original. However, I loved these lyrics so much that I kept them :)
The original meaning of the verse in Japanese is:
I didn't even know his name
But he gave me a smile that day
Just like a flower that was blooming
In a place where nobody would notice it
今回の英語詞はいつもと違って他人の訳詞を使わせていただきました。Hiromi De Youngによる素晴らしい英訳とNelson Babin-Coyによるサビ部分の素敵な英訳に、自分の変更を少し入れて歌わせていただきました。(お二人のYouTubeチャンネルへのリンクは下記のクレジットに記載しました。)
※ちなみに、この英訳はいつものようにかなり原曲の歌詞に近いのですが、2番目のBメロ(「I saw a small flower」から始まるところ)だけが原曲の意味とかなり離れています。それでも、ここの英語詞があまりにも素敵だったのでそのままにしました(^^)/
I saw a small flower as I walked by
It stretched from the shadows to reach for the sky
I thought to myself, what if I was that way
そして思った 私もその花と同じように
Reaching for my own dream and saying...
自分の夢に手を伸ばして こう言おう
英語詞: Hiromi De Young、ネルソン・バビンコイ、渡辺レベッカ
SMAP / Sekai ni Hitotsu Dake no Hana (The Only Flower in the World)
Released 2003
Music/Lyrics: Noriyuki Makihara
English Lyrics: Hiromi De Young, Nelson Babin-Coy, Rebecca Butler Watanabe
リンク / LINKS
■HP⇒ http://BlueEyedUtaUtai.jimdo.com
■Facebook⇒ http://facebook.com/blueeyedutautai
■Twitter⇒ @BlueEyedUtaUtai
(Coming soon)
No. 1にならなくてもいい
(No. 1 ni naranakute mo ii)
もともと特別なOnly one
(moto-moto tokubetsu na "Only one")
I saw all the flowers lined up on display
The shop full of colors with their scented embrace
We all have a blossom we like more than the rest
But I think, with flowers, they all are the best
No fighting or envy, they never contend
But smile in the sunlight and sway in the wind
They all know their mission, it fills them with pride
Everyone is different yet all are alike
I wonder why people must always compare
And judge one another it seems so unfair
To place color, status, and looks to the test
For how can these show us who’s the best?
Just like these flowers
In the whole wide world, you are one of a kind
Cherish your uniqueness, no, you don't need to hide it
Each one of us holds our own special seed
So just be true to you, that's all you'll ever need
A man stood beside me and peered with a sigh
He puzzled and pondered but could not decide
With so many flowers and various hues
All were so pretty, which one should he choose?
Suddenly, a big smile broke out on his face
Flowers in all different colors and shapes
He gathered up a bouquet with one of each kind
Hugging them softly with joy in his mind
I saw a small flower as I walked by
It stretched from the shadows to reach for the sky
I thought to myself, what if I was that way
Reaching for my own dream and saying...
そうさ 僕らも世界に一つだけの花
(sou sa bokura mo sekai ni hitotsu dake no hana)
(hitori hitori chigau tane wo motsu)
(sono hana wo sakaseru koto dake ni)
(isshou-kenmei ni nareba ii)
Small flowers, big flowers, all kinds of flowers
You will never find one that’s just like any other
So you don’t need to struggle to be number one
Just be yourself because there’s only one
La la la la...