Semalam last patient yang saya tengok, seorang ayah bawak anak lelaki umur 4 tahun 10 bulan. Reason bawa jumpa dokte sebab cikgu tadika suruh bawak, nak tengok anaknya ada ADHD ke tak
Anaknya nama Umar. Masuk bilik dokte elok je terus duduk atas kerusi. Pandang dokte. Good eye contact. Not wandering around. Not touching here and there. Ok first impression tak nampak macam ADHD. Bagi pen kat Umar suruh lukis spiderman sebab nampak dia pakai baju spiderman. Umar malu. So dokte lukis spiderman dulu. Umar sambung lukis. Ok laju je. Good pencil grip
Tanya ayah kenapa cikgu cakap macamtu? Ayah cakap cikgu bagitau dalam kelas tak duduk diam. Tak fokus masa belajar. Ni report card dia dokte cikgu suruh bawak. Masa tu ingatkan report card kindy yang biasa. Tapi tengok terus terkejut “wow ni macam report card sekolah kebangsaan!” 😳😳 list all the subjects (math, science, bm, english, seni with grades???? He got D for bm, C for science, B for math) APEKAH??
Then ayah keluarkan kertas exam (wait, what..there is exam for 4 y/o kids??) BM he got 11/100. Ayah nampak confuse. Dia pun tak rasa anak dia ada masalah. Tapi cikgu cakap anak macam ada ciri ADHD. Ayah pun dah rasa panik. Kat rumah ok je dokte. Boleh ikut arahan. Boleh makan guna sudu garpu tangan. Sepah rumah tu biasa lah. Tapi kalau ajar buku ni A, ni B, ni C memang tak nak ikut sangat. Anak first perempuan. Memang lain lah dengan anak lelaki
Tanya ayah Umar ni suka main? Sangattt. Umar ni suka bergerak2 ke? Maksudnya tak boleh duduk setempat lama2? Ye betul. Suka main mainan yang hands on with texture? Macam play dough ke? Ye betul. Ok ayah for what i see Umar takde ciri ADHD (after few more questions and examination). Tapi Umar ni kinesthetic learner. Tapi orang selalu salah anggap budak macam ni ‘hyperactive’ sebab tak nak duk diam kat meja masa belajar. Tapi suka main (padehal memang umur ni tanggungjawab dia main je😅)
Tanya ayah Umar dah boleh dress and undress himself? Dah pandai. Gunting kertas? Tak sangat. Butang baju? Belum. Bagitau ayah yang time ni yang kena focus ialah fine motor skill. Jangan push untuk academically lagi
Dokte bagi ayah dua pilihan untuk Umar:
1) Tukar ke play school. Lebih sesuai untuk perkembangan Umar
2) Kalau nak sekolah sama ayah kat rumah kena usaha buat cara pengajaran yang sesuai untuk kinesthetic learner
3) Selit jugak advice untuk ayah cut sugar intake and gadget time
Ayah faham. Balik rumah nak discuss dengan ibu dulu macamane. Tapi dokte still refer kepada OT so ayah boleh belajar cara yang betul and for further assessment nanti. Umar pun dah siap lukis. Tunjuk kat dokte Umar lukis spider siap ada 8 legs 🕷good job Umar! 👍🏻 then cerita spiderman warna blue & red. Ada spiderman jahat nama dia venom. Ye Umar dokte tahu kat rumah dah ada budak 2 ketul cerita salasilah keluarga spiderman 😆
Lepas Umar dah balik teringat kat my Umar Hadif. Sedih rasa bila dipaksa macam tu sebab Umar kat rumah tu pun sejenis kinesthetic learner. Ajar cara conventional mengadap buku memang boleh jadi geram. Nak ajar kena sambil lompat trampoline. Atau buat alphabet guna play dough
Hmm tapi macam manapun can we adult let the kids be kids? Janganlah merepek paksa budak besar tu buat exam pastu letak grading pastu bagitau anak encik macam ‘gagal’ pastu menambah stress parents and budak2 dalam dunia yang serba nak cepat & stress ni. We actually destroy the love of learning in children 💔
Kredit: Nani Zaik
同時也有504部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過18萬的網紅KemushiChan ロレッタ,也在其Youtube影片中提到,After 6 long months, here's a round of applause to @Boomlore for being the guinea pig in this video as we talk to my neighbors and test out my new pho...
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in in math 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的最佳解答
suckは本来、「吸う」や「しゃぶる」、「なめる」を意味する単語です。例えば、「ストローで吸う」は“Suck on a straw.”、「ペロペロキャンディーをなめる」は“Suck on a lollipop.”、「私の息子は親指をしゃぶります」は“My son sucks his thumb.”と言います。その他、“Vacuum cleaners suck dust from the floor.”のように、掃除機が床のホコリを吸い取る意味でも使えます。
1) ____ sucks
→「ひどい / 最悪 / つまらない」
suckは「ひどい」「最悪」「つまらない」の意味でよく使われる口語的な表現です。例えば、「この料理は最悪だ」は“This food sucks.”、「この映画はつまらない」は“That movie sucks.”、「私の仕事は最悪だ」は“My job sucks.”のように表現します。一般的に“____ sucks”の形式が使われます。
That restaurant has a nice vibe, but the food sucks.
I don't get what the hype is all about. I thought that movie sucked.
My job sucks. It doesn't pay well and I have to work long hours.
2) That sucks
→「それはひどいね / 残念だね / ついてないね」
“That sucks.”は「それはひどいね」や「残念だね」、「ついてないね」を意味し、不幸や災難といった悪い出来事に対する同情を表す表現として使われるインフォーマルなフレーズです。
✔友人のペットや誰かが亡くなった場合など深刻なシーンでの使用は非常に失礼にあたるので避けましょう。その場合は、“I'm very sorry.”や“I'm sorry to hear that.”を使うようにしましょう。
The tickets sold out? That sucks.
I can't believe your flight got delayed for 8 hours. That sucks.
That sucks. If I were you, I would have complained to the manager.
A: I just needed one more point to pass! It's so frustrating.
B: Ah man, that sucks.
A: I was supposed to study abroad in Vancouver this year, but it got canceled because of the coronavirus.
B: Are you serious? That sucks. Hopefully, you can go next year.
A: It was raining the whole time I was there. It was terrible.
B: Wow, that sucks. I had a similar experience when I went to Thailand last year.
3) Suck(s) at ____
→「〜が下手 / 〜が苦手」
suckはスポーツや楽器が「下手」、学校の科目が「苦手」と表現する時にも使うことができ、その場合は“suck at ____”の形式が使われます。例えば、「私はビリヤードが下手です」は“I suck at pool.”、「彼は運転が下手です」は“He sucks at driving.”、「彼女は絵を描くのが苦手です」は“She sucks at drawing.”のように表現します。
ちなみに、「君は下手くそだな」と言いたい時はシンプルに“You suck!”と言います。“You suck!”は状況によって、「君は役立たずだ」や「あなたは最低だ」の意味になることもあるので、状況に応じて判断しましょう。
✔「(彼は)〜が下手」→「(He) sucks at _____」
✔「(彼は)へたくそ」→「(He) sucks!」
I suck at cooking. I go to the convenience store or order on Uber Eats every day.
(私は料理が下手なので、毎日コンビニに行くかUber Eatsで注文します。)
He seriously sucks at driving. Honestly, he shouldn't be on the road. It's hazardous.
Is she really a professional singer? She sucks. She can't carry a tune.
I suck at cooking. The only thing I can make is cup noodles.
I suck at math. I never liked math ever since I was a kid.
He really sucks. He needs more practice.
4) Suck it up
“suck it up”は「我慢しなさい」を意味する口語的な言い方です。特にグダグダと愚痴をこぼしたり弱音を吐いている人に対して使われることが多く、文句を言わずに「我慢してやりなさい、終わらせないさい、なんとかしなさい」といった意味になります。“suck it up”は必ずこの組み合わせで使われるので、このまま覚えましょう。
Look. I know you're exhausted, but suck it up. We have to finish this by today.
My leg cramped up during the marathon, but I sucked it up and finished the race.
Don't put off your project. Just suck it up and finish tonight.
A: It's too hot. I don't want to do this anymore.
B: Suck it up. We're almost done. Let's finish up.
in in math 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
我現在33歲,So What? 終於懂,「當下的自己」才是人生時間軸上最重要的!
Your best self is not in the future, but in the Now.
Looking back, I seem to have been playing a role in almost every relationship I was ever in. I'm not just talking about romantic relationships. Whether it was with friends or colleagues (especially seniors), I would modify myself almost instinctively. Should my voice be sweeter? My jokes dirtier? If you wanted to know who I was eating with that day, all you had to do was look at the clothes I was wearing.
The changes were subtle, but they still reflected a truth: I didn’t feel like the real me was enough so I was worried that other people would also find her lacking. I told myself that if I just kept working at it, I would someday become a version of Lara that everyone accepted.
Eventually I only knew how to get my cues from the external world. I would always base my next step on feedback I got from others. Most people considered me easy to get along with, but I grew more and more unhappy.
I think I had it all wrong. My first priority should have been listening to my inner voice. Whether or not other people agree with it is not in my control nor of my concern. Take looking for a partner. Even if I found the person of my dreams, it would never last if I couldn’t be myself around them.
I am 33 years old. So What? I finally understand that "the present self" is the most important thing on the timeline of life! It’s time to prioritize me!
By the way, is anyone curious about the meaning of "{}" this time? Besides the more commonly known representation of parentheses as prioritization, these curly brackets are called “the empty set”. The empty what? If like me, math is not your strongest suit, think of it as an empty suitcase. "Empty" doesn’t mean nothing, but infinite possibilities! What will you fill your life with this time?
<再也沒有你> 陳勢安 Andrew Tan
#Lara梁心頤2021全新專輯二部曲 #來者何人{} 全球發行
#再也沒有你 #NoMoreU #SoWhat30
in in math 在 KemushiChan ロレッタ Youtube 的最讚貼文
After 6 long months, here's a round of applause to @Boomlore for being the guinea pig in this video as we talk to my neighbors and test out my new phone!
Here's the waffletruck in my neighborhood:
(Dates/Locations updated on Twitter):
♪Music in this video courtesy of Artlist♬
★☆Where I got my iPhone 12 ★☆
Many thanks! This phone was gifted by 28mobile but all opinions are my own.
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Hi! My name is Loretta, a girl from the U.S. who moved to Japan to start Graduate School via the MEXT Scholarship.
① Do I Speak Japanese? Yep! I was taught formally in High School and have been speaking now for over 15 years.
② What uni did I attend in Japan: Yokohama National University's "Masters of Business Administration" Program
③ How old are you?: Year of the dragon. :D The math is up to you.
④ What camera equipment do you use?: I film my videos with a Canon 60D using a 30mm Sigma Art Lens and I edit with Sony Vegas Pro (with some help from photoshop). Additional cameras include GoPro Hero 7 Black and DJI Majic Air
#apartmenttour #japanvlog #techreview

in in math 在 KemushiChan ロレッタ Youtube 的最讚貼文
Why I left New York & tips re moving to Japan.
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Introducing Chika from Chika Alice in Japan! Check out her channel to see more videos from an OL in Japan:
Thanks to Tippsy for greasing the wheels of this girls talk! If you want to try out a box for yourself, use the link below with the code KEMUSHI for $20 off!
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00:00 INTRO
00:45 Loretta get's tippsy and spills the tea
02:34 How much to save before moving to Japan?
05:58 Is 30+ too old to move to Japan?
06:13 The job roadblock for foreigners in Japan
09:02 Should I get married to move to Japan?
11:31 What made you move to Japan finally?
15:30 How much money did you lose moving to Japan?
18:43 What would you change if you could do it over?
💰 H O W T O S U P P O R T T H I S C H A N N E L
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📷 S U B S C R I B E
→ My Second Channel: @Boomlore
→ Me: @KemushiChan ロレッタ
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→ (find a Japanese tutor!)
→ (JR Pass, Mobile Wifi & more for Travel)
Business Inquiries:
🔍 F A Q
Hi! My name is Loretta, a girl from the U.S. who moved to Japan to start Graduate School via the MEXT Scholarship.
① Do I Speak Japanese? Yep! I was taught formally in High School and have been speaking now for over 15 years.
② What uni did I attend in Japan: Yokohama National University's "Masters of Business Administration" Program
③ How old are you?: Year of the dragon. :D The math is up to you.
④ What camera equipment do you use?: I film my videos with a Canon 60D using a 30mm Sigma Art Lens and I edit with Sony Vegas Pro (with some help from photoshop). Additional cameras include GoPro Hero 7 Black and DJI Majic Air
#costofliving #tokyo #newyorkcity

in in math 在 KemushiChan ロレッタ Youtube 的精選貼文
See how my Japanese friend Yuu reacts to all my dark and juicy questions. Check out his channel below for Part II!
Thanks to Bokksu for the snacks, get 10% off (save up to $47!) your own authentic Japanese snack box from Bokksu using my link: and code KEMUSHI10
Watch our second video on Yuu's channel!:
This video was sponsored by Bokksu.
Big shout out to GROOVY KAIJU for providing the music for this chill episode at home! Please make sure to check out his music!
- - - - - - - - S U B S C R I B E - - - - - - - -
My Second Channel:
- - - - - - - - H O W T O R E A C H M E - - - - - - - -
Business Inquiries:
- - - - - - - - F A Q - - - - - - - -
Hi! My name is Loretta, a girl from the U.S. who moved to Japan! I'm here on the MEXT scholarship program as a graduate student, studying to get a Masters in Business Administration. Here are some answers to common questions:
1. Do I Speak Japanese? Yep! I was taught formally in High School and have been speaking now for over 15 years.
2. What are you studying? I'm a recent grad of Yokohama National University's "Masters of Business Administration" Program
3. How old are you?: Year of the dragon. :D The math is up to you.
4. How did you get into Japanese school?:
5. What camera equipment do you use?: I film my videos with a Canon 60D using a 30mm Sigma Art Lens and I edit with Sony Vegas Pro 10 (with some help from photoshop). Additional cameras include GoPro Hero 7 Black and DJI Majic Air
#jlpt #speakjapanese #askjapanese

in in math 在 Useful List of Math Symbols in English • 7ESL - Pinterest 的推薦與評價
Oct 31, 2018 - Math Vocabulary! List of ESL Math vocabulary words and Math terms in English with pictures. These useful Mathematical terms help English ... ... <看更多>
in in math 在 What does the ln or 1n mean in this equation? 的推薦與評價
1. Natural logarithm. · 1. And to clarify, that is the letter ℓ, not the number one. · Thanks. I feel the world would be a more math-literate ... ... <看更多>