【校園新聞|Campus News 】校方公佈第一學期教學安排 部分課程於22/9 後恢復面授教學|Teaching Arrangement for Semester 1 released — Some courses will resume face-to-face teaching from 22/9.
(Please scroll down for English Version)
- 全部課程均可於網上瀏覽,學生將可選擇於網上完成第一學期的課程,校方不會強制要求學生於第一學期回校上課。
- 1-21/9: 全部課程只採用網上授課。
- 22/9-30/11: 全部以面授教學或混合形式進行的課堂(可於SIS ‘course attributes’ 檢視)將提供面授教學的選項。
- 期終考試:全部期終考試將於網上進行。
1. 部分課程需學生親身參與(hands-on engagement)會全面或部分以面授方式教學。
Add/drop period期間,校方將於HKU Moodle提供「自行註冊」(self-enrol)的功能,學生可旁聽不同課程。Add/drop period 完結後,任何自行註冊的課程將被刪除(除非學生其後正式經課程註冊系統註冊該課程)。
電郵亦提及若教授有所要求,參與網上課程的學生須開啟其網絡攝像鏡頭(Web Cam)。有特殊需要的學生可根據情況(case-by-case basis)向教授申請豁免。若教授和學生並不能達成協議,個案將轉介給相關副院長(教學),Common Core課程的個案則轉介給相關主任。
Professor Ian Holliday, Vice-President (Teaching & Learning) of HKU announced the latest teaching arrangements for the coming Semester 1, today (28/8). Considering that the local pandemic is currently improving, the school will make a partial return to face-to-face (f2f) teaching from 22/9. The details are as follows:
- All courses will be available online. Students will have the option of completing S1 online. No student will be required to return to campus for f2f classes in S1.
- 1-21/9: All courses will be delivered online only.
- 22/9-30/11: All courses with either ‘face-to-face’ or ‘mixed’ as the delivery mode (view under ‘course attributes’ in SIS) will provide a face-to-face option.
- Final exams: All final exams will take place online.
Please be aware of the following exceptions:
1. Some courses involving hands-on engagement will be taken face-to-face either in whole or in part.
2. Some exams will be held in-person either because there are special requirements (eg professional programmes), or because all the students taking a course are in Hong Kong and it is safe for them to attend an in-person exam.
Faculties will issue separate guidance to their students about the related matters.
During the add/drop period, the school is providing students with a ‘self-enrol’ function on HKU Moodle to allow courses to be audited during the add/drop period. This function will be available only during the add/drop period. Once that period ends, all self-enrolments will be deleted unless the student has formally enrolled in the course through the course registration system.
The email has also stated that when the teacher asks students to do so, students taking online classes are required to turn on their webcams. Students with special needs or circumstances may apply to their teachers for exemption on a case-by-case basis. If a teacher and student can't reach an agreement, the case may be referred to the relevant Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning) or, in the case of Common Core courses, to the Director.