[好文] 20 種很棒的 Raspberry Pi 應用(附簡易中文翻譯)
原文連結: https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/different-uses-raspberry-pi/
Raspberry Pi 是一種價格低廉的「開發板」(根據配備與規格的不同,一片 NT$1000~NT$3000 左右)。它可以安裝 Linux,用來當成文書機。也可以用它暴露出來的「通用輸出入針腳(GPIO, General-Purpose Input/Output)」,寫程式來做各種自動控制專案。對於想入門「嵌入式程式設計」領域的朋友,是一個很好的起點。
國外網友整理了 20 種 Raspberry Pi 很棒的應用,如果您也不曉得 Raspberry Pi 可以拿來做什麼用,不妨來看看吧!
1. 作為「桌機」(Desktop PC)
裝了 Linux 後,便可以當成簡單的文書機。
2. 作為「無線列印伺服器」(Wireless Print Server)
對於某些沒有內建 Wi-Fi 的印表機,可以當這些老式印表機的無線網路接收器。
3. 作為「AirPrint 伺服器」
4. 作為「媒體播放器」(Media Center)
Raspberry Pi 安裝 Linux 後,就可以做為媒體串流伺服器,將您存在電腦上的影片,投射到家中具有 HDMI 接口的大電視上。可高達 1080p 高解析度喔!
5. 作為「遊戲模擬器」(Retro Gaming Machine)
可在 Raspberry Pi 上安裝各種遊戲模擬器(紅白機、PS...),並下載各種懷舊遊戲的 ROM 檔案,裝上手把,就可以回味您的青春了。
6. 作為「Minecraft 遊戲伺服器」(Minecraft Game Server)
「Minecraft」台灣暱稱為「麥塊」,是一款可以「挖寶、探險、建築」的遊戲。也有些專家很推薦讓小朋友玩,培養 3D 空間的感覺。我兒子也蠻愛玩的... XD 如果你不想花錢去加入官方的「麥塊伺服器」,不妨自己架設一個囉!
7. 機器人控制(Robot Control)
如果想做機器人,那 Raspberry Pi + 另一塊開發板「Arduino」,應該是你的首選。把 Raspberry Pi 當成「大腦」,執行智慧判斷。把 Arduino 當成「神經系統」,負責控制四肢。您的機器人就會活靈活現的了!
8. 製作「定格動畫」(Stop Motion Camera)
Raspberry Pi 也搭配一個小型的攝影機。如果您想製作「定格動畫」(移動一下拍一張,然後連續播放。如:粘土人動畫),這邊有寫好的程式碼,以及教你怎麼組裝喔!拼一拼就有一台「定格動畫專用攝影機」了!不必花大錢買!
9. 縮時攝影機(Time Lapse Camera)
雖然您的 iPhone 也能拍縮時攝影...但您要拍的縮時攝影若是在戶外,且時間長達好幾個月(如:觀察花卉開花過程),您會把 iPhone 丟在野外幾個月嗎?不會吧?這時便宜強大的 Raspberry Pi + 行動電源就可以派上用場了!有簡便程式碼,並且教你怎麼安裝喔!
10. FM 收音機(FM Radio Station)
Raspberry Pi 也能架設 FM 接收台喔!你可以把它當成一部收音機,接上喇叭,就是一台簡易的 FM 收音機了。
11. Web 伺服器
Raspberry Pi 也可以安裝 Web 伺服器,讓你在家裡就能架設網站,不必去跟外面買空間、繳月費。
12. Twitter 機器人
這邊指的是會自動轉推特定關鍵字的軟體。有些推特經營者,會習慣去搜索包含自家品牌相關的新聞,然後轉推到自己的帳號。有了 Twitter 機器人,這件事就可以請它代勞了!给他關鍵字,就可以幫你自動轉推,維護自家品牌的熱度喔!
13. 自製監視器(Motion Capture Security System)
由於 Raspberry Pi 有 USB 接口,安裝 Linux 後根本就是一台桌機,所以當然可以用 Web Cam 做出監視器,還能用手機連回來看看監視器看到什麼喔!
14. 數位相框(Digital Photo Frame)
Raspberry Pi 板子很小,安裝 Linux 後,再把它連上一個螢幕,就是一台「數位相框」了。想在自家客廳循環播放你的珍貴回憶嗎?試試看這個專案吧!
15. 星空攝影(Photograph the Night Sky)
天文愛好者可以利用 Raspberry Pi 可程式化、又能連接攝影機、外接螢幕的特色,製作夜空拍攝道具。這樣一來,就不用苦苦守候天文現象囉!
16. 網路流量監視器(Network Monitoring Tool)
Raspberry Pi 既然是一台 Linux 小電腦,當然可以安裝 Linux 相關的軟體,來監視特定網站的流量。對於那些想知道自家流量如何的人,非常方便!
17. 智慧型電視(Smart TV)
您家有 HDMI 的電視,但無法上網收看網路內容嗎?Raspberry Pi 自帶 HDMI 與 Wi-Fi,將它安裝成一台網路電視,再讓它把內容透過 HDMI 輸出到你家電視機,馬上把你家的電視機從「智障型」升級成「智慧型」電視!看 YouTube 什麼的,輕鬆自在喔!
18. 網路硬碟(NAS Box)
Raspberry Pi 安裝 Linux 與特定軟體,再於 USB 接口加掛一顆 4TB 的硬碟,馬上就能讓你出門也能存取家中的檔案。Raspberry Pi 相當省電,可以全天不關機。連上家中的 ADSL,就成了全天候的網路硬碟了!讓你從此嫌棄 Dropbox 不夠用!
19. 智慧型家庭中控器(Home Automation)
想在抵達家裡之前,就用手機打開冷暖氣機、按下煮飯的按鈕、或啟動咖啡壺嗎?早就有人幫你把程式碼寫好了喔!添購一些「網路受控」的電器開關,再讓它們與 Raspberry Pi 相連,你就可以用手機操控 Raspberry Pi,讓它幫你下指令,控制家中電器開關了喔!
20. 自製「AirPlay 接收器」
這是 Apple 的一種網路連線協定。支援 AirPlay 的設備,可以透過該協定,互相交換資料。如果你家中 Apple 設備眾多,又不想花錢買一台 AirPlay 接收器,可以想辦法自己做一個喔!
希望這樣的簡單翻譯,大家會喜歡!如果對「自動控制」有興趣的朋友,不妨去買一塊 Raspberry Pi 開發板,自己回來試試看這些專案喔!
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅kormaruR,也在其Youtube影片中提到,~Updated Description on 2/15/2012~ : added some pros to both device. To clarify, this comparison is the PCIe ver. not the USB ver. for the AVerMedia H...
「input capture camera」的推薦目錄:
input capture camera 在 kormaruR Youtube 的最佳貼文
~Updated Description on 2/15/2012~ : added some pros to both device.
To clarify, this comparison is the PCIe ver. not the USB ver. for the AVerMedia HD DVR. I do not own the USB ver. thus I can not give any input.
As for the New Hauppauge HD PVR Gaming edition, its basically the same as HD PVR 1212 with just the change of included software is different.
Recently purchased AVerMedia AVerTV HD DVR for streaming purposes.
Just want to compare the quality of the video recorded from both device at their max setting then rendered at 10mb bitrate.
This video may or may not help you choose between two capture device for future purchases. Just leave some comment below, for it might be some help to others that do consider purchasing either. Remember to read the following video description too.
Both are recorded thru component cables and at 720p res. AVerMedia AVerTV HD DVR has HDMI input but it has HDCP, which require me to use FRAPS if I do want to record thru HDMI. Either way, to give HD PVR a fair shake both is recorded thru component cables.
Note video source were split two/three ways; 1 to HDTV, 2 to HD PVR, 3 to HD DVR.
Here's my own opinion, HD PVR has a nicer default color setting and brightness but of course using SONY Vegas or any advance video editing software can add tweak to those settings.
Now to List the Pros & Cons for each device:
Hauppauge HD PVR 1212:
-Hardware Encoder (Does not require a mid/or high end PC to record HD videos) (Side note: I used my Acer AspireOne Intel Atom Processor mini laptop to record before and the video came out fine. Just that if you watch it in an Atom Processor, you might see lag/frame skip but just transfer that video file to a better PC. Then, you'll see its not the video but the processor (Intel Atom) can't process the video to be frame skip/lag free)
-Has optical audio input for 5.1ch surround sound recording
-New Drivers + New Xsplit can now use HD PVR as a camera source to broadcast without the need screen capturing.
-Only if you are using screen capturing to broadcast then you can use the Arcsoft TotalMedia to record while simultaneously broadcast.
-Video lag/delay (Cannot directly play from PC due to 1-5sec video delay)
-For FME broadcasting software only! it cannot directly use HD PVR as an video input source. If you use xsplit it render this con pointless.
(Req. Screen Capturing Program to Screen Cap the Total Media Extreme Video Window, thus require more processing speed. in another words needs a mid to high end PC if you want to use HD PVR to broadcast live.)
-~$190 price tag??, not alot might willing to spend this much I guess.
AVerMedia AVerTV HD DVR:
-No Video lag/delay (Can play directly using the PC and don't need to split video source to HDTV to play)
-FME, Xsplit & other broadcasting software can directly use HD DVR as input source (Ideal way for using to broadcast live)
-You can use screen capturing to broadcast so that you can record with Aver Media Center while simultaneously broadcast.
- ~$85 price tag, cheap compare to many others HD capture device out there.
-Not Hardware Encoder (Req. a mid/or high end PC to record HD quality videos)
-HDMI input is HDCP'ed (Can only view HDCP content thru its own provided software and no recording functionally when watching through HDMI, but can bypass if FRAPS is used)
-Req. PCI-E slot (Note you can plug this into a x16 slot too, if you don't have any available x1 slot. Which is what I'm currently doing so.)
Hauppauge HD PVR 1212:
AVerMedia AVerTV HD DVR:
H264 Video Codec @ 1920x1080p 60FPS 10mb bitrate
44.1KHz 128,000bps Audio Bitrate
MP4 Container