【COMPUTEX 2021 Virtual Concludes🙌】
The month-long COMPUTEX 2021 Virtual concluded today. The inaugural AI-driven #COMPUTEXVirtual attracted more than 400,000 visitors from 117 countries across 5 continents, establishing COMPUTEX's role as a leading global ICT and IoT show💪. Here are some of the highlights from the exhibition.
🔹 AI computing and mechanisms such as video conferencing, meeting requests, and instant messaging successfully helped increase interactions during the exhibition, with Gaming and XR, 5G Communications & Networking, and InnoVEX being the most popular sections 👏.
🔸 This year’s #InnoVEXVirtual attracted 81 startups from 21 countries, injecting life into the global startup ecosystem.
🔹 The much-anticipated CEO Keynotes invited CEOs from 5 leading companies, sharing the latest technology trends, and generated a total of 87,000 views.
We will carry forward this year’s innovative thinking and continue to optimize exhibition experience and build global technology ecosystems. COMPUTEX 2022 will take place on May 24th to May 27th. Save the date! See you next year!
For more information, please visit: https://www.computextaipei.com.tw/en/news/F712A5F0A8B06477/info.html
【COMPUTEX 2021 Virtual 圓滿落幕🙌亮點成果報您知!】
為期一個月的 COMPUTEX 2021 Virtual 於今日圓滿落幕!首次結合 AI 技術推出的 #COMPUTEXVirtual 吸引橫跨五大洲逾 117 個國家近 40 萬人次線上觀展,展現 COMPUTEX 作為全球指標性資通訊科技大展的強大號召力💪以下就帶您一次了解展會亮點成果:
🔹 #COMPUTEXVirtual 透過 AI 運算技術以及視訊洽談、會議預約與即時文字對話機制,成功促進線上觀展互動👏而根據統計,參觀者最感興趣的展區分別為「電競與 XR」、「5G 通訊及網路」和「InnoVEX」。
🔸 匯聚創新能量的 #InnoVEXVirtual 吸引來自 21 個國家、81家新創公司參展,積極媒合及搶進台灣科技產業鏈!
🔹 備受矚目的 CEO Keynotes 今年擴大邀約 5 位指標大廠 CEO 暢談最新科技趨勢,強大陣容讓影片觀看次數直衝 87,000 次🎊
展望 COMPUTEX 2022,我們希望延續 COMPUTEX 2021 Virtual 創新思維,優化觀展體驗。搶先告訴您,明年的 COMPUTEX 即將在 5 月 24 日至 5 月 27 日登場!快登記在行事曆上,我們明年見囉👋
點擊連結閱讀更多 COMPUTEX 2021 Virtual 亮點成果:https://www.computextaipei.com.tw/zh-tw/news/925CBBAF24B6D230/info.html?lt=data&cr=1
interactions ai 在 台灣物聯網實驗室 IOT Labs Facebook 的最佳解答
離自動駕駛只差一步 誰還需要DMS?
作者 : Colin Barnden,EE Times專欄作者
人們普遍認為特斯拉(Telsa)離自動駕駛烏托邦只差簡單的OTA (over-the-air)這一步了,而忽略了基於視覺的駕駛監控系統(DMS)技術的發展。特斯拉都已經進入「全自動駕駛」(Full Self-Driving)的最後衝刺階段了,誰還需要DMS來監控駕駛呢?
沒這麼快!《消費者報告》(Consumer Reports)的一項最新研究結果顯示,特斯拉可能吹噓過頭了。這篇題為「Cadillac’s Super Cruise Outperforms Other Driving Assistance Systems」的報告總結,「在《消費者報告》對17個系統的最新評級中,凱迪拉克(Cadillac)的Super Cruise遙遙領先於排在第二位的特斯拉Autopilot,其他汽車製造商則緊隨其後。」
《消費者報告》連網和自動駕駛車(AV)測試部門負責人Kelly Funkhouser評論:「儘管很多不同的汽車製造商都提供了新系統,但Super Cruise仍然名列前茅,因為其紅外線攝影機可確保駕駛的眼睛始終看向車道。」
歐盟新車安全評鑑協會(NCAP)和英國保險集團Thatcham Research最近聯合發表了「輔助駕駛等級」(Assisted Driving Grading)評估,結論與《消費者報告》一致。美國杜克大學(Duke University)人類與自主實驗室主任Missy Cummings也發表了一份評估報告,名為「Assessing Tesla Model 3s’ Autopilot Interactions with the Driver Monitoring System」。
來自《消費者報告》、歐盟NCAP、Thatcham Research、美國國家運輸安全委員會(NTSB)和Missy Cummings的資訊都清楚不過地表示:快回去找說大話的Elon Musk安裝合適的DMS吧!
雖然目前這個市場還沒有發展起來,但汽車視覺DMS已經擁有非凡的技術創新和產品發展。這些成就幾乎沒有被報導過,因為其主要供應商都是些名不見經傳的小公司,例如Eyesight Technologies (以色列Herzliya)、Jungo Connectivity (以色列Netanya)、Seeing Machines (澳大利亞Canberra)、Smart Eye (瑞典Gothenburg)和Xperi (美國加州San Jose)。
Eyesight Technologies展示了將視覺DMS與電腦視覺處理和概率人工智慧(AI)結合,以顯著提高中國道路使用安全性的實際應用(圖1)。
有一種說法是,只要駕駛專心駕駛並時刻對道路狀況保持警覺,幾乎就可以完全不需要先進駕駛輔助系統(ADAS)來發出警報、蜂鳴音和提示音了。Thatcham Research發佈的「Defining Safe Automated Driving」是一份很有價值的報告,清楚地呈現了歐洲駕駛狀態監測政策的走向。
2022年6月到2024年6月,駕駛參與度監控(適用於Level 2+和Level 3自主車輛的視覺DMS)
2024年6月至2026年6月,駕駛注意力分散高階預警系統(適用於Level 0~2車輛的視覺DMS)
Thatcham Research和歐盟NCAP為制定視覺DMS測試規範細則所進行的許多工作,很快將被其他地區的諮詢機構採納。
我之前曾寫過文章討論美國對DMS的立法態度。此事並沒什麼進展,除了「Moving Forward Act (H.R.2)」通過了眾議院表決,送交到參議院。
正如我在「Lack of ADAS Benchmarks Is Haunting Car Industry」這篇文章中所強調的,在美國,國家公路交通安全管理局(NHTSA)可以透過改變NCAP評估等級來改善道路安全,最好透過與Thatcham Research和歐盟NCAP合作來實現。
根據《華爾街日報》(Wall Street Journal) 2018年5月的一份報告,特斯拉拒絕在Autopilot中整合視覺DMS,因為他們認為這項技術沒什麼用,但歐洲立法者和監管者完全不同意特斯拉的斷言。
《消費者報告》安全政策經理William Wallace總結:「安全功能的作用是驗證駕駛是否專心,並隨時準備採取行動,因而對於自動駕駛輔助系統而言至關重要。否則,自動駕駛系統潛在的安全風險可能最終掩蓋其帶來的好處。」
interactions ai 在 AppWorks Facebook 的最佳貼文
【Lesson #3 - Talk to your investors】
Many founders spend countless hours of blood, sweat, and tears fundraising. Endless Zoom calls, perpetual follow-ups, coffee chats, check-ins, dinners, networking events, are all examples of this "always be fundraising" mentality commonly held among bootstrapping entrepreneurs. It's a lot of effort, that oftentimes does not carry over post-fundraising. Once they get money in, the communications falter—a grave mistake and wasted resource, according to Hai Ho, the founder/CEO of Triip (AW#18), a blockchain powered travel platform based in VN.
What I’ve come to learn is that the strength of your company is very closely tied to the strength of your relationship with your investors and how frequently you interact with them. Oftentimes in the early days of your startup, you tend to shrug off any need for external help. You managed to build up promising initial traction, raise a round or two of financing, hire top notch talent—things are good, why trouble yourself with managing investor relations. “I’ll reach out when there’s a problem” you might think to yourself.
Before, I would probably hold a board meeting once, maybe twice a year depending on everyone’s schedule, strictly for the purposes of corporate governance. I’ve since changed how I communicate with my investors. No matter how busy it gets, I make it an effort to send email updates once a month and have meetings with them twice a quarter.
Looking back on my 13 years of entrepreneurship, I wish I could’ve done this a lot sooner. Your investors collectively boast a wealth of experience, wisdom, and connections. Make sure you take advantage of that. Talk to them, in good times and bad. You’re on a long-term journey together, so the least you can do is put some trust in each other. They can help illuminate your blind spots, while leveling the playing field against competition, but only if you let them.
We often forget that founder-investor relations are still a type of human relationship at the end of the day, which can only be developed through consistent face-to-face interactions (virtual or physical), not just from a couple of WhatsApp messages here and there. Doing so has created a stronger bond and mutual understanding between my board and I, and ultimately allowed for more information flow, both ways. Most of my problems now have become much easier to solve than before.
Right when COVID first hit in early 2020, I was still somewhat optimistic about the fundraising climate and overall travel landscape, in my naivete. But one of our very early investors that I had recently rekindled with through my renewed IR efforts thankfully stepped in with a precautionary outlook, shepherding us through some scenario planning and advising us to cut costs to zero and assume we wouldn’t be able to get new funds in until 2024. His guidance was instrumental in helping us weather this storm so far. It’s been an incredibly tough time for travel companies this year, to say the least. But building this communication flow with my investors and advisors has made it 10x easier, for both tactical and moral support.
Applications for AW#22 are now open to founders targeting SEA, AI/IoT, or Blockchain/Defi -> https://bit.ly/2VQaEg9