Alhamdulillah. Allahuakbar Allahuakbar Allahuakbar.
Pada Jumaat yang lepas (26/2/2021) kami menerima mesej dari sahabat kami bahawa seorang saudara kita Warel mengucapkan dua kalimah syahadah di Islamic Center Bangkok Thailand.
Beliau yang merupakan seorang Roman Catholic dari Filippino memilih untuk memeluk agama islam setelah sekian lama mengkaji dan mendalami agama Islam.
“I found my missing faith in Islam. My faith is always telling me that God is only one since I was in Catholic religion. It never changed until when I took my Shahadah”
Beliau yang bekerja di Thailand sebagai seorang Guru Sains tidak menyangka bahawa dia akan membuat keputusan untuk memeluk agama islam disitu setelah menjelajah ke beberapa negara termasuk di Malaysia untuk mendalami agama Islam.
“I never thought that I will be more exposed in Islam when living and working in Thailand. I was becoming more curious about Islam. And I found that Christianity and Islam have a similarity. Because of that, I understand more about Islam. And, I was thinking that if I will be converted to another religion it would be Islam because its very close to my own belief and faith.”
QadarAllah, bahan-bahan dakwah beserta Al Quran terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang di pos dari ahli keluarga angkatnya di Kuala Lumpur yang diberikan oleh MRM telah selamat diterima oleh beliau.
“After my Shahadah, I received very precious gifts from MRM. I received AL QURAN and other books which are very helpful in my new faith endeavor. I appreciated the kindness, supports and prayers of MRM family and organization. Thanks, MRM, for your kind gifts. Al Quran is very special, unique and all in one. There is English translation with Arabic transcriptions which make the Al Quran so unique and easy to use. I read one book from MRM “My Great Love for Jesus Led me to Islam”. This book is very informative that gives me a fruit of knowledge to my journey of Islam. Thank you, MRM. I wish you all the best for whatever visions’ you have. May Allah Bless Us Always!”
Syukur Allah jadikan kami asbab dan platform untuk beliau mendalami ilmu dalam agama Islam. Alhamdulillah. Bagi sahabat-sahabat yang Belum Muslim yang ingin dapatkan bahan-bahan pembacaan tentang Islam secara percuma, boleh berhubung dengan kami di 011-10500414.
Pertubuhan Mualaf Berbilang Bangsa Kuala Lumpur dan Selangor
5648 1052 0353