🇬🇧 不少朋友看過YouTube關於彭定康政改的分享,都希望多了解那個年代。純粹文學賞析:彭定康最後一份施政報告,字字勝似預言,結尾引用Jack London「寧化飛灰不作浮塵」,彷彿遇見了真香港的結局,這種修為,已成絕唱。
Governors have lived for Hong Kong. One or two have literally died for Hong Kong. But all have found Hong Kong, in and out of office, an all-consuming interest. Retired to our grey and green island, past Governors have watched from afar with keen-eyed interest and, doubtless, occasional frustration as Hong Kong's history has unfolded. I shall do the same, carrying with me one frustration, gnawed by one anxiety, comforted by one certainty.
For me the frustration, the greatest in this job, is that I have not been able to put my personal view of Hong Kong's best interests to the test which legitimizes leadership in most free societies, the test of the ballot box.
But Hong Kong has been promised that its government will develop so that that can happen one day, a day I hope I shall see and a day that I shall be delighted to put down to China's credit and to the credit of those in this territory who have stood up bravely for the people of Hong Kong.
My anxiety is this: not that this community's autonomy would be usurped by Peking, but that it could be given away bit by bit by some people in Hong Kong.
We all know that over the last couple of years we have seen decisions, taken in good faith by the Government of Hong Kong, appealed surreptitiously to Peking - decisions taken in the interests of the whole community lobbied against behind closed doors by those whose personal interests may have been adversely affected.
That is damaging to Hong Kong because it draws Chinese officials into matters which should fall squarely within the autonomy of Hong Kong. If we in Hong Kong want our autonomy, then it needs to be defended and asserted by everyone here - by businessmen, politicians, journalists, academics and other community leaders, as well as by public servants.
And what of that truth which more than anything else gives me confidence in Hong Kong? The truth is this. The qualities, the beliefs, the ideals that have made Hong Kong's present will still be here to shape Hong Kong's future.
Hong Kong, it seems to me, has always lived by the author, Jack London's credo:
"I would rather be ashes than dust, I would rather my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze,
Than it should be stifled in dry rot.
I would rather be a superb meteor,
With every atom of me in magnificent glow,
Than a sleepy and permanent planet."
Whatever the challenges ahead, nothing should bring this meteor crashing to earth, nothing should snuff out its glow. I hope that Hong Kong will take tomorrow by storm. And when it does, History will stand and cheer.
同時也有12部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過43萬的網紅Carl Ho卡爾 頻道,也在其Youtube影片中提到,▷ 背景音樂資訊 BGM Info. ◁ "Jack in the Box" by Silent Partner ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 字幕 3:58 "...備魔術貼" 應修正為 "比魔術貼" (゚∀゚) ノシ 更多關於我的 More About Me 實用...
「jack in the box香港」的推薦目錄:
- 關於jack in the box香港 在 堅離地城:沈旭暉國際生活台 Simon's Glos World Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於jack in the box香港 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於jack in the box香港 在 堅離地城:沈旭暉國際生活台 Simon's Glos World Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於jack in the box香港 在 Carl Ho卡爾 頻道 Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於jack in the box香港 在 Sally's Life Book Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於jack in the box香港 在 Carl Ho卡爾 頻道 Youtube 的最佳貼文
jack in the box香港 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的最佳貼文
[KFC回歸香港上市]仲有我同KFC,Pizza Hut以及百事嘅恩怨情仇
1. 美國上市中資股回歸香港,一浪接一浪,唔一定要科技股 百度 網易 阿里巴巴 京東先得嘅。最新係呢隻,Yum China。
2. Yum China,可能有少數人唔知係乜東東。就係KFC同Pizza Hut.其實仲有Taco Bell (從冇食過)。仲有小肥羊都係佢嘅—小肥羊曾經在香港上市,但私有化咗。
3. 咁你話,唔係美資野咩?KFC喎。其實原本都係,Yum China獨立上市唔係好耐,係由Yum Brands分拆嚟的,2016年尾拆出嚟。原因當然係投資者要求,覺得拆出嚟先反映到價值。拆出嚟之後,股價係跑贏嘅。
4. 咁而家Yum China,講緊200億美金市值左右。Yum Brands講緊都未夠280億。喂,中國VS全世界其他喎,可見中國市場幾咁好賺。嘩,如果十三億人個個都中產,一個星期食一次KFC,真係不得了呀!(呢類呃鬼佬嘅廢話,雷曼爆煲前我都寫過唔少)。
5. Yum China 200億美金市值即係幾多?又比較下。麥當勞,講緊1400億市值。係Yum Brands 加埋Yum China 三位咁滯,單品牌咋。之前講過嗰間Chipotle,就280億市值。Wendy’s Shake Shack Jack in the box(全部都單品牌上市公司)之類就太細了。
6. 又,我好細個已經估KFC,Pizza Hut同百事係同一檔嘢。因為小埃汾係可口可樂支持支,細個係唔肯飲百事的。但KFC同 Pizza Hut就偏偏只係得百事七喜,應該係有路。正如細細個我已經發現,大家樂係用維他汽水的(!)。事實就係,Yum Brands,原本就係百事嘅快餐部門。亦即係,當年根本KFC Pizza hut係百事旗下嘅公司,當然而家已無直接關係。聽聞而家澳洲KFC Pizza Hut係可口可樂的。
7. 不過其實我到而家都唔係好知,點解吉野家係用百事七喜,應該唔係同一老細,至少香港唔係,只係因為平啲?外國吉野家呢?其實我台灣同日本都有食過,但唔係好肯定係咪百事,因為好似飲烏龍茶,同埋大個咗我已經冇咗呢種堅持唔飲百事嘅執著。呼,人大咗,放棄咗幾多堅持呢。在那些開放的路上,踏碎過多少理想。呼,我曾經餐餐都要食飯添,而家開始耐唔耐cold sandwich做午飯—唔係因為健康,係因為快,同埋冇咁易眼訓。我曾經只係鍾意東亞女仔添,呼,但而家覺得鬼妹都幾好睇。
8. 講返,應該好多人知,KFC在中國做得好成功,比麥當勞成功。其中一個原因亦係因為早入,應該係87年大陸已經有KFC,第一間西式快餐店—甚至係八九六四之前。麥當然就要八九六四後先有,舊文都講過,蘇聯麥當勞仲早過中國(https://bit.ly/2V9LNUP)。KFC在大陸成功之道,除咗入得早外,都好多人知,就係十分「在地」。有粥食,有涼茶飲,仲有其他古靈精怪嘢,可以問下常返大陸嘅版友。
9. 另外有個講法話,麥當勞呢啲係外來嘢,但炸雞本身都係中國人有嘅嘢云云。我係有啲懷疑嘅。「肉夾饃計唔計先?」。另外,就算個講法成立,都係任你講。如果係麥當勞跑出,你一樣可以話麥當勞係藍海,唔使同成堆中國炸雞爭。所以呢啲企管嘢都係任你鳩up,吹下水可以,但唔好當自然鐵律咁。我都係比較相信係因為早入,同埋在地。
10. 仲有幾樣嘢我想講。首先,本人並不算特別鍾意食KFC,但其實埃汾個人Facebook有個玩意,叫做KFC全球試爆。就真係食咗幾十個國家嘅KFC。比較出位嘅可能係柬埔寨同越南KFC,另外我在京都都係有食嘅,「一場嚟到古都食啲特色嘢」(唔通食古都光咩)。舊年生日我就在暹粒叫雞(炸嗰啲)。2017年平安夜就在鹿兒島食KFC!啲日本人真係當聖誕餐的!
11. 但,信我,除非你食嘅國家多過我。本人權威地講,最難食嘅,必然係香港,沒有其他。絶非偏見,有機會做個blind test,呢樣嘢甚至係發生在我仲係幾鍾意香港嗰時。另外,for some unknown reason,韓國KFC同台灣都係比較唔掂嘅。大陸嘅反而算中間水平。
12. 而仲有,得罪人我都要講。香港KFC啲員工,真係廢撚到一個點。咁你梗係屌,收你好高人工咩,你去做丫笨(而埃汾就真係做過麥當勞,拿呢啲到九十歲都仲講呀)。但我當然唔係同咩米芝蓮三星啲女比,我就蘋果對蘋果,同麥當勞之類比。KFC啲員工,真係唔知做乜撚的。永遠我未撚講完就同我講多謝幾錢,同佢講加多個葡撻又即時當你講完,漏單之類更係常見。啲員工各自各吹水亦都固然。係呀我知,拎你雞碎咁多人工比條命你好味嘛,咁我肯撚定大陸台灣日本嗰啲好撚高人工的。所以真係唔好問點解日本人得香港人唔得。(又,在日本有返元祖味道嘅鬆餅的說,好似仲有吉士布甸朱古力布甸)
13. 呀仲有一鑊,我叫外賣,個KFC外賣仔,居然走去調戲埃汾太。自此我就唔再叫KFC外賣,改為叫埃汾太落街買—係喎,寧願佢在舖頭畀人調戲,眼不見為乾凈(講笑,其實根本冇叫過佢買外賣,原因係我唔鍾意外賣,嗰次應該某啲特別原因)。
14. 至於Pizza Hut啦喎,其實係童年回憶。埃汾屯門置樂附近某中學讀書(得嗰兩間),細個呢,如果午餐去椰林閣呢,就好高級架啦(呢間嘢居然未死,仲一度傳上市,可見香港地做生意幾咁好)。去到Pizza Hut?喂,好撚大件事架,真係溝女先去。而我冇女溝。正如我話,我大學年代,溝女去百人一朱(原諒我對百人一朱十分執著)。但我啲名校同學?屌,中學已經去百人一朱,大學去有馬去友和去水車屋。真係階級分野。
15. 但亦都好肯定,當年嘅Pizza Hut,並未變到而家咁劣食嘅。我都幾肯定唔只係細個回憶美化,或者嗰時見識少。即係同一個忌廉磨菇雞湯,你可以比較下當年嘅濃度,同埋雞仲有菇嘅數目。都唔好講價錢。
16. 至於小肥羊云云,香港都有食過(你老味嗰時旺角店排鳩你個幾鐘,訂咗位都仲要等)。但我居然又係唔記得佢係唔係百事。不重要。但想講,小肥羊就真係衝出中國,打入日本(說好了的日本人崇優),開撚到去宮古島開撚到去札幌,甚至開到去美國開到緬甸。
17. 講咗一大輪,講到啲餐廳好唔掂咁。咁但,又未必。講真,快餐店啫,米芝蓮三星咩。主要係香港嘅KFC不知所謂,外國嘅,你見我去到京都都仲會食就知身體最誠實。
18. 況且,分析員第一戒:千其唔好用你自己嘅喜好去衡量個市場。你覺得狗也不屌嘅,可能大把人食。而好唔好食,同賺唔賺錢,同股票得唔得,往往冇乜關係,甚至係負相關。《食神》都有講啦。你嘅全世界最賺錢嘅,都係麥當勞,香港就大家樂。係靠呢啲流水作業機械式生產,先將啲成本壓到最低。或者好似美心咁,味將軍集團,多品牌經營—即係Yum Brands其實都係咁玩法,拎啲百事去KFC賣咁,美心就拎美心西餅啲排包去美心MX做早餐賣—是真的!我有鑊真係見佢話冇晒排包,就去隔離美心西餅買!inter segment sales 呀!
課程編號填: CC01
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jack in the box香港 在 堅離地城:沈旭暉國際生活台 Simon's Glos World Facebook 的最佳貼文
純粹文學賞析:彭定康最後一份施政報告,字字勝似預言,結尾引用Jack London「寧化飛灰不作浮塵」,彷彿遇見了真香港的結局,這種修為,已成絕唱。
Governors have lived for Hong Kong. One or two have literally died for Hong Kong. But all have found Hong Kong, in and out of office, an all-consuming interest. Retired to our grey and green island, past Governors have watched from afar with keen-eyed interest and, doubtless, occasional frustration as Hong Kong's history has unfolded. I shall do the same, carrying with me one frustration, gnawed by one anxiety, comforted by one certainty.
For me the frustration, the greatest in this job, is that I have not been able to put my personal view of Hong Kong's best interests to the test which legitimizes leadership in most free societies, the test of the ballot box.
But Hong Kong has been promised that its government will develop so that that can happen one day, a day I hope I shall see and a day that I shall be delighted to put down to China's credit and to the credit of those in this territory who have stood up bravely for the people of Hong Kong.
My anxiety is this: not that this community's autonomy would be usurped by Peking, but that it could be given away bit by bit by some people in Hong Kong.
We all know that over the last couple of years we have seen decisions, taken in good faith by the Government of Hong Kong, appealed surreptitiously to Peking - decisions taken in the interests of the whole community lobbied against behind closed doors by those whose personal interests may have been adversely affected.
That is damaging to Hong Kong because it draws Chinese officials into matters which should fall squarely within the autonomy of Hong Kong. If we in Hong Kong want our autonomy, then it needs to be defended and asserted by everyone here - by businessmen, politicians, journalists, academics and other community leaders, as well as by public servants.
And what of that truth which more than anything else gives me confidence in Hong Kong? The truth is this. The qualities, the beliefs, the ideals that have made Hong Kong's present will still be here to shape Hong Kong's future.
Hong Kong, it seems to me, has always lived by the author, Jack London's credo:
"I would rather be ashes than dust, I would rather my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze,
Than it should be stifled in dry rot.
I would rather be a superb meteor,
With every atom of me in magnificent glow,
Than a sleepy and permanent planet."
Whatever the challenges ahead, nothing should bring this meteor crashing to earth, nothing should snuff out its glow. I hope that Hong Kong will take tomorrow by storm. And when it does, History will stand and cheer.
jack in the box香港 在 Carl Ho卡爾 頻道 Youtube 的最佳解答
▷ 背景音樂資訊 BGM Info. ◁
"Jack in the Box" by Silent Partner
字幕 3:58 "...備魔術貼" 應修正為 "比魔術貼"
(゚∀゚) ノシ
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jack in the box香港 在 Sally's Life Book Youtube 的最佳解答
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▻ Jack in the Box - Silent Partner
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This is Sally from Hong Kong. I'm sharing with you my favourite lifestyle including food, travel, shopping and fashion on my YouTube channel. Check out my Facebook or Instagram to know more about me xx.
❝ S A L L Y S A I D
?Business Inquires:
FTC: This is NOT a sponsored video ! ♥
Again, thank you so much for watching ? see ya :D
jack in the box香港 在 Carl Ho卡爾 頻道 Youtube 的最佳貼文
7秒摺被大法 → https://youtu.be/677_XFgLpGw
▷ 背景音樂資訊 BGM (Background Music) Info. ◁
1. "Jack in the Box" by Silent Partner
Easter Egg: "ChaCha Fontanez" by Jimmy Fontanez/Media Right Productions
(゚∀゚) ノシ
更多關於我的 More About Me
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▷ 生活妙招 Life skills ◁ https://goo.gl/ZTLG18
▷ DIY教學 DIYs Guide ◁ https://goo.gl/u4ENC7
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▷ 趣味話題系列 Funny Video ◁ https://goo.gl/SrmBPm
▷ 惡搞混音曲 Parody Remix ◁https://goo.gl/sdbRM4
▷ 挑戰系列 Challenges ◁ https://goo.gl/IGt6Kg
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寵物 Pet:
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▷ 倉鼠養育教學 Hamster Care Guide ◁ https://goo.gl/zZWYF7
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▷ Instagram ID ◁ CarlHo117