The first time I saw this place on IG I knew I had to take my dad. He is the ultimate explorer and culture fanatic and the reason why I am always down for a good adventure 🤩 When we were kids he’d take us everywhere, first time scuba diving in Thailand, first time tea ceremony in Japan, first time surfing in Hawaii, list goes on. When I got older our relationship kind of drifted apart and it took some time to mend. But I love my dad regardless, and if you can love, you also have the ability to forgive. And at the end of the day I just want him to be happy ❤️ don’t we all want that?? ❤️
第一次在IG看到這裡我想一定要帶我爸來。他是個探索王也很愛了解不同文化。從小是我爸帶我和我哥看世界,第一次去泰國潛水,第一次去日本體驗tea ceremony,第一次去夏威夷衝浪,等等!但年紀越大其實我們感情越不好,花了點時間mend。可是無論如何,我愛我爸,如果你能愛,你也能原諒。最後我們只希望他們開心,不是嗎?❤️
#nofilter #inawe #majestic #bluemoonvalley #yunan #lijiang #china #jadesnowmountain #familyvacay #qualitytime #familytime #fatherdaughter #travel #explorer #instatravel #greatoutdoors #mothernature #inspire #beinspired #singer #songwriter #劉明湘 #藍月谷 #玉龍雪山 #父女 #愛地球 #大自然 @ 玉龍雪山藍月谷