五.馬來西亞出Job – 落機當然走去玩
今次,我們飛馬拉兩個星期做pre-final⋯⋯⋯ 馬拉gogogogo。
第一次去馬拉,那種興奮真的非一般可以形容,pack 行李箱,到機場,飛啦我^^馬拉我來了^^
做auditor 的好處是有機會去不同的地方出job,當然去中國大陸出job 是基本, 但如果你運氣好,確實有機會去美國、澳州、新加坡、越南等地方出job,邊出job 邊玩,真是夢寐以求的生活。當然我不會告訴你大部份去外地出job 都好wok。但做audit 會輕鬆嗎?既然如此,不如衝出香港和中國出job。
我們一行三人,SIC 過一個星期才會加入我們。我是最低層 (associate year 1), 同事E (註: associate year 2 ,比我多一年經驗),還有同事A(註:senior year 1 ,比我做多兩年),而將會加入的同事K (註:我們的SIC, senior year 3 ,代表如果他幸運,下一年就會升manager)。
(註: 我們的階級可參考以下:
Associate year 1
Associate year 2
Senior year 1
Senior year 2
Senior year 3
同事E是一個「吹水但水份過重」的男生,簡單來說就是engagement 沒有他不行,他對engagement 的貢獻重要非常。同事A是mid join (註:不是在逼科長大,由其他audit firm 跳來逼科),比較沉實可靠。
出機場,立即去酒店安頓下來。酒店房大約近400 呎,當然我自己一個住,一拉開窗簾見到的是整個吉隆坡的景色,真的,真的太漂亮了。窗前是一個大梳化,旁邊亦有書枱,這個位置將會是我平時OT的地方。
飯後,在阿羅街走一走,阿羅街是吉隆坡有名的夜市, 街道的兩旁有數不清的小食店,熱炒店,還有不少的水果店,當然主要是食榴槤,街道被觀光客逼到水洩不通,熱鬧非常。當然熱鬧代表扒手亦多,所以要非常小心自己的個人財物。
有次我問senior:「馬拉算不算危險,會唔會有tourist attack? 」
Senior 已經笑到肚痛:「你想講terrorist attack 吧?」我面都紅晒!好吧,整個馬拉trip,本人因為英文太差,長期被teammates 取笑,我都係乖乖地講中文好過。
IG: https://www.instagram.com/fakemanching1607/
IG: Fakemanching1607
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過71萬的網紅VOGUE Taiwan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,英國皇室婚禮史,這8位新娘曾是平民 ► https://smarturl.it/br3e1u 哈里王子和梅根馬克爾的婚禮引發了人們對過去皇室婚禮的回憶,包括凱特米德爾頓和已故戴安娜王妃的婚禮。 觀看這些事件是如何進行的。 #英國皇室特輯 #皇室婚禮 #黛安娜王妃 【 其他熱門主題】 讓喜歡的事變生...
job engagement中文 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文
這篇是講矽谷投資人, 是如何在一堆的新秀中, 挑選可以投資的創新公司.
我也認為, 研究個股, 尤其是科技相關類股, 除了要看它有沒有先行者優勢(first mover advantage), 也需要注意公司有沒有自己的生態系統, 以及它在更大的生態圈/供應鏈中扮演了甚麼角色.
生態系統。 YouTube 從內容生產者、分發渠道到內容的託管、保存,建立起了一整套生態系統。類似的,蘋果的 App Store 也有自己的生態。
產品領導者。像 Salesforce,Workday 和 ServiceNow 這樣的雲服務提供商,搭建了一套完整的解決方案,而且創新速度夠快,產品功能完善,成為其細分行業的領導者,當然也算是一種護城河。
渠道。尤其是對於 to B 產品來說,能不能在一個企業內部流通,既是一個挑戰,也是一種優勢
原文寫的比較仔細, 轉貼在下方: https://news.greylock.com/what-do-i-look-for-in-a-pitch-866355bddb3
We love to talk about “network effects” in Silicon Valley, but many believe that starts and end with the social, viral growth of Facebook. But network effects can build many kinds of moats that defend them against copycats and price erosion.
I don’t describe every kind of moat here (e.g., regulatory) and many great companies will have new types of moats — ones yet to be invented. No moat is absolute or permanent or I’d be out of a job! Still, having a thesis on your defensibility is essential, even at the Series A.
--Tech. We continue to believe in new and better fundamental technology as a moat — not so much patents or legal protection, but products that are hard to build well or take advantage of a fundamentally new approach. In extreme cases, a technology advantage that translates into a customer benefit can turn into a standard — an effective monopoly — as in the case of Intel. In most cases, even a great technology moat only gets you far enough to become a market leader, buying you the right to work closely with customers and enabling you to define the market.
--Ecosystem moats come in many flavors — from becoming the default hosting site for user-generated video content (YouTube), to the rapid, developer-driven free adoption of container technologies and growth of associated tooling (Docker), to the developers that now make >$20B a year through the Apple app store.
--Networks. Social networks are now pretty well-understood. Marketplaces and on-demand businesses reach a liquidity point (even a local one) and build mindshare with consumers that becomes hard to displace. Often, marketplaces have some advantaged acquisition strategy for at least one side (demand or supply) — they’ve built a community, offered a compelling new service, have organic or viral spread.
--Product leaders. In the enterprise, cloud pioneers like Salesforce, Workday and ServiceNow built complete, core workflow solutions with a new architecture. Their faster-innovating products, (at that time novel) SaaS consumption model, and dominant go-to-market machines have made them category leaders. Each is now expanding their initial moats to become platforms for other applications and workflows.
--Distribution represents a new generation of user-adopted SaaS products. End-user engagement within organizations is often a weak spot for enterprise software incumbents. Deploying software is a challenge for most organizations, and consumers who are using more software in their own lives expect better choice and usability. Simplicity and quality of design has become a moat, especially when coupled with product features that encourage adoption within an organization, or new layers of value for incremental users within an organization. Is it better for me if my team also uses a tool? What about my manager?
Capturing a unique dataset is also emerging as a moat in the age of AI-powered products. If your workflow product or MVP is useful on its own, and you can use it to collect unique data, you can then learn from that data to build a better and smarter product, improving the user experience — driving a new virtuous cycle.
job engagement中文 在 VOGUE Taiwan Youtube 的最讚貼文
英國皇室婚禮史,這8位新娘曾是平民 ► https://smarturl.it/br3e1u
哈里王子和梅根馬克爾的婚禮引發了人們對過去皇室婚禮的回憶,包括凱特米德爾頓和已故戴安娜王妃的婚禮。 觀看這些事件是如何進行的。
#英國皇室特輯 #皇室婚禮 #黛安娜王妃
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※關於時尚,VOGUE說了算!自從1892年第一本VOGUE在美國出版以來,至今已有122年的歷史,始終被時尚專業人士所推崇,因此榮譽為Fashion Bible時尚聖經。
※台灣VOGUE隸屬Condé Nast Interculture Group,相關國外影片皆由國外授權提供給台灣使用,台灣VOGUE秉持服務網友,讓更多中文語系觀眾可以看到國際影片跟中文字幕,所以在此頻道分享給大家,如果喜歡我們的頻道,請訂閱我們,我們將會持續努力帶來更多優質內容。
job engagement中文 在 emi wong Youtube 的精選貼文
Just for fun :D Hope you enjoy!
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Girl in her 20s. Living in Hong Kong, working a full time office job in Marketing and making YouTube videos on the side. Also a Certified Advanced Personal Trainer.
(: MY FAVOURITE THINGS: Workout To Eat, My Family, Dog & Boyfriend
♡INTRO SONG: Aarre - When We Were Young (ft. Reece Lemonius)
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