[半年檢討]美股21%回報,算係咁啦。Paper Trade?唔少我都有買架!造假?你可以睇返原文,我亦冇在其他地方畀個半年展望嘅揀股。DropBox同ASML都揀中喎,有幾多人寫?係喎我唔識整光刻機喎,我識買就得啦。貼出嚟,免得有人話我齋寫冇嘢推介又唔落場。
1. 遲咗幾日,但算係咁啦,「嚟緊有啲遲咗半年一半嘅都會寫」。
月頭訂最抵!2021比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100,已經1700人訂! 畀年費仲有85折
2. 話說2020年尾,我由台北返到香港,在家隔離14天。當時經濟一週話想做個2021年展望嘅訪問(https://bityl.co/7lbO)。實情而家我係少做傳媒訪問嘅,原因亦都好簡單,cost and benefit。Benefit方面大家心知,況且我又過咗覺得自己上報紙好威嘅階段(康宏夠成日上報紙,威唔威?),紙媒影響力亦唔係當年咁。至於cost嘛,好簡單,當時又有Patreon,但又仲返緊工,好忙的。不過正如上文講,我隔離14天,就比較得閒,就所以接受咗個訪問。
3. 強調嘅係,個訪問舊年年尾做,推介咗11隻股票,9隻美股2隻港股。我並冇在其他媒體度寫過類似嘅東西,就連Facebook同Patreon都好似冇畀心水股,只此一家。點解強調?唔係因為我特別重視經濟一週,而係話你知,我冇cherry pick,唔存在話呢份就寫升 嗰份就寫跌,實有一邊中,或者呢份就揀增長股嗰份就揀價值股咁,絶對冇。你唯一可以質疑就係,如果啲嘢香晒,我就應該唔會寫呢篇文。
4. 好啦,你最關心嘅,表現。我知應該係由12月31日計起,但我懶,所以計1月4,如果你多一日即時走晒樣嘅歡迎你嚟鬧我。但,成績表就係咁
5. 美股嘅,平均表現21%。跑贏晒三大指數,算係咁啦下話?特別留意,我仲要揀9隻,而美股近年好多時升幅只係集中在少數股份,所以揀得越多,跑贏難度就越高。最好嘅,升四成,仲要係冇乜人講嘅嘢。最差嘅?原地踏步輸少少,但尾二同尾三嘅都有近10%,算係咁啦?
6. 港股,得兩隻,冇乜好講,但肯定唔算太差。一隻有得升啲,另一隻原地踏步輸少少,拉勻都仲係跑贏指數。夾埋晒,9隻嘢回報平均17.4%。你滿唔滿意?我就好滿意。咁你都唔滿意嘅我都冇計。
7. 然後講,呢堆公司絶對唔係無中生有,大多數我都持有,甚至好多你見我成日講。都唔好話Patreon,例如Black Rock,ASML,我Facebook都成日講,講到有人鬧煩。明報嘅文又寫過,我直頭2019年尾爆疫前在講座已推介,兩隻我都有買。
8. 咁另外幾隻,S&P Global (SPGI),Visa同DropBox我都有講,但唔算成日講,因為新聞亦唔多。Visa比較早期講,亦都有買。SPGI就係舊年年尾佢地買咗MarkIt時寫,我亦有買,隻嘢十世都冇新聞。DropBox就冇買,但都係舊年12月尾寫,併購對象嘛。今年升夠4成,都有啲讀者有跟。
9. Paypal都有買,但近幾個月好少寫,冇乜新聞。SalesForce都有買,但少講,因為股價表現麻麻地(但半年都有11%啦,好差咩?)
10. 另外嗰啲,就呢度少講了。P&G同Johnson & Johnson我都冇買,Facebook亦冇講,但Patreon講通脹時有寫過下,民生品牌嘛。領展寫得多丫,業績之類我都有寫下,亦都有買。華潤置地就真係冇乜點提,亦冇買,我甚至唔係好記得點解會訪問推呢隻,可能因為夠殘?
11. 好啦,唔止自吹自擂(否則我寫個中字就得啦),仲要檢討下。記住唔好結果論,投資可以right for the wrong reason,亦可以wrong for the right reason.事後睇返,當時有冇邊隻我覺得後悔,冇深思熟慮,畀我揀多次就唔推?
12. 都真係冇乜,真係講嘅就係隻華潤置地,但唔完全因為佢唔升。例如P&G同Johnson & Johnson,表現都係麻麻地,但我冇覺得當時揀錯,況且你要留意下分散唔同行業嘛。反而我覺得SalesForce揀錯咗,「實情我都唔知間公司做乜」(我知係CRM,個stock code都係CRM!),佢地買Slack買得太貴了。雖然股價表現唔係太差,所以我話唔可以只用股價去判斷最初個決定。
13. 仲有留意到,我係完全冇推任何Big Tech嘅。原因?首先因為嗰期我都係講二線科技股。二來,之前都成日推Big Tech嘛,咪試啲新嘢,加上唔少讀者嗰時已經買咗唔少Big Tech.所以你見到,有時啲人無啦啦叫我推介啲股票,都係好難做的。你要畀我知道你本身有乜先得架嘛!你成手Big Tech我就叫你買二線科技股或者舊經濟啦,但你一隻都冇我當然叫你買FAAMG。唔同架嘛!偏偏啲人就覺得我可以一句嘢啱晒咁多讀者用,唔得的。
14. 呀仲有,我話只此一家。因為就連康宏,我都冇再寫2021展望。請循其本,我12月畀人炒喎—剛剛開始想寫2021展望,證明真係唔好太早開始做嘢—咁佢炒咗我,我梗係慳返啦,仲展望?
15. 不過啦喎,2020個上半年同下半年展望,都係有的。雖然都過咗好耐,但既然講開,呢兩日都貼埋出嚟,又畀你睇下啲成績。唔開公開文件(但share個揀股名單冇問題啦),但無數咁多康宏嘅同事(啲理財顧問)睇過,唔會可以作假。
16. Stay tuned.
月頭訂最抵!2021比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100,已經1700人訂! 畀年費仲有85折
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅李根興 Edwin商舖創業及投資分享,也在其Youtube影片中提到,哈佛知識分享: 做生意,七大困難選擇! 七條策略問題 Seven Strategy Question《第二: 核心價值 - 公司股東、顧客、員工,誰優先? 》 Business is about making tough choices. 上一集就講咗 Who is your primary ...
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哈佛知識分享: 做生意,七大困難選擇!
七條策略問題 Seven Strategy Question《第二: 核心價值 - 公司股東、顧客、員工,誰優先? 》
Business is about making tough choices. 上一集就講咗 Who is your primary customer? 誰是你首要顧客?
今集我會同你探討第二個策略問題: 核心價值 - 你是把公司股東、顧客、或員工利益行先?
How do your core values prioritize company shareholders, emoloyees and cuatomers? Who come FIRST? 當有衝突,邊個利益行先?
根據哈佛教授 Bob Simons 呢本書 Seven Strategy Questions,冇話對唔與錯。 但搞唔清楚就一定錯。三選其一,你揀邊個行先?
(1) 公司/股東 (Shareholders) 行先? 李嘉誠就最出名股東行先。佢退休前最後一次主持長和系股東會,被問及一個出色的企業家最重要是什麼,李嘉誠話:「最重要忠誠為股東爭取正常收入,為股東設想,投資有前途項目,派息要合理,將股東利益排第一。」 我諗你咁多年都聽唔少佢講話股東利益排第一。 因此,好多人都話同長實做生意唔簡單, 甚至乎有時畀人感覺 (no offense) 賺到盡, 一蚊一毫都同你計,why? 因為股東利益行先,佢又啱喎。 但做善事? 李嘉誠本人捐幾十幾百億佢就好疏爽,因為唔關股東事。
Core value (核心價值)係股東行先,即係公司利益行先,成日話為公司著想,即係等於話為公司股東著想。 因此好多上市公司, 甚至乎初創企業,都會有 employee stock option,希望員工同公司利益一致。 希望佢哋由朝到晚都諗住 Creating Shareholder Value,為公司 = 為自己增值。
根據呢本 Seven Strategy Questions, AIG (AIA 母公司)、Citigroup、Pfizer 輝瑞藥業都係出名 shareholders 行先的公司,也是好成功的公司。做生意就係先講賺錢, 天公地道。
(2) 有啲公司嘅 Core Value 就係顧客行先 Customers First。例如,Johnson & Johnson 強生,係1943年就 craft 咗呢個 Credo (教義) :
We believe our first responsibility is to the patients, doctors and nurses, to mothers and fathers and all others who use our products and services....
We are responsible to our employees who work with us throughout the world.
We are responsible to the communities in which we live and work and to the world community as well....
Our final responsibility is to our stockholders. Business must make a sound profit....
When we operate according to these principles, the stockholders should realize a fair return.
Johnson & Johnson 的核心價值 core value 係顧客行先、員工第二、community 社群圈子第三、股東利益排第四。
我相信好多公司都係「話」顧客行先, 但有冇寫到好似強生咁清楚呢? 當然我相信更加多嘅公司,就係口講一套,做另一套。 口講顧客行先, 實質上遇到任何金錢利益,就縮數,公司/股東利益行先。
例如你開間茶餐廳, 有啲食材就嚟到期, 喺掉同唔掉的邊緣, 又唔會食死人,但又未必係最靚料,咁你會點? Be honest! ..... 公司賺少啲都揼?你就係顧客行先。 側側膊,唔多覺照用,慳番啲成本? 你就係公司行先。 無話對與錯, 最緊要搞清楚。你知啫,但係全公司同事知唔知? 能唔能夠全部人都言行一致?
(3) 如果我問你,有 covid 肺炎前, 某航空公司嘅股價喺呢道, 現在估計應該係邊? 如果我同你講仲高過肺炎之前,你會唔會信? 肺炎前係每股USD57,依家? USD62,高咗近10%。 佢就係美國西南航空 Southwest Airlines, 記住呢個係全球最多人染病嘅美國喎,有排都未走出疫情。佢就係出晒名 Employee First 嘅公司。Yes! The airline puts employee happiness above customet satisfaction. 員工開心,更重要過顧客滿意程度。
Southwest ranks employees first, customers second, and shareholders third. 員工第一、顧客第二、公司/股東第三。
你有無坐過Southwest Airlines 嘅飛機? 搭飛機通常最悶嘅就係一開始嘅 Safety Annoucement 安全提示。 但如果喺 Southwest? 你會聽有人講 jokes .... 有人 Rap!
呢啲講笑、唱歌、跳舞冇得迫。 員工開心,佢哋就自然會做。 你上網睇到會更多更多其他搞笑例子。
Southwest company blog says: "We believe that if we treat our employees right, they will treat our customers right, and in turn that results in increased business and profits that make everyone happy."
Employees come first 嘅理念,令到Southwest Airlines 每兩秒鐘就收到一份 job application, 每100個人申請,只有兩個人能夠成功獲取錄。2% acceptance rate, 好多傳媒都話去 Southwest 返工仲難過入哈佛! 有好嘅人才,就自然有好嘅服務,有好嘅業績。 亦都因為咁Southest Airlines 一間公司嘅市值,曾經係等於美國所有其他航空公司(American Airlines, Delta, Continental, UA etc)加埋嘅總和,都唔夠佢一間公司值錢。
你唔好以為Southwest Airlines 淨係員工開心喎,根據權威市場研究公司 J.D.Power 2020 survey,Southwest Airlines 嘅顧客滿意程度 customer satisfaction 都係全美國最高,both long and short-haul. 長短途都贏曬!
但老實說,坊間有幾多間公司會大聲講話員工行先? 間間都話顧客行先? 但諗真啲,係唔係真呢? 轉一轉個優先次序, 會唔會有另一番景象呢?
公司/股東、顧客、員工, 係你嘅核心價值邊個行先? 冇話對與錯。 但最緊要搞清楚, 萬一互相有衝突,你會揀邊個先? 係咪全公司上下同事、顧客、股東、合作伙伴都知? 你是否言行一致?
因為錄呢條片,我都問咗自己好多問題。我自己盛滙商舖基金係邊個行先? 我老婆答案即刻答我: 「你梗係員工行先啦! 因為嗰次點點點.... 」
Yes. 我自己商舖基金係員工行先 Employee First 嘅公司。因為我成日都同同事們講:
「錢賺唔晒,最緊要大家 happy!」...
「我哋人少少,賺多啲,遠遠好過人多多,個個賺少啲! 大家都想養家活兒,搵到、洗到、身體好!」
我相信只要能夠建立一個好嘅 culture 企業文化, 大家同事們自然會作出個啱嘅決定,買舖賣舖,有條好嘅 team,真係好難輸。 因此,老實說,如果有邊個客唔妥我嘅員工,我通常都會「唔妥」返佢 - 當然呢個要建基於你哋員工嘅信任。
To me ....「顧客不是永遠對的!」 選擇適當的顧客,長遠回報會更佳, 對你選擇嗰班顧客回報都會更佳。我係道都好幸運地同你講,我商舖基金由2016年成立以來加入的同事們,公司基本上係冇人走過。Turnover 近乎零! 你對人點,人就自然對你點! As said ... 錢賺唔晒,最緊要大家同事們Happy! 人客/公司自然賺錢。
你呢? Who comes first in your business? Company/Shareholders, Customers, Employees? 你公司嘅核心價值,邊個是優先? 無論你揀邊個都好,係唔會同你選擇嘅Primary Customers (首要顧客)有衝突, 只會更加強化你服務佢哋嘅能力及提升你競爭力。 最緊要搞清楚 WHO COMES FIRST!
有興趣聽多啲,就來我五月份星期六嘅早餐會啦! 呢兩集同你講咗 Who is your primary customer? 同埋 Who comes first? Company/Shareholders, Customers or Employees?
下一集同你,What Critical Performance Variables Are You Tracking? 追數? 你應該最追幾條數?
五月份早餐分享會 Topic: The Seven Strategy Questions by Harvard Professor Robert Simons
哈佛分享: 七條做生意策略問題
2012至2014間,我連續三年在哈佛上了 Robert Simons 的堂,畢生受用。我自己成間商舖基金公司都是建基於這本書。
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對象: 管理層/生意經營者/創業者,連我限4位。
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我唔係靠呢行搵食,免費,我請食早餐 😉 Be friends ..... 有機會到時見你。李根興 Edwin
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johnson and johnson stock 在 李根興 Edwin商舖創業及投資分享 Youtube 的最讚貼文
哈佛知識分享: 做生意,七大困難選擇!
七條策略問題 Seven Strategy Question《第二: 核心價值 - 公司股東、顧客、員工,誰優先? 》
Business is about making tough choices. 上一集就講咗 Who is your primary customer? 誰是你首要顧客?
今集我會同你探討第二個策略問題: 核心價值 - 你是把公司股東、顧客、或員工利益行先?
How do your core values prioritize company shareholders, emoloyees and cuatomers? Who come FIRST? 當有衝突,邊個利益行先?
根據哈佛教授 Bob Simons 呢本書 Seven Strategy Questions,冇話對唔與錯。 但搞唔清楚就一定錯。三選其一,你揀邊個行先?
(1) 公司/股東 (Shareholders) 行先? 李嘉誠就最出名股東行先。佢退休前最後一次主持長和系股東會,被問及一個出色的企業家最重要是什麼,李嘉誠話:「最重要忠誠為股東爭取正常收入,為股東設想,投資有前途項目,派息要合理,將股東利益排第一。」 我諗你咁多年都聽唔少佢講話股東利益排第一。 因此,好多人都話同長實做生意唔簡單, 甚至乎有時畀人感覺 (no offense) 賺到盡, 一蚊一毫都同你計,why? 因為股東利益行先,佢又啱喎。 但做善事? 李嘉誠本人捐幾十幾百億佢就好疏爽,因為唔關股東事。
Core value (核心價值)係股東行先,即係公司利益行先,成日話為公司著想,即係等於話為公司股東著想。 因此好多上市公司, 甚至乎初創企業,都會有 employee stock option,希望員工同公司利益一致。 希望佢哋由朝到晚都諗住 Creating Shareholder Value,為公司 = 為自己增值。
根據呢本 Seven Strategy Questions, AIG (AIA 母公司)、Citigroup、Pfizer 輝瑞藥業都係出名 shareholders 行先的公司,也是好成功的公司。做生意就係先講賺錢, 天公地道。
(2) 有啲公司嘅 Core Value 就係顧客行先 Customers First。例如,Johnson & Johnson 強生,係1943年就 craft 咗呢個 Credo (教義) :
We believe our first responsibility is to the patients, doctors and nurses, to mothers and fathers and all others who use our products and services....
We are responsible to our employees who work with us throughout the world.
We are responsible to the communities in which we live and work and to the world community as well....
Our final responsibility is to our stockholders. Business must make a sound profit....
When we operate according to these principles, the stockholders should realize a fair return.
Johnson & Johnson 的核心價值 core value 係顧客行先、員工第二、community 社群圈子第三、股東利益排第四。
我相信好多公司都係「話」顧客行先, 但有冇寫到好似強生咁清楚呢? 當然我相信更加多嘅公司,就係口講一套,做另一套。 口講顧客行先, 實質上遇到任何金錢利益,就縮數,公司/股東利益行先。
例如你開間茶餐廳, 有啲食材就嚟到期, 喺掉同唔掉的邊緣, 又唔會食死人,但又未必係最靚料,咁你會點? Be honest! ..... 公司賺少啲都揼?你就係顧客行先。 側側膊,唔多覺照用,慳番啲成本? 你就係公司行先。 無話對與錯, 最緊要搞清楚。你知啫,但係全公司同事知唔知? 能唔能夠全部人都言行一致?
(3) 如果我問你,有 covid 肺炎前, 某航空公司嘅股價喺呢道, 現在估計應該係邊? 如果我同你講仲高過肺炎之前,你會唔會信? 肺炎前係每股USD57,依家? USD62,高咗近10%。 佢就係美國西南航空 Southwest Airlines, 記住呢個係全球最多人染病嘅美國喎,有排都未走出疫情。佢就係出晒名 Employee First 嘅公司。Yes! The airline puts employee happiness above customet satisfaction. 員工開心,更重要過顧客滿意程度。
Southwest ranks employees first, customers second, and shareholders third. 員工第一、顧客第二、公司/股東第三。
你有無坐過Southwest Airlines 嘅飛機? 搭飛機通常最悶嘅就係一開始嘅 Safety Annoucement 安全提示。 但如果喺 Southwest? 你會聽有人講 jokes .... 有人 Rap!
呢啲講笑、唱歌、跳舞冇得迫。 員工開心,佢哋就自然會做。 你上網睇到會更多更多其他搞笑例子。
Southwest company blog says: "We believe that if we treat our employees right, they will treat our customers right, and in turn that results in increased business and profits that make everyone happy."
Employees come first 嘅理念,令到Southwest Airlines 每兩秒鐘就收到一份 job application, 每100個人申請,只有兩個人能夠成功獲取錄。2% acceptance rate, 好多傳媒都話去 Southwest 返工仲難過入哈佛! 有好嘅人才,就自然有好嘅服務,有好嘅業績。 亦都因為咁Southest Airlines 一間公司嘅市值,曾經係等於美國所有其他航空公司(American Airlines, Delta, Continental, UA etc)加埋嘅總和,都唔夠佢一間公司值錢。
你唔好以為Southwest Airlines 淨係員工開心喎,根據權威市場研究公司 J.D.Power 2020 survey,Southwest Airlines 嘅顧客滿意程度 customer satisfaction 都係全美國最高,both long and short-haul. 長短途都贏曬!
但老實說,坊間有幾多間公司會大聲講話員工行先? 間間都話顧客行先? 但諗真啲,係唔係真呢? 轉一轉個優先次序, 會唔會有另一番景象呢?
公司/股東、顧客、員工, 係你嘅核心價值邊個行先? 冇話對與錯。 但最緊要搞清楚, 萬一互相有衝突,你會揀邊個先? 係咪全公司上下同事、顧客、股東、合作伙伴都知? 你是否言行一致?
因為錄呢條片,我都問咗自己好多問題。我自己盛滙商舖基金係邊個行先? 我老婆答案即刻答我: 「你梗係員工行先啦! 因為嗰次點點點.... 」
Yes. 我自己商舖基金係員工行先 Employee First 嘅公司。因為我成日都同同事們講:
「錢賺唔晒,最緊要大家 happy!」...
「我哋人少少,賺多啲,遠遠好過人多多,個個賺少啲! 大家都想養家活兒,搵到、洗到、身體好!」
我相信只要能夠建立一個好嘅 culture 企業文化, 大家同事們自然會作出個啱嘅決定,買舖賣舖,有條好嘅 team,真係好難輸。 因此,老實說,如果有邊個客唔妥我嘅員工,我通常都會「唔妥」返佢 - 當然呢個要建基於你哋員工嘅信任。
To me ....「顧客不是永遠對的!」 選擇適當的顧客,長遠回報會更佳, 對你選擇嗰班顧客回報都會更佳。我係道都好幸運地同你講,我商舖基金由2016年成立以來加入的同事們,公司基本上係冇人走過。Turnover 近乎零! 你對人點,人就自然對你點! As said ... 錢賺唔晒,最緊要大家同事們Happy! 人客/公司自然賺錢。
你呢? Who comes first in your business? Company/Shareholders, Customers, Employees? 你公司嘅核心價值,邊個是優先? 無論你揀邊個都好,係唔會同你選擇嘅Primary Customers (首要顧客)有衝突, 只會更加強化你服務佢哋嘅能力及提升你競爭力。 最緊要搞清楚 WHO COMES FIRST!
有興趣聽多啲,就來我五月份星期六嘅早餐會啦! 呢兩集同你講咗 Who is your primary customer? 同埋 Who comes first? Company/Shareholders, Customers or Employees?
下一集同你,What Critical Performance Variables Are You Tracking? 追數? 你應該最追幾條數?
五月份早餐分享會 Topic: The Seven Strategy Questions by Harvard Professor Robert Simons
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Since my pennyccwnba is suspended with no reasons. I will sometimes upload some great NBA games here in this site.
As chants of "M-V-P" filled the electrified air, LeBron James locked his thumbs under his maroon jersey and made it pop off his chest.
The Cavaliers had beaten the NBA champions again, and James soaked in every second.
"This," he said, "is what I live for."
Cleveland showed its Christmas Day win over Los Angeles was no gift as James scored 37 points, including 12 straight down the stretch, and the Cavs, playing their first game without injured Mo Williams, beat Kobe Bryant and the Lakers 93-87 on Thursday night.
J.J. Hickson grabbed a career-high 14 rebounds and Anderson Varejao made three free throws in the final 20 seconds as Cleveland swept the season series between the league's top two teams. That could give the Cavs home-court advantage if they meet the Lakers in June's finals.
A lot can happen between now and then, but the win gave Cleveland confidence it might be able to survive despite losing Williams, their All-Star point guard, who will miss at least one month with a shoulder sprain. Williams scored a team-high 28 in Cleveland's Dec. 25 win at Staples Center.
Williams will be missed. But with James around, the Cavs have little to fear.
"He willed this win for us," Cavs coach Mike Brown said of his star. "He has been doing that for us down the stretch, no matter who our opponent is."
Bryant finished with 31 points but was only 4-of-15 in the second half as the Lakers lost the opener of an eight-game road trip. Pau Gasol scored 13 for Los Angeles, which shot just 33 percent in the final three quarters.
Bryant surpassed 25,000 career points, but he was unable to match James in the fourth quarter as both teams turned to their superstars. Earlier, Bryant was looking forward to a physical game and was eager to see how the Lakers would respond to playing "smashmouth" basketball against Eastern Conference squads like Cleveland and Boston.
Afterward, he wasn't so sure the Lakers are rough enough.
"The mentality has to change a little bit playing against these teams," Bryant said. "These teams are physical, tough-minded, hard-nosed types of teams. That's not part of our DNA. We have to step up and match that and still play skillful basketball."
James was careful not to put too much stock into Cleveland's win. He knows the regular-season sweep will mean nothing if the Cavs can't win it all.
"You don't want to look too far into beating one team twice," he said. "The championship still goes through L.A. It doesn't matter if you beat the team four times, you still have to beat them in the finals to take that trophy away from them."
With the score tied 80-all, James hit a 3-pointer from the left side, and after a miss by Bryant, James dropped another jumper to put Cleveland ahead by five. James then hit an 18-foot jumper to make it 87-80 with 2:48 left and the Cavs looked to be in control.
But Ron Artest hit a big 3 for the Lakers and Bryant made two free throws and a quick jumper to tie it 87-87 with 1:32 remaining.
James then blasted down the left side for a layup with 40.5 seconds to go, sending the raucous Quicken Loans crowd into a frenzy. After Gasol missed two free throws that would have tied it, James was fouled and missed the second of two free throws. But the ever-hustling Varejao was fouled by Artest as they battled in the key for the loose ball. Varejao, a 66 percent shooter from the line, made both attempts for a 92-87 Cavs lead with 20.7 seconds left.
"I'm glad he's on my side," James said of his frenetic teammate. "I have no idea how he does it at the right time."
Lakers coach Phil Jackson didn't agree with the call against Artest.
"I didn't like that," he said. "I thought it was Varejao's foul. When he blew the whistle, I thought he was going to call Varejao for coming over the back. But they called the foul on Ron for grabbing him. A rebound situation foul like that at the end of the game, to make that call is kind of weird."
Bryant then misfired on an off-balance 3-point attempt and James saved the long rebound, flying into Cleveland's bench after swatting the ball back.
"It's a huge win," James said. "I can't sit here and say it's just a normal game because it's not."
Bryant went just 11 of 25 from the floor, not much of an improvement from his 11 of 33 effort against Cleveland last month. He was guarded in the fourth by Delonte West, who started in place of Williams.
Shaquille O'Neal scored 13 and Hickson, who had just two points in the first meeting with L.A., had 11 and was the difference inside as he outworked Gasol and Andrew Bynum.
While media members, fans and even the league have pushed to portray the Cavaliers and Lakers as a budding rivalry, Bryant isn't buying it -- not yet anyway.
"No," he said coldly when asked if the team's were adversaries before the game. "Not at all."
He may now be warming up to the idea.
johnson and johnson stock 在 pennyccw Youtube 的最讚貼文
Allen Iverson(notes) made his debut with the Memphis Grizzlies on Monday, and it went about as expected.
He spent much of the night on the sideline. And he wasnt happy about it.
Nor, it seems, was his rear.
I had a problem with my butt from sitting on the bench so long, Iverson said. Thats the only thing I had a problem with.
Iverson made his first appearance in an NBA game since April 1, and not much had changed in the seven months in between. The Grizzlies brought him off the bench just like the Detroit Pistons tried to do, and Iverson didnt like it. Not after watching the Grizzlies lose 127-116 in overtime to the lowly Sacramento Kings. Not after he played just 17 minutes an effective 17 minutes in which he scored 11 points and not after seeing his new team fall to 1-3 while he sat idly on the sideline.
Upon signing with the Grizzlies this summer, Iverson said he would have no problem coming off the bench provided he was given a chance to compete for the starting job. That, however, was then. This is now. Iverson is a tremendous competitor and fiercely proud. Not even missing Memphis first three games along with the entire preseason with a hamstring injury seems to have tempered his distaste for bench work.
After the game, Iverson had no problem stating matter-of-factly and loudly just so everyone in the locker room could hear, including starting guards Mike Conley(notes) and O.J. Mayo(notes), who was seated next to him that the Grizzlies would need to make a change if they continue to lose.
Specifically, theyd need to start him.
Im not a reserve basketball player, Iverson said. Ive never been a reserve all my life and Im not going to start looking at myself as a reserve. Thats something for the media to talk about. Its only a big issue when the media talks about it. The subject never came up in my career until everything happened in Detroit. No one talked about me being a sub or anything like that until last year.
In all the other years of my career, its never come up. Ive been a starter on All-Star teams, Olympic teams and NBA Finals teams. Its just a big deal now. I think it is something people should let go. To answer your question, no, Im not a bench player or the sixth man. Go look at my resume, it will show you that Im not a sixth man.
For all of Iversons accomplishments, however, the Grizzlies were the only team to show any significant interest in him when he became a free agent this summer. They ultimately signed him to a one-year, $3 million contract.
Iversons stock dropped, in part, because of his experience with the Pistons an experiment gone bad. From his arrival into the NBA to the end of his tenure with the Denver Nuggets early last season, Iverson had started 827 of 832 regular-season games. Iverson says the Pistons rookie coach, Michael Curry, promised him when he joined the team that he would continue to start. After Curry eventually relegated him to the bench, Iverson openly complained about his reserve role and said he would rather retire. The Pistons, citing Iversons back problems, sent him home for the remainder of the season.
Iverson was hoping this season would provide a fresh start. He made his first appearance on Monday with 4:39 left in the first quarter, but took only one shot in the first half and missed. Kings fans heckled him by saying he should retire.
When Iverson returned in the second half, he looked much more like The Answer of old. He scored 11 points in the half, even making a key 3-pointer, and didnt force the action. His cross-over mid-range jump shot looked as pretty as ever.
I felt like me, Iverson said. Ive been playing basketball for 26 years. It felt like riding a bike. Thats what I do. Im a professional. I felt like me out there. I havent played in a long time, so obviously I had a lot of time to rest. So I wasnt tired.
But with the game tied at 94 with 4:49 left in the fourth quarter, Memphis coach Lionel Hollins replaced Iverson with Conley. Iverson was visibly upset while heading to the bench and begrudgingly slapped hands with Hollins. With 1.4 seconds left in regulation and the game still tied, Hollins put Iverson back on the floor.
In the past, Iverson would have been almost certain to take the final shot. Instead, Zach Randolph(notes) threw away a bad pass to send the game into OT while Iverson stood alone in the corner, unguarded.
I went to the bench and told my teammates that I didnt think they knew I was in the game, Iverson said. They didnt. They didnt even think I was in the game and that was a bad thing. I was like, Man, I was wide-open.
Obviously, [the Kings] didnt think I was in the game because someone big ended up on me. I guess [the Grizzlies] got used to me sitting so long that I didnt even get in the game.
Iverson wanted to clarify that he wouldnt complain if the Grizzlies were winning. But they didnt, and they arent.
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