The photo represents my favourites in my life who make me understand love and life better every single day. This photo is my first black and white in my Instagram Galleria and my favourite thus far. .
The purpose of this black and white photo is to spread the phrase 'Stay Alive,' so if this reaches you, please stay strong for me. For your family, for everyone. You're beautiful. This is for a good cause. Your smile is worthy. This is for suicide prevention. .
Stay alive challenge accepted. Thanks @julesm.mohta 🌸👍 for sharing this and I would love to share the love with all. Stay strong and if ever you need help, please talk to someone. Never swallow your sadness alone for too long. It's okay to find help and ask for help. Even superman needs help. Let's hope the best for our life but don't overstress. Find what makes you happy and be patient. God bless us and kindly spread the love. 🙏❤ Luv, Sofia.
#sfartography #rainbowpegasus #suicideprevention #stayalive #stayalivechallenge #kindnessmatter #love #life #soul #soulmate #cat #furrykid #bnw #blackandwhite #portrait #photography #leica