我係明報副刊嘅專題: 「米芝蓮名廚喜歡什麼酒?」
好高興可以跟3位世界級的米芝蓮名廚談談對美酒佳餚及對可持續發展的看法,包括法國殿級名廚及全球擁有最多米芝蓮星星之一(逾20星)的Alain Ducasse,原來他最愛香檳; 京都米芝蓮三星吉兆嵐山本店大廚徳岡邦夫,他與黑龍酒造合作釀造清酒;以及澳門米芝蓮三星粵菜食府「譽瓏軒」大廚歐陽文彥,原來他喜歡呷一口威士忌。3位大師,3個都不同風格,對酒類喜好亦各有𣎴同。Cheers!🎉🥂🍶🥃
My wine feature in MingPao daily newspaper: “What does Renowned Michelin Chefs like to drink?”
Very happy to chat with 3 renowned Michelin-star chefs about food & wine and sustainability, including one of world renowned French chefs with most Michelin stars in the world (over 20 stars) chef Alain Ducasse & he loves champagne most; 3-star Japanese Michelin chef Kunio Tokuoka likes Sake most & he has his sake collaboration with a renowned Sake brewery Kikuryu; 3-star Chinese Michelin chef Kelvin AuYeung from Jade Dragon loves to enjoy a glass of whisky! 3 different renowned Michelin chefs, 3 different choice of wine & spirits! Cheers! 🎉🥂🍶🥃
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