【去年今日 - 8.7 全民觀星】
Hundreds gathered at Hong Kong Space Museum with their laser pointers in protest of selective legal enforcement and the arrest of Hong Kong Baptist University student union president Keith Fong on Aug 6
Protesters pointing their laser pointer to a newspaper held, mocking the police's demonstration. Aug 6
Photos by BC, Sakamoto
for Studio Incendo (CC BY 4.0)
Text adapted from Wikipedia
laser pointer香港 在 Melo Lo Facebook 的最佳貼文
Do you know how ridiculous Hong Kong has become?
This is what Hong Kong at this moment
- 無宣布戒嚴但戒嚴
No martial law in place but act like that have one
- 個袋有藥要有醫生紙,無就話係第一類管制藥品
Prescription drug become Class A drug
- 買嘢要有單,無既即係偷
You need to have a receipt otherwise will be treated as stolen good
- 釣魚要考牌,無就被人問點解枝魚杆咁長
You need a licence for fishing and you also need to explain why the fishing rod is that long.
- 話自己執行職務,但身上無証明文件
Claim to be the police but no warrant card to be shown or found
- 話自己執行職務,但可以吾記得著制服
Police can forget to put on the official uniform when carry out law enforcement work.
- 明明係死物,被人拉大隊去關心
Care for a damaged object other than the fresh and blood
- 明明係人,被人拉大隊當物件咁踢
Torturing a suspect but claiming kicking an object
- 唔可以一個人持有多過一張八達通
You can not holding more than one octopus card otherwise you will be treated a thief.
- 病左唔可以戴口罩出街
You can not wear mask when you are having a flu or other flu like symptoms.
- 唔可以著黑色衫
No black dress allowed or you will be arrested, beaten or assaulted.
- 唔可以嗌口號
Chanting is not allowed
- 唔可以帶遮出街
You can not carry any umbrella with you when you are out or you may be charged of having a “ concealed weapon “.
- 切月餅唔可以有餐刀
You will be charged with carrying an arm in public if you have a plastic knife for cake.
- 自己既電話仲要自己證明個電話點樣係自己既
You have to prove you own phone belong to you when question.
- 唔可以有鐳射筆
You can not own a lazer pointer otherwise you will be charge with owning a laser gun.
- 唔可以問 "良心去左邊"
You are not allow to ask the police “where is your conscious. “ or you will be beaten the crap by a group of police.
- 無事唔可以去街
You should stay home if you have nothing else to do
- 唔可以話自己係市民
You are a nobody
- 見人受傷,唔可以幫人急救
You can not offer any first aid or other humanitarian aid when you see anyone get hurt.
- 見有不公義,唔可以拍攝
You can not take any photographs or video when you see any injustice occur
- 女人個胸係攻擊性武器
You will be charge for have an arm or conceal weapon if you have boob (man boobs for big fat so)
- 膠水樽係攻擊性武器
Plastic bottle will be considered as “weapon”
- 義務醫護比人話假記者
Volunteers medics will be treated a fake journalists
- 記者比人話暴徒
Journalists will be treated as rioters
laser pointer香港 在 Goodbye HK, Hello UK Facebook 的最佳貼文
【《New York Times》:十三歲都拉】
”It just so happens that they are more vulnerable and less resistant”
今日(9月22號)《New York Times》報導香港示威情況嘅角度好特別,用兩名十三歲嘅兒童被捕嘅原因,去反影香港警察甚至政府對示威者嘅取態。坦白講,呢幾個月黎,警察對待老弱婦孺嘅所作作為,外國記者無理由唔知,亦唔係今日先發生拘捕兒童(年紀更細嘅都有)。不過今日嗰兩個小朋友被捕嘅原因,一個女仔毁壞國旗,另一個男仔係非法集會同藏有「物件可作非法用途」,就係《紐約時報》記者嘅切入點。展述「國家面子」同硬性「止暴制亂」對於香港警察或者政府係最重要,可能比保護兒童呢個國際態度更甚。呢個就係國際大報記者編採之勁嘅地方囉...
報導指出呢幾個月黎示威者都有破壞國家權力嘅象徵(symbols of Chinese state authority),但係呢次拘捕就係响最有政治意義同痛爆(takes pains to ensure)都唔想出事嘅十一假期之前。事實上,記者好忠實咁講解呢個周末其實發生好多事㗎喎,騷擾親北京嘅店鋪、破壞車站、磚頭汽油彈同催淚互掉、「獅鳥」、警察聲稱(police said)被示威者用硬嘢(”hard objects”)打,最重要(樽鹽不嬲都比人命大)係有一班幪面嘅示威者(masked protesters)燒國旗!點解結果警察公布拉咗個十三歲細路女懷疑褻瀆國旗(suspicion of “desecrating the national flag”),仲要扣留一晚呢?報導補充,星期日班友玩支旗玩得仲盡喎。
好喇,咁多哥哥姐姐衝衝子响星期日乜乜乜之後,《New York Times》話香港警察又公布响將軍澳拘捕咗個十三歲嘅男仔,原因係懷疑(係suspicion)非法集會同藏有”instruments fit for unlawful purposes”。咁即係咩咁罪大惡極呢?噴漆(spray paint)同雷射槍(記者係括住”laser gun”),仲說明係香港執法部門對”laser pointer” 嘅官方稱呼(the authorities’ term),唔知美帝讀者會唔會睇到笑出聲呢?
最後,記者訪問一個參加示威嘅大學生做總結。呢個哥哥話警察依家鐘意「捕」(”snatch”)啲數目唔成比例(disproportionate number)出黎示威嘅中小學生。因為”It just so happens that they are more vulnerable and less resistant”,成個報導係話你班友蝦小朋友呀!
Photo Source: New York Times