美國的積木愛好者pɹɐddǝɥS Ɔ,喜歡運用Marble Run、樂高、Lincoln Logs等玩具積木,創造出複雜的結構,成為網球、彈珠的軌道,看著各式的球在軌道上滾,拍成有趣的影片。
lincoln logs 在 看電影學英文 Facebook 的最佳解答
下班囉! 明天星期五, 趕快來唸10句精彩對話, 讓大家開心一下心情!
電影 神偷軍團!- Tower Heist, 10 句精彩對話 Part 18
Josh (Ben Stiller) & Slide (Eddie Murphy) had an argument about the plan.
1. Man, you might as well use Lincoln Logs or Tinkertoys.
老兄, 你不如用Lincoln Logs 或 Tinkertoys還比較好
(might as well, A phrase indicating that it is probably better to do something than not to do it.)
2. Slide is the only one with no connection to The Tower.
Slide是唯一與 The Tower 沒有關聯的人(用to哦! 不能用of, 就像the key to the door而不是the key of the door)
3. He's a crook!
(A crook is a dishonest person or a criminal.)
4. You running things now, huh?
現在是你做主了嗎? 哼?
5. Slide: Man in the suit got it all figured out?
Slide: 制服男(Josh), 搞清楚狀況了沒?
6. Josh: No, man in the suit doesn't have it all figured out, but man with the gun needs to understand what man in the suit is trying to accomplish here, all right?
Josh: 不, 制服男並沒有完全搞清楚狀況, 但持槍男(Slide)必需要瞭解制服男只想著要如何完成這個任務, 好嗎?
7. We gonna just walk in there and roll this dude for $20 million without a fight?
我們難道就這樣大搖大擺的走進去, 帶走 (roll) 這傢伙的2千萬而且不發生鬥毆?
8. What if we run into some shit in there we don't expect?
萬一 (what if) 我們在那裡發生(用run into更貼切了)了我們未預期的意外呢?
9. We're plotters. We've plotted. That's a crime, right?
我們是策謀者, 也參與預謀了, 那就算犯罪了嗎? (plotter & plot的變化)
10. I'm out on bail.
Who the hell in charge here? Josh or Slide?
To be continued...
lincoln logs 在 看電影學英文 Facebook 的最佳解答
午安! 早上沒時間 Update, 吃飯前趕快 Update 10 句精彩對話, 和大家一起學習!
電影 神偷軍團!- Tower Heist, 10 句精彩對話 Part 18
Josh (Ben Stiller) & Slide (Eddie Murphy) had an argument about the plan.
1. Man, you might as well use Lincoln Logs or Tinkertoys.
老兄, 你不如用Lincoln Logs 或 Tinkertoys還比較好
(might as well, A phrase indicating that it is probably better to do something than not to do it.)
2. Slide is the only one with no connection to The Tower.
Slide是唯一與 The Tower 沒有關聯的人(用to哦! 不能用of, 就像the key to the door而不是the key of the door)
3. He's a crook!
(A crook is a dishonest person or a criminal.)
4. You running things now, huh?
現在是你做主了嗎? 哼?
5. Slide: Man in the suit got it all figured out?
Slide: 制服男(Josh), 搞清楚狀況了沒?
6. Josh: No, man in the suit doesn't have it all figured out, but man with the gun needs to understand what man in the suit is trying to accomplish here, all right?
Josh: 不, 制服男並沒有完全搞清楚狀況, 但持槍男(Slide)必需要瞭解制服男只想著要如何完成這個任務, 好嗎?
7. We gonna just walk in there and roll this dude for $20 million without a fight?
我們難道就這樣大搖大擺的走進去, 帶走 (roll) 這傢伙的2千萬而且不發生鬥毆?
8. What if we run into some shit in there we don't expect?
萬一 (what if) 我們在那裡發生(用run into更貼切了)了我們未預期的意外呢?
9. We're plotters. We've plotted. That's a crime, right?
我們是策謀者, 也參與預謀了, 那就算犯罪了嗎? (plotter & plot的變化)
10. I'm out on bail.
Who the hell in charge here? Josh or Slide?
To be continued...