A bit of craigised O2 , base in North Greenwich , it looked like a bug, but now is bunny. One of the most famous music,sport venue in Europe,from all the rapper you can think of to NBA basketball match. I miss the old day when there's were no tall buildings around it
位在東南區的o2是倫敦慶祝千禧年 的案子1999完工,尤英國建築大師Richard Roger 操刀,架構概念是返轉的摺疊傘,透過12根大鋼柱(象徵一年12個月)支撐這帳篷。現在是歐洲最受歡迎的運動場地,音樂表演場地,國外大名星整個含跨,連台灣的阿妹,周杰倫,五月天都來這表演過。平常我看他是蟲,但昨天吃了蟲蟲,今天是O2小兔子好了。
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