讓我也說一個真人真事。那天帶著小孩在廣場的parking fee machine 前面,因為我的紙鈔一直被彈出來,我後面排隊的人已經開始發出嘖嘖聲,我差點就按cancel。結果就在那刻,隔壁的馬來男孩問我:kurang berapa? 我說:2 ringgit! 他二話不說,攤出4張1零吉。我快手的抽出兩張,把parking ticket 拿出來。
後來,我把錢包裡2塊錢的零錢給了他,他搖搖手說: tak payah。 我還是給了他,我說:lain kali u boleh tolong orang lain! Terima kasih banyak banyak!
Hi all, Salam sejahtera semua.
Recently I have not frequented the social media as often as I used to. Sebab sakit hati I baca content that pops up. Friends and fans shooting vulgarities at each other, all due to some very petty issues. It is not the Malaysia I fought for.
When I met Lin Dan during the 2006 Malaysian Open final, I thought I would lose when I trailed at 13-20. It was impossible. Against the most talented man with a 7 point match point deficit, I was already thinking about what to eat for dinner.
I was tired and dejected. I looked up to the crowd. Their vociferous support never wavered. Then I saw a Malay girl, maybe around 8ish years old putting both hands together with her eyes closed. She was praying for me.
The other side of the stadium I saw an Indian gal, crying. I dunno if she crying for me, but I assumed she was.
Then another corner, my friend’s Son; a ten year old Chinese boy was shouting my name so loud that the umpire had to gaze that corner hinting him to lower down his voice.
I knew I couldn’t give up. The whole Malaysia prayed for me to win. A Malaysia consisting of kawan, ah ne, and Heng Dai. A colourful Malaysia. A Malaysia where I eat Roti Canai for breakfast, Nasi Lemak for lunch and Char Koey Tiao for dinner.
We Malaysians are better than these, my friends.
5 years ago, there was a hilarious report from a someone who said Malaysian Chinese would support Lin Dan it was a Lin Dan- Misbun fight. First and foremost, who are u to say these when faith and loyalty shouldn’t be your forte . Second of all, as a Malaysian who know these two players, of course I support Misbun. Misbun is my countryman, Lin Dan is not. Misbun won, my country happy, everyone happy, maybe got cuti. If Lin Dan won, ape gua dapat?
We Malaysians lepak sekali, mamak sekali, look after one another tak kira kaum. We cheer for our country Malaysia. Are we going to stop all these because of one random voice from the building?
Don’t let petty issues like Dong Zong Nor Khat tear us apart,
Don’t let minor people spreading racial hate beat us,
Don’t let insentive people pull our nose out of our sanity,
Don’t let the anasir jahat (from the Chinese , Indians and Malays) defeat our country, our people.
Malaysians are much much bigger than these. Tunjukkan kita jauh lagi teguh dari semua nonsense ini. Spread love not hate!
I want my sons and grandchildren to have their Malay and Indian friends. I want them to feel safe in Malaysia. I want them to fight for the flag, like how I did for u guys in the last decade.
When Malaysia won the Thomas Cup in 1992, Punch Gunalan was the team manager, Razif was the Captain, Rashid was the most talented, Kok Keong was the fighter and Beng Kiang delivered the winning smash. It was a beautiful Malaysia, multiracial. Don’t kill it .
Happy birthday soon, Tanah tumpahnya darah ku. Kesetiaan kepada Raja dan Negara.
2006年大马公开赛决赛,我和林丹的比分来到了13-20,我落后林丹整整7分!当时的我很累很沮丧,在我濒临放弃的时候,我抬头,看到了全马来西亚人不分你我,全民同心,都在为我加油鼓励,Lee Chong Wei , Malaysia Boleh,这几个字围绕着整个球场仿佛劝我不要放弃!
还记得1992年当马来西亚第一次拿下汤姆斯杯冠军的时候吗?那时候的球队经理是Punch Gunalan,队长是Razif,我们还有最全面Rashid,最有战斗力的傅国强,还有搭配谢顺吉拿下关键一分的苏明强;最后一球落下,当时电视前或在Mamak档看比赛的大家相互拥抱,全民欢腾举国同庆,这就是美丽的多元种族马来西亚,不要扼杀了它的美好。
让我们手牵手,把马来西亚的多元美好进行到底。Tanah tumpahnya darah ku.🇲🇾
malaysiaismycountry 在 Thedj :Anson阿晨 Facebook 的精選貼文
Proud 。 #malaysian
Hi all, Salam sejahtera semua.
Recently I have not frequented the social media as often as I used to. Sebab sakit hati I baca content that pops up. Friends and fans shooting vulgarities at each other, all due to some very petty issues. It is not the Malaysia I fought for.
When I met Lin Dan during the 2006 Malaysian Open final, I thought I would lose when I trailed at 13-20. It was impossible. Against the most talented man with a 7 point match point deficit, I was already thinking about what to eat for dinner.
I was tired and dejected. I looked up to the crowd. Their vociferous support never wavered. Then I saw a Malay girl, maybe around 8ish years old putting both hands together with her eyes closed. She was praying for me.
The other side of the stadium I saw an Indian gal, crying. I dunno if she crying for me, but I assumed she was.
Then another corner, my friend’s Son; a ten year old Chinese boy was shouting my name so loud that the umpire had to gaze that corner hinting him to lower down his voice.
I knew I couldn’t give up. The whole Malaysia prayed for me to win. A Malaysia consisting of kawan, ah ne, and Heng Dai. A colourful Malaysia. A Malaysia where I eat Roti Canai for breakfast, Nasi Lemak for lunch and Char Koey Tiao for dinner.
We Malaysians are better than these, my friends.
5 years ago, there was a hilarious report from a someone who said Malaysian Chinese would support Lin Dan it was a Lin Dan- Misbun fight. First and foremost, who are u to say these when faith and loyalty shouldn’t be your forte . Second of all, as a Malaysian who know these two players, of course I support Misbun. Misbun is my countryman, Lin Dan is not. Misbun won, my country happy, everyone happy, maybe got cuti. If Lin Dan won, ape gua dapat?
We Malaysians lepak sekali, mamak sekali, look after one another tak kira kaum. We cheer for our country Malaysia. Are we going to stop all these because of one random voice from the building?
Don’t let petty issues like Dong Zong Nor Khat tear us apart,
Don’t let minor people spreading racial hate beat us,
Don’t let insentive people pull our nose out of our sanity,
Don’t let the anasir jahat (from the Chinese , Indians and Malays) defeat our country, our people.
Malaysians are much much bigger than these. Tunjukkan kita jauh lagi teguh dari semua nonsense ini. Spread love not hate!
I want my sons and grandchildren to have their Malay and Indian friends. I want them to feel safe in Malaysia. I want them to fight for the flag, like how I did for u guys in the last decade.
When Malaysia won the Thomas Cup in 1992, Punch Gunalan was the team manager, Razif was the Captain, Rashid was the most talented, Kok Keong was the fighter and Beng Kiang delivered the winning smash. It was a beautiful Malaysia, multiracial. Don’t kill it .
Happy birthday soon, Tanah tumpahnya darah ku. Kesetiaan kepada Raja dan Negara.
2006年大马公开赛决赛,我和林丹的比分来到了13-20,我落后林丹整整7分!当时的我很累很沮丧,在我濒临放弃的时候,我抬头,看到了全马来西亚人不分你我,全民同心,都在为我加油鼓励,Lee Chong Wei , Malaysia Boleh,这几个字围绕着整个球场仿佛劝我不要放弃!
还记得1992年当马来西亚第一次拿下汤姆斯杯冠军的时候吗?那时候的球队经理是Punch Gunalan,队长是Razif,我们还有最全面Rashid,最有战斗力的傅国强,还有搭配谢顺吉拿下关键一分的苏明强;最后一球落下,当时电视前或在Mamak档看比赛的大家相互拥抱,全民欢腾举国同庆,这就是美丽的多元种族马来西亚,不要扼杀了它的美好。
让我们手牵手,把马来西亚的多元美好进行到底。Tanah tumpahnya darah ku.🇲🇾