非常榮幸受 Cheng-Ta Yu邀請,在母校 關渡藝術節的 KdMoFA 關渡美術館 哺挫 BOOCHOA 展覽發表
擬酷液得LiqueeredX《超完美女友當機趴體 Fucking-Super-Girlfriend Crash Party》 !
這場展演計畫與開幕策劃受到今年出國展演的許多啟發,也在有限的經費內因為許多好友與新人力挺,從去年亞洲雙年展在Chim Pom作品上所聚的道上趴體,直到轉世花木蘭,此當機趴體絕對是本人歷年之創作新高峰。
《Fucking-Super-Girlfriend Crash Party》as a party, this project allows different performers to simulate the performance images of online pornographic live streaming and female sex robot, for onsite intervention, weaving the various aspects of a “perfect female” presented through the screen in the cyber age, and deriving the practical methods of feminine writing in the post-Internet age. Digital performers and audience engagement in live-streamed performances enable performances to transcend the onsite space and enter the phone screens of audience, presenting multi-perspective slicing of the live event, and re-enacting the performances of fluid images and lusts and temptations inside and beyond the frames. Using “crash” to refer the text of live performance to the discussion of “趴體 (lying down on belly), the Chinese transliteration of “party,” which is the physical state after “crazy partying,” this work presents the status of “error” beyond the “perfect” framework of the technological patriarchy.
l 《擬酷液得Liqueered》
昨晚我們才剛在這結束一場派對,你錯過了嗎?在23點47分那刻,愛波對著麥克風,造作地從塗抹豐厚唇蜜的雙唇間,發出意味不明的爆裂吼叫聲,瞬間的情緒波動差點讓為了掩蓋平頭的粉紅假髮掉落,左手仍沒落拍地同步效果器調轉至極限。後方手臂有刺青的場控男子應和著這份情緒,將各色燈光調至急速閃爍他其實不懂,但他知道這理當是一個高潮橋段。嗡太大的聲響導致我耳鳴,倚賴的雙瞳不斷地被重複曝光,認知像是幻燈影像般進入了流變的狀態。接著,現場被紅光全面籠罩,愛波瞬間溫柔地說:「我們現在都是女生。」,這個指令讓我頓時分不清現在是在線還是離線 ……
We just finished a party here last night. Did you miss it? At exactly 23:47 exploded into the microphone meaningless screams through her lips with thick, pretentiously applied layers of lip gloss; her instantaneous emotional shockwave almost made her pink wig that was intended to cover up her shaved head drop on the floor. Her left hand, without missing a beat, simultaneously turned the effects unit up to the max. The man with tattoos on his arm in charge of onsite control behind her played along with her emotion, and switched the lights in different colors to rapid gleaming…He really did not understand, but he knew this was inevitably a climax. Humm…the sound was too loud, it gave me tinnitus, and the pupils I relied on were being constantly re-exposed; like projections, cognition entered a rheological state. Then, the place was covered in red light, and, all of a sudden, A tenderly said: “We are all girls now.” This command suddenly made me confused with whether we were online, or offline….
More Information:
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過18萬的網紅Ordinary Gaming Studio平民遊戲工作室,也在其Youtube影片中提到,結局C - meaningless Code 混有2B感情的A2 拯救了9S,並孤身作出了選擇........
- 關於meaningless中文 在 Betty Apple 倍帝愛波 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於meaningless中文 在 黃傑龍 Simon - 窮富翁 好人好事 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於meaningless中文 在 有故事的旅人 (澳洲首都不是悉尼) Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於meaningless中文 在 Ordinary Gaming Studio平民遊戲工作室 Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於meaningless中文 在 【尼爾自動人型中文版】Gameplay#26 結局C 的評價
- 關於meaningless中文 在 Dub & Ko Language Services - 【移民署的反毒文宣 - Facebook 的評價
meaningless中文 在 黃傑龍 Simon - 窮富翁 好人好事 Facebook 的最讚貼文
以下係我已經喺WhatsApp收咗三次嘅前高等法院英女王御用大律師,Henry Litton (列顕倫)* QC ;給香港市民的一封信:~ (裏便了無新意, 不過有兩個好處. 1) 洋人寫係唔同啲, 仲要係有名望嘅大法官, 特別有說服力 2)啲英文寫得好靚, 仲有中文翻譯可以學習英文。
Henry Litton (列顕倫)* QC was the Judge of the highest Court in Hong Kong. He retired in 2015.
The following is what he’s written...
There are few certainties in life. One of them is this: The common law system underpinning Hong Kong’s “core values” is destined to expire in 27 years’ time. The One Country Two Systems formula was designed to last for 50 years and no more. Hence Article 5 of the Basic Law. There is no mechanism in the Basic Law for the system to continue beyond 30 June 2047.
All the calls for Freedom, Democracy etc have no meaning if the common law crumbles.
If the protesters truly value their professed aims, *their focus should be on demonstrating to Beijing and to the rest of the world that the One Country Two Systems formula works, and to promote an atmosphere in which Beijing feels comfortable with the system – and when the time comes, to extend the Basic Law for another 50 years, 100 years*. Then liberal democratic norms and values might have a chance to flourish.
如果抗議者真的誠心誠意的重視他們宣稱的目標,*他們的重點、重心,應該是向北京和世界其他地方展示“一國兩制”的方案是有效的,並推展“一國兩制”的成功實施。令北京對這一制度感到寛心舒泰的環境下 - 當時機成熟時,說服北京將“基本法”再延長50年,100年*。那麼,自由、民主的模式、準則和價值觀還可能有延續蓬勃、活躍的機會。
Crunch time is not 27 years away. It is just round the corner. For Hong Kong to continue as one of the world’s greatest financial and trading centres, planning for the future must necessarily look 20 -30 years ahead. So the hard question will soon be asked: is the common law system to continue beyond June 2047 ? The answer lies in Beijing and nowhere else.
The last time this issue arose – back in 1982 – Hong Kong had the backing of Great Britain. This time Hong Kong stands alone. And, up to this point, Hong Kong has demonstrated for all the world to see that the One Country Two Systems formula is extremely fragile: and, if the unrest continues, it would surely fracture beyond any hope of recall.
It is beyond the power of the Hong Kong SAR government to devise the governing model for the future. Pressing the Hong Kong government to promote greater democracy is futile. Rightly or wrongly, that power lies in Beijing. Nowhere else. Hong Kong enjoys freedoms found nowhere else in China. To think that unlawful assemblies and demonstrations, and violence in the streets, would soften Beijing’s attitude towards Hong Kong is absurd. Common sense suggests it would have the opposite effect.
But there are deep social issues which the SAR government can redress, having regard in particular to the huge foreign currency reserves it holds:USD425 billion – by far the largest in the world, enough to guarantee public servants’ pensions hundreds of times over. And yet Hong Kong’s social services are crumbling, hospitals are understaffed, public education is poor, teachers are ill-paid, young people cannot afford to rent even the most substandard apartment, the gap between rich and poor is ever-widening.
但是,有一些深層次的社會問題是特區政府可以解決的,特別是考慮到特區政府擁有世界上最龐大的外匯儲備:4,250億美元 - 是政府公務員的長俸所需要的保證金額的數以百倍。然而,香港的社會服務卻每況愈下,醫院人手不足,全民所需的教育不論在質素及資源都極差,教師薪酬偏低。年輕人怎都難以負擔租用即使是最不合標準的居所,社會上,貧富差距在不斷拉大。
The laissez-faire policy of the colonial government has been carried to extremes by the SAR government in the past 20-odd years. The rich have prospered in the meanwhile whilst the bulk of the people suffered. The influx of Mainlanders under the One-Way Permit system has caused great strain on all services. The people’s needs have been neglected. The young see little prospect of a fulfilling future and even university graduates find difficulty in meaningful employment.
These, I suggest, are the deep-seated ills which sustain the fire of discontent in the wider community, and bring hundreds of thousands to march in the streets. These are not matters which a commission of inquiry can resolve.
The media here is full of Hong Kong stories, and of course footage of the riotous behaviour on the streets: what empty slogans, meaningless rhetoric the protesters display ……….In watching these events I am reminded of the prayer attributed to Saint Francis:
Pray God give me the courage to change the things I can change, the fortitude to bear the things I cannot change, and the wisdom to know the difference.
I arrive in Hong Kong Thursday 24 October, staying for one month.
As ever
PS Please feel free to convey these observations to anyone you chose ………….They are *not confidential*.
meaningless中文 在 有故事的旅人 (澳洲首都不是悉尼) Facebook 的最佳貼文
【旅途上人生路不熟之苦:Sit down呀_你老母】
話說搭架小巴經過旺角東站,有一堆人落車,有個外國人問:Is it MongKok Metro Station?佢正準備落車,司機大叔理都冇理,一嘢嘭埋度門:No la! 外國人再問:So when will I arrive Mongkok Metro Station?
司機大叔好有霸氣咁嗌:SIT DOWN!
外國人繼續問:Is it here? Arrived yet?
司機大叔:叫你Sit down呀屌你老母,上車唔知自己去邊問問問,唔識睇中文咪上車啦,正仆街!
我見到佢都覺得無奈,幫口:Not yet, I am going there too, I will show you.
佢想去Ladies Market行街,之後再去尖咀睇夜景,我落完車有時間都一盡地主之誼,帶埋佢去女人街,溫馨提示記得講價。
分別前佢問我頭先個司機講乜,我都費事講佢想Fuck your mother:Just some meaningless word, welcome to Hong Kong!
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meaningless中文 在 Ordinary Gaming Studio平民遊戲工作室 Youtube 的最佳貼文
結局C - meaningless Code

meaningless中文 在 Dub & Ko Language Services - 【移民署的反毒文宣 - Facebook 的推薦與評價
但是,「TAKE DRUGS, LIFE IS MEANINGLESS」的意思卻跟「吸毒人生,黑白人生」完全相反,翻譯成中文比較像是「吸毒吧!反正生命沒有意義」。 ... <看更多>
meaningless中文 在 【尼爾自動人型中文版】Gameplay#26 結局C 的推薦與評價
... <看更多>