👗Women Are Defining Paris Couture
🇫🇷PARIS — Something unexpected has happened at the Paris couture — the tippy tippy top of the European fashion pyramid and the beating heart of its identity. Steadily, quietly, seemingly overnight (though obviously not) it has become defined by women: not those to whom it caters, but those in charge.
-couture: 高級訂製時裝
-cater to: 迎合某事、某人
🌸The three most famous French couture houses are now designed by women: at Chanel, Virginie Viard is artistic director; at Dior, Maria Grazia Chiuri; and at Givenchy, Clare Waight Keller. Meanwhile, the most singular newgen brand on the schedule, Iris van Herpen, is (duh) run by its namesake. That may not sound like a lot, but in a contracting discipline it means the balance of the power of influence is in their hands. Like what they do or not — and the results were mixed — there is no question, as the shows got underway, that a troika dominated the conversation. And that, in itself, is a step forward.
法國最著名的三大時裝公司現在都由女性設計師擔綱大位: Virginie Viard在香奈兒擔任藝術總監;迪奧的藝術總監是Maria Grazia Chiuri;紀梵希則由Clare Waight Keller擔任。與此同時,目前最獨特的新一代品牌Iris van Herpen則由她本人運營。這些聽起來也許不算什麼,但是根據合約的規範,這意味著影響力的平衡掌握在她們手中。無論她們做什麼、不做什麼——其結果是好壞參半——毫無疑問,隨著走秀繼續進行,這幾位女性所駕馭的三頭馬車主導了對話。而這本身就是向前邁出的一步。
-newgen: new generation的縮略語,指「新一代」
-troika: 三頭馬車
⚜On Monday night, Marlène Schiappa, the French minister of state for gender equality, presented the Légion d‘honneur to Ms. Chiuri. In front of a crowd that included Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Bianca Jagger and a host of cheering LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton executives, Ms. Schiappa put it this way: ‘‘You proved to all women you could change things by doing it yourself.’’
週一晚上,法國負責性別平等的國務秘書 Marlène Schiappa向Maria Grazia Chiuri頒發了榮譽軍團勳章。觀禮者包括Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie、Bianca Jagger和一群歡呼雀躍的LVMH 高層,Schiappa如此說道:「你向所有女性證明,你能靠自己做出改變。」
-gender equality: 性別平等
- the Légion d‘honneur: 法國榮譽軍團勳章
#告訴我✍🏻 「 最讓你做自己的穿搭」
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅Vivi Lin,也在其Youtube影片中提到,* 需要中文字幕請記得打開CC字幕喔!* 【平權公投 Taiwan Equal Rights Referendum】 每一個人,都擁有平等愛人及被愛的權利。 性別,也不該是用二分法就能解釋的概念。 從大法官釋憲後,彩虹終於開始像雨後初晴般地逐漸閃耀。 就差最後一哩路了! #同性婚姻 ,#性平教育,...
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- 關於meanwhile同義 在 霜語VanessaDing Youtube 的精選貼文
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- 關於meanwhile同義 在 全民學英文- 「Meanwhile」與「While」都有「同時」的意思 的評價
meanwhile同義 在 Ken's Portable Classroom Facebook 的最佳解答
📰 Train dashcam shows truck on rail before collision in eastern Taiwan
🀄 火車行車記錄器顯示台灣東部發生碰撞前卡車在軌道上
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Data retrieved from the train that crashed near a tunnel in Hualien's Taroko Gorge on Friday (April 2) morning indicates the truck that slid down a slope was already on the rail before the fatal collision took place.
📌 台北 (台灣新聞) —週五 (4月2日) 早上從花蓮太魯閣峽谷隧道附近撞車的火車上檢索到的數據表明,在致命碰撞發生之前,滑下斜坡的卡車已經在鐵軌上。
Footage obtained from driving recorders on the southbound train suggests the truck appears to have rolled onto the train track prior to the incident. The driver of the train had less than 10 seconds to react and failed to hit the brakes in time, according to Hong Young (楊宏智), chairperson of the Aviation Safety Council (ASC), which is probing the cause of the tragedy.
📌 從南行火車上的行車記錄器獲得的錄像顯示,這輛卡車似乎在事件發生前就已經滾到了火車的軌道上。航空安全委員會 (ASC) 主席楊宏智 (Hong Young) 指出,火車司機的反應不及,不到10秒,無法及時剎車。
Taiwan Railways Administration pointed out the train was believed to be running at 130 kilometers per hour at the time and it would have taken 16.6 seconds and a distance of 600 meters for it to stop. The conditions did not allow this to happen, wrote CNA.
📌 台灣鐵路局指出,這列火車當時的時速是每小時130公里,要停下來就需要16.6秒和600公尺的距離。 CNA寫道,這樣的條件無法讓這種情況發生。
To determine when and how the truck got onto the rail and if its brakes had been properly engaged are the key questions in the investigation, Liberty Times quoted Young as saying.
Meanwhile, the driving recorder for the truck was retrieved on Sunday (April 4), which should be able to help paint a clearer picture of one of Taiwan's deadliest rail disasters in decades.
📌 同時,卡車的行車記錄器於週日 (4月4日) 被取回,這應該能夠為台灣幾十年來,最致命的鐵路災難之一的清晰圖像。
Separately, the Hualien high court has overturned the district court’s decision to release the owner of the truck, surnamed Li (李), on bail. Reasons include the defendant’s inconsistent statements and the fact that his criminal record for forgery had not been taken into consideration by the district court.
📌 另外,花蓮高等法院推翻了地方法院對李義祥(卡車所有人)交保的決定。原因包括被告的陳述不一致,以及地方法院未考慮到其偽造的犯罪記錄。
🙏 Life is full of uncertainty. May the departed souls rest in peace;
May the living be safe. It is time for solidarity as the nation grieves.
資料來源: https://reurl.cc/3N94jj
meanwhile同義 在 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News Facebook 的精選貼文
2021年被稱為建築諾貝爾獎的普利茲克獎給了安妮·拉卡頓(Anne Lacaton)和菲利普·瓦薩爾(Jean-Philippe Vassal)。他們二人以在法國各地改造並復興被忽視的建築而聞名,授予與諾貝爾獎相當的建築獎2021普利茲克建築獎。
Lacaton和Vassal分別出生於法國和摩洛哥,1987年他們在巴黎共同創立建築事務所。他們共同設計了許多主要的文化和教育建築,包括南特大學。南特大學建築的河濱校區於2009年完工。2012年他們在巴黎巴黎宮(Palais de Tokyo)美術館進行了雄心勃勃的擴建,為此博物館增加了20,000平方米(215,000平方英尺)。
但他們對法國戰後社會住房建築的翻新工作,吸引了業界最多的讚譽,其中包括全球可持續建築獎和享有盛譽的密斯·凡·德羅(Mies van der Rohe)獎。
他們與建築師弗雷德里克·德魯特(FrédéricDruot)共同撰寫的2004年“ Plus”宣言,遊說法國政府翻新而不是破壞該國的公共房屋:“永不拆毀,永不拆除,改造和再利用!”
這種方法導致幾處受到拆遷威脅的主要住宅區複興,因為法國在2000年代的城市規劃政策力圖拆除和重建老化的公共住房項目,而不是進行改善。 2011年,Lacaton,Vassal和Druot完成了Tour Bois lePrêtre社會住房的改建工程,該工程是巴黎北部一個破舊的1960年代社會住宅項目。以更換建築物的外牆,建築師不僅增加了96個單元中每個單元的平方英尺,而且還增加了露台和大窗戶等現代房屋功能。
拉卡頓在得知自己獲得今年普利茲克獎得主時,以發佈新聞稿中說:“轉型是利用現有技術做更多更好的機會。” “拆除房屋是一項簡便和短視的決定。這是在浪費很多東西,浪費能源,浪費材料和扼殺歷史。此外,這對社會產生了非常負面的影響。對我們來說,這是一種暴力行為。”
普利茲克獎於1979年首次授予著名的現代主義者菲利普·約翰遜(Philip Johnson),以表彰建築師(或多名建築師)。他們的作品同時表現出“才華,遠見和承諾”的組合。近年來,有幾位二人組將此獎項帶回了家,從2001年的雅克·赫爾佐格(Jacques Herzog)和皮埃爾·德·梅隆(Pierre de Meuron)開始。
2010年,日本雙人組合西澤立衛(Ryue Nishizawa)和妹島和世(Kazuyo Sejima)共同被提名為普利茲克(Pritzker)獲獎者,而愛爾蘭建築師Yvonne Farrell和Shelley McNamara則獲得了去年的大獎。 2017年,西班牙建築師Rafael Aranda,Carme Pigem和Ramon Vilalta成為第一次一起獲得該獎項的三人組。
由10名成員組成的評審團-包括建築師,教育家和美國最高法院的助理大法官斯蒂芬·布雷耶(Stephen Breyer)紛紛讚揚他們倆“擴大了建築可持續性的思想”。在建築品質環境責任和對道德社會的追求之間,維持了平衡。」
Jury chair Alejandro Aravena, himself a Pritzker laureate in 2016, meanwhile said in a press statement that Lacaton and Vassal are "radical in their delicacy and bold through their subtleness, balancing a respectful yet straightforward approach to the built environment."
陪審團主席亞歷杭德羅·阿拉維納(Alejandro Aravena)本人也是普利茲克(Pritzker)2016年的獲獎者,與此同時,他在一份新聞聲明中表示,拉卡頓(Lacaton)和瓦薩爾(Vassal)的態度是“革命性的,並因其細微之處而大膽,平衡了對建築環境的尊重而且對環境直截了當尊重的做法”。
Champions of French social housing win the 'Nobel of architecture' https://www.cnn.com/style/article/pritzker-prize-winner-2021-lacaton-vassal/index.html
meanwhile同義 在 Vivi Lin Youtube 的最讚貼文
* 需要中文字幕請記得打開CC字幕喔!*
【平權公投 Taiwan Equal Rights Referendum】
#同性婚姻 ,#性平教育,是我們都需要共同理解的議題。
Everyone should have the right to love and be loved and gender binary is no longer enough to explain the modern gender concept. Finally, after the constitutional interpretation on same-sex marriage, the rainbow which acts as the bridge between people’s love and pride shines ever so brightly. The finish line for equal rights is just in sight and we need everyone’s support!
#SameSexMarriage #GenderEquityEducation #LGBTQ
Let’s work together to create a future where love excludes nobody.
公投 14, 15案,請投同意。
10, 11, 12案,請投不同意。
This video was a campaign initiated by Taiwanese students studying at the University of Edinburgh. The purpose of this campaign was to provide a platform for education and exchange of opinions on the topic of Taiwan equal rights referendum. Meanwhile, the video was recorded to convey the supports on Taiwan equal right referendum from students worldwide.
Special Thanks to:
Leena Hoppula
Dzaui Jansen
Solly Peng
Estelle Heng
Equal Rights Referendum:https://nofear.equallove.tw/en
👧🏻 更多Vivi相關資訊 More Vivi 👧🏻
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⚠️強力募集 中英字幕小幫手⚠️
* 本支影片字幕感謝Alice Lin的大力協助!!!*
希望你們會喜歡這支影片 ❤️
Thank you for watching the video and all your support!!! Each of your comments and likes on my videos and channel has been the most important part of this incredible journey!!!
Hope you all enjoy the video~~~~~
Kisses and huggies, love you guys as always♥︎
FTC: This video is not sponsored.

meanwhile同義 在 霜語VanessaDing Youtube 的精選貼文
Now I'm putting effort to earn the intern of Mariana.
I'm in the second round, which is the top 14 of all the candidate.
Please share and vote for me as possible as you can.
The 3 people who have won the most of vote could get into the final.
❤️投票方式:點選 "3號 #丁霜語Vanessa-投他一票"系統會與個人臉書連結確認後即可完成投票程序!
❤️Vote Link:https://marianas18.act.kkday.com/vote
From today till 12/31,One vote from each one."No.3 丁霜語 Vanessa Ding"
Every day voting,Let it become a habit
❤️How to vote:
Go to the link of Mariana Tourism Bureau official website- The latest news- Voting link- No.3 丁霜語, the system will connect to your Facebook account to complete the voting process.
You'll have chance to win Saipan hotel and flight ticket!!
我是丁霜語 Vanessa,一位烏克麗麗演奏家
I'm Vanessa Ding, an Uklele musician.I love music and traveling!I prove the meaning and value through by every trip that I had, because I challenge my limit as possible as I can.
Meanwhile, I enjoy to get along with the nature,
To experience the beauty and silence of our ocean when I'm diving.To admire the greatness of the art that this world creat when I'm climbing.
Traveling is my inspiration, I could use the four string to play different emotion from the different corner around the world.
The most important four elements to me is:
Mariana is a special place, I'll use my heart to feel the ocean, culture and land that she has.
I'll use my Uklele to compose a theme song for her, express the savor of Mariana, let everyone soak in her atmosphere.
#mariana #travel #diving #vote #ocean #ukulele #life #music

meanwhile同義 在 全民學英文- 「Meanwhile」與「While」都有「同時」的意思 的推薦與評價
「Meanwhile」與「While」都有「同時」的意思,但兩者的用法又不同,究竟該如何區分呢? ... <看更多>