👧 今天是AIT程式少女特訓營第二天!學員們透過視訊與美國「天下無難事」實驗室創辦人米克·艾柏林學習交流,米克鼓勵這60位高中女生要繼續STEM教育相關課程和從事科技業,並運用科技來改變世界,將「不可能的事」變成「可能」。對學員們來說來說,學習Minecraft程式也是一種非常有趣且具有創意的體驗!讓我們拭目以待,看看他們明天的創意和設計出的遊戲!
另外,今天在程式少女特訓營的AI大挑戰課程中,女孩學員們見識到了人工智慧的先進應用案例,包括運用神經網絡技術,串聯30個核心處理器的超級電腦;使用深度學習技術的多個應用程式App - 可執行高階臉部與圖像辨識、驅動自動車駕駛,甚至輔助檢測心雜音,以利進一步的醫學分析和診斷。特別感謝東華大學吳建銘博士及其研究生團隊精心設計出這套有趣的課程內容,大大拓展了程式女孩們的視野!
👧Today is the second day of the 2020 Girls Tech Bootcamp! The campers started the day by interacting with Mick Ebeling via videoconference. Mick is the founder and CEO of the Not Impossible Foundation. He encouraged the campers to pursue STEM education and tech careers, use technology to change the world, and turn "impossible" into "possible". Learning coding with Minecraft also provide to be a very fun and creative experience for the campers! Let’s wait and see what games they are going to create tomorrow!
Also, at today’s Girls Tech Bootcamp, the AI Challenge exposed the participants to smart examples of cutting-edge AI applications: a Super 30 CPU Computer utilizing neural networks technology; fancy apps that use deep learning techniques to perform advanced facial/imagery recognitions, to realize autonomous driving of vehicles, and even to detect a heart murmur for further medical analysis and diagnosis. Special thanks to Dr. Wu Jiann-Ming and his team for the great design of this fun curriculum that really broadened the camp girls’ vision!#GirlsTechBootcamp #AIT程式少女特訓營 #AIChallenge
minecraft education coding 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳解答
AIT「程式少女特訓營」回來囉!AIT、Microsoft Taiwan微軟、 國立東華大學和遠哲科學教育基金會邀請各位報名參加AIT「程式少女特訓營」,本活動將於2020年10月9日至11日於東華大學舉行。如果妳想精進理工科學領域的英文能力,學習人工智慧,或是從微軟的《Minecraft 當個創世神》中學習程式設計,現在就是大好機會!營隊活動費用將由AIT和我們的合作夥伴支付,我們開放40個名額給台灣原住民和台灣東岸的高中職女生,以及20個名額給其他縣市的高中職女生,只要妳目前是國三、高一或高二的學生都有資格報名喔!報名截止日期:2020年8月16日。更多報名資訊請見:https://bit.ly/2XvxOcc
#AITGirlsTechBootcamp #程式少女特訓營
“Girls Tech Bootcamp” is back! AIT, Microsoft, National Dong Hwa University, and the Yuan T. Lee Foundation Science Education for All Project invite you to apply for the AIT’s Girls Tech Bootcamp from October 9 to October 11, 2020 at National Dong Hwa University. If you want to learn English for STEM fields, AI, and coding for Microsoft Minecraft, please apply now! Camp activities and expenses will be provided by AIT and our program partners. We have 40 slots for indigenous high school girls and high school girls from the east coast of Taiwan, and 20 slots for high school girls from other cities. You are eligible to apply if you are currently in Grade 9, 10 or 11. Application deadline: August 16, 2020.
For more information and to apply, please visit: https://bit.ly/2XvxOcc
minecraft education coding 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳解答
台灣東岸的高中職女生和台灣的原住民高中職女生看過來!妳對人工智慧和程式設計有興趣嗎?妳想從理工科學課程中學習英文嗎?妳想從微軟的《Minecraft 當個創世神》中學習程式設計嗎?現在機會來囉!AIT將與微軟、國立東華大學和遠哲科學教育基金會於2020年5月1日至3日共同舉辦首屆「程式少女特訓營」,歡迎各位有志者踴躍報名申請!營隊活動費用將由AIT和我們的合作夥伴支付,台灣原住民高中女生或來自宜蘭, 花蓮, 台東的高中女生都有資格申請,名額僅有60個!活動報名和詳細資訊請參考報名網頁:http://www.ytlee.org.tw/ActivityIntroduction.aspx?ActivityID=1297 申請截止日期:2020年3月29日。#GirlsTechBootcamp #AIT程式少女特訓營 #AI
Are you a girl from the east coast of Taiwan or an indigenous girl interested in Artificial Intelligence and coding? AIT, Microsoft, National Dong Hwa University, and the Yuan T. Lee Foundation Science Education invite you to apply for AIT’s first Girls Tech Bootcamp from May 1 to May 3, 2020 at National Dong Hwa University. If you want to learn English for STEM fields, AI, and coding for Microsoft Minecraft, please apply now! Camp activities and expenses will be provided by AIT and our program partners. Indigenous high school girls or high school girls from the east coast of Taiwan are eligible and encouraged to apply for one of 60 available spaces. Apply here: http://www.ytlee.org.tw/ActivityIntroduction.aspx?ActivityID=1297. Application deadline: March 29, 2020.