1. 哈佛大學商學院 HBX
2. Minerva School at KGI
3. Singularity University
4. Southern New Hampshire University
5. School 42
minerva university大學 在 陳良基的創新筆記 Facebook 的精選貼文
很高興知道 School 42 的校長要來台灣,我會跟他聊聊,希望他的到來,可以刺激台灣對人才的培訓有更創新的作法。未來的世界,絕對是一技之長,有能力比有學歷重要太多了!學歷高興一時,能力長長久久,可以高興一輩子!
其實,正規教育也是有機會改造,我在規劃「高教深耕計畫」時,有個很理想性的夢想,當時我訂的願景就是要因材施教「成就每一個學生」!所以那時候,規劃的重要精神是希望引導台灣的高教做兩個改變:學制的改變和學習方法(或者稱教學方法)的改變。前者搭配的是學位法的修改,配合國情,用系進院出的方法,達成學位與能力合一,且隨時能與產業需求扣合。後者就有點難度,主要是要將資源用來資助真正想用教育改變學生人生的教授群們,包括大學社會責任計劃(USR, University Social Resposibility)。
School 42 要來台灣,University Minerva 也即將來台灣(感謝嚴長壽先生的協助),而 Singularity University (奇點大學)也想跟台灣多合作。外人對台灣多麼的欣賞,我們自己要有信心。勇敢改變,把握人生學習能力最強的精華時期,擴大視野,習得願意熱情投入的一技之長, 才是教育的目的。
minerva university大學 在 資策會創新學習中心 Facebook 的精選貼文
美國Minerva Schools at KGI 亞洲區總裁Kenn Ross
Ednovation in University Education
Theme: 21st Century Education – Creating the future but not fitting into the future
Kenn Ross, Managing Director of Asia, Minerva Schools at KGI
Topic: “Preparing Students for the 21st Century”
Minerva School at KGI (US)
Guest:Kenn Ross(Managing Director, Asia)
Minerva Schools at KGI is reimagining top-tier higher education to provide a uniquely global, rigorous and accessible undergraduate experience for the world’s brightest, most motivated students. Students learn from accomplished professors and impressive peers in small active learning seminars, using cutting-edge technology and decades of research into the science of learning to improve student outcomes. Minerva’s unique global residential model has students living and learning in the world’s great cultural, economic and political hubs, challenged to develop into leaders and innovators in a global context.
美國的Minerva School at KGI為了提供一個全球獨特、嚴格的、容易接觸的本科教育予全球最機靈、有上進心的學生,正在重新塑造頂尖高等教育。透過小型學習研討會、使用尖端技術、歷經幾十年科學研究的學習,向有造詣的教授、令人印象深刻的同輩學習,並提高學生的學習成果。Minerva School的獨特全球住宅模型,令學生身處全球化的背景下,能夠在偌大的世界文化、經濟及政治樞紐中居住與學習,挑戰自己成為領袖和創新者。
美國Minerva Schools at KGI 亞洲區總裁Kenn Ross
Ednovation in University Education
Theme: 21st Century Education – Creating the future but not fitting into the future
Kenn Ross, Managing Director of Asia, Minerva Schools at KGI
Topic: “Preparing Students for the 21st Century”
Minerva School at KGI (US)
Guest:Kenn Ross(Managing Director, Asia)
Minerva Schools at KGI is reimagining top-tier higher education to provide a uniquely global, rigorous and accessible undergraduate experience for the world’s brightest, most motivated students. Students learn from accomplished professors and impressive peers in small active learning seminars, using cutting-edge technology and decades of research into the science of learning to improve student outcomes. Minerva’s unique global residential model has students living and learning in the world’s great cultural, economic and political hubs, challenged to develop into leaders and innovators in a global context.
美國的Minerva School at KGI為了提供一個全球獨特、嚴格的、容易接觸的本科教育予全球最機靈、有上進心的學生,正在重新塑造頂尖高等教育。透過小型學習研討會、使用尖端技術、歷經幾十年科學研究的學習,向有造詣的教授、令人印象深刻的同輩學習,並提高學生的學習成果。Minerva School的獨特全球住宅模型,令學生身處全球化的背景下,能夠在偌大的世界文化、經濟及政治樞紐中居住與學習,挑戰自己成為領袖和創新者。