Game1 Review
Ola-總統-小沙三個主將首役連線成功,這是一個好現象,溜馬無法招攬巨頭來印城(AD?別做夢了啦),只有自己培養加上偶而有緣分來的自由球員加盟(過去有 David West、Monta Ellis,如今是總統),但縱然如此,蒐集到的星度還是有限,因此明星球員聯手能否互相提升非常重要,小沙能和 Ola 或總統打擋拆,效果都非常好,Ola 的切入也能找到總統開火,1vs1 這三人還不到最頂尖,但多了擋拆,多切傳一次,機會就會被創造出來,這三人的狀態決定溜馬本季的地板,至於天花板有多高,得看三人連線可否把其他人帶起來,以及英雄對決時骰子是否可以擲出最大點來。
不過三人得分都超過 20 分,和尼克交手卻也沒佔到什麼便宜,打到第三節都還是比分膠著,一直到 Julius Randle 四犯提前下場,尼克少了他這吸怪機,打法變得凌亂且很愛直衝禁區,Myles Turner 這大掃把發揮最高等級的清除力,火鍋連敲煽得尼克眼冒金星,溜馬這才把握機會將比分拉開到兩位數,Turner 這樣的定位非常適合,他可以 10 分 10 籃板 4 火鍋當作本季的目標,挑戰火鍋王,如果他的投射把握度能好一點,場均兩顆三分也可期待。
Warren 的身手有點鏽,需要隊友幫忙餵點球讓他熱開來,是說也不用太擔心他,他的投籃向來不講理,他自己會找回狀態,此役只上場 23 分鐘,可能教練團也想保護一下他的腳,畢竟筋膜炎不可不慎。
現在只剩兩個中鋒,沒有替補C,因此小沙負責上半場帶替補,Turner 負責下半場,替補四劍是 TJM、小假日、大假日和 McD,有小沙居中策應,McD 的跑位靈活且多變,雖然他的三分沒開張,但招牌的大跨步切入得了不少分,還有一次補扣,直接把小假日投籃沒進的球塞回去,嚇得我從椅子上彈起來了!好球啊!大假日今天的三分球也進一球,但快攻還是跑得很快,小假日在板凳中應該要是最能得分的人,今天攻下七分兩助攻三籃板,希望他漸入佳境。
TJM 繳出五分五助攻,中規中矩,但第四節後半袞總使用他和總統、Ola打三衛,整個速度感非凡,搭配 McD 和小沙,順利維持進攻輸出,最終以14分之差獲勝。袞總仍在測試各種不同的組合,只是陣容缺陷讓小沙和 Turner 一定要有一人留在場上,Ola 有很多時間可能是打 SF,袞總的小球能否藏拙強攻,首戰的對手尼克也非防守強隊,要等接下來的對手來驗證了。
現在的尼克和以前的感覺不太一樣,少了拳拳到手的精悍防守,進攻較流於單打和機遇戰,紅茶 Randle 很會在亂軍中刷數據,他和小沙大約是互爆,誰也不讓誰。去年的新秀,應該是欽定少主的 RJ Barrent 拿了全隊最高的 26 分,但有 20 分是在上半場(八投八中),下半場的 RJB 卻消失了,此役的他會是曇花一現嗎?另一個應該也被視為禁區希望的 Mitchell Robinson,只得到三分六籃板三火鍋,上場時間只有 21 分鐘,看他被小沙撞兩下就做到犯規,很有 Turner 菜雞被欺負的既視感,Robinson 也在歷練他的成長之路,期待有開花結果的那一天(在尼克嗎?這不好說~),板凳殺手 Alec Burks 砍了 22 分,我以為 Payton 是尼克主力控球後衛,沒想到 Burks 才是有球權的那個人。最後是今年的選秀新人 Obi Toppin,他應該有很多空間發揮,但今天主要的得分手段卻只有三分球能進球,其他出手全打鐵,希望這不是養壞的徵兆。
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過15萬的網紅pennyccw,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Allen Iverson and Carmelo Anthony kept Denver's offense in high gear, but it was Kenyon Martin's defense that had coach George Karl talking. Iver...
mitchell career high 在 余海峯 David . 物理喵 phycat Facebook 的最佳解答
【Astronomy Winter School: High-Energy Astrophysics】
台灣國立清華大學將於 2021 年 1 月 18 至 22 日舉辦天文研究學習營,歡迎碩、博班或博士後研究員參加。名額 50 人,費用全免。請各位轉告有興趣的同學或朋友。詳情:
NTHU/NCTS Astronomy Winter School: High-Energy Astrophysics
Jan 18th – 22nd
Online, and NCTS, Hsinchu
We are pleased to announce the NTHU/NCTS Winter School on High-Energy Astrophysics, to be held both online and at the National Center for Theoretical Science, Hsinchu, Taiwan, January 18th – 22nd, 2021.
Registration is now open. Please complete registration here:
You can indicate whether you will attend on-site or remotely.
Registration deadline: 20th December 2020.
We cordially invite your participation.
The purpose of this winter school is to present an overview of the progress in major areas of cosmic ray astrophysics and gamma-ray astronomy in recent years, and to provide an introduction to the essential physics and concepts. It will also be an opportunity to bring together both new and established researchers in the field for discussion and exchange of ideas.
The programme will cover a broad range of topics within cosmic ray astrophysics and gamma-ray astronomy, ranging from theory/modelling & simulation to instrumentation & observation.
The school is intended for graduate research (PhD and Masters) students and post-docs with an interest in becoming involved in high energy astrophysics (in particular, topics relating to cosmic rays and gamma-rays), as well as early-career scientists already active in the field looking to broaden their understanding. It will comprise of a keynote lecture and six primary lecture series from international experts, plus five highlight science talks to complement the programme. The keynote lecture will be given by Prof Werner Hofmann (Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany).
Please see our website for detailed information about the lecturers, courses and highlight talks:
Remote attendance is encouraged, particularly for those wishing to attend from outside of Taiwan.
Due to limited availability of seats, those wishing to attend in person should register as early as possible to ensure on-site participation. After on-site spaces are filled, online registration will remain open until 20th December 2020.
Cosmic rays, gamma-ray astronomy, particle acceleration and interactions, instrumentation
Keynote talk
Werner Hofmann (MPIK)
Invited lecturers
Jim Hinton (MPIK)
Yoshiyuki Inoue (Osaka)
Albert Kong (NTHU)
Frank Rieger (ZAH, Heidelberg/MPIK)
Kinwah Wu (UCL/MSSL)
Hsiang-Yi Karen Yang (NTHU)
Highlight speakers
Hsiang-Kuang Chang (NTHU)
Kwan Lok Li (NCKU)
Alison Mitchell (Adelaide/Zurich)
Ellis Owen (NTHU)
Pooja Surajbali (MPIK)
There is no registration fee. Registration is open now. The registration deadline will be 20th December 2020. Note that on-site participation will be limited to 50 people. Due to the limited availability of seats, interested parties wishing to attend on-site please visit our website and sign up to register as early as possible to ensure your participation. There will be no limitation on the number of people wishing to join remotely.
Financial support for transportation and accommodation expenses is available for the on-site attendees who have no other means of funding support. Please visit our website for more relevant details.
We look forward to seeing you at the winter school.
Organising committee
Dr Ellis Owen
Prof Albert Kong
Institute of Astronomy, National Tsing Hua University
mitchell career high 在 瓶子溜馬日記 Facebook 的最讚貼文
鹽湖城果然很難打,爵士主場銅牆鐵壁,溜馬被海電 30 分。
不過,溜馬小將在大幅落後下依然認真打球,儘管所有的數字都不如人,但拼勁不能少,假日大哥送出五火鍋三抄截,Turner 零鍋但有生涯最高的六抄截,TJM 依然滿場飛送出十助攻,刀哥 McD 今天手感沒有昨天那麼燙只投進兩顆三分,Goga 終於打超過 10 分鐘了但他的狀態明顯跟不上第二隊的節奏,替補中鋒仍然是隱憂,而且其實大部分時間溜馬都是用一個中鋒搭配假日大哥扛四號來作戰,籃板球今天又輸一屁股了(-23),拼勁有了,缺的是強力籃板。
Bojan Bogdanovic 好久不見,看來 Bojan 在爵士適應良好,他和 Ingles 兩個阿伯打法很會在場上找自己的節奏,『快』的部分就交給 Mitchell 負責就好,米丘的運球切入就像 Wade 那樣滑溜,實在很難跟上,Gobert 一柱擎天,輕鬆拿下 20-14-1。爵士的替補也有熟面孔,George Niang 是溜馬 2016 年的二輪選秀,他的打法也很阿伯,跟著先發組雙伯果然有魚吃,替 Niang 感到開心。爵士板凳還有兩把刀,Jordan Clarkson 和 Mike Conley,一但讓他們找到感覺,溜馬就追不上了。
mitchell career high 在 pennyccw Youtube 的最讚貼文
Allen Iverson and Carmelo Anthony kept Denver's offense in high gear, but it was Kenyon Martin's defense that had coach George Karl talking.
Iverson had 36 points, Anthony added 33 and Martin shut down Toronto all-star Chris Bosh late as Denver rallied to beat the Toronto Raptors 109-100 on Sunday afternoon.
"Kenyon Martin's defense on Bosh was incredible and got better as the game went on," Karl said. "You win games with stops more than making shots. I thought Kenyon was the star of the game."
J.R. Smith scored 14 points and Marcus Camby had 15 rebounds as Denver rallied from a 17-point first-quarter deficit to win for the fifth time in seven games.
"Once we got it together on the defensive end we were able to run and not have to play the half-court offense," Iverson said. "We just wanted it more than they did at the end."
Limited to just two games last year following right knee surgery, Martin has reclaimed his role as Denver's defensive stopper this season.
"He's one of the very few guys who can play at a high level after coming back from such a serious injury," Camby said. "We're definitely happy to have him and we definitely need him, especially with Nene being out of the lineup the whole season."
Nuggets forward Nene is out for the season after surgery to remove a tumor.
Martin said he relished the chance to guard fellow Texan Bosh, who missed the only shot he took in the fourth.
"I don't give anybody a night off," Martin said. "Both of us being from Dallas, he should know that he's not going to get a night off."
While he faded in the fourth, Bosh shone through the first three quarters, finishing one assist shy of a triple-double. Bosh had 17 points, 12 rebounds and a career-high nine assists, but Toronto still lost for the seventh time in eight games.
"The thing that bothers me is at the end of games we're just too hesitant," Bosh said. "We hesitate too much and we think about it too much. I know it gets harder down the stretch but we should step our game up instead of taking steps back."
Jose Calderon had 17, Andrea Bargnani had 16 and seven Raptors reached double figures, but it wasn't enough.
"We did a lot of good things but we just couldn't get over the hump," Toronto coach Sam Mitchell said.
Iverson, who has averaged 30.4 points in 36 career games against Toronto, made two of Denver's six 3-pointers in the fourth, including one with 1:07 remaining that capped a 7-0 Denver run and gave the Nuggets a 103-98 edge.
"That gave us a stress-free ending," Karl said.
Denver trailed through the first three quarters before taking its first lead at 74-73 on a 3-pointer by Linas Kleiza on the first possession of the fourth.
A quick start by Bargnani helped Toronto take a 17-point lead in the opening quarter. Bargnani started 7-for-8 and had 16 points in the first as the Raptors jumped in front 35-18 before five straight points from Smith made it 35-23 after 12 minutes.
Nine points by Smith and six points each from Anthony and Iverson helped Denver close the gap to 54-46 at the half.
Karl said Smith's energy led directly to Denver's comeback.
"We don't win this game without his second quarter spurt," Karl said. "He got us running, he got us aggressive to the rim, he got the penetration game back, rather than the jump-shot game we had most of the first quarter."
Bargnani didn't score again after the first, missing his final six shot attempts.
Game notes
The Nuggets went 11-for-22 from 3-point range. ... Denver has scored 100 or more points in 11 consecutive games. ... Toronto's Jamario Moon had a career-high 15 rebounds. ... The Nuggets are 2-2 with one game remaining on a five-game road trip. Denver visits Memphis on Monday. ... This was the first of four straight at home for Toronto, which hosts Detroit on Wednesday, New York on Friday and New Orleans next Sunday.
