伊朗首度德黑蘭就像是個國際都市👀 地鐵尖峰時刻擠得像是沙丁魚、食物比其他城市貴兩倍、伊斯蘭建築相比之下較少,也難怪許多觀光客就直接跳過這裡😆
不過有人記得景點電影《亞果出任務》嗎?改編自1979年的伊朗人質危機中的真實故事。美國駐伊朗大使館遭到幾千名伊朗民眾、宗教學生、和革命衛隊的抗議示威😨 大使館員工開始緊急用焚化爐和碎紙機銷毀重要文件😖 暴民沒用一小時就將大使館佔領,六十六名美國外交官和平民被扣為人質😱
這座 1979 年被美國關閉的大使館,目前是改名為「US Den of Espionage」的博物館。以前大使的辦公室、秘密通話室、CIA 情報局等房間都可以開放參觀😲 雖然不大,但對近代歷史有興趣的人應該會喜歡😁
另一座博物館是「Holy Defence Musuem」講述伊朗與伊拉克長達八年戰爭☠️ 這座博物館一點都不死板,影音描述、4D 互動都很有國p際水準。再加上一堆坦克、飛機,有次 York 的樂園😆
當然德黑蘭還有許多高級商場,雖然沒有賣國際高級品牌,但是 Swarovski 等還是有💍 路上車子也有保時捷、賓士,確實是個富裕的城市🚘
Ps. 如果要看互動性的即時動態,記得加入 IG 唷 ➡️ www.instagram.com/travelwithwinny 😘
#伊朗 #德黑蘭
Tehran is the capital of Iran👀 The food here is 2x more expensive than other cities, not much sites to see, subway's packed like sardines 🚇 No wonder most travelers skipped this city all together 😛
However there are some interesting places in Tehran, such as the US embassy from the award movie "Argo"😲
The building has not been used by the U.S. since the Iran hostage crisis of 1979😱 It has now been converted to a musuem called "US Den of Espionage" where public can visit the ex CIA secret room, ambassador's offices, etc 😆
We then visited the "Holy Defence Musuem" where it talked about the 8 year long Iran & Iraq war☠️
The musuem was surprisingly interactive with 4D displays to make you understand what happened👀 Of course it had a lot of tanks & planes that York loves😛
Other than that Tehran has been great where we get our last fix of modern shopping center where ppl drove around in Porsche & BMW🚘
Leaving the country soon, can't wait to not wear my head scarf🤣
#Iran #Tehran #Argo
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