Love the stories from other moms💓
Specially this one:
I told my child, when he was a newborn, that we were beach people. I took a playpen to the beach, slathered him in sunscreen, put an umbrella over him and put his feet in the waves. I didn't want to give up the beach, so I made my son part of it. You can have pink hair, if you want, and still be a good Mom. You can find a way to travel - especially when he's little. You can figure out a way to go to school. I was a single Mom for much of my son's childhood, too. You can do it and still have a life. Reframe this in your mind. Don't waste your energy envying your son's Dad. He's missing out on a lot! Don't resent your son. Focus on the solutions and on the gift you've been given. I know it's easier said than done, but you can have a fun, worthwhile life and still be an amazing mother. It's WAY more wonderful than terrible! Wishing you and your little guy all the best!
#salute #respect #mothersarethestrongestlivingcreatureonearth #proudtobeamom #flyingmamalilrock
“I didn’t want to take the pill anymore and I thought I could control things on my own. That was a mistake. I started to cry when I found out I was pregnant. I was terrified by the thought of the baby being 100% dependent on me. What if I wanted to travel? Or go to graduate school? Or just get the fuck away and not talk to anyone? At first I wanted to get an abortion. I even called the hotline but I never went through with it. Now my son is my life. I’ve totally abandoned myself. I broke up with the father after a year. He has a new girlfriend now. He gets to have his life, and see our son whenever he chooses. He gets to go out. He gets to go through an emo phase and decide not to work. It’s unfair. He can play with our son then go back to his life whenever he wants. I get left with the hard part. My life is my son now. And I love him, so that’s a wonderful thing. But it’s a terrible thing too.”
(Santiago, Chile)