Asking For Help VS Demanding Help (Long post ahead)
I thought I'd just voice out a bit about something that caught my attention. (And this is just a PSA to you guys out there who drop us messages in our inbox on FB).
So once in a while, we get messages like these in our inbox - of people asking for help to do various things. Find a dog, find a car, find a missing person, find a job, etc. Yes, all valid reasons and yes from time to time we do help.
But if we continuously post these things on our page - it is a misuse of people's attention who actually follow this page. They're looking for content, not a signboard.
What really got to me about this was the sense of entitlement this person (who I will protect their identity) felt that we NEEDED to help him solve quite an unsavoury but common problem. A hit and run. And not their own car, but they were asking for help for a friend.
Here's the deal. We've all had problems like these. I've had my car tyres stolen. My car hit and instead of the person at fault paying for it, I did. My car hit and the person at fault running away. So on and so forth. I'm sure many of us get frustrated and angry at things like these.
But I've never written to any public/social entity and said "You have to help me. Oh you're not responding. You're horrible".
I need to say this to those asking us to post pictures and statuses that might potentially defame or publicise someone in a negative way on our platforms = we won't do it.
1. Because it is defamation.
Unwanted, un-related, and unnecessary attention of a hoard of people coming to that individual's way that are out to get him/her. And we don't even have anything to do with this person. To portray an individual in public in a negative light for a mistake that he/she has made? It is definitely not what this platform of content is for. Unless it is an immediate threat to safety and lives, the choice to defame a random civilian is not something I endorse.
2. I only have your word as proof.
No, I am not doubting the truth or fact that this person has mentioned and explained to us. But there are many people who might just wanna get back at someone else. And I'm not about to start playing judge and jury for something I am not a part of.
3. EXPECTING strangers to help you solve your problems is just... no.
That cynicism and sense of entitlement at the end was the cherry on top. This is not asking for help. This is a demand with a "I should have gotten a response and help" at the end. That put me off.
Understand this:
If it is a request/favour you're asking anyone, nobody owes you or is obliged to give you something. This is pretty much common social etiquette.
With the exceptions of missing persons, possibly at risk to their own lives (which I take to my own personal page to share and try to help), this is a problem you can solve on your own. Be it reporting to the proper authorities in universities to find this individual, or asking around... I am very sure this person is not too far off to find. Hey, we've all had to struggle with problems like these and sometimes WITHOUT social media to turn to.
Look (person), I know you're frustrated. But these things happen.
I'll honestly say I didn't appreciate the way you expected help and your snap about it. Its almost as if being a "great youtuber" is catering to your demand.
Respect's someone decisions. Respect someone's place. Especially if you go to someone's platform and you drop a message.
Its as if I could just walk into a stranger's house, ask them to cook me a meal... and if they didn't - they're "great hosts".