太正了, 上木斯塘, 我也很想去啊, 但門票要500美金...
上木斯塘(Upper Mustang),是尼泊尔境内最少健行客前往的地域。除了因为需要申请昂贵的准证,也因为这个地域非常荒凉,村落很少,设施也相对落后许多。这里也曾经很长一段时间与外界隔绝,2008年以前还是一个独立的王国,之后才成为尼泊尔的一个县。
Up until 2008, Upper Mustang was an autonomy kingdom, when its monarch ceased ruling, it becomes part of Nepal’s Mustang District. Formerly known as the Kingdom of Lo, means “land in the south” in Tibetan language, Mustang is historically and culturally linked to Tibet, and steep in Buddhism tradition. Due to its remoteness, it has preserved perhaps the most authentic Tibetan culture to these days.
Upper Mustang sits on the ancient trans-Himalayan salt trade route between Tibet and India. Salt was a precious commodity in the old days, during the heydays of salt trade, yak caravans formed a beeline and passed through this high arid valley. The landscape here is mainly desert-like barren hills, due to limited rainfall, offering views of eroded canyons and colourful stratified rock formations. Despite the harsh environment, human settlements have sprung up along rivers and creeks over the centuries, as well as ancient cave-dwellings on the cliffs. Today, villages with whitewashed houses and cultivated fields appear like oasis in high-elevation desert.
Trekking in this remote region, journeying through its barren and lonesome landscapes, one would feel immense helplessness and loneliness, even after returning to the bustling city of Nepal, a sense of solitude continue to echo from the mountains.