打了疫苗後, 在上週進城了一趟.
許久未出門的感覺很奇妙. 進了城, 也感到大家的生活還是如往常一般, 只是餐廳沒甚麼人(都用電話下單, 或是當場點了東西後就走), 許多人(並不是全部)的臉上也多了個口罩. 旅館的人倒是不多. 但商家停車場的車子應該如往常一樣, 沒有減少.
每次進城, 也一定會到Chipotle打牙祭. 這次試了他們新的飯(參雜了cauliflower花椰菜), 酸酸滋味, 配上原來burrito裡面就有的料, 真的是開胃又好吃, 一口接一口.
最近吃了三家不同的burrito, 還是覺得Chipotle的最好吃. 我想原因之一(不知道我的觀察有沒有誤), 可能是他們把不同口感的配料加在一起時, 有多家一道手續, 讓新鮮脆口的生菜, 烤熟的肉類, sour cream與其他配料均勻地被融合起來, 也讓滋味豐富了起來. 不像其他家的burrito, 一口咬下去, 就是飯, 或是豆類, 分得很清楚, 而沒有不同食材所帶來的多層次的口感.
Anyway. 附上這次進城照的幾張照片在下方.
🌻My happiness project: 年報財報導讀
股市對我來說像戰場; 年報財報就像是兵書. 而一家家公司的年報財報, 對我來說, 就像是故事書一樣, 述說著公司的成長營運軌跡. 做了這些功課後, 持股也會有信心. "Buy and do homework," 是我認為投資該有的態度.
下半年時間比較多, 所以想抽一點時間出來, 跟對看年報財報有興趣的投資人一起來讀資料, 順便藉此分享我是如何抓重點&透過年報財報來做思考的. 也想要藉此來宣揚看年報財報的好處&消除投資人對英文年報財報可能會有的恐懼感. Anyway. 這只是初步的想法. 若要實行也會是九月的事情了.
不過先錄了一段影片, 解釋我是怎麼做財報內容&電話會議內容整理的: https://youtu.be/vvkrs6CiWdw
這次的閱讀中, 跟成長股比較有關的是這段. 目前成長股也被重新定價中, 所以建議成長股投資人在挑股的時候, 盡量找有現金流, 還有獲利的公司.
"That’s true even for the highflying growth stocks that have been getting hit so hard recently—as long as they have earnings. Adam Parker, founder of Trivariate Research, notes that following large growth selloffs, S&P 500 growth stocks with both free cash flow and expanding margins tend to outperform in the months ahead. That means favoring stocks like ServiceNow (ticker: NOW) and Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) over shares of Chegg (CHGG) and Twitter (TWTR). “Buy some growth stocks on the selloff, but they have to have positive free cash flow and margin expansion,” Parker says."
"I learned that you may be right, but if enough people believe you're wrong the markets can really hurt you." --BlackRock bond chief Rick Rieder
🌻The Future of Work
看到BofA寫的這一段, 覺得挺感動的. 這也是投資的目的之一, 能夠藉著這個方式, 來接觸到世界的脈動.
The Future of Work
Thematic Research
BofA Global Research
May 12: The future of work is not zero-sum between humanity and technology. We believe humans can collaborate with and work alongside robots, rather than be displaced by them, and that technology can create more jobs than it destroys. By 2025 alone, the WEF [World Economic Forum] thinks automation will add 12 million net new jobs, with robots eliminating 85 million jobs but creating 97 million new ones. Other grounds for optimism include: (1) 65% of children starting school today will work in jobs that have not been invented yet; (2) “new” collar jobs will be generated from well-placed thematic sectors like healthcare, renewables, new mobility, or even moonshot technologies; and (3) we might actually be more productive and have more leisure time if robots can relieve us of more mundane, repetitive everyday tasks. We have identified $14 trillion in market cap of enablers for the future of work. Technology, industrials, and medtech are some key beneficiaries. We also see opportunities in education and the upskilling/retraining of workers by corporates. Conversely, commercial real estate/offices and legacy transport are some of the sectors facing headwinds...
So, what are the truly futuristic jobs that could be invented? Data-privacy managers, nanomedicine surgeons, lab-meat scientists, blockchain strategists, space-tourist guides, freelance biohackers, AI avatar designers, 3D food-printer chefs, leisure-time planners, ethical algorithm programmers, and brain simulation specialists, to name but a few.
🌻Dividend Growers’ Allure
這段從股息的角度, 來講解傳統價值股跟成長股的不同處.
Dividend Growers’ Allure
Insights & Commentaries
Washington Crossing Advisors
May 10: Buy quality stocks that increase dividends regularly. This simple strategy takes a long-term view of investing and focuses on the dividend, not the stock price. Passive income generated from dividend growth has two main benefits. First, it focuses your investment strategy on cash-generating, growing companies. Second, it tends to lead to quality businesses that are neither too young nor too old.
Why is this so? Almost by definition, a dividend-growing company tends to cover expenses with rising cash flow. And which companies do these tend to be? They tend to be profitable, established companies in the middle of their corporate life cycle. By contrast, young companies tend to be burning cash, constantly in need of capital, and face a higher risk of failure. Such young firms tend to not pay dividends at all as they are consumed with growth. On the other hand, older companies often funnel most or all cash to investors as dividends because viable investments can no longer be found. These firms are often in decline and offer little growth, often reflected in a high current yield.
1. Chipotle內部. 可以看到有個取餐的架子. 餐廳人員也不時在電腦螢幕前, 看進來的訂單, 備菜.
2. 旅館外一區. 面向密西根湖.
3. CSX, Union Pacific的火車廂(這兩家都有上市)
nanomedicine 在 吳承俊 Seraph Ng Facebook 的最讚貼文
不過富勒烯屬於較貴的成份,因此產品價錢也偏高(3,300 円),如你無暗瘡問題,只想買一款早上用抗UV的,那可以改買Q10( 1,320 円)
(註1)Inui, Shigeki, et al. “Improvement of acne vulgaris by topical fullerene application: unique impact on skin care.” Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine 7.2 (2011): 238-241.
(註2) Sajo, Ma, et al. “Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Shungite against Ultraviolet B Irradiation-Induced Skin Damage in Hairless Mice.” Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity 2017 (2017).
My Blog
必看1 皮膚組補健食品
nanomedicine 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳解答
【駐台使節也 #瘋台灣 #防疫產業 🤩】
#做防疫也要拚經濟 👊🏻
這兩天 #魔法部 邀請23國的駐台使節和商務代表
◾️生產 #血糖機 #耳溫槍 醫療器材的泰博科技公司
◾️生產 #肝檢驗試劑 的/m-plus/普生數位科技有限公司
◾️正加速研發 #武肺疫苗 的 #高端疫苗生物製劑公司
◾️研製 #人工水晶體及植入系統 的 #應用奈米醫材科技公司
◾️生產 #醫療級防護衣 的聚紡股份有限公司
而我國醫療科技研究重鎮 #國家衛生研究院
當然也不會錯過der 😉
除了深入了解台灣對抗 #武漢肺炎 的防疫成果
以及我當前 #五加二產業創新 的發展與海外布局
團員們也對我國 #六大核心戰略產業 超~感興趣
強化雙邊 #產業供應鏈 的建構與合作 🤝🏻
後疫情時代 #經貿外交 先衝一發再說‼️
⛽️ 資訊補給站
魔法部與民間公協會合作,每年辦理兩梯次的使節企業參訪活動,希望藉此機會宣傳我產業發展成果,提升我企業國際能見度,並促進產業合作及商機媒合,執行迄今獲得許多使節的正面迴響。今年的第二梯次規劃於11月辦理,屆時將會以 #產業隱形冠軍 為主軸,前往台南與高雄中堅產業進行參訪。
MOFA invited the foreign diplomatic corps on a visit to domestic #BioTech businesses and research institutes recently, with the aim of promoting cooperation in the field. The visit took them to #NewTaipei, #Taoyuan, #Hsinchu and #Miaoli, where Taiwanese biotech firms and research institutes are concentrated in line with the 5+2 Industrial Innovation Plan. Countries around the world have expressed interest in learning from the #TaiwanModel of #PandemicPrevention after #Taiwan's success in containing the virus.
Among the organizations they toured were blood glucose meter and #MedicalDevice manufacturer TaiDoc, hepatitis diagnostics manufacturer General Biologicals Corporation, Medigen Vaccine Biologics Corp, which is currently working on a #WuhanCoronavirus vaccine, developer of intraocular lenses and IOL injectors ICARES Medicus, Inc., medical-grade PPE manufacturer GFun Industrial Corp. and the National Health Research Institutes. This meant they got to witness first-hand drug and vaccine development, #nanomedicine research and PPE manufacture.
#TaiwanCanHelp #TaiwanIsHelping #DiseaseKnowsNoBorders #GoWithTheScience #Innovation
nanomedicine 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最讚貼文
nanomedicine 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的精選貼文
nanomedicine 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的精選貼文
nanomedicine 在 Nanomedicine - Future Medicine 的相關結果
Nanomedicine welcomes unsolicited article proposals. Email us today to discuss the suitability of your research and our options for authors, including our ... ... <看更多>
nanomedicine 在 Nanomedicine - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Nanomedicine is the medical application of nanotechnology. ... Nanomedicine ranges from the medical applications of nanomaterials and biological devices, to ... ... <看更多>
nanomedicine 在 Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine | Journal 的相關結果
Nanomedicine : NBM is an international, peer-reviewed journal presenting novel, significant, and interdisciplinary theoretical and experimental results related ... ... <看更多>