“Rumah Kurang HABUK”- Ini Kelebihan Pokok ‘Snake Plant’ Yang Diiktiraf NASA
1. Antara pokok hidup paling POPULAR yang diiktiraf oleh NASA bukan hanya kerana senang dijaga namun kebaikan yang diberi kepada manusia.
2. Snake plant bukan hanya membebaskan OKSIGEN tetapi mampu menyingkirkan karbon dioksida serta menapis TOKSIN beracun dalam udara seperti formaldehyde, benzene dan trichlorethylene.
3. Yang paling BEST, semenjak ada snake plant atas rak, habuk semakin berkurang. Kalau tidak setiap hari perlu kena lap habuk.
4. Snake plant sering disebut ‘Hard To Kill’. Sesuai sangat bagi mereka yang baru berjinak buat dekorasi rumah dengan pokok hidup. Yang rasa ‘tangan panas’ pun boleh cuba tanam.
5. Snake plant sangat senang hidup walaupun tidak ada akar, potong bahagaian bawah daun menyerong. Mudah tumbuh bila tanam dalam pasu.
6. Bagi anda yang ada masalah susah tidur, letak sepokok snake plant dekat katil, ia mampu memberikan oksigen dan menyerap segala toksin beracun dalam bilik.
Semoga bermanfaat.
Kredit: Fidz
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"the house is less dust"- this is the advantages of the 'snake plant' tree that is recognized NASA
5 facts you need to know about snake plant
1. Among the most popular living trees recognized by nasa are not just because it is easy to take care of but the goodness given to humans.
2. Snake plant is not only free oxygen but can remove carbon dioxide and filter poisonous toxins in the air such as formaldehyde, benzene and trichlorethylene.
3. The best, since there's a snake plant on the rack, the dust is getting reduced. If not every day need to wipe the dust.
4. Snake plant is often called 'hard to kill'. Very suitable for those who have just been working to make home decor with a living tree. Those who feel 'hot hands' can also try to plant.
5. Snake plant is very easy to live even though there is no roots, cut the the under the leaves of oblique. Easy to grow when planting in a pot.
6. for those of you who have trouble sleeping, put a snake plant in the bed, it can give oxygen and absorb all toxic toxins in the room.
Hopefully it will be useful.
Credit: Fidz
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