🇳🇿【又見 • 紐西蘭】南島14天房車自駕遊 ©
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闊別3年又回到了這個我們稱之為第二個家的美麗島國紐西蘭! 14天2500公里的旅程整理了一些重點資訊, 純屬個人分享, 希望對有興趣到紐西蘭旅遊的你有點幫助!
— 🍁 季節參考 / SEASONS 🍁 —
春 (9-11月) 夏 (12-2月): 日長夜短, 夏季6時天亮10時天黑, 旅遊旺季, 大多租聘價錢也相對較高
秋 (3-5月) 冬 (6-8月): 夜長日短, 尤其7月份8時天亮5時天黑, 一般遊客相對較少. 越近冬季 (尤其5-9月), 各類活動及租聘會相較多空缺且費用較低
— 🚌 房車租聘 / MOTORHOME 🚌 —
📋【車款 & 價格比較】: 可瀏覽motorhomerepublic.com比較各式車款, 類似Agoda (曾試過Freedom Campers的6人房車和Britz的4人房車, 價錢屬實惠型, 體驗也不錯) / 到房車官網核對資料再與該公司直接租車 (如: britz.com/nz).
🕹【選車注意】: Certified Self-Contained (全性能房車), 宜選Auto擋
📉【秋冬價格】: 一般5-9月間價格會比夏季便宜約70%
💰【車款&租金】: 這次我們選擇Britz的Explorer (4 Berth), 總租金 (Rental + Inclusive Pack + Express Return Pack) 共$160+/day
🧯【車險+配套】: 每間公司有不同的配套供選擇, 強烈建議必買! 慶幸我們有買Inclusive Pack $55/day包含全保車險&各種設備 (以下「車內設備」有詳述), 不然就賠死了 (故事可參考照片).
㊙【Tips】: 購買Britz提供的Express Return Pack, 取車前繳付$329, 在還車時免refill柴油 & 煤氣, 免清理房車, 免繳付Road User Charge Recovery Fee (交通法定Diesel車輛每100KM需繳$6.30-$7.30, 價格於車款大小而定). 購買這個Pack能稍微節省 (車程越長省越多), 主要在還車時無需在添錢 / 再煩任何手續.
⛽【柴油費】: 2500KM總花費$520
㊙【Tips】: 小鎮 / 偏遠地區油價普遍較高, 建議在主要城鎮添滿油 (約$1.50/L); 個人推薦BP / NPD油站, 油價普遍較其他油站低(可低至$1.20/L).
— ⚙ 車內設備 / PROVISIONS ⚙ —
🛌【床位】: 4人房車備有2個雙人床位 (1個在駕駛座車頂1個在車位) + 床單被褥 (可參考照片)
🎛【基本設施】: 櫥櫃, 廁所+浴室, 電視+音響, 冰箱, GPS導航, 廚房 & 烹煮一切基本所需, 廚餐具都有
🧯【Inclusive Pack會提供】: Heater, Picnic Table & Chairs, Snow Chain, extra Linen, 1GB WiFi
🔌【電源注意】: 房車在行走 / 沒有連接充電時只能使用小電電器 (USB插座, AV, 電燈, range hood); 只有在連接充電時才能使用大電 (所有插座, microwave, portable heater等).
🚽【馬桶&污水處理】: 需要到指定Dump Site才能清理 / 排放, 除了Holiday Parks & Campsites, 一些油站及公廁地方也會有Dump Site. 比起污水排放, 馬桶清理比較有趣 ⚠ 待影片上載.
— ⛺ 住宿&營地 / CAMPSITE ⛺ —
房車晚上不能隨地停泊過夜, 須到Campsite / Holiday Park; 加上我們有兩位女生, 所以每隔一天都會check-in Holiday Park享用舒適設施及幫房車充電.
🏕【政府環境部Dept of Conservation (DOC) Campsite】: 大多只提供廁所和水源, 有些也會有BBQ爐甚至廚房浴室. DOC Campsite收費每晚從$0-$19/pax不等; Campsites are operated on trust, 進Campsite時自行將付款放入指定信封就行了.
🏡【度假營地Holiday Park - Powered Site】: 提供齊全設施 (廚房浴室不說, 加上洗衣設施, 運動裝備出租, 休閒區等), 主要讓房車在Powered Site過夜充電; 收費每晚從$10-$40/pax不等, 著名景點自然較貴且最好提前預訂, 入住時直接在Reception付費.
🔋【電量消耗】: 視乎用電量, 房車大電電箱充滿後能用上2-3天, 所以每2-3天入住Holiday Park一次, 期間在Campsite / Free Camping Zone過夜就行了.
㊙【手機必備】: 下載「Camping NZ」APP能查看一路上的Campsite / Holiday Park地點 & 價錢
— 🗺 環島行程簡享 / JOURNEY 🗺 —
紐西蘭一路上隨處都是唯美景點, 每個 Lookout Point & 城鎮都值得停留. 這次我們是沿順時針而行 (可參考地圖在照片內). 以下分享此旅程的主要停點. ⚠ 待續 ⚠ 每個景點的詳細分享會放在照片內!
📍D1【南島主城 🏙 Christchurch】+ 抵達機場 & 取車
📍D3【星空小鎮 🌌 Tekapo】+ Church of Good Shepherd, Mt John, Lake Pukaki, 房車遭强风吹垮
📍D4【冰川神山 🏔 Mt Cook National Park】+ Hooker Valley Track: 用時來回至少3hr的簡單步道, 冰河湖及雪山景色盡收眼底, 由於吊橋斷了所以沒去成
📍D4【歷史古鎮 🐧 Oamaru】Blue Penguin Colony, Victorian Heritage Precinct
📍D5【巨石漁鄉 🗿 Moeraki】Moeraki Boulders + Katiki Lighthouse
📍D5【文藝書城 🏛 Dunedin】+ Baldwin Street, University of Otago
📍D6【不能吃的 🛶 Nugget Point】Lighthouse
📍D7【第八奇觀 🌦 Milford Sound】
📍D8【樸素小鎮 🏚 Te Anau】+ 房車報銷, 等待新車運送
📍D9【旅遊重鎮 ⛲ Queenstown】+ Mt Nicholas Farm, Skyline
📍D10【天堂之路 🎻 Glenorchy】Glenorchy Wharf + Diamond Lake, Paradise, 魔戒森林
📍D10【秋天童話 🍁 Arrowtown】
📍D11【最愛小鎮 💍 Wanaka】That Wanaka Tree, Rippon Winery, 求婚!
📍D12【雨林通道 🏞 Haast Pass】+ Blue Pool Walk
📍D12【冰川世界 ❄ Fox Glacier】+ Lake Matheson, Franz Josef Glowworm Cave
📍D13【玉石小鎮 🎣 Hokitika】+ Lake Mapourika
📍D14【壯闊通道 🌁 Arthur Pass】Otira Viaduct Lookout + Castle Hill
📍D14【臨別依依 🌆 Christchurch】買手信 & 還車
📍EXTRA【🌌 不在此次行程內】建議有時間繼Nugget Point後可到Invercargill (觀賞南極光機率較高的城鎮, 全球最南端Starbucks所在地) 和 Bluff (全球最南端城鎮和world’s best oyster「Bluff Oyster」生產地); 過後在上Te Anau / Mildford Sound
— 🍔 自己烹煮 / 外食 / EAT 🍔 —
⚠ 待續 ⚠ 會分享餐廳推薦 & 食材購買價格, 希望幫助你對紐西蘭物價有些概念.
— 💰 活動 & 全部費用 / PLAY & EXPENSES 💰 —
⚠ 待續 ⚠ 會分享活動 & 旅程費用 (包括機票 & 悉尼半日游), 希望方便你用作比較 / 參考.
重點大概就是這些了! 資料方面不會太仔細, 希望避免讓我的個人看法影響你的選擇, 畢竟沒有最好的編排, 每個人都該有個專屬自己的旅程, 更多的就留給你到紐西蘭自己體驗吧! 有任何問題可以留言.
🈸 歡迎follow我的IG: instagram.com/imstevec (更多照片 / IG story會懶洋洋的在IG分享)
📷 拍攝 & 調色: iPhone XS + Lightroom
📹 房車之旅Vlog: Rotten Apple
🌐 推薦紐西蘭旅遊官網: purenewzealand.com (去前必知蠻仔細的)
「national park free camping」的推薦目錄:
national park free camping 在 旅行熱炒店Podcast Facebook 的最佳貼文
Spent a couple of hours at Logan airport this afternoon before flying to San Jose. As I looked through the windows and saw the familiar scene of terminals, planes and the control towner, suddenly I realized how much this airport has impacted my life since I moved to East Boston 3.5 years ago. Oh don't get me wrong. I'm not talking about the noisy, which I can rarely hear from my apartment. I'm talking about some interesting experiences due to my proximity to the airport.
First of all, I no longer have to take public transit or uber to the airport. I simply walk -- yes, it's possible to walk from my apartment to the airport. After passing through nearby streets and waterfront trails, the sidewalk after an intersection leads all the way to terminal A. And it's not only walkable, but also bikable! There's actually a bike rack in front of terminal A, and I often see bikes there (although I'm not sure if they belong to passengers or airport workers). It's been quite convenient -- the path from my apartment to the airport opens 24/7, is very safe, and gorgeous at night with Boston's waterfront skyline.
Secondly, I got to know some people who work at the airport or airlines, from TSA, JetBlue to the control tower. I started hearing their stories at work, such as seeing some celebrities at security, or using the crew's spare seat and coworker's hotel room to get a free sunny vacation in the Caribbean islands. They're also good people to answer my air travel questions. In summer 2017, I flew to Jasper National Park in Canada for camping and planned to bring my tent as carry-on on the flight. Not sure whether the tent poles would pass the security, I asked my TSA friend and got an interesting answer -- if not explicitly specified, the personnel would usually judge by whether or not it can be used as a weapon. Therefore, things like tent pole or tripod are usually ok. After hearing this answer, I brought my tent and sleeping bag as carry-on all the way to Calgary without any trouble, and successfully saved the checked luggage fee.
Lastly, I mentally feel much close to foreign countries. If you go around the airport to take photos near the runway, you'd see planes from plenty of countries around 4-6pm -- Lufthansa, Hainan, JAL, British, etc, and you can even catch Iberian, KLM and Cathay Pacific if hanging around longer. Even Israel's flag carrier El Al can be seen here. Seeing these airlines makes me feel great when unable to travel. Spotting Cathay Pacific and JAL also makes me feel closer to my homeland. Really wish one day the Taiwanese carriers China Airline and EVA can come, haha :D
Alright, now this post is unexpectedly long, and I'm just on my way to Bay Area, a destination that doesn't excite me much. But hopefully I can still discover something interesting over the next week or so when I'm there.