❤️ 俐媽英文教室:Wild(那時候我只剩下勇敢)文法句型篇Part 1
✏️ The only thing I could think to do was turn my back to the van and squat...
➡️ 句型"All that/What... + S + do/does/did + is/was + (to) Vr"表「⋯所做的事就是⋯」,其中to均被省略,造成be動詞與原型動詞併放,且注意要使用單數動詞is/was。
✏️ The sight of the square concrete pool lifted my spirits enormously not only because at the springs there was water, but also because humans had so clearly constructed it.
➡️ 對等連接詞not only...but also...要連接詞性、結構相同的字/片語/子句,故文中兩個because為對稱。
✏️ I wanted neither to get back together with Paul nor to get divorced.
➡️ 同樣地,對等連接詞neither...nor...用法同not only...but also...,文中的to get back及to get divorced即為symmetry(對稱)。
✏️ ...use DEET or any other such brain-destroying, earth-polluting, or future-progeny-harming chemical.
➡️ 文中使用compound adjective(複合形容詞),用法為:N/adj./adv.-Ving/Vpp,其中使用現在分詞Ving 表「主動」或過去分詞Vpp表「被動」由後面所修飾的名詞決定。文中化學物質chemical主動破壞腦部、汙染地球、傷害後代子孫,故均使用Ving形式。其中的連字符號"-"叫hyphen哦!
✏️ It turned out I wasn't able to keep my family together.
➡️ It turned out that + S + V表「結果是⋯」。
✏️ The heat was so intense that my memory of it is not so much a sensation...
➡️ so + adj./adv. + that + S + V表「如此⋯以致於⋯」,亦可強調intense而寫成倒裝句:So intense was the heat that my memory...。注意heat和intense可為collocation哦!
✏️ ...no matter how kindly his eyes twinkled when he smiled.
➡️ no matter + wh- = wh-ever表「不論⋯」,後面接副詞子句。文中的no matter how = however表「不論多麼⋯」,並不翻「然而」。
✏️ It was then that I spotted what I'd searched for days: mountain lion tracks.
➡️ It is/was + 強調部份(人、物、地、時) + that + S + V,此為強調句用法。別忘了俐媽的精典例句哦😝