"Saya betul-betul harap anak kali ni saya dapat anak lelaki!" tegas seorang ibu yang saya santuni di dalam sebuah sesi konsultasi antenatal one-to-one.
Hmmmm saya waktu tu tak terkejut, tapi agak aneh kenapa beliau tiba-tiba tekankan soal jantina anak kandungannya tanpa di tanya.
"Wah ye ke, anak sulung puan perempuan ke?" Sapa saya bersahaja.
"Tak , anak lelaki" jawabnya ringkas.
Saya agak berteka teki tentang ibu ini. Mesti ada yang tak kena.
"Saya kalau boleh nak semua anak lelaki, saya nak didik mereka, sehingga menjadi seorang lelaki dan bergelar suami nanti, jangan jadi lelaki tak guna yang tak tahu hargai perempuan" sambung beliau lagi.
Dah sudah, sebelum mula sesi ni, kene settle dulu luahan ibu ni kalau tidak pasti apa yang di ajar tidak melekat di mindanya nanti.
"Senang jadi laki ni Dr, bangun, mandi, pakai baju dan jamah makanan sedikit kalau mahu, keluar pergi kerja. Tak perlu fikir anak dah siap ke, barang anak dah siap packing ke, sampah dah buang ke, rumah tunggang langgang pun tak kesah, semua kita kena buat. Tapi bila tak elok, mula la perli, cakap sindir-sindir" terang ibu ni panjang lebar.
"So bila ada anak lelaki, saya nak pastikan dia orang ni tak jadi macam bapak dia orang. Tiada ehsan pada wanita, tak sedar rezeki tersekat kerana sifatnya itu" ibu ini memang betul- betul kesal dengan apa yang terjadi di dalam rumah tangganya. Wajahnya sugul, tampak keletihan dan sarat hamil 8 bulan.
Waktu ni saya hanya mampu analize, need & feeling beliau, apa sebenarnya ibu ini perlukan bagaimana dapat meringankan sikit keresahan hatinya agar proses pembelajaran dapay di teruskan.
Teringat proses meditasi pernafasan yang Dr Izam Suziani lakukan pada saya, dan saya pun bentangkan kad need & feeling yang Dr Izam berikan.
Proses 20 minit ini singkat tapi mampu memberikan rasa fokus yang tinggi pada ibu untuk sesi pembelajaran antenatal : persiapan penyusuan.
Nota kaki:
Wahai lelaki yang bergelar suami, isteri bukan pembantu rumah mahupun hamba abdi milikmu. Mereka manusia yang ada emosi, penat, sedih, dan perlu di tatang dengan kasih sayang dan kemesraan.
Komunikasi adalah penting, tapi lebih baik lagi sekiranya di gabung bersama tolak ansur. Era ini ramai wanita yang bekerjaya sama-sama mencari rezeki meringankan keperluan ekonomi keluarga.
Sama-sama bertanya kabar, bersembang mesra, tak mampu memasak dan menyusukan anak, tapi masih mampu bertanya kepada pasangan apakah yang boleh di lakukan untuk meringankan kerja di rumah sedikit sebanyak dapat membantu seorang wanita merasa di hargai.
Hanya dengan bertanya sahaja sudah membuat hati isteri lembut, apatah lagi membantu. Perli dan sindiran itu hanya akan mengeruhkan keadaan.
Ibu di atas adalah ibu kepada 3 orang anak lelaki, dan sarat hamil anak ke 4. Beliau perlu memastikan penyusuan susu ibu berjalan dengan baik katanya, beliau sudah tidak ada peruntukan wang lebih untuk beli susu rumusan sekiranya perlu.
Sebak hati saya mendengar rentetan kisah beliau. Kata beliau sebelum beransur pergi, "saya mohon doa dari Dr dan para ibu lain sekiranya Dr nak tulis kisah saya, mana tahu ada yang mendoakan secara ikhlas dan doanya di makbulkan, letihnya menjadi perempuan. Saya tak nak anak perempuan nanti dia dapat perlayanan yang serupa seperti ibunya, tak ubah seperti seorang kuli"
Sedar atau tidak, masalah penyusuan susu ibu kebanyakkan tidak semata-mata isu penyusuan sahaja. Ia kerap kali melibatkan isu lain yang menjurus kepada kegagalan untuk mengekalkan minta positive ibu. Keletihan yang melampau, tiada sokongan dan tidak punya tempat untuk meluahkan rasa membuatkan emosi seorang ibu tergoncang hebat!
Bersyukurlah ibu yang memiliki sokongan dari pasangan, masyarakat, keluarga dan tempat kerja. Ini adalah rezeki yang wajar kita syukuri. Tag pasangan, keluarga dan rakan-rakan ibu agar mereka tahu yang ibu sangat menghargai sokongan dan bantuan mereka!
Tugas kami bukan sahaja mempromosikan penyusuan susu ibu, tetapi ia juga merangkumi aspek sokongan penyusuan susu ibu dan melindungi amalan penyusuan susu ibu dengan baik dan padu!
Selamat menyambut minggu penyusuan susu ibu sedunia : Memperkasa ibu bapa , Mengupaya penyusuan susu ibu adalah tema sambutan tahun ini. Sangat dalam maksudnya namun ia wajar untuk di beri penekanan!
Dr Nurhaya Yacob
Sekiranya kita lihat ibu menyusu, santuni mereka sebaik mungkin, sekiranya tidak ada sebarang perkataan/ tindakan yang baik yang boleh di lontarkan, maka lebih baik diam.
Selaku you all baca tips dan info penyusuan, hari saya kongsi sedikit realiti kehidupan seorang ibu yang cuba untuk menyusu dan menjayakan penyusuan susu ibu.
Kredit : Dr Nurhaya Lactation Center
′′ I really hope my son this time I get a son!" firmly a mother that I'm in a one-to-one antenatal consultation session.
Hmmmm I wasn't surprised at the time, but it's kinda weird why he suddenly pressed on his gender of his content without being asked.
′′ Wow, is it the eldest daughter of a woman?" Who am I apart.
′′ No, son ′′ answered simple.
I'm pretty riddle about this mom. There must be something wrong.
′′ If I can want all boys, I want to educate them, until I become a man and be a husband, don't be a man who doesn't know how to appreciate women ′′ continue him again.
It's done, before the start of this session, you have to settle first if you don't know what you are taught won't stick to her mind later.
′′ It's easy to be this man Dr, wake up, shower, wear clothes and jamah a little food if you want to, get off work. Don't have to think that the child is done, the child's stuff is done packing, the trash has been thrown away, even the house isn't good, all we have to do But when it's not good, start to go home, say sarcastic ′′ this mother's bright is long.
′′ So when I have a son, I want to make sure that he doesn't become like his father. There's no concern on women, not realizing the fortune stuck because of her nature ′′ this mother is really upset with what's going on in her household. Her face is sugulous, looking tired and 8 months pregnant.
At this time I can only analyze, need & feeling her, what exactly is this mother needs how to relieve her anxiety so that the process of mushroom learning is continued.
Remembered the respiratory meditation process that Dr. Izam Suziani did to me, and I also presented the need & feeling card that Dr Izam gave.
This 20-minute process is short but able to give a high sense of focus to mom for an antenatal learning session: breastfeeding preparation.
Foot notes:
Dear man who is called husband, wife is not your housekeeper or your slave. They are humans who are emotional, tired, sad, and need to be tackled with affection and affection.
Communication is important, but it's even better if joined together with installment. This era many women who work together looking for sustenance to ease the family's economic needs.
Asking news, talking friendly, unable to cook and breastfeeding children, but still able to ask the couple what can be done to ease homework a little bit as much as can help a woman feel appreciated.
Just asking, has made the wife's heart soft, you know how to help. Those perli and sarcasm will only heal things.
The mother above is a mother of 3 sons, and pregnant laden 4. th child. She needs to ensure the mother milk breastfeeding runs well she said, she has no more money allocation to buy home milk if necessary.
It's my heart hearing his story line. He said before going away, ′′ I ask for prayers from Dr and other mothers if Dr would like to write my story, who knows there is a sincere prayer and pray that is granted, tired of being a woman. I don't want a girl to get a similar service like her mother, not change like a college ′′
Realize or not, the problem of breastfeeding is mostly not just breastfeeding issues. It often involves other issues that manage failure to keep mom positive. Extreme exhaustion, no support and nowhere to express the feeling of making a mother's emotion trembling!
Be grateful mothers who have the support of their spouse, community, family and workplace. This is a reasonable provision we are grateful for. Tag your partner, family and friends so they know that mom really appreciate their support and help!
Our task is not only to promote mother milk breastfeeding, but it also includes the support aspect of mother milk breastfeeding and protects the practices of mother's milk breastfeeding well and solid!
Happy worldwide mother milk breastfeeding week: Enhancing parents, Appreciating mother milk breastfeeding is the theme of this year's celebration. Very deep meaning but it's normal to be emphasized!
Dr Nurhaya Yacob
If we see breastfeeding mothers, give them the best possible, if there are no good words / actions that can be thrown away, then it's better to be silent.
As you all read tips and breastfeeding info, my day I share some of the reality of the life of a mother who is trying to breastfeed and make mother milk breastfeeding.
Credit: @[1681178608816716:274:Dr Nurhaya Lactation Center]Translated
「normal wear meaning」的推薦目錄:
normal wear meaning 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 的最佳貼文
NowThis Interview Transcript
April 18
Host: Can you tell us a little bit about what the Umbrella Protest or UmbrellaMovement is? And why is it important?
Joshua: Before the handover of HK, China promised HK to achieve universal suffrage - let every Hongkonger have one person one vote. However, since1997 until now, we have waited 19 years already. We have realised that it was a fake promise, that’s why two years ago when the Communist party of China ignored our demand, our request on having a universal suffrage, we tried to throw demonstrations, assembly and finally civil disobedience and occupying action to show our disagreement and demand on universal suffrage, and hope to let the world know that Hong Kong people wants real election.
Host: That time in 2014, was there any result came from the Umbrella Movement?
Joshua: Luckily we can let the world know that Hong Kong is not only a global financial centre, Hong Kong is a city in which many people live, and we hope to have better human rights and achieve the universal value. Unfortunately, although we have 200 thousands of people occupying the road for 79 days, Beijing still did not accept our demand.
Host: At what point did you realise that the movement was going to be huge? It’s hard to anticipate that millions of people were going to come…
Joshua: Actually before the Umbrella Movement, I didn’t expect we would occupy the road and show the persistence to voice out our demand of democracy by civil obedience and such a large scale movement. We believe that Hongkongers have created history and we let the world know our persistence. Everything is out of expectation, including the attitude of the Communist Party. However, I would like to let the people in America know that even two years ago during the Occupying Movement, we couldn’t force the government to let us regain universal suffrage. We are still committed to movements, Hong Kong is the place where we live and we love, and we will still try our best to commit to movements, despite of the price we need to pay, until we can get direct election, one person one vote.
Host: I don’t think that everyone is familiar with maybe the differences, what’s happening in Mainland China and Hong Kong. Would you be able to explain how life is different in those two places, especially for young people?
Joshua: Hong Kong is different from Mainland China, because we have rule of law, judicial independence. We can still have freedom of speech and free access to different websites, for example, people cannot visit Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and Google websites in Mainland China. Hong Kong is one of the special administrative regions under the rule of People’s Republic of China, that’s why we still have rule of law. However, the core value in Hong Kong has been eroded continuously by Beijing.
Host: Could you explain the power of the young people in this movement? It seems that a lot of political parties even now started by young people including yourself. So tell us a little bit about the power of youth in this movement.
Joshua: Most of the youth think that politics is the thing that belongs to people after graduating from universities and that 30 to 40 years old is the starting point of people to be involved in politics. However, the situation we face in Hong Kong is different - teenagers join student strikes at 13 years old, they join civil disobedience at 14, they hold slogans, wear masks and face pepper spray and tear gas at the age of 15, but they will still commit by direct actions, even in the future they may political prosecution. Actually I am now forming a political party named as Demosistō, in which “Demo” means the people, “sistō” means persistence and resistance. We hope to show the people’s resistance towards the ruler of China, so we form the party and demand for self-determination.
Host: You were saying how young people were facing pepper spray and things like that. I know that’s a fact that faced by you personally as well, can you talk about any prosecution you are currently facing?
Joshua: I am facing the inciting of unauthorised assembly, contempt of court and obstructing police officer. Some of the trials have started already, and the most serious one is inciting an unauthorised assembly, because even we enjoy freedom of speech in Hong Kong, we don’t have the rights to freely organise assembly, as we only have approximation of freedom and things seem to be moving backward. The trial of inciting an unauthorised assembly will end in June, meaning that I will know whether I am convicted or not, and the penalty after two months. The maximum penalty of that is to put into prison for five years. I don’t know what would be the trial result, but despite of the price that I need to pay, I still hope the world know that Hongkongers are still committed to fighting for democracy and self-determination. It is not easy for us, but we will try our best until we get the things that originally belong to us.
Host: That’s the age that… you know most of us got to go to college and do all these things…
Joshua: I am still a year 2 university student studying Politics…
Host: So are you scared and how do you feel about potentially having to face prison time until you are 24?
Joshua: It is not easy - my number, my address and other personal information are public on the internet, and I can’t enter Mainland China. Last year when a non-governmental organisation from Malaysia invited me to give a speech, the immigration department told me that I had to return to Hong Kong when I arrived at the Malaysia airport. The Malaysian official claimed that they rejected me to enter because I would affect their country’s relationship with Mainland China. It’s ridiculous and in no sense that my visit would affect its relationship with China. So I think it’s never an easy thing for us, to form a political party, to face trials, it’s really a long-term battle for us. However, what we concern the most is the future of Hong Kong, because we still have rule of law and judicial independence under One Country Two Systems. The problem is, after the expiry date of the Sino-British Joint Declaration in 2047, after the end of Basic Law, after the end of One Country Two Systems, will Hong Kong suddenly change to One Country One System? Will Hong Kong become a normal city in China like Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Shanghai? The new generation are worried about the rule of law and judicial independence being continuously eroded by Beijing. We still hope to maintain the uniqueness of Hong Kong which differentiates us from China.
Host: There’s been some criticism from students from Mainland China, and there’s some general criticism about street activism as an approach, do you have any comments on street activism versus political? I know you are doing both now…
Joshua: I think I will emphasis on two points. Firstly, if Hongkongers could successfully achieve democracy just through negotiations, dialogues and meetings, maybe while I was just a primary school student in around 2007 to 2008, we could have universal suffrage and choose our chief executive by one person one vote in our city. However, history has proven that negotiations and private, closed-door meetings are not effective. That’s why, from assembly to rally, and to civil disobedience and direct actions - that’s the trend for us to upgrade as progressive actions. Another point is people may criticise me as starting off from street protesting and question my reason to enter the legislature by running in the election. I can’t enter the election because the minimum age to run in the election in Hong Kong is 21, and I am just 19. People also ask why I form the political party - because I realise that the road to democracy is really a long-term battle, the challenges we have to face may come after 30 years, like what I have mentioned, after the expiry date of One Country Two Systems. That’s why we hope to ensure that Hong Kong can get the right of self-determination, we hope we can throw a referendum to decide the future of the city, no matter it’s One Country One System, to maintain the self- governance and autonomy under One Country Two Systems, or even independence. We hope to determine the future of Hong Kong through referendum instead of relying on the Communist Party.
Host: So why did you decide to move to the political sphere before you know you could even necessarily be a face of it?
Joshua: It’s not an easy decision and the price that I need to pay is high. The reason for me to commit and even form the party is that…I think that..If organising a student organisation is not able for me to be ready, to prepare for self-determination movement in the coming ten years, the only suitable form of organisation is a political party. If we claim that we need to fight in the next ten years and achieve the demand for self-determination, hoping to get the general public’s support from Hong Kong, and more importantly, the international community endorsing the right to self-determination of HongKongers, forming a political party is the only way for us to prepare for the long-term battle.
Host: Right…So you have been on this journey since you were 17…
Joshua: 14 actually…
Host: 14?
Joshua: I founded student organisation Scholarism when I was 14 years old.
Host: So throughout this journey of protest, arrests and lawsuits, what has been the most rewarding part of the process for you and why do you keep fighting?
Joshua: The most unforgettable scene of participating in social movements in the past five years is how we change the impossibles to possibles. I think it’s the most significant part that gives me the motivation to commit and continue moving forward to fight for democracy and freedom. What I mean is, two years ago, before the Umbrella Movement just started, I was arrested and had to stay in police station for 46 hours. During the period, thousands of Hongkongers went to the Cental Government Offices to support students, they were not afraid of the pepper spray and tear gas. The activist still persist on non-violent means to show their disagreement towards the government and the police. After I was released by the police, I walked out of the door of the police station, and realised that everything in the city had changed, Hong Kong had changed. In the past, people might o
normal wear meaning 在 Roundfinger Facebook 的最佳解答
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...Continue ReadingWhy are we born?
Question: what are we born for?
Answer: I think there are as many answers to this big questions as the number of people on earth. or maybe more than the number of people in this world because one person would have changed the answer many times. Me too.
If you ask when I was younger, I would answer one thing. I was younger, I would answer another thing or ask when I was older, I might answer another thing. But I asked. Now, I would like to answer what I could think of now.
The day that I gave you to listen makes me think about "Ashram 4" the process of Hindu life which divided into 4 STEPS:
1) The Virgin (age of education). The meaning of life in this age is to learn through both life experience and knowledge in the classroom to work.
2) Cuddle (Reigns). The meaning of life at this age is to build a place in the world. Answer yourself who I am. What career should I do. Find a partner, have a family, build stability for life and love.
3) yesterday (who sacrificed the house) the meaning of life at this age has changed from " collecting " to " Lalay " when the family starts to be stable, it's time to practice the mind. Learn to be happy from " release " Instead of "hugging"
4) Sanyasi (Doing Dharma). The meaning of life is to do the salvation to the cuddle th of life.
Ashram 4 may look like academic criteria. But if you look carefully, I think the sequence of life is really like that. The change of life needs in life changes according to the body and hormones within us.
In the age of hormones, we are excited about everything. The world looks new. It's nice to pick up. It's nice to own.
When I come to young, it's the age that I want to have. I want to collect things. It's a lot of suffering. Because I want to be very disappointed. I need stability. But I learned that there is nothing stable in this world. I collect things that I want to be satisfied Plus, young hormones in the body that gradually diminimize their heart.
When I have almost everything I ever wanted, I found that I am not happy. So I slowly tell myself that - eh or the answer is not about the outside of the body, but it's about training. So I start traveling inside. The mind seeks answers from training. Heart instead of concubine
Therefore, the answer to the question, " why are we born " changes by day, time and circumstances in life. But no matter what age, I think there is one answer that we can always answer every day, age and situation. That is " we were born to love and Being loved "
The meaning of this answer is that we are born to associate with other people in the world. We are born to be part of the world and all things.
We are born to know that something is holding us alive. Trees, butterflies, clouds, distilled into water for us to drink. There is a chef cooking for us. There is a tailor making clothes for us to wear. The reason that raised me, my father drove us to school. There is a teacher to teach me. I have friends waiting for fun. There are people who love to cheer me up. There are many things that hold our lives.
We are born to recognize these connections.
Touch, perceive, indulge, and be part of all things that are assembled as our lives.
Meanwhile, we are also part of things and people. We are children of parents, brother, brother, friends of friends, husband of husband, husband of husband, husband, doctor, doctor, a passenger of motorcycle. The camera of the person who asked us to take a picture. We are the source of the carbon dioxide of trees. The one who affects ice that the north pole white bear is lying around. The one who helps not throw trash into the sea for fish in the sea. No need to eat plastic bags choking. What else. What's more. The world.
We are born to recognize these connections.
Touch, perceive, indulge and be the best part of other things and others.
If we speak Buddhist, we are born to break the ego or divided thoughts, " this is me. That's you " or " this is me. That's the world " but we spend life and training the mind to see the fact that the real life is not. " ego " is " sleeping cuddle ta " is invisible, but not emptiness. We are invisible because we are connected to other things. Others live in one flesh.
And that is the one connected love.
In one corner, we are born to give love and in the other end we are born to receive love.
If you feel this "love" no matter what age, we are, we will have a kind heart and feel the kindness that others have for us and see that we are all human beings who suffer, full of love, greedy, angry.
With this cuddle th world, we do not feel alone, lonely, not cut ourselves off from the world and others. We will find a connection and redeem. Ask ourselves how our existence is useful to others and other things.
If you want to find meaning for your own life, a satisfying answer may not be because it's the end. The happiness that we find to fulfill our lives. We will be bored of it one day and find a new answer. Let's come to put in a leaking hole of craving. Lifetime of life
If we only think about ourselves, one day that we have everything but we are not happy, it may reach the point where there is no answer to breathe. But if we have a life that is connected to others, we will always mean something else.
So we exist for others and other things that are connected.
Of course we can't feel this all the time because human nature always twitches us to think about ourselves first. Protect ourselves. Exploit for ourselves. That's normal. I am too.
And that would be the homework of life that nature has given us about 80 years to practice and purify the mind to feel the clean feeling of being part with everything and lay down the heaviness of carrying "ego" And cravings to concubine who we are.
Have you ever stood on the mountain or on the beach quietly and went away? Have you ever looked up at the night sky with stars in the sky?
In a state of silence that we don't want to occupy mountains, sea and stars, there will be one time we disappear. We will be happy.
Because we are giving love and receiving love from all things.Translated