美國時間12月8日是一個重要的截止日,稱為「安全港截止日」(Safe Harbor Deadline)。這個日子是選舉人投票選出總統的前六天,按照聯邦法律,選舉人投票日是「十二月的第二個週三之後的週一」,今年是12月14日,所以Safe Harbor Deadline就是12月8日。
這個日期就是所有州層級司法訴訟要結束的日子,超過這個日期就不能再提新的訴訟了。法律中對安全港截止日的敘述是:「聯邦法律敦促各州將計票結果以紙本紀錄送交國家檔案局(National Archives),正式確認(certify)該州由哪方勝出。」不過其實因為美國州權很大,因此聯邦法律也沒有強制各州一定要在這個日期之前送出紙本認證,只有說「在切實可行範圍內盡快」(as soon as practicable)。截至昨天為止還有不少州還沒送到紙本紀錄。安全港截止日在實際意義上,就是要國家檔案局必須要清點各州已經認證過的選舉人票數了。
川普陣營在六個州提出將近五十件的選舉訴訟案,結果幾乎都是駁回或者自行撤回。但最新的發展是,德州檢察總長在這最後期限內,向聯邦最高法院提出訴訟,主張賓州、威州、密西根、喬治亞四州改變選舉規則的作法是違憲的。後續還有至少17州也提出法律意見書(Amicus Brief ),贊同德州的訴訟案。
美國時間週五(12月11日)晚間,最高法院駁回德州的訴訟,理由是:德州無法證明法律上他們有管轄其他州選務的權利(has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another state conducts its elections,https://reurl.cc/Q3vKvo) 。也就是說,這個案子最高法院並沒有進入實質的審理程序,因為德州根本沒有資格提出這樣的訴訟。
外界對於這樣的結果並不意外(參考李中志老師:https://pse.is/39c7ak) ,因為美國地方事務高度分權,選務都是由各州負責,投票辦法都是經由各州議會通過,很難由某一州去指責其他州違憲。而且,只挑選拜登勝選的四州主張違憲,本身似乎就會違反憲法的公平保護原則。大選中由川普勝出且為共和黨執政的俄亥俄州提出法庭意見指出,這個訴訟案挑戰了聯邦體制最基本的原則:州權至上。
另外,在這之前,12月8日時最高法院做了一個裁決,駁回川普陣營在賓州提出的選舉官司。該官司是由該州的聯邦眾議員麥可凱利(Mike Kelly)提出,因為他認為賓州的通訊投票辦法違反美國憲法(但是,該通訊投票辦法是經由共和黨佔多數的州議會確認通過的)。最高法院只簡單說了一句:訴訟駁回。判決書上面留了一大片空白,這是滿罕見的狀況。
✨ 贊助觀測站:https://ustaiwanwatch.soci.vip/
not practicable 在 Charles Mok 莫乃光 Facebook 的最佳貼文
【高院裁定警方上訴得直 查手機不必取法庭手令?】
//原訟庭的說法是: 除非係緊急情況下,不可在無搜查令下搜查被捕人手機。"cannot do warrantless search unless in exigent circumstances"
上訴庭現在的說法是:除非無合理可行的方法去拎到搜查令,才可以無手令下搜被捕人手機。"cannot do warrantless search unless not reasonably practicable to obtain warrant"//
判詞://218. In summary, we hold that the power to conduct a mobile phone search upon arrest can be exercised if:
(a) a warrant is obtained under Section 50(7); or
(b) when it is not reasonably practicable to obtain such warrant before a search is conducted, the police officer must also have a reasonable basis for having to conduct the search immediately as being necessary (i) for the investigation of the offence(s) for which the person was suspected to be involved, including the procurement and preservation of information or evidence connected with such offences; or (ii) for the protection of the safety of persons (including the victim(s) of the crime, members of the public in the vicinity, the arrested person and the police officers at the scene);//
你估班毅進會識得同你咬文嚼字,會識得諗你法官大人嘅邏輯?佢哋睇完CCTVB標題:『高院裁定警方上訴得直 查手機不必取法庭手令』,就乜都明晒啦!
PC: 當時情況混亂,無機會寫低....
IPCC: 雙方證人N比一,投訴不成立。
民陣成員被沒收手機案 警獲判上訴得直 可按情況下無法庭手令下查被捕者手機 但不交出密碼非阻差
not practicable 在 余海峯 David . 物理喵 phycat Facebook 的最讚貼文
//Dear colleagues and students,
In light of the latest development of the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak, classes at the University will be suspended after the Chinese New Year holidays and will resume Monday, February 17, 2020. Detailed arrangements about in-class examinations, online teaching and make-up classes will be announced in due course.
Non-local students who are in Hong Kong are advised to stay in Hong Kong during the period when classes are suspended. Those who are not in Hong Kong at present should consider not returning to Hong Kong at this point in time. Research postgraduates should discuss their study plans with their supervisors.
We have strengthened preventive measures as far as practicable across the University. However, students and colleagues, especially those in residential halls, should take proper precautions related to personal hygiene and prevention of transmission or infection. Please consult the advice and announcements provided by the University Health Service at http://www.uhs.hku.hk/phpedpr/novel_infectious_disease_of_PH_significance.php
In order to safeguard the health of all University members, and to be able to provide appropriate assistance to affected individuals, all students and colleagues returning from Mainland China must complete an online health screening form, which will be emailed to University members.
The campus will remain open, and office and research labs will continue to operate, but heads of units and supervisors should communicate clearly with colleagues about working arrangements and exercise discretion regarding staffing flexibility as necessary, including work at home arrangements for some colleagues.
Events on campus in the coming weeks, especially events involving a large number of participants, should be rescheduled or cancelled.
The University has established a Task Force on Infectious Diseases, chaired by Vice-President (IA) Professor Norman Tien, to continually monitor and assess the situation. We will post updates to the University’s FaceBook page, HKU App and HKU Portal and website as appropriate and send bulk emails as necessary.
Please stay vigilant and continue to make your personal health a top priority.
Professor Xiang Zhang
President and Vice-Chancellor//
not practicable 在 practicable中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 的相關結果
7 天前 — The troops will be brought home as soon as practicable. 軍隊將儘快撤回。 It is not practicable to complete the tunnel before the end of the year ... ... <看更多>
not practicable 在 is not practicable-翻译为中文-例句英语 的相關結果
使用Reverso Context: it is not practicable to communicate with a person entitled to grant entry to the dwelling;,在英语-中文情境中翻译"is not practicable" ... <看更多>
not practicable 在 are not practicable - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言) 的相關結果
大量翻译例句关于"are not practicable" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... Regarding the Group's financial assets, it is not practicable to provide ... ... <看更多>