*【美眾議院民主黨的徵稅的計畫 對富豪們無所影響】
眾議院民主黨人提出了一項計畫,通過增加超過2兆美元的稅收來支付其擴張性社會政策和氣候變化一攬子計畫的費用,主要是針對富人和盈利企業。但這項提案雖然涉及面很廣,但遠遠沒有改變貝佐斯Jeff Bezos和馬斯克等大亨的巨額財富,也沒有徹底填補金融領袖所利用的最嚴重漏洞。面對一分為二的國會微妙政治,資深眾議院民主黨人選擇更加關注黨內溫和化的關切,而非其進步野心。他們專注於傳統的增加税收的方式:提高收入稅率,而不是以富豪為目標。
聯邦選舉委員會(Federal Election Commission)的新裁決保護了大型社交媒體公司控制其平臺上共用政治內容的靈活性。
*【中國近一個月來最大疫情爆發 福建升級防疫措施】
時報專欄作者Ross Douthat寫道:只有中國能夠以深刻的方式威脅到美國的利益,美國應該制定政策來否定北京的地區霸權,並阻止任何軍事冒險主義尤其從捍衛臺灣開始。
研究人員此前發現,以色列NSO集團的間諜軟體“飛馬”能夠在無需點擊的情況下感染蘋果設備。蘋果公司表示,計畫在今年晚些時候推出的下一次iOS 15軟體更新中引入新的安全防禦措施。
伊朗在大約一個月內就擁有足夠的材料來為單個核武器提供燃料,跨越新核武製造門檻,這將給美國及其盟國施加壓力,以恢復 2015 年的核協議。
同時也有93部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過878的網紅時事英文 Podcast by ssyingwen,也在其Youtube影片中提到,美國、英國和澳洲宣佈新安全協議 AUKUS,雖然未談及中國,但各方普遍認為此合作的目的就是為了對抗中國的影響力。英美兩國將協助澳洲發展核動力潛艇,但也導致澳洲取消了原與法國簽訂的潛艇合約,引發法國暴怒。週五,法國前所未有的召回了其駐美與駐澳的大使表示強烈抗議。 📝 講義 (只要 $88 /月)...
「nuclear war」的推薦目錄:
nuclear war 在 無神論者的巴別塔 Facebook 的最佳解答
1. 首先叫倒「拜登擅長於法律,但無Trump有基本軍事知識」本身經已好令人尷尬──作為一個Trump粉,都只能夠好遺憾咁講,特朗普對軍事範疇嘅知識係近乎零。其實如果有跟開特朗普新聞,都會知佢由最初參選時連Nuclear triad係乜都唔知、一路去到不切實際嘅550艘造艦計劃,半開玩笑話「只有臥底先會建議使用電磁彈射」……
2. 由劉世良去到老千石,都好鍾意借助荷里活電影去評論阿富汗問題。KOLs提過嘅《Charlie Wilson’s War》、《The Outpost》、《War Machine》、《Lions of Lamb》我都睇過,又當然電影可以令觀眾用最容易方式、響較短時間內了解大致昭題所在,但作為評論員其實真係要小心引用,因為電影通常都會有政治立場偏頗、同劇情過度簡化嘅問題。
黃標口中提到「要講阿富汗一定要由Charlie Wilson講起」,我一睇又知大鑊。雖然《Charlie Wilson’s War》響講到美國政府點會暗中資助阿富汗游擊隊裝備刺針飛彈呢段故事大致上都符合史實,然而佢個結局卻太過簡化──電影結尾講到阿富汗游擊隊大獲全勝趕走蘇聯軍隊,Tom Hanks飾演嘅Charlie Wilson建議中情局追加撥款響阿富汗進行教育基建卻遭受冷待,暗示美國佬打完仗就抽身而走置諸不理,埋下日後911災難種籽。
所以如果有「阿富汗專家」/國際關係KOL話,「要講阿富汗一定要由Charlie Wilson講起」,基本上都係九成中伏。
3. 至於呢位「阿富汗專家」講到「布林肯無同北方軍閥傾個Deal去保護政府」、「Biden會依靠軍方專家做決策」呢啲Point,基本上已係流於狗噏無知嘅程度──大佬北方軍閥響美軍全面撤出前,經已被大量暗殺、唔少根據地被連根拔起,保護首都?佢地憑乜?同埋你美國佬諗住走人,然後想北方軍閥去首都做炮灰?傻撚咗?我有實力嘅,西瓜靠大邊,同塔里班Deal唔好?
nuclear war 在 黃心健 Hsin-Chien Huang Facebook 的最佳解答
#Congratulations! Director Hsin-Chien Huang's latest VR works, Samsara and The Starry Sand Beach, were nominated for the 78th Venice International Film Festival!
The 78th Venice International Film Festival (VIFF) announced the shortlisted nominees for the category of VR Film. Taiwanese new media artist, Distinguished Professor of NTNU, Hsin-Chien Huang, winner of the BEST VR Experience in 2017 with his work La Camera Insabbiata, will again contest for the Leone d’oro this year with two of his latest, sci-fi inspired works, Samsara and The Starry Sand Beach. While the Taiwanese athletes are striving for the Gold Medals at the Tokyo Olympics as we speak, director Hsin-Chien Huang dazzles the jury of VIFF with his visually-stunning and thought-provoking works — bringing cutting-edge Taiwanese VR films onto the international stage and letting world-wide audience sees Taiwan!
Before being selected for the 78th Venice International Film Festival, Samsara episode 1. has already grabbed the Jury Award at SXSW and Best VR Story at the Cannes XR Competition. This futuristic VR experience teleports the audience onto a journey that spans millions of years. Samsara is a Sanskrit word meaning “ the world ”. In Buddhism, it means what we perceive as the world is actually an endless cycle of karma (cause and effect), a cycle of life, death and rebirth in the six realms of existence. In this fascinating VR work, the audience is reincarnated into the bodies of different persons and creatures, experiencing the universe in their new bodies and in search for the ultimate spiritual transcendence.
Samsara depicts an apocalyptical story in the near future where human greed has depleted the earth’s resource. Catastrophic wars to fight for resource resulted in global destruction. Finally, the remaining humans had to leave the Earth and go on a search in space for a new place to live.
Nevertheless, their desperate, long quest for a new homeland… could it be just a loop in space and time? The cycle of greedy domination and total destruction that then necessitates the search for a new home…. may have hopelessly repeated itself over and over again? The constant evolutionary process and so-called progress, without transformation in consciousness and spiritual advancement, is nothing more than a Möbius strip that leads nowhere, perhaps…?
Samsara is an experiment based on the theory of Embodied Cognition. Through interactivity and VR, the audience gets to live inside the bodies of different persons and creatures, experiencing their feelings from within. Perhaps It is when we can perceive the world in different bodies that we may truly appreciate the thoughts of others and empathize with them. An experience that will also help us better comprehend our own existence and learn to live in harmony with all.
Samsara explores a complex of deeply interconnected issues of ecology, technology, natural resource and war, etc. It's a story about a journey humans are forced to take on, after having destroyed the earth with nuclear disasters. The survivors seek a new planet, in the boundless, interstellar space, to carry on their lives. Gradually they evolve into a new life form artificially. Yet, many years passed and they’ve come to realize that they would never make it to the new planet they’ve been dreaming of. In fact, they have simply been returning to the Earth, in different life forms, time after time.
Director Huang applies the concepts of embodied cognition, offering a unique way to contemplate about the nature of life. As the audience are transported into different bodies each time, they gain a brand new perspective to experience the world views presented in Samsara.
Samsara was produced under the guidance of Taiwan Creative Content Agency (TAICCA) and Kaohsiung Film Archive VR(VR FILM LAB), it’s a sate-of-the-art VR production made 100% in Taiwan. In the VR experience, viewers are transformed into various kinds of animals to interact with the scenes, including species unique and indigenous to Taiwan, such as Taiwan Blue Magpie and Formosan Black Bear.
Samsara Ep.1 features the latest somatosensory technology, including 4D views shooting techniques by the Industrial Technology Research Institute and TAICCA. A digital shooting system comprised of a high-sensitivity 4 million-pixel, full-color CCD sensor and 48 4DV-EX-Z cameras made it possible for Samsara Ep.1 to be taken from an omnidirectional view and shot without any blind spots, creating the ultimate immersive experience.
THE STARRY SAND BEACH, directed by Hsin-Chien Huang and produced in cooperation with Lucid Reality (France) and Oready 瑞意創科 Oready Innovation Lab (Taiwan), is a scientific fairy tale about a unique ecological wonder in Taiwan and Japan, the shiny starry sand beaches. Foraminifera, from the Latin word “foramen” meaning hole, is a single-celled organism that builds a shell with multiple chambers which intercommunicate with one another through holes. On the Qimei Island, Taiwan and the Yaeyama Islands, Japan, beaches have been formed by a specific species of foraminifera with star-shaped shells made of calcium carbonate. Like the real stars in the legends, grains of the starry sand have also been preserving the earth’s memories for millions of years.
THE STARRY SAND BEACH is a real-time 3D interactive VR adventure into the natural and mythological landscape of the starry sand beaches on Qimei Island in Penghu Archipelago, Xing Sha Wan in Kenting National Park and Taketomi Island in the far south of Japan. The experience is full of aesthetically-amazing elements and enriched with cultural and religious significance like Shintoism in Japan. A beautiful, haunting legend tells the story of the starry sand…
The final winners will be presented at the award ceremony held on Sep11. With great anticipation and hopes, Hsin-Chien Huang is expected to bring home again the grand prize for Taiwan!
#黃心健 #HsinChienHuang
#samsara #chalkroom
#VeniceInternationalFilmFestival #VIFF
nuclear war 在 時事英文 Podcast by ssyingwen Youtube 的最讚貼文
美國、英國和澳洲宣佈新安全協議 AUKUS,雖然未談及中國,但各方普遍認為此合作的目的就是為了對抗中國的影響力。英美兩國將協助澳洲發展核動力潛艇,但也導致澳洲取消了原與法國簽訂的潛艇合約,引發法國暴怒。週五,法國前所未有的召回了其駐美與駐澳的大使表示強烈抗議。
📝 講義 (只要 $88 /月):https://bit.ly/ssyingwen_notes
👉 網站 (相關文章 / 影片):https://ssyingwen.com/ssep54
🖼️ IG 單字卡: https://bit.ly/ssyingwenIG
本集 timestamps
0:00 Intro
1:04 第一遍英文朗讀
3:18 新聞 & 相關單字解說
15:08 額外單字片語
21:12 第二遍英文朗讀
臉書社團 (朗讀文字):https://www.facebook.com/groups/ssyingwen/posts/305702144649365/
VOA: https://www.voanews.com/a/us-uk-to-help-australian-submarines-go-nuclear/6230685.html
Euronews: https://www.euronews.com/2021/09/17/we-were-not-informed-new-us-australia-defence-pact-eclipses-eu-s-indo-pacific-pivot
AP: https://apnews.com/article/france-recalls-ambassadors-us-australia-submarines-0322cefb3783f9e90ee8f0c3a738717e
Acronym 縮寫詞
Australia 澳洲
United Kingdom 英國
The United States 美國
President Joe Biden 拜登總統 (美國)
Prime Minister Boris Johnson 首相強生 (英國)
Prime Minister Scott Morrison 總理莫里森 (澳洲)
Submarines (sub) 潛艇
Conventional 一般傳統的、常規的
Nuclear-powered 有核動力的
Nuclear weapon 核武器
China 中國
France 法國
Push back 反擊、對抗
Utterly 完全的
Irresponsible 不負責任的
Conduct 行為
Cold War mentality 冷戰思維
Foreign Affairs Minister 外交部長
A stab in the back 背後捅一刀 / 背叛
Predecessor 前任
Donald Trump 川普
Unilateral 單方的
Brutal 野蠻的
Unpredictable 無法預料的
Nullified 作廢了
Smooth over 緩和
Tensions 緊張的局勢
Emmanuel Macron 法國總統
European Union 歐盟
Unveil 揭露
Washington 美國首都華盛頓
Paris 巴黎
Brussels 布魯塞爾
Josep Borrell 歐盟外交代表
Consequent 隨之而來的
Diplomatic row 外交爭吵
Caught off guard 措手不及
Awkward 尷尬
Stole their thunder偷走了他們的風頭
Indo-Pacific region 印太地區
South China Sea 南中國海
Trigger 觸發
All-out 全面的
Confrontation 衝突
Make 誰的 blood boil
Early bird
Night owl
♥️ 喜歡時事英文 podcast 嗎?♥️
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nuclear war 在 This is what would happen to Earth if a nuclear ... - Salon.com 的相關結果
Climate change is not the only man-made threat that could wipe out humanity; a nuclear war would also do that. ... <看更多>
nuclear war 在 Joint Statement of the Leaders of the Five Nuclear-Weapon ... 的相關結果
We affirm that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought. ... the nuclear arms race at an early date and to nuclear disarmament, ... ... <看更多>
nuclear war 在 Nuclear holocaust - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Many scholars have posited that a global thermonuclear war with Cold War-era stockpiles, or even with the current smaller ... ... <看更多>