Everyone has been asking me..
“How do you gain muscles and strength with low body fats?”
“How do you stay young?”
“How do you maintain high energy levels and remain focus throughout the day with 0 caffeine?”
My answer is simple. Numbers never lie. Your numbers simply tell different stories about your body.
And how do we derive these numbers? Through your blood test.
🩸Unless you know what’s happening inside your body, there is no way for you to identify with 100% confidence to tell you what to eat and the right supplements to ensure that you’re in optimal state.
Sadly, most people go for medical check-ups once a year (and some don’t even go for it)
Unfortunately, do you know that most average doctors and hospitals just give you simply routine blood test that don't even test for the most important markers of disease risk, but simply design the test to only address the symptoms and suppressing it by taking drugs or going through surgery? 😶
The good news is…. You can skip your physician and simply manage the entire process for getting your blood work done yourself😉
As part of my practise in Nutritional Medicine where we address the root cause and not the symptoms, I’ve been able to help my clients prevent or even reverse health disorders. For over 4 years now, I have been facilitating the most comprehensive blood testing package that exists here in Malaysia for my clients. And after getting your blood test results, I help design a unique personalized plans for you 💪🏼!
Once a quarter, I do this exact test for myself and my family and it’s one of the most complete and valuable insights into my own personal biology that anyone can get.
👉🏼 Would you like to know how to be in peak state, prevent or even reverse existing chronic diseases (T2 diabetes, cancer, tumor, hyper/hypo thyroidism, cardiovascular, autoimmune, infectious diseases etc) through nutritional medicine?
Feel free to comment below!
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Vitamin C vs Aloe Vera during this Pandemic & Flu seasons.
Vitamin C is good for body, no doubt in it. It has many physiological functions such as taking part in collagen synthesis, wound healing, mucous membrane, iron absorption etc. And, we also know it as an Anti-Oxidant.
RDA of Vitamin C is 60 mg. Now question is does Vitamin C offer Anti-Oxidant properties at this dose?
Answer is NO.
According to the famous Doctor in Nutritional Medicine Dr. Ray D. Strand, M.D (link below), the optimal dose of vitamin C is approximately 1200 to 2000 mg daily for it to work as Anti-Oxidant, which means eating of 18 oranges, or 17 kiwifruit, or 160 apples or taking a lot of Vitamin C tablets, which doctors don't recommend for long term. And, it is impossible to eat that much of fruits & vegetables daily.
So, if you are taking conventional 500 -1000 mg Vit C tablet daily, most likely it is not giving you Anti-Oxidant effect.
But, No Worries, you have Aloe Vera if you know how to consume it and you will be surprised to know its benefit.
Aloe Vera is considered as a miracle plant in Chinese & Indian traditional medicine and is being used for thousands of years.
Aloe Vera contains 200 + active ingredients, which help in various physiological functions such as cleanse & healing our guts, boost metabolism, boost immune system, maintain integrity of skin & mucous membrane, hydration etc.
Aloe Vera has a special ingredient which is called mucopolysaccharide and it has the ability to bind with pathogens and several chemical factors. We call it Adaptogen. Please google to learn more about Adaptogen. You will be mesmerized.
Several medical research have shown effectiveness of Aloe Vera against strong viruses like HIV, H1N1, Herpes etc.
So if you combine Vitamin C and Aloe Vera, it will boost your both Innate & Adaptive immune system, which we need the most during this pandemic.
Note: Not all Aloe Vera are the same. Same goes to your garden fresh Aloe Vera. Because, recent medical research shows that Aloe Vera contains an ingredient name Aloin which is toxic to your gut and must be removed from the Aloe gel before consuming. Only a few commercial brand has Aloe Vera products without Aloin. Please PM me to know the name of those brands as I don't want to endorse any brand in the social media.
Thank you.
* Dr. Ray Strand: https://www.raystrand.com/cellular-nutrition.asp
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總害怕自己生病😷嗎?萬名醫界權威👨⚕️告訴你長壽的秘密🤫!美國責任醫療醫生委員會 (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine ,簡稱PCRM),是一個倡導素食的非營利組織,會員有12,000名醫生、醫學專家和175,000名包括營養師等醫療人員,他們呼籲未來美國衛生保健方向,就是將素食列為正式醫療措施之一。PCRM國家諮詢委員會的成員Milton Mills博士表示:「如果你真正深入了解消化系統的構造,就會發現我們擁有的是純粹草食動物🌱的解剖學和生理學。」另一位PCRM的會員醫師,世界頂尖的💓心臟病學家之一—Joel Kahn博士,在閱讀過無數科學研究和數據分析,並親證無數真實個案在轉變為植物性飲食,心臟病症狀大為好轉的奇蹟後,他堅信:「植物性食品地球上最強大的預防醫學來源。」
㊙【長壽的秘密—植物性飲食】㊙世界衛生組織WHO,早在2015年將加工肉品正式列為第一級致癌物,並警告:「每天只要吃50克的加工肉品(例如4條培根🥓或一條熱狗🌭),罹患大腸癌的風險就會增加18%。」哈佛科學家於2018年4月在梵蒂岡舉行的第四屆聯合治癒梵蒂岡國際會議上提出,透過減少肉食和著重植物飲食,每年可以挽救大約20萬人的生命。 哈佛醫學院流行病學和營養學教授—Walter Willett博士解釋:「我們持續在精算這個問題的答案—『以植物為主的飲食方式(未達純素食的程度)可以降低多少死亡率?』,而我們估計可以避免三分之一的死亡發生。」於2019年發表在《營養學雜誌》(The Journal of Nutrition)上的一項研究發現,食用蔬果🍒較多的人,體內的🥕類胡蘿蔔素(一種抗氧化劑)含量也越高。這項研究的受試者有840人,他們遵循五種不同的飲食習慣,包括純素、蛋奶素、海鮮素、彈性素食和葷食。而純素者體內顯示出最多的類胡蘿蔔素、腸內酯、omega-3脂肪酸,這些物質的高含量與減輕發炎有關聯性,又慢性發炎與癌症等多種疾病相關。除了對生理健康有益之外,多吃植物性食品也會對心理健康產生積極影響。PCRM在其網站上還指出,植物性食品可以改善抑鬱,焦慮和情緒低落的症狀。2015年在《營養神經科學雜誌》(Nutritional Neuroscience Journals )上所發表的一項研究,使用抑鬱、焦慮和壓力量表(DASS-21)對602名受試者的情緒進行了評估,這其中包括283名純素者,109名蛋奶素者和228名雜食者。與非素食者相比,女性素食者報告的平均壓力分數明顯較低;男性素食者的平均焦慮程度較低。
原文出處| https://www.livekindly.co/doctors-say-plant-based-diet-secret-longer-life/圖片設計︱Copyright© Peace & Yummy和平與美味歡迎分享,一起用素食為世界增添美好#讓和平與美味成為你我生活的首要定位#素食新聞不漏接歡迎加入 #素食生活很有趣社團,周一至周五早上八點,用最夯素食新聞跟你說早安!
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instructors www.coursera.org/learn/childnutrition www.coursera.org/learn/food-and-health The Doctor's Kitchen Course: ... ... <看更多>