首先,想解釋返點解個大字標題會無啦啦寫住「HONG KONG ACTIVIST WILING TO MEET WITH PRESIDENT XI」,查實就唔係我本人想見習近平,呢段必須要同大家交代清楚!
只係,早前我retweet Donald Trump喺Twitter話「習近平應該同香港示威者見面」時暗諷咁寫左句「歡迎『習帝』嚟香港喺集會現場公開咁見示威者🤗」,結果主持就有咁既解讀,仲話「Joshua is willing to follow up on President Trump’s proposal!」……真不愧為Trump最鐘意睇既電視台。
另外,兩個月來做左過百次電視訪問,第一次喺緊湊得嗰既幾分鐘Live電視訪問裡面,會有主持問「What role does religion & Christianity play in protest」,聽到果陣都覺得……啊果然係foxnews,一定有唔少福音派既共和黨支持者睇(笑)。
【The calm before the storm】
1. Over the past 24 hours or so, both President Trump and Vice President Pence have spoken out with grave concern over the situation in Hong Kong.
2. We face extreme uncertainty over whether the Chinese army will intervene. How should HKers react when they wake up and see tanks rumlbing along Queen's Road Central?
3. The 1.7 million Hong Kongers who took to the streets this past weekend has shown President Xi that our movement is far from over.
4. As he looks forward to the 70th anniversary of the PRC’s founding, he has good reasons to authorize a swift crackdown on Hong Kong despite the economic risk.
5. The White House must put Hong Kong’s human rights front and center in this new round of trade talks with Chinese representatives.
6. Hong Kong is on the brink of bloodshed. God bless Hong Kong
on the brink of中文 在 Pauline 陳俐杏 Facebook 的最讚貼文
New drama #OnTheBrink2 airing soon!
11th of May!
Mark your calendars peeps~😘
#趙子晴 the reporter
ntv7将从2016年5月11日起,每逢星期一至四,晚间9点30分,7势如虹时段播出ntv7本地中文电视剧——《重案狙击ll 》(ON THE BRINK ll )。
值得一提的是,2016年4月20日起,观众只要成为VIP会员,即可透过马来西亚第一网络电视tonton(www.tonton.com.my)抢先收看《重案狙击ll 》。